Wagon Tracks Volume 9 Article 1 Issue 3 Wagon Tracks Volume 9, Issue 3 (May 1995) 1995 Wagon Tracks. Volume 9, Issue 3 (May, 1995) Santa Fe Trail Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wagon_tracks Part of the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Santa Fe Trail Association. "Wagon Tracks. Volume 9, Issue 3 (May, 1995)." Wagon Tracks 9, 3 (1995). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wagon_tracks/vol9/iss3/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wagon Tracks by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. : Wagon Tracks. Volume 9, Issue 3 (May, 1995) VOLUME 9 MAY 1995 NUMBER 3 l~ ,.. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MET I by Ruth Olson Peters •v The SFTA executive committee (Bill Pitts, Ross Marshall, Virgtnia Fisher, Margaret Sears, and Bill Chalfant, with Secretary-Treasurer Ruth Peters an ex officio member). which was authorized by the revision of the by­ SYMPOSIUM PLANS SET laws adopted at the 1993 symposium. met for the first time at the Santa Fe A copy of the 1995 Santa Fe Trail Trail Center at Larned on February25. Symposium program, scheduled at 1995. Other board members present Larned and Great Bend, KS. Septem­ were Mary Gamble, David Hutchison. ber 21-24, is enclosed with this issue. and Dave Webb. Symposium coordi­ It includes a complete list of events. nator Steve Linderer also attended, as motel information, and the regtstra­ did Ambassador Paul Bentrup. All ac­ tion form. Early regtstration is recom­ tion of the committee has to be ap­ mended. Book exhibitors should make proved by the SFTA governing board. arrangements with Steve Linderer. [Editor's note: a quorum ofthe govern­ symposium coordinator, when regts­ ing board was present at this meeting tering. Any questions about the sym­ and could have transacted business as posium or registration should be di­ the board rather than the executive rected to him at Fort Larned National committee, and technically the execu­ Historic Site, RR 3, Larned KS 67550, tive committee which met was in vio­ phone (316) 285-6911. lation ofthe bylaws which require that each of the· members, except the ex Juanita Hili and Nancy Robertson be­ HAVE YOU VOTED YET? officio secretary/treasurer. "be from a hind the reset Clifton House DAR different state.") Marker. with the remaining section of SFTA members will find enclosed in wall In the background (photo by John this issue a ballot for the election of The secretary/treasurer reported a Van Sweden). officers and board members, as total of 1,269 members in 1994. The proVided in the revised bylaws adopted financial report for 1994 showed a be­ at the last symposium. This is the first ginning balance of $39,477.22, in­ CUFTON HOUSE mail-ballot election. It permits all come of $22,163.26, expenditures of DAR MARKER RESET members to vote rather than only $12.433.22. and an ending balance of those who attend the business meet­ $49,207.26. Members interested in by Nancy Robertson ing at the biennial symposia. seeing the full report may request a (Nancy Robertson, Raton NM, is a The nominating committee (Marc copy from Sec.-Treas. Ruth Olson. charter memberofSFTA andan active Simmons, Bill Pitts, and Margaret Santa Fe Trail Center, RR 3~ Larned KS member of local chapters. She is a Sears) was unable to find more than 67550. student ofthe TraU in the region and one candidate willing to seJVe for most Reports were received from several here uses the resetting ofthe marker of the positions (although the bylaws committees. and the report of the as a springboard to summarize the specify. "if possible. there shall be at marker committee was favorably rec­ history of Cliflon House. noted stage least two nominees for each position ommended to the governing board for station on the Mountain Route.) other than president, vice-president, approval. Steve Linderer presented ." On December 27,1994. the Santa Fe and secretary-treasurer"). but there is plans for the September symposium. " Trail marker that was erected at the' one contest and the opportunity for David Hutchison reported on planning site ofClifton House by the Daughters write-ins for all positions. The ballot is for the 1997 symposium. There was , of the American Revolution :and the accompanied by brief biographical discussion of including "side trails" as Territory of New Mexico in 1910 was sketches of the candidates, several of part of the Santa Fe National Historic returned to the location on the present whom also provided a statement of Trail. and President Pitts will request V7 Ranch. Deepappreciation has been their goals for SFTA. the National Park Service to recognize expressed bythe DAR and the SFTA to Please mark the ballot and return to all of the side trails as part of the District Four of the New Mexico High­ Secretary Ruth Peters no later than SFNHT. way Department. under Max Madrid July 15. 1995. Your participation. or On recommendation of Dave Webb, and Carol Young. who kept the granite lack thereof, will determine if the new chairman of the publication commit­ monument in storage and safekeeping method of voting is any more demo- tee. the executive committee voted to (continued onpage 8) cratic than the old. (continued on page 3) May 1995 1 Published by UNM Digital Repository, 1995 1 Wagon Tracks, Vol. 9 [1995], Iss. 3, Art. 1 PRESIDENT'S COLUMN (CCS) award program will proVide her parents. Sympathy is extended to funds (subject to the aVailability of her family. Memorial contributions (Thefollowing column was published federal funding) for nine additional may be sent to the Dillon Lecture Se­ in the Spring 1995 issue ofPathways projects. Each CCS grant reqUires a ries at Hutchinson. Across America. the newsletter for dollar-for-dollar matching contribu­ national scenic and historic traUs tion from the recipient. The SFTA Lucile DaUQherty__1 published by the American Hiking serves as a project partner in each Society under a cooperative agree­ award. helpingtransmit federal funds. Lucile (Kramer) Daugherty died at ment with the National Park Service.) The awards. with the CCS amount the Kansas Masonic Home on Febru­ HAVING grown from a grassroots ef­ followed in parentheses by the recipi­ ary 2, 1995. at the al:!e of 83. She is ents' obligations. are: (1) Santa Fe fort in America's central High Plains. survived by her husoand, S. Allan, Trail private easement project, Santa who served as administrator of the -, the Santa Fe Trail Association (SFTA) j Fe NM. $3,000 ($3.000 from the Santa Kansas Masonic Home for manyyears. - , is conservative in both the historic and Fe Conservation Trust); (2) Baca/ and a son. Dennis, of New York City. political sense. This is especially true Hough House Artifact Conservation. Lucile was born at Strong City, KS, 0' when the SFTA is compared to some of Trinidad CO, $4,586 ($4,586 from the in 1911 and graduated from Baker the older. more populist trail organiza­ Colorado H.~torical Society); (3) Santa University at ~aldwin City. KS.· in tions, which actively promote visita­ Fe Trail Center Handicapped Accessi­ 1933. She taught school for 20 years tion. Manyofourmembers believe that bility. Larned KS, $8,410 ($8,410 from and was an accomplished musician. fewer visitors mean the Trail will sur­ the SFTC); (4) Santa Fe Trail Exhibit She was active in many organizations, Expansion, National Frontier Trails including the Order of Eastern Star, vive longer. Center. Independence MO, $8.370 As an organization. the SFTA func­ Kansas Corral of the Westerners, and ($8,370 from the NFTC); (5) Seth Hays SFTA. Interment was at Oakwood tions with a volunteer staff and no Home Preservation Maintenance. direct assistance from NPS. Despite a Cemeteryat BaldWin City. not far from Council Grove KS, $1,738 ($1,738 the Santa Fe Trail. Sympathy is ex­ growing need for a central office and from the Morris County Historical So­ paid staff. many SFTA members have tended to the family. Memorial contri­ ciety); (6) Alexander Majors House butions may be sent to the Kansas been adamant about not using federal Preservation Maintenance. Kansas dollars to establish or run an office. Masonic Home, 401 S Seneca, Wichita 0 City MO, $3.339 ($3,339 from the Al­ KS 67213. They would rather not take federal exander Majors Foundation); (7) St. funds than give the government a say James Hotel Preservation Mainte­ in how they can spend it. Other mem­ nance, Cimarron NM, $7.500 ($7.500 WAGON TRACKS is the official publication bers see private funding sources as of the Santa Fe Trail Association, a non-profit from the St. James Hotel); (8) Fort organization incorporated under the laws of more stable than government grants. Marcy Research and Archaeology In­ which can become subservient to the the State of Colorado. Letters and articles are vestigations. Santa Fe NM. $3,048 welcome, butthey become the property ofwr political climate. ($3,048 from City ofSanta Fe); and (9) and may be edited or abridged at the editor's The issue (currently being raised at Neosho CrossingInterpretive Exhibits. discretion. All rights reServed. Inquiries can membership meetings. board meet­ Council Grove KS, $4.209 ($4.209 be directed to the appropriate address below. ings, and at the chapter level) is one of from the City of Council Grove). The Annual subscriptions are obtained through many growing pains the Association, CCS awards total $44,200, and the membership in the Association, whose dues with approximately 1,300 members in are fixed per calendar year.
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