THE VOICE HOI Blseayn* Blvd., Miami 3», tim. Return Pottage Guaranteed VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL II, NO. 37 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy DEC. 2, 1960 Pope Protests Expulsion Of Archbishop By Haiti The Holy See has deplored Prince as he sat in his study purple sash and carried only the unjust and disrespectful by six uniformed gendarmes the passport and an airways treatment given to Archbishop and six members of the secret ticket to Paris which"had been Francois Poirier of Port au police. He was placed immedi- handed to him. ately aboard a plane for Mi- Prince by the Haitian govern- The 56-year-old prelate was ami with no personal effects ment when it expelled him met at the Miami International from Haiti on Thanksgiving Day and no money. Airport by Bishop Coleman F. last week. He wore his white robe with (Continued on Page 13) The Vatican expressed its grief in a telegram sent to the Archbishop in the name of Pope John XXIII by Dom- enico Cardinal Tardini, Vati- can Secretary of State. The wire was sent to Archbishop Poirier in his native France to which he returned after first landing in Miami on his forced flight into exile. The telegram said Pope John "is deeply grieved by the vio- lation of the holy rights of the BANISHED FROM HAITI, Archbishop Francois erck Wass, assistant chancellor, after forced Church." It expressed the Poirier is met at Miami's International Airport flight from Port au Prince. He had no personal Pope's "paternal trust and spe- by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll and Father Fred- possessions but the white robe which he wore. cial appreciation" for the Arch- bishop and told him that the Pope "raises fervent prayers 'CLEAN UP/ MOVIE MAKERS TOLD to the Lord for the beloved peo- ple of Haiti and renews for them his special apostolic bless- ing." Protest Bad Films, U.S. Urged PROMPT PROTEST The Holy See also confirmed WASHINGTON (NO — A called for reform of the code movies of "the sensational pres- that it has appointed Auxiliary committee of U. S. bishops has administration. entation of religion as well as Bishop Remy Augustin of Port au Prince as administrator of added flashes of lightning to the MUST PROTECT YOUTH for its new - found predilection for pornographic and perverted ' that See in the absence of Arch- storm gathering over alleged They also said Hollywood must ARCHBISHOP POIRIER says farewell to Bishop Carroll and come up with a system of self- subject matter." bishop Poirier. Msgr. William Barry, P.A., as he resumes flight to New York sensationalizing in Hollywood classification to protect youths The committee urged Cath- Earlier, L'Osservatore Ro- and then to Paris after expulsion by the Haiti government. Pope films. John has deplored unjust and disrespectful treatment. from material they are not yet olic pastors to explain the. mano had indicated that mature enough to understand. The five bishops who guide Legion of Decency pledge those responsible for the ex- the work of the National Le- The bishops specifically crit- carefully to parishioners, pulsion of the Primate of Hai- gion of Decency charged Hol- icized Hollywood for the "subtle showing that it means both ti have already incurred ex- lywood with "bold departures" and insidious introduction" into (Continued on Page 31) communication. The Vatican City daily declared that "ex- I TOO BUSY TO LEARN? from decency and called for pressions of profound griev- "an unmistakable national pro- 1 ance" had been sent in test" by the country's 40 mil- Pope Denounces 'Deluge prompt protest through dip- If Then Page 7 Is For You) lion Catholics. lomatic channels over the serious incident. Time limited? Need a refresher course in your Catholic \fj»- BisTiops noted they are Of Printed, Filmed Smut Faith? not alone in concern over the VATICAN CITY (NO — Pope justice, brotherhood and peace Archbishop Poirier was seized Then the new Page 7 of The Voice is for you — a capsule moral quality of movies today. John XXIII has urged priests — ultimately corrupts and sta- without warning in Port au "We cite the widespread criti- | course in Catholic Doctrine. and seminarians of Rome to in- pefies good sentiments and cism which recent Hollywood tensify efforts against the "dir- paves the way for the fatal | Vincentian Fathers on the faculty of St. John Vianney Minor film have provoked throughout ty deluge" of material in the germs of dissolution and ruin I Seminary begin a series of articles on the Church, a subject j the entire country," they said. communications fields. ..." Dec. 8 Holyday so widely discussed in recent months. TO RENEW PLEDGE Of Obligation The appeal to Catholics to The Pope, who spoke on the "Modern technology and the \ Father Kilian McGowan, superior of the Passionist Fathers help clean up movies was made regulations of the Roman Sy- superabundance of commodi- The Feast of Our Lady of at their Palm Beach County monastery, tells laymen how i by the Bishops' Committee for nod held last Jan. 25, said ties represent a twofold source the Immaculate Conception, \ to get more living out of life, how to make daily life happier j Motion Pictures, Radio and Tel- he is grateful for "the prac- of danger," the Pope contin- patroness of the Diocese of I and God-centered. tice and progress of high lit- evision little more than a week ued. Miami and the United States, \ Father James J. Walsh continues his avidly-read series on before the day, Dec. 11, when erary, scientific, moral and will be observed on Thurs- "These dangers are found in the problems of life in a non-Catholic environment. Catholics are invited to sub- religious production" in vari- day, Dec. 8 and is a holiday i . an artificial reproduction scribe to the pledge of the Le- ous media of communications. I Msgr. J. D. Conway, nationally syndicated columnist, gives or malicious publication of of obligation. gion of Decency. i factual and thorough answers to questions of his troubled "But how poor our part still subtle intellectual and moral de- Solemn Pontifical Mass | leaders. The bishops charged Holly- is," he stated, "when compared viations and — more concrete will be sung by Bishop Cole- wood with allowing its own with the immense and dirty — in the errors and evils that man F. Carroll at 6 p.m. Do you know your Catholic Faith? Try the quizzer on deluge of printed and audio- productfon code to be com- have existed through the ages Thursday in St. Mary Cathe- I the same page. promised and boastfully ignor- visual production the world over, from the very beginning, and dral. Be better informed. Be thoroughly Catholic in your think- ed by some filmmakers. which — instead of elevating their visual reproduction and souls and nations to the know- duplication by means of the Wednesday, Dec. 7, the ing. Noting the U. S. hierarchy's ledge, love and worship of press and movies, which end- vigil of the feast is a day of Ten minutes on Page 7 weekly will do it. Begin now! support of self-regulation, rather God, instead of raising them to lessly multiply their images and complete fast and abstin- than legal action, the prelates tcuth, kindness, pure beauty, attractions." ence. Latin America In UN Votes. Courses For CCD Teachers On God's Side, Bishop States Set Dec. 26-30 At Barry WASHINGTON (NC)—Mutual Week - long training courses classes will be conducted from aid between the United States for persons who will teach in 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily in and Latin America must be Bishops Call For ^ the Confraternity of Christian Adaptive Way Methods used at inspired by religious motives, a Doctrine program wil be held .bishop, said-'at the 51st annual 'Renewed Zeal' at Barry College from Dec. 26 the high school level and train- Pan American Mass in St. Pat- to 30. ing will be given in executive rick's Church. < In CCD Work z board activities. The courses will enable co- Auxiliary Bishop Philip M. WASHINGTON (NC) — The operating parishes to increase ELIGIBLE TO APPLY Hannan of Washington declar- Bishops' Committee for the Con- the number of trained teach- Also daily, except Dec. 26, ed that mutual assistance giv- fraternity of Christian Doctrine ers who voluntarily give re-, the morning sessions will be Iigious instructions to Cath- en without religious motives has called for 'renewed zeal' by devoted to elementary ad- can make only accomplices; CCD members during the cur- olic children who attend public school. vanced Adaptive Way Mta-iuds. not friends. .. rent ( anniversary year. ' Morning sessions will'be held The teacher - training pro- The Bishop spoke before a "An active CCD is a must if from 9 a.m. to Noon. distinguished congregation of we are to offer formal religious gram will be conducted on two Latin American ambassadors education to the millions who levels. One course will coyer Registration forms for the and other embassy officials, cannot benefit from cur Cath- the "Adaptive- Way Methods" course are available through plus ranking U. S. representa- olic school system,", said a spe- of teaching children of elemen- parish units of the Confrater- tives. cial statement issued by Bishop tary and high school age. The nity. Men and women of all Charles P. Greco of Alexand- N. C. Photo second course will cover advan- parishes in the diocese are Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, ria, ced "Adaptive Way Methods" eligible to apply. the Apostolic Delegate to the TEACHING SISTERS of Saginaw (Mich.) diocese inspected a.
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