Rotherham Local Development Framework Draft Core Strategy June 2011 www.rotherham.gov.uk 1 Introduction 5 2 Rotherham now 9 3 Challenges and opportunities 15 4 Our vision and strategic objectives 25 4.1 Our vision for Rotherham 25 4.2 Strategic objectives 26 4.3 Plans, policies and programmes 31 5 Setting a local housing target 35 6 Spatial strategy 41 7 Key diagram 47 8 Core policies 49 8.1 Spatial strategy 49 8.2 Sustainable communities 99 8.3 Climate change and managing natural resources 133 8.4 Infrastructure 157 9 Monitoring and implementation 171 Appendices A Replaced Unitary Development Plan policies 181 B Evidence base 187 C Glossary 197 Policies Policy CS 1 Delivering Rotherham’s Spatial Strategy 51 Policy CS 2 Release of Major Greenfield Sites 59 Policy CS 3 Location of New Development 62 Policy CS 4 Key Routes and the Strategic Road Network 64 Policy CS 5 New Housing Development 67 Policy CS 6 Employment Land Requirement 70 Policy CS 7 Green Belt 73 Core Strategy Final Draft Policy CS 8 Green Infrastructure 77 Policy CS 9 Landscape 84 Policy CS 10 Valuing the Historic Environment 88 Policy CS 11 Sustainable Design 91 Policy CS 12 Rotherham Regeneration Area 94 Policy CS 13 Accessible Places and Managing Demand for Travel 100 Policy CS 14 Managing Change in Rotherham's Retail and Service Centres 103 Policy CS 15 Transforming Rotherham Town Centre 110 Policy CS 16 Housing Mix and Affordability 116 Policy CS 17 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation 118 Policy CS 18 Transforming Rotherham’s Economy 119 Policy CS 19 Tourism and the Visitor Economy 123 Policy CS 20 Green Space 127 Policy CS 21 Flood Risk within the Rotherham Regeneration Area 131 Policy CS 22 Freight 134 Policy CS 23 Community Health and Safety 136 Policy CS 24 Biodiversity and Geodiversity 141 Policy CS 25 Minerals 146 Policy CS 26 Managing the Water Environment 151 Policy CS 27 Renewable Energy Generation 155 Policy CS 28 Infrastructure Delivery and Developer Contributions 159 Policy CS 29 Improving Skills and Employment Opportunities 161 Policy CS 30 Contribution Towards New Flood Infrastructure in the Rotherham Regeneration Area 164 Policy CS 31 New Roads 166 Policy CS 32 Passenger Rail Connections 169 Tables Table 1 Previous Core Strategy Consultation 7 Table 2 Household Projections for Rotherham (2008 to 2033) 17 Table 3 Summary of Options for Setting a Local Housing Target 38 Table 4 Settlement Hierarchy and Growth Strategy 56 Table 5 Rotherham Regeneration Area: Character Areas 95 Table 6 Hierarchy of Retail and Service Centres 103 Table 7 The Ten Renaissance Goals 110 Table 8 Rotherham as a Visitor Destination: S.W.O.T. Analysis 124 Table 9 South Yorkshire’s Limestone Aggregates Apportionment 148 Table 10 Proposed New Roads 166 Table 11 Spatial Strategy Policies Monitoring and Implementation 171 Core Strategy Final Draft Table 12 Sustainable Communities Policies Monitoring and Implementation 174 Table 13 Climate Change and Managing Natural Resources Policies Monitoring and Implementation 177 Table 14 Infrastructure Policies Monitoring and Implementation 178 Table 15 Superseded Saved UDP Policies 181 Table 16 Evidence Base Documents 187 Maps Map 1 Rotherham in Context 10 Map 2 Spatial Planning Zones 14 Map 3 Proposed Settlement Hierarchy 44 Map 4 Broad Locations for Growth 45 Map 5 Key Diagram Showing Rotherham's Broad Spatial Development 47 Map 6 Proposed Housing and Employment Land Distribution (2012 to 2027) 54 Map 7 Green Infrastructure 82 Map 8 Rotherham Regeneration Area 98 Map 9 Retail Centre Hierarchy 108 Figures Figure 1 Population Projections for Rotherham (Changes 2010 to 2027) 16 Figure 2 Population - Household Comparisons 36 Figure 3 Housing Completions in Rotherham 37 Figure 4 Forecast Economic Sectoral Change in Rotherham by 2016 71 Core Strategy Final Draft Core Strategy Final Draft 1 Introduction 1.1 The Council is preparing a series of new planning documents to create a Local Development Framework (LDF) for Rotherham. The first document is a Core Strategy, prepared around a vision for the future development of the Borough taking us to 2027. 1.2 The Core Strategy sets out a “spatial” strategy identifying the towns and settlements where new housing schemes and land to support new industry and business are required. Provision will also be made for retail, leisure and supporting community facilities. It also sets out the strategic policies to make all this happen, taking into consideration potential environmental impacts and the implications of climate change. A supporting Sites and Policies document will show specific development sites and contain policies to guide the release of land and design of new development. 1.3 The Core Strategy and supporting Sites and Policies document will eventually make up Rotherham's statutory development plan - replacing the current Unitary Development Plan. 1.4 In essence, the Core Strategy will guide what development is needed, how much is required, where it should go, and when it should happen. 1.5 From June to August 2009 we consulted on revised options for the Core Strategy. We now need to know your views on this draft Core Strategy before we submit it to Government for independent examination. The strategic policies contained in this document will help to shape the future development of Rotherham while protecting the environment and heritage assets we value so much. It is vital that we get them right. Your views on this draft Core Strategy are welcomed. 1.6 Further information on the Core Strategy and previous consultation documents can be found on our website at: http://www.rotherham.gov.uk/forwardplanning 1.7 You can contact us at: Phone 01709 823869 Post Forward Planning Planning & Regeneration Service Fax 01709 823865 Environment & Development Services Email [email protected] Bailey House Rawmarsh Road Minicom 01709 823536 Rotherham S60 1TD Context 1.8 The aim of achieving sustainable development sits above all policy guidance and we have undertaken Sustainability Appraisal to ensure that the Core Strategy works towards achieving more sustainable development. 1.9 The Core Strategy is based on the principles of sustainable development set out in national guidance. The Spatial Plan has a very important role in achieving sustainable development. The Government’s current position on sustainable development is set out in ‘Guidance on Sustainability Appraisal Planning advisory Service (PAS), (2007) and the Sustainability Appraisal Advice Note (PAS, Core Strategy Final Draft 5 1 2010). Sustainable development is a key global and local issue. A commonly used definition of sustainable development is set out below: Development that meets the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to be meet their own needs. (Brundtland Commission, 1987) Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment 1.10 A key requirement of the planning system is that preparation of the LDF, including the Core Strategy, is guided and informed by Sustainability Appraisal. The requirements of the European Union’s Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive 2001/42/EC are incorporated into the Sustainability Appraisal process. 1.11 As an ongoing process, Sustainability Appraisal (SA) has been used to appraise the potential significant social, environmental and economic effects of the Core Strategy at each stage in its preparation - from initial draft objectives through preferred and revised options to this draft document. The Council has retained external consultants to advise on SA methodology, to carry out independent assessments and to verify other SA work carried out by us and how the Core Strategy can be improved. The way this has been achieved is set out in full in the Integrated Impact Assessment Report accompanying this draft document. A non-technical summary of the Integrated Impact Assessment Report is also available. 1.12 Three assessments have been undertaken to as part of the Integrated Impact Assessment: the Sustainability Appraisal, a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and an Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA). SA, HIA and EqIA are a way of making sure that environmental, social (including equality, health and well-being) and socio-economic assets/ issues and opportunities are considered throughout the development of the Rotherham LDF. 1.13 Sustainability Appraisal will form an important part in demonstrating the soundness of the Core Strategy during the independent examination. A final report will also accompany the adoption stage. 1.14 The Sustainability Appraisal methodology itself is described in the LDF Sustainability Appraisal General Scoping Report (Dec 2005) available on our website. This Scoping Report has now been updated (March 2011). Amendments include updates to the Baseline situation and the context review to incorporate new and updated information since 2006. The SA framework has also been refreshed, however the fundamental elements of the original SA Framework have been retained. Previous consultation on the Core Strategy 1.15 The following table details the consultation activity undertaken to date in the preparation of the Core Strategy. 6 Core Strategy Final Draft Table 1 Previous Core Strategy Consultation November 2005 Core Strategy objectives agreed following engagement with stakeholders and interested parties. February 2006 Workshop held to discuss emerging spatial options for the Borough. 15 May to 16 June 2006 Consultation on four spatial options for Rotherham via an online questionnaire. January 2007 Opened invitation to suggest potential development sites for allocation. 5 February to 23 March Major consultation on Core Strategy Preferred Options (Jan 2007) and 2007 accompanying Sustainability Appraisal report. September 2007 Feedback report published on the Core Strategy Preferred Options consultation. 23 November 2007 Workshop held with interested parties to discuss and agree methodology for site allocations surveys. November 2008 Closed invitation to suggest potential development sites for allocation. 29 May to 31 August Major consultation on Core Strategy Revised Options (May 2009) including 2009 potential urban extensions and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal report.
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