The Franklin NEWS-RECORD Ente~daa ueaondalan. mutteron Suly$, 1961 10~ per copy eeL. 14, NO. 20 atthep0itOfficelnSomeriehNe*Jerny, SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1968 Park ::!,:: Project Industrial Zone Extension? Council May Act May 23 i<:i Boosted ilii~! Opponentsof an ordinancethat for zone between an industrial ship plans to have the developer acres, "I think you should send it would rezone 400 acres of land zone and a residential zone. pay for bringing these facilities back to the Planning Board for forindustrial use spent90 minutes i Mayor Robert Pierry agreed onto and across the property. alternatives," he said. White Residents Thursday convincing Township that the tract wasn’t included in But does anyone think that Mr. At one point, Mr. Pucillo brist- ICouncilthat it waswise, politically the plan, but said that didn’t mean Callwill be selllngit for$6,500 led when Mr. Naruta said that one Want More Town at least,to postponetaking a final it wasn’t an appropriatechange. an acre, asked Mr. Naruta."There parcel of land was not included vote for adoption. His argumentwas that the town- is no guaranteethat he will.We in the rezoningbecause it belonged Help For Negroes But whether their arguments a- shipneeded attractive light indus- rezonefor cheap land and won’tto Mr.Pucillo and to PhilipLevin, rezoning "Do you know how much of that gainst of land adjacent tryas a taxratable and that "Mr. get it." to theSomerset Valley Industrial Calltold Council that he hadtwo Mr. Buckley told Council I own," demandedMr. pucillo. Last Thursday,Franklin Town- Campus actually changed any he or threepeople llned up," thought they shouldrezone a srnaI-WhenMr. Naruta said no hehadn’t shipCouncil was again asked what mindsor onlygained a momentary Althoughthe land is unimproved checked, he was told "three and was being done for Negroesin. delaywill be decided at the Coun- now, said the Mayor,sewer and ler areaand if it attractsindus- a half acres~tMr, Lovin owns el- Franklin.Similar questions have cil sessionnext Thursday. waterare nearby and that the town- trialfirms, then rezone addltional most all of satd Mr. Puclllo. been asked before, and last week Led by Alex Narutaand William The Naruta forces argued that the answersremained basically Buckley,both from a groupcalled the rezontng is !n the probable the same. "Citizensfor SoundZoning," the area of Interstate Route 95 and The big difference this timewas opponentsbased their opposition that white residents were asking that zoningshould be deferred on two points: the change violates untilthe exact alignment is known. the questions about the Hamilton the recently adopted Franklin Mas- Park Youth Development Project "Recentinformation indicates ter Plan, and there is already that this road is of secondary and other programs aimed at the sufficient industrial land available importanceto the state.Franklin black community. Banding Together in Franklin, can’t wait for the state to make The questions, most of them The land set for rezonlng from concerning the priorities and lead- contingentto Phoenix,Ariz. fromits spring band concert to up its mind," said the mayor, Sue Willard,Sgt. Major of agricultural-residentialis along reiteratinghis argumentsthat the ership of the Council, dominated the Franklin High School Mrs. Bertram Jones, left, aid theGolden Warriors intheir ElizabethAvenue. Joseph CaU of thehour-long public portion of the treasurer of the MacAfee PTA defense ofthetrnattonal march- townshipmust attract industry If Golden Warrior Band accepts Kenilworth,the owner of 200acres, thetax rate Is to be heldnear the meeting. a checkfrom John ~I. o~/n.iban of and Thomas DelCasale,prin- ing bandchampionship title at requestedthe zoning change.A Several womenquestioned the the MacAfeeRoad Sch0~1 ’Band clpallook on. The elementary the annual Jaycee convert- realtorand land developer,h~ presentlevel. prioritieson which Councilwas to help send the high school school earmarked proceeds tlonthis June. claimsto havetwo or threefirms An ordlnanceto rezoneas busi- spendingmoney, claimingthat interestedin locatingthere. nessan areaof’Easton Avenue be- someof It would produce more re- Franklin’s efforts to "send the band to Phoenix" will have to Councilmendefended the ordln- tweenthe Franklin State Bank and sults in the Hamilton ParkproJect. be increasedby at leastten per cent. anceas theresult of considerable McAtser’s Restaurant was also Mrs. Gayle Blundell questioned Hearing Set The GoldenWarrior band will get to the nationalJaycee con- study by themselvesand by the introduced. Councilman Bruce the $20,000 expenditure for codi- ventionnext month to defendits championship as the nation’sbest Planning Board. Mayor Robert Williams noted that it was already fication of local laws, and several marchingband only if $32,000is raised,Right now, the band PlerrY noted the high cost of in- used primarilyfor businessand peoplecontrasted the Council’sFor Accused fundsits at about$20,000 with less than one month to go. dustrial land in the township and thatrezoning would eliminate the supportfor the FranklinHigh On Saturday,May 25, yet anotherlocal business will help by said this additionwould create need for a varianceeveryfime a Schoolband with that for the black declaringa "bandday" and sharingits profits.Hamilton Lanes competitionand, hopefully, bring firmwished to makesome changes community. Trooper willgive the band all the money it takesin on therental of bowling downthe price. to itsstructure. When a suggestionwas made to shoesand tees/or using lanes (except for league bowling events.) Mr, Naruta disputed this, and starta funddrive for the project The SomersetCounty Grand Jury If you don’twant to go bowlingwith the familybetween 1 p.m. engaged in a long and loud argu- A resolution authorizing appli= likethat which is raising$30,000 ment with Councilman Joseph Pu- cationto the federal Housingand willconvene tomorrow at I0 a.m. andclosing time, you can stillbuy a bumpersticker, donate cash, Urban DevelopmentDepartment to sendthe bandto PhoenixAriz. in the countycourthouse to hear or helpby planningyour own fund raising project. ctllo over the price of land in to defendits Jayceechampion- chargesof atrociousassault and foracquisition of a portionof the Call Mrs. HarryStilwell, 8 Doris Road,Middlebush for more Franklin. "RCA tract"off DeMottLane was ship,some blackresidents pro- battery broughtby Mrs. Sadie information. Land prices are comparable with tested.They claimedthat whati Mitchellagainst Trooper Arthur surroundingtowns he said, butde- approved.The land wouldbe used wasvitally necessary was official clinedto give an actualprice, for a park. CouncilmanLeonard Wardel in connectionwith the Vilerabstained. leadershipand supportfrom the April"21arrest of herson, George c~aimingthat threerealtors had Council. notyet given him the data.He said CouncilmanHarry Stilwell,a Sutton, (Student) Council Calls Accordingto theresolution, the Witnessesto thearrest in front he knew of land that Mr. Buckley amountrequested is $145,150to leadingforce in theBand Parents had for sale at around $6,500 an Association,took exception to re-of the First BaptistChurch in coverhalf the cost,Green Acres acre. moneywould pay the otherhalf. marksabout the band, statingthat Franklin have claimed that Wardle Mr.Pucillo said that recent land it was the best communityrela= used excessiveforce in the ar- For New Township Hall Mr. Vilercontended that costto of Sutton,a Negroand former saleshad been for about$I0,000 thetownship would be substantial, tionsprogram in Franklin. rest an acreand that he knewofapend= "Thisisn’t being done to bringmental patient. Resolutions to create a new anydwelling. ing deal at a "firm $20,000an Councilsaid after the meeting gloryto Franklin,"he said.Ac- municipal building, establish traf- A resolutionon the municipal they intendedto purchaseabout A flyerdistributed by theSom- buildingdescribes present facili- acre. I challenge anyone to dispute cordingto Mr.StilwelI, 200 stu- ersetCounty Congress of Racialfic lights, improve recreational 110acres of the tract.R haslong dents from all backgroundsand facilities and control Junk yards tiesas "Inadequatein size,"con- me." Equality(CORE) asserts that Sut- taining In a statement read at the meet- been discussed as an alternative raceshave workedlong and hard ton "requiredsix stitches in his and firearms were among the many health and safety haz- to the proposed Canal Park on toward a commongoal, and have ambitious program adopted at the ards," and "improperly lighted and ing,Mr. Narutaclaimed the change lip,his face wasswollen on one is in oppositionto the Master Easton Avenue, which has never found that diligence pays off. recent town meeting which cul- heated." It calls for the erection gained full council support, side, and he had bruises on his of a new municipal building and’ ~lan,and violated the principleof This interaction, he said, has chest." minated studentgovernment day resultedin many studentswho forFranklin High School students. the use of present facilities by havinga researchzone and a but- lackedinterest showing so much Policecharge thatSutton first Twenty-three studentpoliticos the Police Department. drivethat they now are planningstrucka Franklinpatrolman, Ri- spent the day touring township of- Reflecting For Safety on attendingcollege. chardTornquL4t In resistingar- rices and conferring with admin- erection""’°"’ of traffic "°""c’°"*"°’lights at the "°IJaycees Set Free Tour "Sixmonths ago theywere head= rest. istrators and then evidenced
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