E1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 19, 2012 founded by their ancestors 142 years ago has hired by David G. Volkert as a project engi- Sixth District of North Carolina, just won its contributed to our society. neer in 1960. third straight state high school football cham- The most notable member of the family was Over the last five decades, Mr. King has wit- pionship. This time, however, the title capped Colonel John Stevens III. During the Revolu- nessed many changes in the Mobile- a perfect 15–0 season. tionary War, he was appointed to be a captain headquartered engineering company which On December 1, 2012, the Nighthawks of in Washington’s Army at age twenty-seven. has grown to become one of the top-ranked Northern Guilford High School defeated Char- Later he was promoted to Colonel, and col- engineering, planning, and environmental con- lotte Catholic 64–26 to capture its third con- lected taxes for the American cause as Treas- sulting firms in the United States. secutive NCHSAA Class 3–AA championship. urer of New Jersey. After the war in 1784, he Keith served as president from 1983 until Senior T.J. Logan led the way by rushing for purchased land that is now Hoboken, and in- 2007 and CEO until 2011. Volkert, Inc. has an unbelievable 510 yards and scoring eight cludes the current campus for Stevens Insti- grown continuously and opened operations touchdowns. This was the third straight title for tute of Technology. centers in 11 States employing over 600 asso- longtime Head Coach Johnny Roscoe. In In 1798, Colonel Stevens was the first in- ciates. 2010, Northern Guilford went 14–2 to win the ventor to build and sail a steamboat on the As an accomplished professional engineer, first championship. In 2011, the Nighthawks Hudson River. The Colonel’s boiler design, his licensed in eight States, Keith King has ob- completed a 14–1 season to secure its second twin screw propellers, and the steam ferry he tained national recognition for many of the straight title. This year, no one stopped the ran between Hoboken and New York were projects he has engineered and managed. He Nighthawks on the way to a 15–0 season that among his many outstanding ‘‘firsts.’’ His was Chief Engineer for the Interstate 10 Twin culminated in their third crown in three years. steam ship, the Phoenix, captained by his son Bridges over Mobile Bay, which was named What is left for Northern Guilford to accom- Robert was also the first steamship to sail the one of the Ten Outstanding Engineering ocean, in 1809. On land, Colonel Stevens pur- plish following this three-year run? I’m sure Achievements of 1978 by the National Society Coach Roscoe, always the perfectionist, could chased the first American locomotive, the of Professional Engineers (NSPE). ‘‘John Bull.’’ The John Bull is now on display point to many areas for improvement during He was principal-in-charge of the Alabama the season and the title contest. But it is hard at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, State Docks’ McDuffie Coal Export Facility DC. to argue against perfection. I think Ed Hardin, Project, which in 1984 received the Engineer- the outstanding sports columnist for the The Colonel’s sons also developed an apti- ing Excellence Award from the American Con- tude for innovative engineering. His son Rob- (Greensboro) News & Record stated it best: sulting Engineers Council of Alabama. ‘‘We might never see anything like this again ert invented the T-rail for railroads, which is In 1992, Volkert’s Cochrane/Africatown still in use today on railroads throughout the in these parts,’’ Hardin wrote, ‘‘and in the com- U.S.A. Bridge over the Mobile River was ing years we’ll look back and debate about world. Robert also invented the ferry slip, a named one of the Outstanding Engineering supporting iron rod for projecting guard beams this team. Was it the best we ever saw? Was Achievements by NSPE and received the Fed- the remarkably talented (T.J.) Logan the best on steamboats, and made several other im- eral Highway Administration Award of Excel- provements to ferries and steamboats. A sec- player we ever produced in Guilford County? lence. You could make that argument. The game ond son, Edwin A. Stevens, founded the uni- All three of these projects are in the State versity as a part of his estate. Edwin built and played out like the season. Fast start, con- of Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame. Mr. founding moments and then brilliance.’’ operated New Jersey’s first railroad. His ex- King, himself was inducted in 2001 and That brilliance was a team effort all the way periments also resulted in the iron-clad war- Volkert, Inc. was honored in 2002. and led by Coach Roscoe, who has been ship. A third son, John Cox Stevens, was a Keith has worked hard to improve the areas around football for four decades. Coach Ros- sailor and joined the syndicate that built the of licensure, continuing professional develop- coe was ably assisted by Brian Thomas, Ben schooner ‘‘America’’ and became the first win- ment, ethical standards, and professionalism. Hepler, Richard Burton, Todd Sharp, Lee ner of the famed America’s Cup racing series. His involvement includes two terms on the Meekins, Chris Vaughan, Chris Harris, and He also founded the New York Yacht Club Alabama Licensure Board, the Business Justin Davis. All of these coaches will tell you and this year was inducted into the Yachting Council of Alabama (Chairman, 2000–2001); that the Nighthawks’ perfect season was also Hall of Fame, on October 13, 2012 at a cere- Alabama Society of Professional Engineers due to the fine efforts provided by Team Train- mony held in New Orleans, Louisiana. (President); National Society of Professional er Justin Ollis, Assistant Trainer Valerie Smith, Other notable Stevens family descendants Engineers (NSPE) (Vice President-Southeast; Team Physician Kirstin Shepperson and Team throughout the years include former Member Chairman, National Membership Committee Managers Jenne Livingston, Sydney Monroe, of Congress, Millicent Fenwick (R–NJ), who and Licensure and Qualifications for Practice Taylor Phillips, Ashlyn Thomas, and Mercedes was also appointed by President Reagan as Committee); Fellow Member of American Soci- Wiglesworth, along with Ball Boy Britt Thomas. the first U.S. Ambassador to the Food and Ag- ety of Civil Engineers and NSPE; Member of riculture Organization in Rome, a U.S. Ambas- the American Consulting Engineers Council. Every one of the 2012 champion Night- sador to Spain, a casualty and a survivor from He remains actively involved with Auburn hawks can take pride in the completion of this the Lusitania, a member of the first class of University, where he has chaired the Auburn perfect season. They include: Tre Purcell, C.J. the Naval Academy in Annapolis, the current Alumni Engineering Council and served on the Freeman, Brett Welch, Cameron Harris, Mook CEO of Habitat for Humanity International and Auburn University Board of Directors. Reynolds, Robert Willcox, T.J. Logan, AJ more. On behalf of the people of south Alabama, Love, Nick Jones, Austin Coltrane, Justin Wal- I applaud the John Stevens Family for all of I extend heartfelt congratulations to Keith and lace, Daniel Kelly, Matt Page, Burney Sindab, their contributions and ask my colleagues to his lovely wife, Julia, as well as their entire Tucker Hord, Molick Scott, Chris Ripberger, join me in recognizing their great accomplish- family. Additionally, I wish them both a long Malik Parker, Matthew McGarry, Max May- ments. I wish them all continued success and and happy retirement, including plenty of nard, Rory Bergen, Bernard Sindab, T.J. Ruff, thank them for their dedication to making New deep-sea fishing. Josh Parker, Johnny Loflin, Jacob King, Ryan Jersey and our country greater for future gen- Johnston, Nick Fryer, Mason Monroe, f erations. TyShawn Reese, Austin Simmons, Josh Cov- f CONGRATULATING THE NIGHT- ington, Max Klietsch, Dylan Hakala, Trey HAWKS OF NORTHERN GUILFORD French, Eric Hong, Josh Steele, Kamen Smith, TRIBUTE TO KEITH KING HIGH SCHOOL Chris Forlano, Trevor McKee, Steven Branz, Jalen Hollins, Malik Hampton-Prioleau, An- HON. JO BONNER drew Keen, John Wagoner, Tristen Simmons, OF ALABAMA HON. HOWARD COBLE OF NORTH CAROLINA Alex Hasler, Carlos Williams, Terrell Headen, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bret Unkel, and Duncan Taylordean. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, December 19, 2012 A winning season also requires support Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- from school administrators and leaders and nize and congratulate a distinguished member Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, there is an old Northern Guilford has a winning team there, of the Alabama business community, Mr. Keith saying that goes, the ‘‘third time is a charm.’’ too. Congratulations are appropriate for Prin- King, P.E., who is soon to retire from Volkert In the case of the football team at Northern cipal Will Laine, Assistant Principals Doug & Associates, Inc., after 52 years of service. Guilford High School, the new expression Foutty and Travis Ward, and Athletic Director A 1958 graduate of Auburn University’s should be, the ‘‘third time is perfection.’’ That Brian Thomas. All can take pride in three School of Civil Engineering, Keith King was is because this football team, located in the straight state championships. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:24 Dec 20, 2012 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19DE8.004 E19DEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with.
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