American Renaissance There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world. — Thomas Jefferson Vol. 21 No. 3 March 2010 A Post-Racial President . or a man with an agen- why can’t whites be white?—Mr. tune. He criticized black ghetto behavior Obama works against it: If he’s neither and proclaimed, “There is not a black da? white nor black, why should you be America and a white America and white? Mr. Obama, in other words, is Latino America and Asian America— by Ellison Lodge both a living testament to the power of there’s the United States of America.” black racial consciousness and identity Political observers immediately ver since he caught hailed him as the new breed the nation’s eye, Ba- of black politician. In one of Erack Obama has been VJGſTUVOCLQTRTQſNGUQH/T careful not to be too black. Obama, Ryan Lizza wrote in At the risk of alienating the The Atlantic: pushier segment of his natu- “Mr. Obama’s ability to ral constituency, he has tried appeal to inner-city blacks, to cultivate a “post-racial” suburban moms, Republican image that does not scare dentists, and, well, me sug- off too many whites. It was gests that he’ll be able to ven- a balancing act that worked ture further than most black well during the presidential politicians—further even than election campaign, and cul- Carol Moseley Braun. ‘I’m minated in an almost Second rooted in the African-American Coming-like atmosphere for community,’ he frequently the inauguration. However, says, ‘but I’m not limited by after a year in office, Mr. it.’ Indeed, charisma, intelli- Obama’s post-racial pose is gence, and ambition, tempered wearing thin. Both his ac- by a self-deprecating wit, are tions and his appointments the particular hallmarks not so reveal a leftist and implicitly much of a great black politician racial agenda that is awaken- as of any great one.” ing whites to the fact that he In 2004, Al Sharpton sought does not stand for them. If he the Democratic nomination but does not shore up his rapidly failed miserably. Many could crumbling white support—and it is not and at the very same time a living renun- not help but notice how different Mr. clear how he could do that without repu- ciation of white racial identity.” Obama was from Mr. Sharpton. Uni- diating much of his record so far—2012 During the early part of his career, versity of Michigan African American could be the end of the road for Barack Mr. Obama plowed the same anti- Studies professor Angela Dillard said, “I Obama. white ground as Rev. Sharpton and Mr. think this is really the end of an era of race and politics. Something’s shifting 5CO(TCPEKUUCYKVſTUV and changing and people like Sharpton Mr. Obama was being can’t change with it, and something new Shortly before his death in February groomed as the Great and different is being created and it is 2005, frequent American Renaissance Non-White Hope for the about people like Obama.” contributor Sam Francis predicted Mr. Democrats as soon as he Yet the difference was in style rather Obama’s ascension to the presidency than substance. Jonathan Tilove, then and explained the dangers of his post- arrived in the Senate. the race and immigration correspondent racial façade: for Newhouse News, observed that Mr. “Moreover, while openly racial Jackson, but by the time he came to Obama “can argue for policies virtually candidates like Mr. Sharpton or Jesse prominence at the 2004 Democratic indistinguishable from Sharpton’s in Jackson helped instigate white racial Convention as a state senator running cooler, non-racial terms, while still af- consciousness—if they can be black, for the US Senate, he had changed his Continued on page 3 American Renaissance - 1 - March 2010 9GTKIJVN[OQWTPVJGFGCFCPF maimed. But others bear different stig- mata for which they get little sympathy but are the consequences of senseless wars they did not choose and should not JCXGJCFVQſIJV Paul Halberg, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 5KTō+GPLQ[GF,COGU5EJPGKFGTŏU CTVKENGCDQWVVJGUNQRR[TCEKCNENCUUKſEC- tions that will be used in the 2010 cen- sus. I suspect most Laotians or Tongans, for example, will be surprised to learn that the Census Bureau thinks they are separate races. And calling Egyptians and Tunisians “white” is comical. than half the electorate, all politicians 9GCTGCNNCEEWUVQOGFVQIQXGTPOGPV Letters from Readers must cater to these delusions. idiocy when it comes to race. From No 5KTō+GPLQ[GF5VGRJGP9GDUVGTŏU There are exceptions, to be sure; Child Left Behind to “disparate impact” review of We Are Doomed, since I con- some women are as stout as the best to calling diversity a strength—the sider it the best book I have read in a men. However, their numbers are so government can be counted on to get it while. I agree that it holds no surprises UOCNNCPFVJGKTKPƀWGPEGUQUNKIJVVJCV wrong. But it almost always takes pains for race-realists, but thanks to Mr. Der- those I know would gladly give up the not to hurt the feelings of non-whites. byshire’s wit and writing style, it is a franchise if it meant their sisters could be That is why some blacks have been pleasure to cover familiar ground. kept from meddling in things they don’t shocked to learn that they are supposed A criticism: On page 43, Mr. Der- understand. But we will have a sensible to check the box that says “Black or byshire implies that Teddy Roosevelt immigration policy before we take the African Am., or Negro.” Negro? CPF9QQFTQY9KNUQPYGTGVJGHKTUV vote from women. Shelly Lowe of the Census Bureau presidents to usurp authority, noting Carl Schultz, Salt Lake City, Utah has been reported as saying that a lot VJCV9QQFTQY9KNUQPVQQMVJGőQR- of thought went into “Negro.” She says portunity offered by war to aggrandize many blacks like the term and will JKUQHſEGŒ1HEQWTUGVJGſTUVRTGUKFGPV Sir — The photograph taken at Abu write in “Negro” rather than agree to to do that was Abraham Lincoln, who Ghraib that you reproduced on page 13 be called “black” or “African Ameri- took advantage of Congress’s being out of the February issue reminds me of yet can.” So, after much deliberation and of session to maneuver the South into another terrible price we pay for wag- many focus group sessions, the bureau ſTKPIVJGſTUVUJQVCPFVJGPYGPVQP ing wars not in our interests. The cost decided the advantages outweighed the to suspend habeas corpus, arrest state in lives, money, and world-wide ill will disadvantages. legislators, and commit many other is well documented and often criticized. 9GCTGUWRRQUGFVQVJKPMCNNDNCEMU unconstitutional acts. Less often pointed out is that some of are deeply insulted by the word “Ne- D. Tyrone Crowley, Prattville, Ala- our soldiers will inevitably behave like ITQŒ[GVKVCRRGCTUVJKUKULWUVCPQVJGT bama brutes. Americans in Iraq or Afghanistan example of elite opinion circulating so must live among people who would be YKFGN[VJCVYGHQTIGVKVFQGUPQVTGƀGEV Sir — So John Derbyshire thinks it alien and frustrating in the best of times. reality. was a mistake to give women the vote? Today, our soldiers live among them as Sam Henderson, Ossining, N. Y. I say, “Bravo.” I say further that it takes QEEWRKGTUCPFKPſFGNU'XGP+TCSKUCPF more courage to take that position than Afghans who are not actively trying to to put out 20 year’s worth of American kill them resent and hate them. It is a Sir — I noted with interest your Renaissance! There are dozens of race- tragedy but hardly surprising that some February “O Tempora” item about how realist or white-nationalist websites but of our soldiers react cruelly. Berkeley High School in Berkeley, Cali- how many urge the repeal of the 19th Those who brutalize Iraqis and Af- fornia, plans to improve the performance Amendment? ghans must be punished, and the ones of blacks and Hispanics. Since mostly Mr. Derbysire is right, of course. who committed serious crimes such as whites use the science labs they can be 9QOGPCTGPCVWTCNDQTPUQEKCNKUVU6JG[ murder or rape have ruined their lives. LWPMGF6JGUCXKPIUYKNNDGURGPVQP have evolved to function best within the Yet they, too, are in some respects vic- pet minorities. one group that actually does operate on tims of circumstance. Some are probably Face it: This was news only because the principle of “from each according FGXKCPVUYJQYQWNFDGKPLCKNYJGVJGT the Berkeley people admitted what they to his ability to each according to his they had gone to war or not, but others were doing. Gifted programs are disap- need:” the family. They think they can are men and women who would not have pearing everywhere and colleges teach apply that principle to public policy, and gone badly wrong if they had never done remedial English and math to freshmen. that “compassion” solves social prob- battle among inscrutable people who It’s for the same reason. lems. Now that women make up more could turn on them any time. 5CTCJ9GPVYQTVJ4KEJOQPF8C American Renaissance - 2 - March 2010 many have already mentioned, we live American Renaissance in a society that remains separated in terms of life opportunities for African- Jared Taylor, Editor Americans, for Latinos, and the rest of 5VGRJGP9GDUVGT#UUKUVCPV'FKVQT the nation.” 4QPCNF00GHH9GD5KVG'FKVQT 9JCVDGVVGTYC[HQTVJGPCVKQPVQJGCN “the brutal wounds of slavery and Jim Crow” for the good of both whites and American Renaissance is published monthly by the blacks than to elect a biracial president? New Century Foundation. NCF is governed by section By the time Mr. Obama’s presidential 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code; contributions to it are tax deductible. campaign went into full swing, the idea Subscriptions to American Renaissance are $28.00 per year. First-class postage is that his election would end American CPCFFKVKQPCN5WDUETKRVKQPUVQ%CPCFC ſTUVENCUU CTG5WDUETKRVKQPU racism had become conventional wis- outside Canada and the U.S.
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