Work and Family VOLUME 21 NUMBER 2 FALL 2011 3 Work and Family: Introducing the Issue 15 Changing Families, Changing Workplaces 37 Policies to Assist Parents with Young Children 69 Families with School-Age Children 91 Children with Health Issues 117 Families and Elder Care in the Twenty-First Century 141 Workplace Flexibility: From Research to Action 163 The Role of the Government in Work-Family Conflict 191 International Perspectives on Work-Family Policies: Lessons from the World’s Most Competitive Economies A COLLABORATION OF THE WOODROW WILSON SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS AT PRINCETON UNIVERSITY AND THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION The Future of Children seeks to translate high-level research into information that is useful to policy makers, practitioners, and the media. The Future of Children is a collaboration of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and the Brookings Institution. Senior Editorial Staff Journal Staff Sara McLanahan Kris McDonald Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Princeton University Princeton University Director, Center for Research on Child Wellbeing, and William S. Tod Lauren Moore Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs Project Manager Princeton University Ron Haskins Senior Editor Brenda Szittya Brookings Institution Managing Editor Senior Fellow and Co-Director, Center on Princeton University Children and Families Martha Gottron Christina Paxson Managing Editor Senior Editor Princeton University Princeton University Lisa Markman-Pithers Dean, Woodrow Wilson School of Public Outreach Director and International Affairs, and Hughes-Rogers Princeton University Professor of Economics and Public Affairs Mary Jones Cecilia Rouse Outreach Coordinator Senior Editor Brookings Institution Princeton University Director, Education Research Section, Regina Leidy and Katzman-Ernst Professor in the Communications Coordinator Economics of Education and Professor of Princeton University Economics and Public Affairs Tracy Merone Isabel Sawhill Administrator Senior Editor Princeton University Brookings Institution Senior Fellow, Cabot Family Chair, and Co-Director, Center on Children and Families The Future of Children would like to thank the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for its generous support for this volume. ISSN: 1054-8289 ISBN: 978-0-9814705-7-3 VOLUME 21 NUMBER 2 FALL 2011 Work and Family 3 Work and Family: Introducing the Issue by Jane Waldfogel and Sara McLanahan 15 Changing Families, Changing Workplaces by Suzanne M. Bianchi 37 Policies to Assist Parents with Young Children by Christopher J. Ruhm 69 Families with School-Age Children by Kathleen Christensen, Barbara Schneider, and Donnell Butler 91 Children with Health Issues by Mark A. Schuster, Paul J. Chung, and Katherine D. Vestal 117 Families and Elder Care in the Twenty-First Century by Ann Bookman and Delia Kimbrel 141 Workplace Flexibility: From Research to Action by Ellen Galinsky, Kelly Sakai, and Tyler Wigton 163 The Role of the Government in Work-Family Conflict by Heather Boushey 191 International Perspectives on Work-Family Policies: Lessons from the World’s Most Competitive Economies by Alison Earle, Zitha Mokomane, and Jody Heymann www.futureofchildren.org Work and Family: Introducing the Issue Work and Family: Introducing the Issue Jane Waldfogel and Sara McLanahan This issue of The Future of Children describes given the large role in the U.S. labor market the challenges parents face in taking care of of small, often family-owned businesses. family responsibilities while also holding Such wide variation suggests that meeting the down a job and explores the implications of work-family challenge will require flexibility those challenges for child and family well- and an array of options, rather than a one- being. As children grow and develop, parents size-fits-all approach. are the hub in a system of care to meet their needs, a system that includes extended family, The rising shares of women in the workforce preschools, schools, health care providers, and of families headed by single parents have community organizations, and others, but in made work-family issues especially prominent which parents play the lead role. Often these and challenging, as more employees, both same working parents have additional care men and women, face care responsibilities at responsibilities for other family members—in home and fewer have a stay-at-home spouse particular, the elderly—and are, for them too, to manage them. The work-family challenge the hub around which other caregivers, has also been heightened by an increase in services, and programs revolve. longevity that has boosted the share of the population that is elderly. Although many Work-family challenges are as varied as the elderly Americans are healthy (and indeed families that must deal with them, and they provide assistance to their adult children and change in nature over time. Some working grandchildren), others require care and parents are better positioned than others to support from their family members. meet their family’s care needs because they have higher incomes, more access to informal Although these demographic trends have support from family members and others, been observed to some extent in every or more support from employers or public modern economy, the challenges of meeting policies. But no families, even middle- and work and family obligations are particularly high-income families, are immune from problematic in the United States. Simply put, the challenge of balancing work and family U.S. work and family policies have not been obligations. Employers’ needs and capacities updated to reflect the new reality of American are tremendously varied as well, particularly family life. The social welfare system in the Jane Waldfogel is a professor of social work and public affairs at Columbia University. Sara McLanahan is the editor-in-chief of The Future of Children, as well as the director of the Center for Research on Child Wellbeing and the William S. Tod Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs at Princeton University. VOL. 21 / NO. 2 / FALL 2011 3 Jane Waldfogel and Sara McLanahan United States, more so than in other countries, do not reach all workers, particularly those of is designed around the idea that government low socioeconomic status. Employer poli- assistance is a last resort, provided only after cies tend to be inequitably distributed, with families have first used available family, the highest-paid workers receiving the best community, and employer supports, or in cases packages of benefits. In short, the employees where such supports do not exist. Economists who may most need family-support assistance generally endorse limited government from their employer may be least likely to involvement but identify several types of receive it. situations where government may need to step in. For example, in cases where the A further consequence of relying heavily on benefits of a policy would accrue not just to employer supports is that work-family policies the individual family or employer but to are seen—often quite rightly—as imposing society more generally, it is in the public’s costs on employers, costs that may be par- interest for government to provide those ticularly onerous for small businesses. At the benefits. That principle is the rationale for same time, the extensive U.S. reliance on universal public education, where the United employer supports has caused public policies States has historically been a world leader, in this area to be underdeveloped compared although its edge in higher education is with those in other peer nations. The United eroding and it has fallen behind other coun- States, for example, is the only advanced tries in preschool education. In other situa- country without paid maternity leave and tions, private insurance markets may not be one of the few without paid paternity leave, able to cover a particular risk, necessitating sick leave, or annual leave. It is also unique public provision of social insurance. Social among peer nations in not providing univer- Security, for example, helps ensure that elders sal public access to preschool in the year or have adequate incomes; Medicare (and two before school entry. Medicaid) ensures that elders have health insurance coverage; and the Older Americans In thinking about policy solutions to the Act provides in-home services such as Meals work-family challenge, it is important to keep on Wheels. These federal programs recognize the American context in mind and to focus the limits of family, community, or employer on policies that are consistent with American support for the elderly and fill in the gaps. values as well as with the best economic evi- dence. At the same time, it may be useful to The U.S. system of public supports for rethink some common assumptions that may families with children or families with elderly be interfering with progress in this area. One relatives who need more care is typically such assumption is that work-family issues less well developed than the systems in necessarily represent an area where employer other advanced countries, and U.S. parents and employee interests collide. The need to continue to rely primarily on their families, meet both work and family responsibilities communities, and employers for support. The may well pose a conflict for the individual advantage of this approach is that the United employee who is trying to be in two places at States has a larger community-based volun- once, but addressing work-family issues does teer sector and a better-developed system of not necessarily pit the interests of employ- employer supports than do many other coun- ers against those of employees. In particular, tries; the disadvantage is that these supports a good deal of evidence shows that greater 4 THE FUTURE OF CHILDREN Work and Family: Introducing the Issue health of a family member. The approach is The challenges of meeting promising and researchers should keep it in mind in considering other policies. work and family obligations are particularly problematic A third assumption that bears rethinking is that work-family challenges are problems that in the United States.
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