
CONTENTS: ''',~ 1. PROTOCOL AND SUPPLEMENTARY PROTOCOL Supplementary protocol amending and complementing the prov i- 4 sions of Article 7 of the Protocol on Free Movement, Right of Resi- dence and Establishment 2. DECISIONS (a) OF THE AUTHORITY OF HEADS OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT (i) Decision of the Authority of Heads of State and Government relating 8 to the ratification of the appointment of Dr. Abass BUNDU as Executive Secretary of the Economic Community of West African States. (ii) Decision of th e Authority of Heads of State and Government rela- 8 ting to th e Liquidat ion of ou tstanding financial contributions of Member States (iii) Decision of the Auth ority of Heads of State and Government reia- 9 tin g to the Interior Design and Decoration of the ECOWAS Fu nd Headqu arters in Lom e (iv) Decision of the Authority of Heads of Sta te and Government relat ing 10 to rescheduling of arrears of payment of contributions for the construction of the Headquarters of the ECOWAS Fund in Lome (v) Decision of th e Auth ority of Heads of State and Government rela- 11 ting to the ' rescheduling of arrears of payment of con tributions fo r the construction of Headquarters of the Executive Secretariat in Abuja (vi) Decision of the Authority of Heads of State and Governmen t amen- 12 ding Article 9 of Decision A/D EC.1/5/83 relating to the adoption and implementat ion of a single trade Iiberalisation scheme for in- dustrial products originating from Member States of the Community (vii) Decision of the Autho rity of Heads of State and Government on 15 ratification of protocols and conventions signed by th e Heads of State and Govern ment of the Econ omic Community of West African St ates. (viii) Decision of the Authority of Heads of State and government rela­ 15 ting to th e recogn ition of and granting of observer status to the Federation of West African Associations for th e Advancement of Handicapped Persons (ix) Decision of th e Authority of Heads of State and Government on th e 16 approval of the choice of the Republ ic of Senegal as host country of the Headquarters of the West African Women 's Association (x) Decision of the Authority of Heads of State and Government rela­ 16 ting to th e study on enhancing the financi al resources of th e ECO­ WAS Fund for Cooperation, Compensation and Development (b) OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS (i) Decision of the Council of Ministers on the renewal of the appoint­ 17 ment of Mr. Adelino Mano Queta as Depu ty Executive Secretary . Administration, of th e Economic Community of West African St ates. (ii) Decision of the Coun cil of Ministers on the renewa l of th e appoint­ 18 ment of Mr. Desire Kadre Ouedra ogo as Deputy Execu tive Secre­ ta ry Econ omic Affa irs of the Economic Commu nity of West Af rican Sta tes. (iii) Decision of the Council of Ministe rs on the renewal of th e appoint­ 18 men t of Mr. Gilles Baillet as Financial Controller of the Econ omic Commun ity of West Af rican State and the renewa l of his mand ate. (iv) Decision of th e Council of Ministers on th e renewal of the appoint­ 19 ment of Mr. Mustapha A.B. Kah as Deputy Managing Director of th e Fund for Coope ration, Comp ensation and Developm ent of th e Economic Community of West African States. (v) Decision of the Coun cil of Ministers on th e Harmonisation of Agri­ 19 cultu ral Pricin g Policies (vi) Decision of the Council of Ministers relating to the adoption of th e 20 te rms of reference fo r th e St udy for th e p reparation of an ECOWAS Indust rial Master Plan (vii) Decision of the Council of Ministers on th e supp ort programme for 22 t he development of Agricultura l Production (viii) Decision of the Council of Ministers on th e ECOWAS Support Pro­ 22 gramme for the support of animal diseases (ix) Decision of th e Council of Ministe rs on th e Establishment of th e 23 Lome Sub-Regional Maintenance Centre (x) Decision of th e Council of Ministers on the Identification and Dis­ 24 t ribution of Quota and Non-Quota Posts (xi) Decision of t he Council of Ministe rs on Selection and Recruitm en t 25 Criteria fo r Sta ff of Com munitY Inst itutions (xii) Decision of th e Council of Ministe rs on Prom otion of Office rs and 27 other categories of staff of Community Institu tions (xiii )Decision of the Council of Ministe rs on the effective imp lementation 28 of t he Eco nomic Recovery Programme in West Africa (xiv) Decision of t he Council of Ministers esta blishing t he modalities for 29 the allocation of numbers to Industri al Enterprises and Prod ucts approved to benefit from t he Trade Liberalisation Sch eme (xv) Decision of th e Council of Ministers on the Allocation of numbers to 30 Enterprises and Industrial Products approved to benef it from the Intra-ECOWAS Trade Liberalisat ion Scheme 3. R ESOLUTION (a) OF THE AUTHORITY OF HEADS OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT Resolution of the Authority of Heads of State and Govemmen t on 33 Debt Relief and Development Assistan ce for ECOWAS Member States (b) O F TH E COU NCIL OF MINISTERS (i) Resolution of the Council of Ministers on the Ratification of the 33 Appoi ntment of Dr. Abass BUNDU as Executive Secretary of the Economic Community of West African States' (ii) Resolutio n of the Council of Ministers on th e Harmonisation of Aqti- 34 cultural Pricing Pol icies (iii) Resolu tion of the Council of Ministers on th e implementation of 34 Decision A/DEC.B/5/89 dated 29 May 1979 on the Consolidation of Customs duties and Taxes of equivalent effect and non-tariff barriers (iv) Resolution of the Council of Ministers relating to the Liquidation 34 of Outstanding Financial Contributions of Member States (v) Resolution of the Council of Ministers relating to the Interior Design 35 and Decoration of the ECOWAS Fund Headquarters in Lome (vi) Resolution of the Council of Ministers relating to Rescheduling of 35 Arrears of Payments of contribution fo r the construction of Head- qu arters of the ECOWAS Fund in Lome (vii) Resol ution of th e Coun cil of Ministers relating to Rescheduling of 37 Arrears of Paymen t of cont ributions for construction of th e Head- qua rters of the Executive Secretariat in Abuja (viii) Resolution of the Council of Ministe rs on the adoption of the 38 Supplementary Protocol amending and complementing th e pro­ visions of Article 7 of t he Pro tocol on the Free Movement of Per­ sons, Right of Residence and Esta blishment (ix ) Resolution of th e Council of Ministe rs on the amendment of Article 38 9 of Decision A/DEC.1/5/85 relating to th e adoption and imp lemen­ tation of a single t rade liberalis at ion scheme for products organisa­ tion from Member States of the Community (x) Resolution of th e Council of Ministers on the ratification of Pro­ 39 tocols and Conventions signed by the Heads of State and Govem­ ment of the Economic Community of West African States (xi) Resolution of the Council of Ministers relating to the Recognition of 39 and G ranting of Observer Status, to the Federation of West African Associations for the Advancement of Handicapped Persons (xii) Resolution of the Council of Ministers on the approval of the Choice 39 of Hepublic of Senegal as Host Country of Headquarters of West African Women's Association (WAWA) (xiii) Resolution of the Council of Ministers relating to the Study on 40 enhancing the Financial Resources of the ECOWAS Fund 3 ..kJne 1989 Off icial Journel of the ECOWAS Vol. 15 1. PROTOCOL AND SUPPLEMENTARY PROTOCOL A/SP1/6/8 9 SUPPLEMENTARY PR OTOCOL AM ENDING DESIROUS of signing a Supplementary Pr o tocol AN D COMPLE ME ~ T I NG T HE PR OVI SI ONS OF ARTI· amending the provisions of Article 7 of the Protoco l on C LE 7 OF THE PflOTOCO L O N" FREE MOVEMENT, Free Movement of Person s, Right of Residence and Es­ RIGHT OF RESIDENCE AND ESTABLISHM ENT tabl ishment. THE CONTRACTING PARTIES, HAVE AGR EE D AS FOLLOWS MIN DFUL of Article S of the ECOWAS Tr eaty establishing the Autho rity of Heads of State and Govern­ ment and defining its co mposition and functions; Article 1 : Definitions MINDFUL of Article 7 of the Pro to col Al PI/ SI79 on the Free Movement of Persons, Right of Residence and Establishment; Within this Supplementary Prot ocol, "Treaty " means the Treaty of the Economic Community of West MINDFUL of Art icle 7 of the Supplementary Proto­ African States. co l N SP II7/ 8S establishi ng a Code of Cond uct for th e implem-entation of the Protocol on Free Movement of "Community" means the Economic Comm unity of Persons, Right of Residence and Establishment ; We st African State s. MINDFU L of S upplementary Protocol A/SP l n /86 on tbe implementation o f the Secon d ph ase ( Right of "Member Sta te or States" means Membe r State or Residence) of the Protocol on -free Movement of Persons, States of the Economic Community of West African Right of Reside nce and Est ablishment; States CONS ID ER ING the need for harmoniou s de velop­ ment in all areas of ECOWAS activity including Free Mo­ ..Authority" means the Authority of Heads of State vement of Persons Goods, Services and Capital, which is a and Governmen t established by Ar ticl e S of t he Treaty.
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