JULY 1984 NUMBER 2/1 Inthis issue... '.JUDO' is back... • TRIALS ROUND-UP Now with 40 pages and • TSB BRITISH OPEN FEATURE greater photographic • CLASSIC CONTEST content. Next issue contains the • ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING REPORT Senior Europeans and the • PRESS RELEASE... Olympic Games. NEWS YOU MAY HAYE MISSED Subscribe now! • PARIS TOURNAMENT LI MITED Telephone: 061·653 1499 Publi.her.- Supplier. FUll RANCE OF MARTIAL ARTS EOUIPMENT ANO BOOKS CLUB JUDOGI KYU JUDOGI Lightweight, Mid-weight, reinforced seams, thicker weave, reinforced seams double skirt. Reinforced trousers. single weave, Sizes 140-200cm. Starting at [10. 18 including single skirt, belt. Post andpacking extra. reinforced trousers. Sizes 120-200cm. Starting at £6.99 incluoing belt. Post andpacking extra. DAN JUDOGI Heavyweight. Double weave, thick strong collar tailored for the competitor, double skirt, reinforced trousers. Sizes lGO-200cm. Starting at [23.83. Belt extra. Post andpacking extra. , JUDO MATS 141b and 17lb DENSITY PRICES ON APPLICATION. WHITE BOX BAG UK AGENTS FOR SPORTRHODE. SPONSOR OF THE BJA LADIES NATIONAL SQUAD. Mode18-50x25x25cm , £23.00 Mode19_40x25x20cm £17.50 The above prices include postage and packing to the United Kingdom only Fo, Special Club Discounts or any otherenquiryplease write 10:­ JUDO LIMITED n7 MANCHESTER OLD ROAD, RHODES MIDDLETON, MANCHESTER M244GF CONTENTS Page BRITISH OLYMPIC TEAM PROFILES 4 THINGS YOU MAY HAVE MISSED .. 5 PRESS RELEASE 8 BOOK REVIEW 10 BRITISH OPEN 13 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. 18 ClASSIC CONTEST 20 NATIONAL TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR MEN 23 NEAR DISASTER AT THE EUROPEANS .. 26 NORTH OF ENGLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS 28 PARIS TOURNAMENT .. 31 TRIALS, RESULTS AND ACTION 35 JUDO CALENDAR 38 MIDLAND AREA CHAMPIONSHIPS 39 COVER PICTURE: NERWWV throws PINK. EDITORIAL Theysaythatabsence makesthe heartgroW' fonder andthis is obviously the case W'ith uJUDOu magazine. Certainly more of youhavebotheredtoW'riteduringourabsence, expressinginterestthaneverputpen to paper W'hilst we W'ere being published. Let's hope it continues now that we are back. "JUDO" will nowbe published writers and we will continue to eventsorChampionship reports... six times a year, scheduled to bring you some of the best send them to us. Good black and events ratherthan specific dates. contest photographs available. white pictures are also welcome. Generally only the Midland Area, For instance this issue has the Most replies to our recent the North West and Scotlandever "British Open" as h:s main feature questionnaire suggest that in bother to contibute yet sub­ with additional reports from general you are happy with what scribers complain that there is tournaments such as the Tournai you have been getting in the past nothing in from their own areas. de Paris, The Tria~3 and the Dutch but there were many requests for It'supto you toseethatyourarea Open. Thenextissue(August) will more photographs and technical is represented. containthe European Champion­ articles. We'll try and oblige! ships as its main report plus The size ofthe magazine is now Please see that reports are supporting technical articles and increased to40 pages thoughfor typed. Letters are also welcome Championships reports from financial reasons we have had to as everything goes to make domestic events. In this issue drop the colour content and "JUDO" I)"lagazine the truly there is news of the B.J.A. increase the cover price to independent news magazine of elections and the A.~.M. £ 1.25p. It's still good value. the sport. Our Contributors now include Remember we cannot cover Keepwriting... Peter Holme, Colin Mciver and everything. If your Club or Area Tony Macconnell plusotherguest has any news, a calendar of FRANK SMrTH J British Team Manager, Colin Mciver producedfaw surprisesin the selection of his Team for the Los Angeles Olympics though since the selections ware made, Ihe with­ drawals of the socialist-bloc countries havebrought a wholenew perspective totheGames whichcan only anhanca the chances of the Brl_lsh British men. Colin was fortunate in that in the last coupleof monthshehod the TSB British Opan Championships. The Senior EuropeanChampionships and coincidentally an Olympic Day International against a very strong French Team from which to OlympIC confirmhis ideasand opinionsand put into perspectivesomeofthe surprising results in the January Triels. John Swatman, the Trials winner can perhaps count himself unfortunate Ihat his period of somewhat mediocre performances (by his standardsl coincided with the growing in stature of the likeable Neil Eckersley who had a couple of eJ(cellent results in the British -ream Open and the Europeans into which Mclverput him "toseeif hecould cope with the pressure:' Neil is the 60 kilo selection and Is at the moment both a Senior European and Junior European Bronze medallist. He is the current British Master's Champion and recently took the British Open titla in great style. His ali-action styleis disconcerting for his opponents and he hasgreat matconfidencethough perhaps still a little short of Profliles variety in Tachiwau. His Newala is more than competantand he could be a surprising medal prospect with a good draw. Steve Gawthorpe really claimed his place at 65 kilos with an eJ( cellent performance 10 takethe European Bronze medal. Despite going out to Chal1son (Switzerland) in the British Open, Steveis the Trials winner and reelly theonly sensiblechoiceat this weight. Again, his Newala is fomidable and his unorlhodoll Tai-toshi scored him several important points in the Europeans. Kerrith Brown caused sighs of relief all round when he somewhatbelatedlydecided tomove up a weightto 71 kilos Where he looks much more comfonable end his contest in the Europeansshowedhow much betterheis atthis weight. I think these contesls were his best in International competition since his Junior European tideand after winning the Trials and the Open at hisnew weight really convinced Mciver that he was competitive again. At 78 kilos there was never any doubt that European Champion, Neil Adams would be selected though recent developments have put his eligibility in some doubt though everyone hopes atlthe problems can be solved as he is our truehope for Olympic Gold. Thecapableyoungster Martin McSorely is the reserve at this weight. Densi911 White had a remarkable return from the serious injury to his achilles tendon and though missing the Trials earnad a Silver in the British Open and in the Europeans looked much more capable at International level than his nearestrivals. Densign is also British National Championand British Master's Champion and has the pedigree for the occasion If he can get it right on the day. Last year, Nick Kokotaylo had adisappoiming yearin the National Squad and at one time seemed to have no International future In prospect. Some dedicated training this year has improved matters immensely and his good trials resultandfight for the Bronze medelin the Europ"ans probably clinched his place. British National Champion, Del1nis Stewart, wasprobably his closest rival at Under 95 kilos but he missed an opp.ortunity to show his worth in the 'nternationel against the Frel1ch Team. Paul Radburn, backat his favourite weight atOver 95kilos hes neverquite achievedthe successeveryone thinks heis capableofatInternational level end his Bron'le medal in the BritiSh Open was very disappointing for him. However he - is without doubt Ihe best choice at Heavyweight though always a little on the light side compared with his International opposition. He is however one of the more skilful! heavyweights and always an exciting fighter who could quite easily get amongst the medals on e good day. Elvis Gordon has improved tremedously in the last year particularly in his fitl1ess levels and added a few more techniques to his repetoire. He did very well in the Open. earning a Silver medal and got toa 8ron'lemedal semi-final in the Europeanswhich is thebest Open performance Ican remember from a 8ritish player for many·a-year. He is howevercomparitively ineJ(periencecl when compared with the likes ofRobert Van Der Walleand Angelo Parisi and for Elvis toget amongst themedals would bea greatbonus for him and the Team. "JUDO" will publish a full report on the Olympics with photographs...ensure you geta copy by subscribing now. 4 Things gou mig hlUI missld ***** Sunday mornmg. atler breakfast we pro· ceeded back to the Dojo where Anton had arranged to conduct a course for us. this was very well received and proved very Interesting. • Our young players were quite surprised at the ease and speed with which thisgreat exponent applied his skilful techniques. At theend ofthecourse theplayers aU linedup to be presented wilh a certIficate 10 mark the occasion. follOWIng WhICh, Mr Bemboom the gentleman who had sponsored our stay in Siagharen. and without whom thIS venture would not have been possIble, came along to present all in attendance with a serles of gifts, and thanked us all for our VISit. On behalf of the British Schools Judo Association I would like to offer thanks to all who helped to make this a successful event. To the British Judo Association fOI all their support and adVIce. To Judo Limited who supplied alilhe track· suus and shoes, enabling a 100% Iurn oUllor our party. plusbadgesand pendants. whlchwe distributed amongst our DUICh counterparts. Our sincere thanks to Mr Bemboom and his Sons. for their generoslly throughout our stay. NEDERLANDS JUDO ASSOCIATION To Anton Geeslnk who organised the competition and the course. and was in v attendance to see that we were well treated BRITISH SCHOOLS JUDO ASSOCIATION during our stay. ToGrahamTurner the British Referee, whodid October 1983 a first'class job along with Corrine Brouwer the Dutch Referee. The British Judo Association party left Pllor to thecompetition MalCollins endJulie To Geoff Edmondson. the Bnllsh Schools Heathrow Airport lit lQ-OOam on the Evans thetwoteamcoaches conducteda short Judo Assocl8tion Secretary, who did all the morning of Frklay, 28th October. en route training session lor theplayers to loosen up. The spade work to get this event started.
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