BEATLES TALK ABOUT "MYSTERY 'lOUR" MUSIC 10 Weekly CENTS Volum~ 8 No . 16 Week Ending December 16th. 1967 HOORAY fOR CANADIAN .PRoGRAMMIRS should not be ridiculed by careless EDITORIAL alike. Their work and their efforts the time to praise certain aspects of take them only where they are needed. the recording. airplay of what some have termed a A number of ·Canad ian radio stations Through their untiring devotion to As the big season approaches tasteless record, and the conserva­ have taken a stand on "Hooray For the needy, many drunks, derelicts, for the Sally Ann to canvass, most tiveness of Canadians probably w'i II The Sa Ivation Army Band" by Bill and other unfortunates have been heavi Iy, for funds to fur ther their not endorse a wholesale on-air satur­ Cosby and have refused to program assisted back into society. good work, and as their bands will ation of a sad note toward the Sa Iva­ what many feel is a controversial Far be it for The Army it­ be playing through the festive season, tion ~ Army as the joyou s season ap· record. self to make any comment, good or this is suff ici~nt reason 'not' to do proaches - Through the years, the Sal­ bad, and their silence even further anyth ing that might ridicu Ie their While playing what the listen­ vation Army has gained the respect endears their efforts to many. They efforts or their musicianship. Their er~ want to hear, let's not impose of millions and is held in the highest wi lion Iy indicate mi Idly that they bands have V(on many honours through­ upon the ' public that which they will regard by Christian and non-Christian aren't pleased and even then take out the world. Theirs is the work that only mildly accept. Severa I programmers have a 1- ready indicated that they aren't anx­ iou s to enter any controversy. Allied -C Arc -D Finally, we are not censors CMS -E Capitol -F nor bigots. We are here to indicate *MONSTER Caravan -G action on a s ingle and if the action Columb ia - H 1{ BOUNDER Compo -J comes on this one, we will report it London -K • BOTH SIDES Phonodisc -L THE WAY IT IS . Quality - M Rca Vi ctor -N Sparton --0 NLY SINGLE SURVEY WBIl Arts -p Compiled from Record , company, record stores and radio personality reports ' Bruner To Rep Cash Box (Canada) 2 12 DAYDREAM BEUEVER *34 46 61 CHATTANOOGA CHOO CHOO *6786 93 LOVE WAS HERE BEFORE THE STARS Mon kees-Co Igems-1 0 12-N Harpers B izarre-WB-7090-P Brion Foley-Ka pp-861-L Toronto: Freelance music industry 2 1 4 LAZY DAY 35 42 54 SUMMER RAIN ' 687077 GOIN' BACK Spanky & Our 'Gang-Mercury-72732 -M writer, Miss Lori Bruner, has been Johnny Rivers-lmperia l -G6267-K Byrd soc olumb ia-4436 2-H 3 8 17 STAGGER LEE appointed by Cash Box, the inter­ h 49 64 THE OTHER MAN'S GRASS *6991 97 Wilson Pickett-Atlantic -2448-M I'LL BE SWEETER TOMORROW IS ALWAYS GREENER 0' Joys-Be 11-6 91-M national music- record weekfy, as 4 4 7 I SAY A LITTLE PRAYER Petula Clark-WB-7097-P their new Canadian correspondenL Dionne Warwick-Scepter-12203-M * 70 90 --- SUSAN *Y 50 62 DIFFERENT DRUM Buc k ingham s -Colum b ia-44378-H Miss Bruner has been 'Jctive­ * 5 14 29 I HEARD IT THROUGH Stone Poneys-Capitol-2004-F * 71 --- --- AND GET AWAY - THE GRAPEVINE- *38 56 58 HONEY CHILE E squ ires -Bunky.77 52-G ly engaged in the music industry for G,ladys Knight-Soul-35039-L Martha & The Vandellas-Gorciy -7697-L *72 --- --- GREEN TAMBOURINE the past decade, As well, Miss Bruner 6, 6 8 NEXT PLAN E TO LONDON *39 55 63 PEACE OF MIND Lemon Pipers-Buddah-23-M represents varied other news media Rose Garden-Atco-6510-M Paul Revere & Raid~rs-Columbia-44335-H 73 73 _. - BEHIND EVERY MAN pertaining to the music industry , She * 7, 32 65 HELLO GOODBYE 40 36 37 FLYING ON THE GROUND IS WRONG Checker lad s -R ca-3443-N Beat les-Capito 1-2056-F The Guess Who -Qual ity-1890-M 74 84 91 WINDY will continue to locate at Suite 107, * 8 24 33 MASSACHUSETTS 41 3940 WATCH THE FLOWERS GROW Wes , Mon tg omery -A& M-883-M 1560 Bayview Ayenue, Toronto 17, The Bee Gees-Atco-6532-M 4 Seasons-Philips-40490-K * 75 93 --- LOVE ME TWO TIMES 9 3 1 PLEASE LOVE ME FOREVER 42 54 60 RED AND BLUE Doors-E lektra-45624-C Bobby Vinton -Epic -10228-H Dove Clork Five-Capitol-72515-F 76 77 85 COVER ME *10 21 32 IN AND OUT OF LOVE ' *43 5767 WHAT'S IT GONNA BE Percy Sledge-Atlantic-2453-M Dianna Ross & The Supremes­ Mulligan To Du sty S prin gfie Id-Ph iii ps -40498-K Motown-1116 -L 77 87 96 BABY YOU GOT IT 44 53 56 I'M SO PROUD Bren t on Wood-Double Sh ot - 121-J 11 5 2 RAIN PARK & OTHER THINGS Ke ith -Mere ury -7 27 46-K Cows i Il s-MGM -1381 O-M *78 --- --- DEAR ELOISE Apple Opening 45 45 46 MR DREAM MERCHANT Hollies-E pic-1 0251-H *12 25 31 YOU BETTER SIT DOWN KIDS Jerry Butler-Mercury-72751-K Cher-Im peria 1-66 261-K *7996 --- IT'S WONDERFUL Vancouver, B ,C: Terry Mulligan, who *46 59 £\2 BABY NOW ,THAT I'VE FOUNDYOU , Young RO"scals-Atlantic-24 63-M 13 7 5 SOUL MAN F oun dations -Py e-827 -C is fast becoming the most popular Sam & Dove -S t ax -231-M *80 --- --- IN ANOTHER LAND * 47 6 1 72 PONY WITH THE GOLDEN MANE Bill Wyman -London -907- K MOT radio personality on the west 141 0 19 PAPER CUP Every Mothers' Son-MGM-13844 -M Fifth Dimension-Soul City -760-K 81 8 1 --- HI GH AND MIGHTY coast with his daily afternoon *48 63 80 WEAR YOUR LOVE LIKE HEAVEN K eepsake-R c a-3442-N 15 9 11 PATA PATA Donovan -E pic-1 0253-H drive hom-e show (CKLG 3-6 PM) is Miriam Makeba-Reprise-0606-P *82 --- --- NOBODY BUT ME *49 6792 TOO MUCH OF NOTHING Human Bienz-Copitol-5990-F off for London, England this week *16 34 45 SKINNY LEGS AND ALL Peter Paul & Mary-WB-7092-P Joe Tex-Dial-4063-K *83 --- --- STORYBOOK CHILDREN with a CBC crew, to get the first 50 6066 TEN LITTLE INDIANS Vera & Clay-Atlantic-2445-M 17 22 23 BEG BORROW AND STEAL Y ardb ird s -c a p itol -725 18-F hand facts of the opening of The Ohio Express-Cameo-483-M 84 85 9-9 OOH BABY *51 6584 OKOLONA RIVER BOTTOM ROAD Dean Jackson-Atco-2537-M Apple, This Beatles idea of a mad 18 2030 KEEP THE BALL ROLLING Bobbie Gentry -Cap itol-2044-F J oy & The Techniques -S mash -2124-M 858999 LOVE POWER mad clothing store will have it's *5266 95 IF I COULD BUILD MY WHOLE Sandpipers-Tran s World-1'689-G *194042 I SECOND THAT EMOTION opening at the famous Baker St , WORLD AROUND YOU 86 --- .--.PIECE OF MY HEART Smokey Robinson & The Miracle s Morvin Gaye & Tommy Terrell Erma Franklin-Shout-221-C location, Saturday 'OeL 3, . Tamla-54159-L Tamla-54151 - L 2028 35 NEON RAINBOW 87 88 90 REACH OUT FOR ME The idea of the clothing 48 48 Box Tops-Mala-580 -M 53 JEZEBEL Burt B ac harach -A&M-888-M Witness Inc-Apex-77063-J s tore, which by the way is managed *21 47 59 BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE 88 99 --- DETROIT CITY *54 68 '83 FELICIDAD Kenny 0' De Ii -B arry .- 3486-M Solomon Burke-Atlantic-2459-M by Barry Finch, who was born in Solly Field-Colgems-1008-N Bobby Vee-Liberty -56009-K 89 94 98 PEOPLE IN ME Port Dover, Ontario, is to introduce *5572 79 BOOGALOO DOWN BROADWAY 22 11 3 SHE IS STILL A MYSTERY A Passing Fancy-Columbia-4-2772-H some very wild yet exceptionally Lovin' Spoonful-Kama Sutra-239-M Fantastic Johnny C-Barry-3483-M 90 --- --- INSANITY COMES QUIETLY practical fashions for the young *23 58 69 WOMAN WOMAN 56 62 78 0-0 I LOVE YOU TO THE RUPTURED MIND Union Gap-Columbia-44297-H De 110 -Cadet-557 4 -L Jon is lan.Verve/F orecast-5072-G adults. Prices will not be exorbi­ 24 12 6 GLAD TO BE UNHAPPY *57 78 89 TELL MAMA 91 --- _.- BOTTLE OF WINE Etta James-Cadet-5578-L tant and all profits will be turned Mamas & Papas-Dunhill-4107-N F ireballs·Atco-6491-M back into the store, which will in *25 43 53 YESTERDAY 58 95 --. DANCING BEAR 92 --- ._- SNooPY'S CHRISTMAS Ray Charles-Sparton-1641-0 • Mamas & Papas.Dunhill-4113-N Royal Guardsmen-Laurie-3416-M effect keep the prices down, 26 33 43 GEORGIA PINES * 59 --- ._- CHAIN OF FOOLS 9399 --- FLOWER GIRL Should this new Beatles C andymen -S partan -1640-0 Aretha Franklin-Atlantic-2464-M Bill Marion-Nimbus-900 -G venture succeed, it is hoped to Zl 30 36 SHE'S MY GIRL 6069 94 SINCE YOU SHOWED ME 94 --- --- ALONE IN MY ROOM - Turtles-White Whale-260-M HOW TO BE HAPPY Willie & TheWalkers-Capitol-72516-F create a chain of like stores in Jackie Wilson-Brunswick-55354-J 28 13 10 YOUR PRECIOUS LOVE , 95 --- _.- BEND ME SHAPE ME many countries of the world, Morvin Gaye & Tammy Terrel *61 97 --.
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