www.ukrweekly.com ІкЬесІ by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! rainian Weekl Vol. LIX ШNo. 30 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 28,1991 v 50 cents President Bush is Kiev bound Khmara re-arrested in Kiev JERSEY CITY, NJ. - President The Moscow-based news agency George Bush will travel to Kiev on Interfax reported on July 24 that the Supporters brutally beaten by OMON troops August 1 within the framework of his leadership of Rukh, the Popular Moscow summit meeting with Soviet Movement of Ukraine, had sent a President Mikhail Gorbachev, it was letter to President Bush to і .vite him officially confirmed by the Bush to a meeting with leaders of the administration on Tuesday, July 23. democratic opposition. The Rukh While in the Ukrainian republic's leadership also noted that they hope capital, President Bush will address the visit will promote democracy in the Ukrainian SSR Supreme Soviet Ukraine and help strengthen the during a specially convened session status of the republic in the interna­ of the Parliament. tional arena. Mr. Gorbachev will not accom­ Late last week, The Ukrainian pany the U.S. president to Kiev, Weekly had been informed by Wash­ where, administration sources said, ington sources that a presidential Mr. Bush will meet with the chair­ stopover in Kiev was likely to take man of the Ukrainian SSR Supreme place on August 1, but that such Soviet, Leonid Kravchuk. plans were still tentative. Various news media also reported Since then it has become known that the president would meet with that the president's plans in Kiev leaders of the Ukrainian indepen­ included stops at the Babyn Yar dence movement who are members monument to victims of the Nazis of the Supreme Soviet, but that he and the historic St. Sophia Cathe­ would not schedule a separate meet­ dral. At press time, however, the ing with them. (Continued on page 5) Ukrainian Parliament's presidium approves a Koiomayets Stepan Khmara (right) consults with his lawyer, Viktor Nikazakov, in his hotel creation of international advisory council room on the morning of his arrest, Thursday, July 18. KIEV - The Presidium of the Ukrai­ nister and currently director of the by Chrystyna N. Lapychak forces militia, stormed Dr.'Khmara's nian Supreme Soviet in June approved Center for Elective Politics at the Kiev Press Bureau third-floor room in the Hotel Ukraina the creation of an Advisory Council. Kennedy School at Harvard; Geoffrey on Supreme Court orders to re-arrest The purpose of the council will be to Howe, former deputy prime minister KIE V - The trial of People's Deputy the deputy from Chervonohrad for provide the Parliament with advice and and minister of foreign affairs; Stepan Khmara and five co-defendants refusing to attend his trial on charges of counsel on a wide range of economic ^ From the United States: George resumed last week following the violent assaulting an Interior Ministry official and legal issues. The council currently Soros, financier and founder of a series re-arrest of Dr. Khmara and detain- last November. has nine members from Ukraine and 12 of educational foundations in Eastern ment of eight of his supporters on the from outside the country. The attack, which took about a half Europe and the Soviet Union, including night of July 18. hour, was described on the scene a short The Ukrainian members include well- the Renaissance Foundation in Kiev; That evening at about 8:30 p.m., time afterwards by eyewitnesses as known lawyers, economists and aca­ Lester Thurow, dean of the MIT dozens of so-called Black Berets, mem­ brutal. Graphic evidence of the violence demics. Business School. bers of the notorious OMON special The non-Ukrainian members of the (Continued on page 3) council include: Bohdan Hawrylyshyn and Valeriy ^ From Canada: Marc Lalonde, Kukhar, vice-president of the Ukrai­ lawyer and former minister of energy, nian Academy of Sciences, will serve as justice and finance in the Canadian co-chairmen of the council. federal government; Roy Romanow, The activities of the council in U- leader of the New Democratic Party in kraine will be coordinated by John the province of Saskatchewan; Hewko. Mr. Hewko, a U.S. lawyer, has ^ From France: Thierry de Mont- moved from Moscow to Kiev for a year brial, director of the French Institute to act as executive secretary of the for International Relations; Council. He will also be working with ^ From Italy: Romano Prodi, econo­ the parliamentary commissions in mist and recent president of the Italian drafting specific legislative measures. privatization agency IRI; The principal tasks of the council will ^ From Japan: Saburo Okita, econo­ be to help the Ukrainian Parliament mist and former minister of foreign develop an over-all concept of econo­ affairs; mic and social reform, to provide advice ^ From Sweden: S. Burenstam- on specific legislative initiatives and Linder, member of the board of the economic reform measures and to serve Central Bank of Sweden and rector of as a conduit or springboard for the the Stockholm School of Economics; provision of a broad base of expertise to ^ From Switzerland: Kurt Furgler, Ukrainian legislators. lawyer and former president of the Specific projects will include the Swiss Confederation; Bohdan Hawryly- creation of a legal library of foreign shyn, former director of the Interna­ legislation at the Parliament, the or­ tional Management Institute in Geneva; ganization of seminars for Ukrainian A group of women from Kiev and Chervonohrad guard the door to Stepan ^ From the United Kingdom: Shir­ legislators and the creation of a policy Khmara's room in the Hotel Ukraina. Their sign reads: the foundation of the ley Williams, former government mi­ institute. Communist Party of tlm Soviet Union is hones, lies, blood шй oppression. 4в THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1991 No. 30 Council of the Baltic States adopts Newsbriefs principles on economic cooperation from Ukraine NEW YORK - The Council of the leveling of the current trade balance Baltic States, which is comprised of the based on clearing takes place following leadership of Estonia, Latvia and a mutual agreement between the par­ 9 KHERSON - On July 15 the ш PAVLOHRAD - Eight out of 11 Lithuania, adopted statements at a ties. bloc of Democratic Khersonshchyna members of the Pavlohrad City Execu­ recent meeting in Jurmala, Latvia, on ^ Financial relations between the marked Sovereignty Day by flying blue tive Committee voted to fly the Ukrai­ principles governing its economic rela­ USSR and the Baltic states are based on and yellow flags from the ship Volyn nian national flag from the city hall on tions with the USSR, reported the mutual participation in joint programs. and singing Kozak and Riflemen songs. Lithuanian Information Center of New the occasion of the anniversary of the York. ^ During the period in which the Meanwhile, in the busy marketplace, a proclamation of Ukrainian sovereignty. Saying that it recognized the "neces­ ruble is maintained as an account unit large sign that said "Glory to Ukraine" The Soviet Ukrainian flag also was within the territories of the Baltic instead of "Glory to the Communist flown. (Respublika) sity and advantageousness of economic cooperation with the USSR,"the Coun­ states, money turnover is defined by the Party of the Soviet Union" hung from agreement with the USSR state bank. the rooftops, marking the changing cil adopted seven principles on which times. Ф DONETSKE - On July 15 there each of the Baltic states is to base that ь The Baltic states envisage social was a meeting, attended by at least 1,000 On July 18 people picketed the cooperation. security for all the inhabitants within people, dedicated to the anniversary of According to the information bureau their territories. Pensions and other regional executive committee, carrying the Declaration of Sovereignty. The signs that said "Long live independent of the Lithuanian Parliament, those social security payments for citizens of group Volia, which won first place at principles are as follows: other states and financial relations Ukraine," "God! save Ukraine!" and the Chervona Ruta music festival, sang "Ukraine should join the union only if ^ AH economic processes, including proceeding from this are settled on the folk and riflemen's songs. Maria Haliy, foreign trade, within the territory of the basis of generally accepted interna­ the principles of the Declaration on a soloist with the Lviv Opera, also sang. Sovereignty are adhered to." Baltic states are regulated by the laws of tional standards. People's deputy Oleksander Charo- these states. During the transition ^ The economic enterprises which Inside the meeting a "representative deyev, the head of the Donetske Branch period the customs authorities of the are located on the territories of the of the working class" read a petition to of the Ukrainian Republican Party; Baltic states act according to USSR Baltic states are subject to the jurisdic­ speed up the process of accepting the Maria Oliynyk, head of local Rukh; legislation as regards USSR goods tion of these states. All financial and union treaty. The bloc of Democratic Evgeniy Ratinkov and others made transported through the territories of property disputes can be settled by Khersonshchyna demanded that it be speeches. An appeal to the public urged the Baltic states. special commissions or arbitrations, set allowed to read a contrary petition, but support for a referendum on Ukraine's ^ The exchange of goods between the up according to agreements between the was refused. (Respublika) independence and the dissolution of the USSR and the Baltic states is based on parties. Communist Party of Ukraine. (Re­ mutually advantageous principles of ^ The representatives of the Baltic ^ POLTAVA - On July 16 Sover­ spublika) free trade.
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