Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 3-2-1987 Columbia Chronicle (03/02/1987) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (03/2/1987)" (March 2, 1987). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/217 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. ---------------------- ldeus resignation mutual Memos shed light on problems Dr. Harvey ldeus. fonnerdirectotof away, two meetings were held in which increase mornle and this had to do with placement. has confirmed that his con­ proposals and suggestions were cre­ the entire sixth fioor, not just my shop. troversial resignation was. in fact. an ated. This memo listed nine suggestions This had to do with student services in agreement between administrntors and for improved communication within general. He appointed me to a staff de­ himself that was a ~ulmination of student service depanments. velopment com111ittec but he never months of turmoil. The final memo. dated December bothered to acknowledge its existence:· " II ended up being an agreement fora 31, 1986. came less than two weeks be­ One staff member. who asked not to ~ignation. I was not encournged to fore Dr. ldeus resignation. In this be identified fearing repercussions. ex­ Slay, but there was also an agreed upon memo from ldeus to Conaway, ldcus pressed views that seemed to concur ~ignation ... ldeus said. "I think eve­ expressed confusion as to why Con­ with the findings of the staff develop­ rybody has learned a lot from it. I take away had never acted upon any of the ment committee. my share of the blame." suggestions that had been submined by "There is a lack of collegiality Dean of Student Services Hermann the comminee more than a year earlier. among staff members. We are generally Conaway would not comme)lt on any In this final memo, ldeus stated, ··At­ a preuy demoralized and disaffected details concerning the resignation. tached are memos and suggestions from bunch ... the source said. But, according to ldeus, the agree­ the staff development commiuee you A number of past and present staff ment stemmed from a number of prob­ appointed on May 29, 1985.... You members were asked to comment on lems he had encountered with adminis­ did not like the proposal and/or were not their feelings concerning job security trators. ready for suggestions ... The staff de­ and how they viewed the alleged com­ "Way down deep there were some velopment coniminee has been donnant munications and morale problems, but differences." ldeus said. "There is a since you never answered our proposal. would not. fearing administrative reper­ morale' problem. The i nst~tution is Janet Grnves resigned ... The other cussions. Chrunklf'IRobb Peru growing and there has to be more sensi­ members initially felt that you were not However, C~naway said he lrecs no Wayne Drawin, one otthe student representatives on theAd/Hoc Commit­ tivity from management to achieve­ serious about staff mornle and staff de­ reason why staff members should fear tee for the proposed exhibition site is expecting a large voter turnout. ments and personnel policies." velopment." for their jobs. The problems ldeus cites appearto be In defense of his handling of the staff "I don 'tthink those fears are legi ti­ illustrnted in a series of memos, ob­ -development committee. Conaway mate, .. Conaway said. ''It's unfonunate tained by the Chronicle. between he and said. "I think the committee did its jobs they felt they were inhibited from com­ Fate of gallery Conaway. in making recommendations. However. municating the apparent distress." The memos conoern the formation of some could not be implemented be­ Another area that has some staff a staff development comminee that cause they went beyond the scope of the members distressed is the alanning Conaway requested ldeus and Financial immediate a"'"... Many of their pro­ turnover rate i n the placement depan­ hangs on votes Aid Advisor Janet Grnves chair. The posals had institutional implications as ment. TWo directors and at least four co­ pulJlOSC of the comminee, according to well as budgetary concerns and within ordinators have left the depanment in By Greg Canfield The Ad/Hoc Student Committee for a memo $1ated May 29, 1985, was to that context they were beyond the scope the past four years. All students will have the opponu­ an Exhibition Site/Coffee House will make recommendations to Conaway on of what I personally could respond to. Among the current coordinators nity to ratify or reject a referendum for also conduct voting in the main building how to enhanoe staff trnining and pro­ They (the directors of student service Monica Weber-Grnyless has the most the establishment of an exhibition site/ March 12. Ballots can be cast on the fessional development. depanments) were infonned about it." seniority with 15 months on the job. coffee house when voting on the pro­ first fioor of the Wabash building According to an August 5, 1985 However, 'ldeus said, " He (Con­ posal begins on the first fioor ofColum­ March 10 and on the first fioor of the memo from ldeus and Grnves to Con- away) wanted a memo on how we could Continued on page 4 bia 's main building March 9. lith street building March II. Students will be asked to choose one of the follow ing options: " Yes. I sup­ pon the proposed student exhibition New aid director chosen site/coffee house and agree to the intro­ duction of a student activity fee" or. By Dean P. Golemis According to Conaway. nearly 3.500 "no. I do not suppon the proposal orthe students. or 70 percent, at Columbia are introduction of the fee." After a two-month nationwide Dancers stage financial aid recipients. Columbia ·s Executive Vice President search, Columbia College' has hired a Conaway and Gall also look pOsi­ Ben Gall has estimated the student ac­ award wiming new financial aid director from Triton tively on Olino's affiliation with the Uli- . tivity fee would be $10 for full-time stu­ College in River Grove. IL. nois Association of Financial Aid Ad­ dents and $5 for pan-time students. The performance John F. Olino, formeriydirectoroffi­ fee would be used for maintenance of nancial aid and' veternn 's affairs for six ministrators (IAFAA). a 400-member PAGE,3 group which lobbies for increased state the exhibition ;ite/coffee house which years at Triton, assumed his duties here aid to schools. helps ration funds to stu­ would be con;uucted in the empty last Monday. dents and proposes other a1d programs space on the south side of the first fioor Olino replaces Hermann Co"'tway. to the government. Olino is the lA FAA's in the Wabash building. '1Ciss Me Kate" ~ dean ofs tudent services,>who temporar­ secretary and was nominated to the as­ Should the propo;al be ratified. the ily headed the financial aid depanment sociation's vice presidency. student activity fcc will be mandatory. hits high note after the former director. Ray Pranske. according to Wayne Draznin. one of the left last December. PAGE7 Conaway said that "no monumental leaden; of the Ad Hoc Student Commit­ After receiving approximately 50 ap­ changes" will be necessary for Colum­ tee . plications for the position, Conaway bia's financial aid program. until federal "The fee would be added to the tui­ John F. Olino and Ben Gall, Columbia's executive and state regulations change. He added tion charges so it can be covered by fi­ vice president, selected Olino because director's hiring. "Oiino came from an that morale within the depanmcnt since nancial aid ... Drnznin said. " It will be of his "keen familiarity with state and institution larger than Columbia and Pranske's depanure has been "fine.'' an eannari<ed fund solely for the main­ federal financial aid programs." used to manage a process that was .. Ray Pranske did a good job." Olino tenance of the site. Determination of Of all the applicants considered for larger, .. he said. said. " I will pick up where Ray left how the funds would be spent will be in Hawks can't the job, "Oiino's knowledge was the Triton, one of the largest community off.'' the hands of a student board ... Draznin check best of the rules and regulations of fi­ colleges in the count ry. has 26.000 stu­ Olino. 45. the only college grnduate said. nancial aid. He is also familiar with stu­ dents, 5.600 of which receive some in his family. has a bachelor's degree in A memo Irom the Ad/Hoc Commit­ inconsistency dents' sensitivities." Conway said. fonn of financial assistance, according eanh science and a master's in school tee to students states the fee will rnisc Gall also cited Olino 's position at To­ to Cellie l!anks. the school's assistant ton as an imponant factor in the new director of financiaf aid. Continued on page 4 Continued on page 4 The Columbia TI1catcr/Music Dcpanment is currently presenting the Cole Por­ •Prmu•: i r~ I'"Kiss Me Kate'' at the Emma & Oscar Gctz Theater. 72 E. l ith St .. March 8. By Kathleen Misovic Pe rfomnan•~e dates and times arc: Thurs.- Sat. at 8 p.m.
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