No. 128 3713 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 6 AUGUST 1987 CORRIGENDUM hereto and comprised in a roadway laid out by the Maori Land Notice by Commerce Commission of Clearances of Merger and Court by order dated the 20th day of March 1961, to be road and Takeover Proposals to be vested in The Matamata County Council. IN the notice with the above heading published in the New Zealand SCHEDULE Gazette, 16 July 1987, No. Ill, page 3343,/or McDonald's Lime Ltd., date of clearance '31 July 1987' read as '3 July 1987.' SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Dated at Wellington this 29th day of July 1987. ALL that piece of land containing 14.9 perches, situated in Block XII, Tapapa Survey District, being part Whaiti Kuranui 6C2C West D. T. WOGAN, for Commerce Commission. B (Roadway); as shown coloured pink on M.L. Plan 20306, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Hamilton. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, CORRIGENDUM this 27th day of July 1987. Reappointing and Appointing Members of the National Water FRASER COLMAN, and Soil Conservation Authority Minister of Works and Development. [L.S.) GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! IN the notice with the above heading dated 5 May 1987 and published in the New Zealand Gazette of 14 May 1987, No. 71 at (P.W. 34/3465; Hn. D.O. 1617/145) page 2 I 29,/or the words 12/1 "Gary Moore Glazebrook of Hastings, farmer, after consultation by the Minister with the New Zealand Counties Association Incorporated" Auckland Metropolitan Drainage District Order (No.1), 1987 read "Gary Moore Glazebrook of Hastings, farmer, after consultation by the Minister with the Federated Farmers of New Zealand PAUL REEVES, Governor-General Incorporated" ORDER IN COUNCIL which words appear in the original notice executed by His Excellency At Wellington this 27th day of July 1987 the Governor-General. Present: 1. R. DAVIES, for Minister of Works and Development. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL (P.W. 74/1/2/1) WHEREAS, pursuant to section 43 (4) of the Auckland Regional Authority Act 1963, the Auckland Regional Authority is entitled to exercise all the powers, authorities, and discretions vested in the Auckland Metropolitan Drainage Board by the Auckland Declaring Land in a Roadway Laid Out in Block XII, Tapapa Metropolitan Drainage Act 1960. Survey District. Matamata County to be Road And whereas the said Auckland Regional Authority has petitioned His Excellency the Governor-General that a certain area of land be included in the inner area of the Auckland Metropolitan Drainage PAUL REEVES, Governor-General District. A PROCLAMATION Now therefore, pursuant to section 8 of the Auckland Metropolitan PURSUANT to section 421 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, I, The Drainage Act 1960, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting Most Reverend Sir Paul Alfred Reeves, the Governor-General of by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby New Zealand, hereby declare the land described in the Schedule makes the following order: 3714 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 128 ORDER Appointments to the Urban Transport Council Have Been 1. Title and commencement-(I) This order may be cited as the Considered by the Road Transport Council of New Zealand Auckland Metropolitan Drainage District Order No. I, 1987. (2) The order shall come into force on I August 1987. PURSUANT to section 14 of the Urban Transport Act 1980, and 2, Boundary altered-The boundary of the inner area of the clause 2 of the Schedule to the Act, the President of the Road Auckland Metropolitan Drainage District is hereby altered so as to Transport Council of New Zealand hereby gives notice of the include the portion of Waitemata City described in the Schedule following appointments to the Urban Transport Council. to this order. Lieutenant Colonel William Alexander Simpson, M.C.I.T .. 3. Determination of financial obligations-The financial obliga­ R.N.Z.A.C" (Rtd) of P.O. Box 9336, Wellington. tions and assessments under the Auckland Metropolitan Drainage to be a member of the Urban Transport Council. District Act 1960 of the Waitemata City Council with respect to Charles Robert Inwards of Birkenhead Transport, 20-22 Verran the land described in the Schedule to this order shall be determined Road, Birkenhead, Auckland. on and from 1 April 1987. to be a permanent deputy member of the Urban Transport Council. 4. Revocation-The Auckland Metropolitan Drainage District Order No.1, 1987, published in the New Zealand Gazette of 19 Dated at Christchurch this 27th day of July 1987. February 1987, No. 23, at page 794, is hereby revoked. P. C. RHODES, President. SCHEDULE ALL that area in the North Auckland Land District, City of Wai­ temata, in Block XIV, Waitemata Survey District, bounded by a District Court Judge Appointed line commencing at the intersection of the south-eastern boundary of part Lot 2, D.P. 26118 (contained in certificate of title 1116/5) PURSUANT to section 5 of the District Courts Act 1947 and section and the boundary of the inner drainage area described by New 21 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1974, His Excellency Zealand Statutes, 1960, page 843, thence northerly generally along the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint the boundary of the inner drainage area aforesaid for a distance of 27.3 metres, part Lot 2, D.P. 26118 to a point in Lot 1, D.P. 26118; David Cameron McKegg, barrister and solicitor of Kerikeri thence westerly along a line parallel to and being 3.5 metres distant to be a District Court Judge, to exercise civil and criminal from the north-western boundary of part Lot 2, D.P. 26118 for a jurisdiction in New Zealand and the jurisdiction of the Children distance of 42.8 metres; thence southerly by a right line, bearing and Young Persons Court. 146 0 42' for a distance of 25.5 metres to its intersection with the south-eastern boundary of part Lot 2, D.P. 26118, thence north­ Dated at Wellington this 8th day of July 1987. easterly along the aforesaid boundary to the point of commencement. GEOFFREY PALMER, Minister of Justice. P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. District Court Judge Appointed Warrant Establishing Children and Young Persons Court at PURSUANT to section 5 of the District Courts Act 1947 and section Porirua 21 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1974, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint PAUL REEVES, Governor-General Bruce Edward Buckton, barrister and solicitor of Wellington PURSUANT to section 20 of the Children and Young Persons Act to be a District Court Judge, to exercise civil and criminal 1974, I, The Most Reverend Sir Paul Alfred Reeves, the Governor­ jurisdiction in New Zealand and the jurisdiction of the Children General of New Zealand, hereby establish a Children and Young and Young Persons COUIt. Persons Court at the City of Porirua; and I direct that this warrant shall take effect on the 17th day of August 1987. Dated at Wellington this 8th day of July 1987. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General this GEOFFREY PALMER, Minister of Justice. 16th day of July 1987. GEOFFREY PALMER, Minister of Justice. 10 Justice of the Peace Resignation Warrant Appointing City of Porirua as a Place for a District Court IT is noted for information that Malvin De Lagore Wright of 41 Queenwood Road, Levin PAUL REEVES, Governor-General has resigned his appointment as Justice of the Peace for New Zealand PURSUANT to section 4 of the District Courts Act 1947, I, The Most effective from 2 August 1987. Reverend Sir Paul Alfred Reeves, the Governor-General of New Dated at Wellington this 17th day of July 1987. Zealand, hereby appoint the City of Porirua as a place in which a D. OUGHTON, Secretary for Justice. District Court may be held for the exercise of- (a) Civil jurisdiction; and (b) Summary criminal jurisdiction under the Summary Proceedings Act 1957; - Appointment of Member of the Planning Tribunal and I direct that this warrant shall take effect on the 17th day of August 1987. PURSUANT to section 131 of the Town and Country Planning Act As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General this 1977, as substituted by section 17 of the Town and Country Planning 16th day of July 1987. Amendment Act 1983, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint GEOFFREY PALMER, Minister of Justice. James Ronald Dart, architect of Auckland 10 as a member of the Planning Tribunal for a term of 5 years on and from 2 April 1986. Member of the Taranaki National Parks and Reserves Board Dated at Wellington this 10th day of July 1987. Appointed GEOFFREY PALMER, Minister of Justice. PURSUANT to sections 32 and 33 of the National Parks Act 1980 (Adm. 3/41 (6» Dr Bruce Dudley Clarkson of Rotorua is hereby appointed to be a member of the Taranaki National Parks and Reserves Board for a term expiring on 31 March 1988, Justices of the Peace Appointed consequent upon the death of Dr Kenneth John Fox. Dated at Wellington this 9th day of July 1987. PURSUANT to section 3 (I) of the Justices of the Peace Act 1957, C. R. MARSHALL, Minister of Conservation. His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint (D.O.C. C.O. NP. 6/2/1) the following persons to be Justices of the Peace for New Zealand: 3/1 Aiken, Philip Ian Louis, 8 Manahi Avenue, Rotorua.
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