r~ I PAGE TWO CAJiP LEJEUNE GLOBE WED., OCT. 11. la lted Cross Workers Busy GUARD BN. SIGHTING Odds & End •wr>^VJITH In News Of Battalion By SGT. N. J. RADLICK VEY L. MILLER# Our erstwhile recreation ma HEAP BIG CHIEF Cpl. George C. W. Humphrey, h A Marine will do anything once been transferred to the Infant Training Regiment, and is out and when the usual way falls he the Rifle Range. A word of than will sometimes devise a new one. to Cpl. Humphrey for hi£ splend Which observation takes us back work in makihg the battali< to Mare Island In 1912 where a dances and picnics such great su group of Marine Corps and Navy cesses. The duties* as Bn. Re boxers go in for professional fisti- reation NCO have been taken ov cuffs for the sordid purpose of by Corporal (The . Mad Russia] garnering unto themselves some Sapowicz, and we are positive 1 of the elongated emerald, i. e., the negotiable lettuce sometimes will do as good a job as Cpl. Hun facetiously referred to as the phrey. long handled green or coin of the Our singing carpenter, Pfc. Iodi. realift. at Firehouse No. 3 has been floa Mare Island has some very good ing around on a cloud for the pa fighters indeed and they wind up few days. The reason? His chain In the top brackets as San Fran- ing wife recently spent a wei cisco main eventers. However, enjoying a sight seeing tourarom being .service fellows they find the Camp Lejeune conducted by D> promoters are natural born skep- body but „Pfc. Iddice. tics who make all service pugilists The fatest report from New Je start as fifty buck preliminary sey way is that the former Ml guys. In no time at all they Joan MacCormick and Cpl. Erne are main bout performers but son B. Hosley, clerk in the Se they have to make it the hard way in each an<^ every instance, geant Major's office, have be< causing considerable resentment married, and are spending a hone; among them, all and sundry. moon in the wilds of Pennsy So what happens? vania. Congratuation! Two First Lieutenants are bl< So this happens. Home from ding adieu to the Guard Battalio Alongapo in the Philippines comes First Lt. Burnham, the battalk Sgt. Chief Lewis. He is called adjutant, is Jeacing for Tent Ci "Chief" because he is an Ameri- to head an administrative ^grou can Indian and looks the part quite First Lieutenant' Stockdale is al. as much as Chief Plenty Coups, leaving for Tent City. Lieutenai the American on the buffalo nickel. Duncan who recently joined tl This Chief Lewis is a middle- battalion will take over the duti weight who is grown onto a left as Camp Prison Officer. hook that comes from nowhere "Yours truly,' 'has also be< and leaves havoc and destruction transferred to the Training Con in its wake. All in the Marine mand and this column will I Corps know that this Lewis is s taken over by Sergeant Ken. Za Grade A package of fistic dyna oudek, who by the way, Is on fu mite arid they do not want him to have to start from taw as lough, and is. cramming a 30-dt fifty dollar preleiu kid. furlough into fifteen days. As an afterthought, I might at So the mental giants in charge that this column is written U of the Mare Island stable of "put the enjoyment of everyone and take artists have a brilliant the Guard Battalion. If you hai idea. something that might be of ii "We will," they say, "not intro- Photos by CpL Don Hunt terest, give Sgt. Zaloudek tl duce Lewis as a Marine sergeant. Valuable service is being rendered by the women of Camp Lejeune in making scoop, and hell see that lt ge We will dress him up in an into The GLOBE, Indian suit. That will start him Surgical Dressings for the Red Cross. Pictures above show two groups busily en- sensationally and in the. money. gaged in this activity. At top is a group of officers' wives at the Red Cross Work- AGREES TO PLAN room. At center, right, is Mrs. John Marston, president of the Camp Lejeune Aux- Lewis demurs and It takes some Court Gets Ex-GI UU arguing to get him to go iliary, American Red Cross. The workroom has recently been moved from Building along with the plan. When they 111 to Building 132 at the corner of Main Service Road and A Street. This work- hand Lewis an Indian suit from room is open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 0900 to 1500 and all wom- Restored To Job a masquerade co6 turner's the Chief en who can give of their time to help make surgical dressings,are urged to come to By Camp Newspaper Service goes entirely negative. "I will The GI's right to return to ' not be ridiculous. I will not dis- the workroom on these days. In the bottom picture women Marines are shown old job—if he wants to—has be grace my people. I am a real making dressings in their Recreation Room in Building 62. Each Monday evening bolstered bv a recent court dec* Chief of the Cheyenne Nation. from 1730 to 2100 many WRs gather to do their bit for the Red Cross. Because of sion. My tribal name is Red Cloud.' increased quotas demanded by war needs, there is still a need for new workers to help The General Cable Corporatio If I must wear Indian clothes of Perth Amboy, N. J., was orderi I will send for my tribal regalia." make these dressings. All women who can give of their time and efforts for this by the United States Circuit Cou What a break! That tribal purpose are urged ot do so. of Appeals for the Third Distri outfit for Chief Red Cloud turns ~T (Philadelphia) to reinstate a di * out to be the real class, all rigged charged veteran as its with eagle feathers, bear's claws Nips Make Walking director, although the and what goes with it. plus a Navy Honors Churches Which claimed he was an indep whale of a blanket. Grenades of Selves contractor rather than So when Chief Red Cloud, im- Peleliu, Palau Islands (Delayed) ployee. posing and dignified, flanked by —When flag-waving Japs staged a In ordering Dr. Albert E. Ka Marines and sallormen, navigates Sent Chaplains To Service dawn '•Banzai" charge, Private 38, re-hired, the court ruled urnn up Market St. he attracts con- WASHINGTON — More than tions at special Protestant, Catho- First Class Harold L. Christian, mously that the provisions of tl siderable attention. He is escorted 19. of Waco, Tex., did a bang-up re-employment amendment to f to the offices of the San Francisco 2.200 churches, synagogues and lic, and Jewish services in New religious institutions which have business with his Browning Auto- Selective Service Act apply ® Bulletin where the late Marion York City. only to employees but also to T. Salazar is sitting on his Spanish provided clergymen to serve as matic rifle/ chaplains in the Naval service were In a letter accompanying the position in the employ of an hacienda. As a sports writer certificates, Secretary Forrestal In ten minutes, he piled up 30 ployer." Salaxar, fat a kitchen cynic. He honored on '"Recognition Day," dead Japs in a ten-foot area be- Suiyiay, Oct. 8. 1944. has written as follows to the Dr. Kay enlisted in the Army believe? from no thin" until it un- tween two rocks. More than i December, 1942, after he was cla folds before his eyes. And it must On that day. the Navy Depart congregations of the churches be- third of them exploded as they sified 1-A by his draft board, a* be in technicolor, in spades, and ment began distribution of special ing honored: died for they had tied about their attained the rank of captain f wired for sound. certificates of service accompanied "The United States Navy is most waists, capped demolition charges, he was discharged for Mr. Salazar." he is told, "we by a letter from Secretary of the grateful to you for providing a which were set off by Christian's disability. have here the only real Ameri- Navy James Forrestal. Throughout bullets. can fighter in captivity He is the country. Commandants of the spiritual leader to serve our coun- "I had set my sights between a middleweight and he hits no Naval Districts and District Chap- try as a Navy Chaplain during those rocks," said the Waco Marine Japs At Least end with a left hook. He is a lains made arrangements to pre- the present world crisis. who also saw action in Cape Like Good Music chieftain of the Cheyenne nation sent the certificates to churches "In recognition of this patriotic Gloucester. "Every time a Jap would and his name is Red Cloud . " SOMEWHERE IN THE PACTA within their respective districts sacrifice on your part, the Navy pass between them, I would crack —(Delayed) — A Marine pi pops questions but the which have provided chaplains for Department presents this Certifi- down. It certainly gave me a start grapher, S/Sgt. Richard A chief only says "Holr! • and 'Me the Navy. Marine Corpa^ and cate of Service as permanent evi- when the first one blew up. Those 24. San Diego, Calif., who land< no speak " As a matter of cold Coast Guard. Capt. Robert D. dence of your contribution in be- BARS are noisy but I knew they with assault troops fact the chief It a Carlisle gradu- Workman, Chaplain Corps, D.
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