Published by Linda Parker, Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large, University of Wisconsin System 112A Mcrnorial Library 728 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (608) 263- 5754 a curren ng of contents Volume 2, Number 1, 1982 Periodical 1 i terature is the cuttina edoe of women ' s 'studies schol arshi uL .- feminist theory, and much of women's cur ture. Feminist Periodical s : A Current Listinq of Contents is published by the Office of the Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large on a quarterly basis with the intent of in- creasing pub1 ic awareness of feminist periodicals. It'is our hope that Feminist Periodicals will serve several purposes: to keep the reader abreast of current topics in feminist 1i terature; to increase readers ' familiarity with a wide spectrum of feminist periodicals; and to pro- vide the requisite bi bl iographic information should a reader wish to subscribe to a journal or to obtain a particular article at her library or through interlibrary loan. (Users will need to be aware of the limitations of the new copyright law with regard to photocopying of copyrighted materials. ) Table of contents pages from current issues of major feminist journals are reproduced in each issue of Feminist Periodicals. These are preceded by a briefly annotated listing of the journals we- have selected. This 1 isting provides the following information on each journal (as avai lab1e) : Year of first publ ication. Frequencv of publ ication. Subscription price(s). Subscription address. Current editor. Editorial address (if different from subscription address). International Standard Serial s Number ( ISSN) . Library of Congress (LC) catalog card number. OCLC, Inc. Control Number. Locations where the journal is held in the UW system. Publications in which the journal is indexed, Subject focus/statement of purpose of the journal. Please note that in.the actual text, only the numbers 1 to 72 are used to identify the different categories of information. Interested readers will find more complete information on feminist periodicals in Guide to Nomen ' s Pub1 ishi np by Pol ly Joan and Andrea Chesman (Dustbooks ,1978)nd in Women's Periodicals and Newspapers: A Union List of the Holdings of Madi son Area Li braries , edi ted by James P. Dan ky , compiled by Maureen E. Hady, Barry Christopher Naona, and Neil E. Strache (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1981; due 1982). Suggestions for improvement of Feminist Periodicals are gratefully received. We would particularly appreciate assistance from readers in the UW Systeri with our efforts to keep the holdings information complete and up-to-d3te. Please let us know about new subscriptions, subscriptions we have overlooked, cancellations, or other pertinent information. Feminist Periodicals is available free of charge from: Linda Parker, Women ' s Studies Li brarian-at-Large, 112A Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin, 53706. Phone: (608) 263-5754. Compilers: Carolyn Platt, A. Porter 0' Neil1 Graphics : Catharina Shimert BREAD AND ROSES. 9. OCLC 3232386. 1. 1977. 10. Madison. 2. Quarterly. 11. A1 ternative Press Index. 3. S5 (indiv.), $8 (inst.). 12. Poetry; short fiction; novel .excerpts; drama ; 4. P.O. Box 1230, Nadlson, Wisconsin, 53703. critical articles; rtv.Ierrs. "Eondftions is 5. Editorial staff of six women. a magazine of women's wrttfng with an em~ha- 7. ISSN 0197-5927. sis on writing by lesbians." 10. Madison. 12, Features; editorials; revf ews ; news briefs; CONNEIIONS : AN INTERNATTONAL WOMEN 'S QUARTERLY fiction; poetry; photography and graphics. 1. 1981. ". founded with the expressed purpose of 2. Quarterly. establ f shing a Ridwest-based journal to focus 3. U.S.: $10 (indiv.), $20 (inst.). - on cultural, political and social concerns of 4. 4228 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, CA 94609. American women." 5. Editorial collective. 9. 801 5674. CALYX: 4 JOURNAL OF ART AND LITERATURE BY WOMEN. 12. ". the collective product of feminists of 1. 1976. diverse nationalities and political perspec- 2. 3/year. ti ves comitted tcl contributing to an inter- 3. $10. Sfngle copies: 33.50. national women's movement. " Each issue 4. P.O. Box 8. Corvallis, Oregon. 97330. focuses on a specific theme through feature 5. Barbara Bal &in. Maraarita Donne1 1Y. Meredith art-lcles, interviews and personal narratives, Jenkins. often translated from foreign-language pub- 7. 1SSN 0147-1627. 1ications. 8. LC 77-649570. 9. OCLC 31 14927. FMINARY: A FEMINIST JOURNAL FOR ME SOUTH 10. Madison. DZPHASIZIRG ME LESBIAN VISION. 12. Poetry; fiction; art; graphics. 1. 1970. 2. 3/year. CAMERA OSSCURA: A JOURNAL OF FEMINISM AND FILM 3. 56.50 (indiv.). $13 (inst.). Slnsle- copies: THEOR+. 52.50 plus 50t-postage. 1. 1976. 4. P.O. 80x 954, Chaoei Hill. N.C. 27514. 2. 3/year. Editorial coitective. 3. $9 {indiv.), $18 (inst.). Single copies 33. Madison. 4. P.O. Box 4517. 8erkele.y. CA 94704. Articles; personal narratives ; journal 5. Camera 0bscura to11 ective: Janet Bergstrom, excerpts; letters; short ffction; poetry; Elizabeth Lyon, Constance Penley. drawings; photographs. ". a lesbfan fem- 7. ISSN 481843. inist journal for the South . produced 9. LC sc79-4979. by a lesbian feminlst collective . As . 10. Madison. Southerners, as 1es bians , and as women, we 11. Abstracts of Popular Culture; Film Literature need to explore with others haw our lives fft rndex. tnto a region about which we have great am- 12. Film theory and history; feminist theory; blvalences--to share our anger and our love." psychoanalytic theory; Narxist theory; photo- graphy; video and perfarinance. FEMINIST COLLECT IONS : WOMEN'S STUDIES LIBRARY RESOURCES IN WISCONSIN. CONCERNS: NEWSLETTER OF :HE WOMEN'S CAUCUS OF THE 1. 1980. WODEZN LANGUAGES. 2. Quartefy. 1. 1977. - 3. Free of charge. 2. Quarter1y . 4. 112A Memorlal Library, 728 State Street, 3. $10. Madison, Wlscmsin, 53706. 4. El izabeth Meese, Director of Women's Studies, 5. Linda Parker. Wamen's Studfes Librarian-at- University of Alabama, Unf versf ty, Alabama, Large and Catherine Loeb, Women's Studies 35486. Specialist. 5. Katherine Combellic-Bidney and Pat Quinn. 9. 6467769. 6. 68 Murray St., Apt. 2, Binghamton, NY. 13905. 12. Ed1 toriais ; features; news ; bibliographies ; 9. OCLC 2259670. book reviews. Focus on feminist 1 ibrarfan- " 10. Madison. ship, pub1 fshing. booksell ing, archiving, 12. Neks of the Modern Language Association, fea- researching--both in Wisconsin and national- tures; bibliographies; job information. ly. Review essays strive to provide a guide to the literature on a particrrlar . topic (e.g. sociobiology; women in devel- opment; western women; lesbian studfes; black 2. Semiannual. women; feminist science fiction). 3. $8 (indiv.), 515 (inst.). Sfngle copies: $3. 4. P.O. Box 56, Van Brunt Station, Brooklyn, NY, 11715 5. Elly Bul kin, Jan Clausen, Irena Klepfisz, Rjma Shore. 7. ISS~ 0147-8311. 8. LC 77-641895, FWINIST ISSUES 4. Ftonti,ers, Glornen Studies Program, University 1. 1980. of Colorado. Soulder, CO 80309. 2. 3/year. 5. Editorial Board. %naging Editor: Kathi S15 (indiv. 1, $25 (inst.). Sfngle copies: George. 35 (indiv.), $9 (inst. I. 7. ISSN 0160-9009. Feminist Issues, Transaction Periodicals 8. LC ~~78-317. Consortium, Rutgers Universt ty, New arunnri cP 9. OCtC 2586280. N.J., 08903. 10. Eau Claire; Madison; Hi ll~aukee; Parkside; Mary Jo LakeTand and Susan Ellis '4olf. Stevens Point. ~emjnistissues, 2948 Hi1 1egass, Barkel ey , 11. Uomen Studies Abstracts; American gumanities 3, 94705. [ndex ; kuman Resources Abstracts ; Hi siorica 1 7. iSSN 0270-6679. Abstracrs . 10. Madison. 12. Feature articles; book reviews; poetry; short 12. A journal of feminist social and political fiction. Each issue focuses cn a tnerne, e.g., theary, !$ith aphasis on an International women ' s oral history; mothers 2nd daughters ; exchange of ideas. It includes articles by women as verbal artists; who speaks For the English-language feminists as well as trans- women's movement; lesbian hisrory. "T'ne con- lations of feminist texts by women of other tinuing goal of Frontiers is to publish a countries. journal which briages tne gao between univer- sity and community women; to find a balance FEMINIST REYIM. between academic and pooular views on issues 7 1979. cornnun to wornen. " -. ~ U.S.: 515 (indiv.); 536 (inst.). Single copies: HECATE: A WOMEN 'S lNTEROf SCIPCINARY JOURNAL. 56-00. 1. 1975. 65 Manor Road. London #I6 58H Enuiand. 2. Semiannual. Editorial collective, 3. U.S.: 55 (fndiv.), 510 (inst.). Single copies: [SSN 0141-7789. 92.50. 8. LC 80-647745. 4. P.O. Box 99, St. Lucta, 8risbane. C!ueansland, 9. CCLC 6191763. 4067, Austral ia. 12. "To develop the theory of !domen's Liberation 5. Carole Ferrier. and debate the political perspectives and 7. ISSN 031 1-4198. *strategy of the movenent. To be a forum of 9. OCtC 2530248. work in progress and current research and de- 10. Madison, bates in lrlmen's Studies." 11 . Women Studies Abstracts. 12. Historical and critical articles; creative work; graphics; bibliographies; reviews. "~ecafeprints material relating to women. 3/yesr. We are particularly interested in contri- 512 (indiv.), 920 (inst.). Single copies: butions which enploy a feminist, marxist, 55 (indiv.), 58 (inst.). or other radical metSodology to focus on the Hanagf nq Editor, Feniriist Studf es, c/o Women's position of women in relation to patriarchy Studies Program, University of Naryland, and capital ism. " College Park, M0, 30742. 5. Claire 6. ~%ses. HELICON NINE: A JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S ARTS AN0 7. 1SS;l 0046-3663. LET?ERS . 8. LC 5~75-192; 79-645276. 1. 1979. 9. OCLC 337139; 1632509. 2. 3/year. 10. Eau Claire; lhdison; Milwaukee; Platteville; 3. 975 (indiv.). Single copies: 55.50. Stevens Point. 4. Hellcon Nine, Inc., P.O. 80x 22412, Kansas America: Hjstory and Life: American Historical City, MD 64113. Association Recently Published Articlgs; 3uIle- 5. ~l&lsVando Hickok. tin Signaletique-sociologi t; Historica 1 ab- 7.
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