Contents (Click on index item to locate) Subject Page HEARING DAYS Opening statements by: Hon. Peter W. Rodino Jr. of New Jersey 1 Hon. Edward Hutchinson of Michigan 2 Tuesday July 2 1974 5 Wednesday July 3 1974 123 Monday July 8 1974 209 LIST OF WITNESSES Tuesday July 2 1974: Alexander P.Butterfield, former Deputy Assistant to the President - Wednesday July 3 1974 6 Paul L. O’Brien former counsel to the Committee for the Re-Election of the President 124 Fred C. LaRue former special assistant to the campaign directors Committee for the Re-Election of the President 175 EXHIBITS AND MATERIAL SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD Exhibit to Alexander P. Butterfield testimony: 1. Table of organization of White House staff 11 2. H.R. Haldeman’s White House staff 19 3. Chart showing administrative organization of Alexander Butter- field’s office and Butterfield’s responsibilities as deputy assistant to the President 19 4. Floor plan of the first floor west wing of the White House, drawn by Alexander Butterfield 20 5. Memorandum from Alexander P. Butterfield to Jeb Magruder, dated January 8 1969 58 6. Memorandum from Alexander P.Butterfield to Jeb Magruder dated January 8 1970 59 MATERIALS SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD BY PAUL L. O’BRIEN 1. Letter from John Jude O’Donnell to William G. Hundley and Plato Cacheris 129 2. Letter from Plato Cacheris to John Jude O’Donnell 130 EXHIBITS TO FRED C LaRUE TESTIMONY; 1. “GOP Security Aide Among 5 Arrested in Bugging Affair,” Washington Post June 19 1972 191 2. Statement by Hon. John N.Mitchell 212 TESTIMONY OF WITNESSES HEARIN GS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-THIRD CONGRESS SECOND SESSION PURSUANT TO E. Res. 803 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TIIE COMMITTEE ON TEIE JUDICIARY TO INVESTIGATE WHETHER SUFFICIENT GROUNDS EXIST FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TO EXERCISE ITS CONSTITUTIONAL POWER TO IMPEACH RICHARD M. NIXON PRESIDENT OF TEIE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Book I ALEXANDER BUTTERFIELD, PAUL O'BRIEN, AND FRED C. LARUE JULY 2, 3, AND 8, 1974 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 36 166 WASHINGTON 1974 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $2.20 COMMITTEE ON TIIE JUDICIARY PETER W. RODINO, HAROLD D. DONOHUE, Massachusetts JACK BROOKS, Texas ROBERT W. RASTENMEIER, Wisconsin DON EDWARDS, California WILLIAM L. HUNGATE, Missouri JOHN CONFERS, JR, Michigan JOSHUA EILBERG, Pennsylvania JEROME R. WALDIE, California WALTER FLOWERS, Alabama JAMES R. MANN, South Carolina PAUL S. SARBANES, Maryland JOHN F. SEIBERLING, Ohio GEORGE E. DANIELSON, California ROBERT F. DRINAN, Massachusetts CHARLES B. RANGEL, New York BARBARA JORDAN, Texas RAY THORNTON, Arkansas ELIZABETH HOLTZMAN, New York WAYNE OWENS, Utah EDWARD MEZVINSKY, Iowa JB., New Jersey, Chairman EDWARD HUTCHINSON, Michigan ROBERT McCLORY, Illinois HENRY P. SMITH III, New York CHARLES W. SANDMAN, JB., New Jersey TOM RAILSBACK, Illinois CHARLES E. WIGGINS, California DAVID W. DENNIS, Indiana HAMILTON FISH, JR., New York WILEY MAYNE, Iowa LAWRENCE J. HOGAN, Maryland M. CALDWELL BUTLER, Virginia WILLIAM S. COHEN, Maine TRENT LOTT, Mississippi HAROLD V. FROEHLICH, Wisconsin CARLOS J. MOORHEAD, California JOSEPH J. MARAZITI, New Jersey DELBERT L. LATTA, Ohio JEROME F. ZEIFMAN, General Counsel GARNER J. CLINE, Associate General Counsel ALAN A. PARR En, Counsel DANIEL L. COHEN, Counsel WILLIAM P. DIXON, Counsel ARDEN B. SCHOLL, A ssistant Counsel FRANKLIN G. POLK, Associate Counsel THOMAS E. MOONEY, Associate Counsel MICHAEL W. BLOOMER, Associate Counsel IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY STAFF JOHN DOAR, Special Counsel ALBERT E. JENNER, Jr., Special Counsel to the Minority JossPH A. WOODS, Jr., Senior Associate Special Counsel RICHARD CATES, Senior Associate Special Counsel BERNARD W. NUSSBAUM, Senior Associate Special Counsel ROBERT D. Sacs, Senior Associate Special Counsel ROBERT A. SIIELTON, Associate Special Counsel SAMUEL GARRISON III, Deputy Minority Counsel FRED H. ALTSHVLER, Counsel THOMAS BELL, Counsel W. PAUL BISHOP, Counsel ROBERT L. BROWN, Counsel MICHAEL Of. CONWAY, Counsel RIJFUS CORMIER, Special Assistant E. LEE DALE, Counsel JOHN B. DAVIDSON, Counsel EVAN A. DAVIS, Counsel CONSTANTINE J. GERAS, Counsel RICHARD H. GILL, Counsel DAGMAR HAMILTON, Counsel DAVID MANES, Special Assistant JOHN E. KENNAHAN, Counsel TERRY R. KIRRPATRICK, Counsel JOHN R. LABOVITZ, Counsel LAWRENCE Locenlno, Counsel R. L. SMITH MCKEITHDN, Counsel (xl) ALAN MARER, Counsel ROBERT P. MHRPns, Counsel JAMES B. F. OLIPHANT, Counsel RICHARD H. PORTER, Counsel GEORGE RAYBORN, Counsel JAMES REUM, Counsel HILLARY D. RODHAY, Counsel STEPHEN A. SHARP, Counsel JARED STAMELL, Counsel ROSCOE B. STARER III, Counsel GARY W. SUTTON, Counsel EDWARD S. SZIJRELICWICZ, Counsel THII:ODORE TETZLAFF, Counsel ROBERT J. TRAINER, Counsel J. STEPHEN WALR:ER, Counsel BEN A. WALLIS, Jr., Counsel WILLIAM WDLD, Counsel WILLIAM A. WHITE, Counsel IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1974 HOUSE 01? REPRESENTATIVES, 'COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, Washington, D.C. The committee met. pursuant to notice, at 1:05 p.m., in room 2141, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon.. Peter W. Rodino, Jr.. (chairman) presiding. Present: Representatives Rodino (presiding), Donohue, Brooks, Kastenmeier, Edwards, Hungate, Conyers, Eilberg, Waldie, Flowers, Mann Sarbanes, Seiber]int.r, I)anielsoll Dl inan, Rangel, Jordan, Thorntont Holtzman . Owens, Nlezvinsliy, Hutchinson, McClory, Smith, Sandman, Railsback, Wiggins, Dennis, Fish, Mayne Hogan, Butler, Cohen Lott, Froehlich, Moorhead, Maraziti, and Latta. Impeachment inquiry staff present: John Doar, special counsel; Albert E. Jenner, Jr., minority counsel; Samuel Garrison III, deputy minority counsel; and Evan Davis, counsel. Committee staff present: Jerome AI. Zeifman, general counsel; Garner J. Cline, associate general counsel; Alan A. Parker. counsel; Daniel L. Cohen, counsel William p. Dixon, counsel; Arden B. Schell, counsel; Frallklin G. Polk associate counsel; Thomas E. AIoonev, associate counsel; Michael W. Blommer associate counsel. Also present: James D. St. Clair. special counsel to the President; John A. McCahill, assistant special counsel; and Malcolm J. Howard, assistant special counsel. Chairman RODINO. The meeting will come to order. STATEMENT BY CHAIRMAN PETER W. R0DIN0, JR. Chairman ROD)INO. Three months ago the House of Representatives considered House Resolution 803. The resolution read as follows: Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary, acting as a whole or by any subcommittee thereof appointed by the Chairman for the purposes hereof and in accordance with the rules of the Committee, is authorized and directed to investigate fully and completely whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representatives to exercise its constitutional power to impeach Richard M.. Nixon, President of the United States of America. The Committee shall report to the House of Representatives such resolutions, articles of impeachment, or other recommendations as it deems proper. The House adopted that resolution by a vote of 410 to 4. We are proceeding under the mandate of that resolution. I do not need to stress again the importance of our undertaking and the wisdom, decency and principle which we must bring to it. (1) We understand our high constitutional responsibility. We will faithfully live up to it. For some time we have known that the real security of this Nation lies in the integrity of its institutions and the trust and informed confidence of its people. We conduct our deliberations in that spirit. We shall begin our hearings by considering materials relevant to the question of Presedential responsibility for the Watergate break-in and its investigation by law enforcement agencies. This is one of six areas of our inquiry. We expect to continue our inquiry until each area has been thoroughly examined. First! we will consider detailed information assembled by the staff. This consists of information already on t he public record, information developed in executive session by other congressional committees, information furnished by the Federal grand jury of the District of Columbia, and other information. After today, the committee will meet regularly 3 days a week for all-day sessions beginning next Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. The chairman will, as circumstances dictate, be ready to notice such business meetings as may be necessary. During the initial presentation, special counsel and minority counsel will explain and summarize the materials. Our proceedings are governed by the Rules of Confidentiality that the committee adopted on February 22 and the Rules of Procedure adopted May 2 The committee has the power to modify or change these rules during the course of the hearings. Some of the materials which the committee will consider have been held confidential by the staff by Mr.. Hutchinson and myself. This material includes tape recordings of conversations among President Nixon and his key associates. We will listen to these recordings during these hearings. After the Judiciary Committee has had the opportunity to consider this material it will decide if and when, in the national interest, this material should be made public. The Judiciary Committee has determined that President Nixon should he accorded the opportunity to have his counsel present throughout the proceedings. Air. James St. Clair is present today. After the initial proceedings are completed, Mr. St. Clair will be afforded the opportunity to respond to the presentation. orally or in writing as determined by the Committee.
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