Post Office Box 1748 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Phone (704) 866-6837 Fax (704) 869-1960 AGENDA The Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) of the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will meet Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 10:00 AM at the Gaston County Administrative Building, room 3A, which is located at 128 W. Main Avenue; Gastonia, NC 28052. The following is the agenda for the meeting: 1. Set Agenda Presenter: Brian DuPont, TCC Chair The agenda needs to be set to include adding “New” or “Other Business.” 2. Determination of Quorum and Good Standing Presenter: Brian DuPont, TCC Chair Voting members must be in Good Standing to vote. TCC Bylaws define a quorum as the presence of 51% of voting members in Good Standing representing the local municipalities, counties, and public transit providers. This requires attendance of at least ten (10) of the members listed below that are in Good Standing: [ ] City of Belmont [ ] City of Gastonia (3/3) [ ] County of Cleveland [ ] City of Bessemer City [ ] City of Kings Mountain [ ] County of Gaston [ ] Town of Boiling Springs* [ ] City of Lincolnton [ ] County of Lincoln [ ] City of Cherryville [ ] City of Lowell [ ] Gastonia Transit [ ] Town of Cramerton [ ] City of Mount Holly [ ] Gaston ACCESS* [ ] Town of Dallas [ ] Town of Ranlo [ ] TACC* [ ] City of Gastonia (1/3) [ ] Town of Stanley* [ ] TLC [ ] City of Gastonia (2/3) [ ] City of Shelby As specified in the Bylaws, voting members listed below do not count towards the quorum: [ ] Cleveland County EDP [ ] Lincoln EDA [ ] NCDOT Division 12 [ ] Gaston EDC [ ] NCDOT TPB [ ] NCDOT PTD *Not in Good Standing (Missed three or more consecutive meetings) 3. Approval of Minutes Presenter: Brian DuPont, TCC Chair Review and adopt the minutes from the regularly scheduled meeting of May 14, 2014 and the Special Meeting of June 10, 2014. ACTION REQUESTED: Approve as Presented. 4. Introduction of Members & Guests Presenter: Brian DuPont, TCC Chair All guests shall introduce themselves at this time. 5. Public Comment Presenter: Brian DuPont, TCC Chair Any public comment will be presented and addressed at this time. Public comment should be kept to a reasonable period of time. Post Office Box 1748 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Phone (704) 866-6837 Fax (704) 869-1960 CONSENT AGENDA 6. Administrative Modification Presenter: Bernie Yacobucci, Transportation Planner I Project I-5000 (US321/I-85) - Delay Right-Of-Way from FY14 to FY15 and construction from FY16 to FY17 to allow additional time for planning. Project W-5311 (US 321 at SR 2416- Robinson Rd) – Delay Right-Of-Way from FY14 to FY15 to allow additional time for coordination with railroad. ACTION REQUESTED: For Information Only. 7. Approve Conformity Analysis for R-2248G and U-2507AA Presenter: Bernie Yacobucci, Transportation Planner I Projects R-2248G (I-485, Western Outer Loop/Oakdale Road – New Interchange) and U- 2507AA (IBM Connector-Mallard Creek Road to IPM Drive) are being added to the CRTPO MTIP. The transportation conformity analysis demonstrates that these projects do not reduce air quality so we must approve conformity analysis for the non-attainment region. ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval to MPO Board. 8. Gaston Urban Area Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Amendment Presenter: Hank Graham, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner An amendment to the Gaston Urban Area CTP is proposed in and around the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Mount Holly. The amendment would re-align a proposed extension of a minor thoroughfare (Clearwater Lake Rd) and extend an existing minor thoroughfare (Rankin Ave) to tie into this realignment. ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend MPO Board release proposed CTP amendment for public comment and come back for TCC and MPO Board consideration at September meetings. 9. GCLMPO Boundary Agreements with Rock Hill – Fort Mill Area Transportation Study (RFATS) and the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) Presenter: Hank Graham, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner Memorandum of agreement between GCLMPO and RFATS and the CRTPO for the transfer of planning responsibility and authority for the portions of the CRTPO and RFATS urbanized areas located within Gaston County. ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval to MPO Board. 10. Resolution Endorsing Statewide Tier Projects in the Metrolina Region Presenter: Hank Graham, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner Resolution endorsing statewide tier projects in the Metrolina Region. ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval to MPO Board. Post Office Box 1748 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Phone (704) 866-6837 Fax (704) 869-1960 REGULAR AGENDA 11. Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Consolidation Process Presenter: Brian Wert, P.E., GCLMPO Coordinator, NCDOT - Transportation Planning Branch Following the expansion of the MPO to include all of Gaston, Cleveland, and Lincoln counties, there is now a need to consolidate and update the various adopted and draft CTP documents in the three counties. A brief overview of the process, a basic schedule, and short-term goals will be discussed. ACTION REQUESTED: For Information Only. 12. Approval of Ranking Methodology Used to Distribute Points to the Projects and Approval of Points Assigned to the Projects at the Regional and Division Tier. Presenter: Bjorn Hansen, AICP CTP, Senior Transportation Planner MPO Staff will present the recommendations of the project ranking subcommittee, who approved project lists and points assignments used for the June 21-July 21 public comment period. MPO Staff will also present and respond to comments received from the 30-day public comment period for the project rankings and point assignments. ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval of the Revised Ranking Process, Points Rankings, and Point Assignments to MPO Board 13. 2013 Socio-Economic Baseline Update for Regional Travel Demand Model Presenter: Nadine Bennett, Planner, Centralina COG The MPO staff and subcommittee have completed the updating of the socio-economic baseline from 2010 to 2013 for all Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZs) currently in MPO for the Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model. ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval of updated baseline population, employment, and school enrollment totals to the MPO Board 14. CommunityViz Software for Updating Socioeconomic Data in Regional Travel Demand Model Presenter: Michelle Nance and Matt Noonkester, Principal, Seven Hills Town Planning Group, Inc. Mr. Noonkester will make a presentation on the utilization of the CommunityViz software in the CONNECT Our Future initiative and the software’s potential application to improve MPO’s current socioeconomic data update process for Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZs) in the Regional Travel Demand Model. ACTION REQUESTED: For Information and Discussion Only. Post Office Box 1748 150 South York Street Gastonia, North Carolina 28053 Gastonia, North Carolina 28052 Phone (704) 866-6837 Fax (704) 869-1960 15. FY 2015 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Amendment Presenter: Hank Graham, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner The approved FY 2015 UPWP may be amended to account for additional costs related to indirect costs and the purchase of software (CommunityViz) intended to improve the socio- economic projection update process for Transportation Analysis Zones in the MPO. ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval to MPO Board. 16. Charlotte Regional Alliance For Transportation (CRAFT) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Presenter: Hank Graham, AICP, Principal Transportation Planner CRAFT has proposed several changes for its governing document, the CRAFT MOA. Membership changes reflect recently amended MPO/RPO boundaries and associated name changes. Changes to the Executive Committee meeting schedule are intended to better reflect actual practice and what is feasible for scheduling future meetings. ACTION REQUESTED: Recommend Approval to MPO Board 17. TIGER Freight Mobility Plan Update Presenter: Sushil Nepal The Centralina Council of Governments (CCOG) submitted a planning grant application for Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) funds on April 28, 2014. The grant fund along with local match will help assess our current freight systems against future growth needs, identifying and addressing gaps and barriers to growth and efficiency such as congestion and bottlenecks, workforce preparedness, safety issues or land use issues. It will recommend solutions for each part of the system individually and for coordinating among the parts. ACTION REQUESTED: Consider identifying GCLMPO TCC member to the freight mobility plan steering committee 18. New Business 19. Other Business a. 85X Ridership 20. Adjournment If you have any additional items or questions regarding this agenda, please call Hank Graham at 704-854-6663, Bernie Yacobucci at 704-854-6604, or Bjorn Hansen at 704-854-6632. You can also e-mail us at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected] respectively. MINUTES MEETING OF THE GASTON-CLEVELAND-LINCOLN METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (GCLMPO) TECHNICAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE (TCC) May 14, 2014 The regularly scheduled of the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) was held on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, from 10:00 am until 11:56
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