Draft Electoral Roll of Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 60 ) NEAR MROs OFFICE, WAZEEDU District: Khammam - 22 ZPSS, NEW BUILDING, WAZEEDU Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : WAZEED Village: WAZEED (G) 1-95 Usikaleti Rajeshwari Bixmaiah ZPS WAZEED 27 1 WAZEED 1-98 Jadi Sujatha Laxmaiah ZPSS WAZEEDU 28 2 WAZEED 2-36 Porika Swaroop Singh Narayana Singh ZPSS WAZEEDU 43 3 WAZEEDU 3-8 Bhukya Chinna Surya AHS PERURU 27 4 WAZEEEDU 3-11 Erpa Keshva Rao Pentaiah AHS PERUPU 40 5 WAZZEDU 5-B Kalluri Venkata Ramana Ramarao AHS PERURU 42 6 WAZEEDU 5-B Karam Somashekar Nagabhushnam AHS PERURU 42 7 WAZEEDU 1of 266 Draft Electoral Roll of Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 61 ) NEAR MROs OFFICE, VENKATAPURAM District: Khammam - 22 ZPSS, VENKATAPURAM Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : VENKATAPURAM Village: ALUBAKA (G) 7-455 Banoth Subhadra Ramchandar ZPSS ALUBAKA 28 1 ALUBAKA 7-476 Bnda Padma Pakeeraiah ZPSS ALUBAKA 28 2 ALUBKA 7-476 Vajja Krishnamurthy Suraiah ZPSS ALUBAKA 28 3 ALUBAKA 7-477 Mandari Sarlamma Laxmaiah ZPSS ALUBAKA 32 4 ALUBAKA Mandal : VENKATAPURAM Village: ALUBAKA (Z) 7-478 T Rajyalaxmi Ramaiah ZPSS ALUBAKA 27 5 ALUBAKA Mandal : VENKATAPURAM Village: VENKATAPURAM (G) 1-12 Korsa Pushpalatha Mukthi Naresh Kumar ZPSS TEGADA CHRLA 26 6 EDIRA MANDAL 2-30 Bodeboina Bikshanathi Narayana ZPSS VENKATAPURAM 29 7 VENKATAPURAM 2-42 Mukthi Gopalakrishnamurthy Papaiah AHS MADHAVARAM 50 8 EDIRA KUKUNOORU MANDAL 3-6 Punem Kamalakar Erraiah ZPSS VENKATAPURAM 29 9 VENKATAPURAM 4-108/A Gondi Anandarao Sanyasi GOVT T W A H 44 10 VENKATAPURAM SLAXMINAGARAM 4-126 Yellaboina Nageswarrao Yerraiah GOVT T W A H AS 40 11 VENKATAPURAM LAXMINAGARAM 7-10 Pendikatla Nageswarrao Sammaiah ZPSS VENKATAPURAM 28 12 VENKATAPURAM 7-80 Bodeboina Jayaram Jayaram ZPSS VENKATAPURAM 28 13 VENKATAPURAM 8-1 Chinturi Chayadevi Alli Ramarao ZPSS VENKATAPURAM 35 14 VENKATAPURAM 8-49 Karam Vijaya Laxmi Veera Swamy ZPSS GOVINDARALA 33 15 VENKATAPURAM KAMEPALLI MANDAL 2of 266 Draft Electoral Roll of Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 61 ) NEAR MROs OFFICE, VENKATAPURAM District: Khammam - 22 ZPSS, VENKATAPURAM Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : VENKATAPURAM Village: VENKATAPURAM (G) 8-142/A Payam Nageswarrao Sreeramulu GOVT T W A H S 41 16 VENKATAPURAM LAXMUNAGARAM 10 Payam Adhinarayana Pothaiah ZPSS VENKATAPURAM 35 17 VENKATAPURAM QNO1 Tellam Anandarao Borraiah GOVT T W A H S 53 18 VENKATAPURAM LAXMINAGARAM Mandal : VENKATAPURAM Village: VENKATAPURAM (Z) 5-64 Turrampremkumar Laxmanrao AGHS CHIRTHAPALLY 32 19 VENKATAPURAM 5-178 Gugulothu Sarojini Hemla AGHS CHIRTHAPALLY 37 20 VENKATAPURAM 6-49 Chintha Chandrakal Krishnaiah AGHS CHIRTHAPALLY 34 21 VENKATAPURAM 6-142/A Gadde Baburao Ramiah AGHS CHIRTHAPALLY 42 22 VENKATAPURAM 3of 266 Draft Electoral Roll of Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 62 ) NEAR POLICE STATION, CHARLA District: Khammam - 22 GOVERNMENT HIGH SCHOOL, CHARLA Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : VENKATAPURAM Village: VENKATAPURAM (G) 1-21/A Parsikatirupathaiah Muthaiah ZPSS VENKATAPURAM 44 1 VADDIPETA 8-98 Podiyamnageswara Rao Bhadraiah ZPSS VENKATAPURAM 30 2 CHINAMIDISILERU Mandal : CHERLA Village: CHERLA (G) 1-1 M Saraswathi Papaiah AHS PEDAMIDISILLERU 22 3 PEDAMIDISILLERU 1-2 Payam Maheswarrao Meenaiah AHS PEDAMIDISILLERU 34 4 PEDAMIDISILLERU 1-22 Turram Subharao Sree Ramulu GOVT TWAHS PERURU 43 5 PEDDIPALLI 1-40 Karam Krishanmohan Rao Kannaiah govt jr college CHARLA 30 6 UPPARIGUDEM 1-45/A Vutukurulalitha Bhavani Laxmi Narasimharao ZPSS SN PURAM 36 7 SN PURAM 1-45/A Perumalalaxmikumari Pch Kutuba Rao ZPSS SN PURAM 30 8 SN PURAM 1-64 Bondeboinasarveswara Papaiah ZPSS TEGADA 36 9 PEDAMIDISILLERU 1-85 Alavala Eswararao Basavaiah AHS UNJUPALLI 43 10 TEGADA 2-65 Esam Buchaiah Ramaiah ZPSS SN PURAM 44 11 SN PURAM 2-108 G Shakeelahesibarani Solomon ZPGSS CHARLA 50 12 AMBEDKAR NAGAR 2-110 Gsuneetha Muthyam ZPGSS CHARLA 36 13 AMBEDKARA CENTER 3-38 Vsrn Sarma Laxminarayana ZPSS SNPURAM 44 14 CHARLA 3-157 Tjalandhar Rao Nasasimham ZPSS CHINAMIDISILERU 37 15 KALIVERU 3-175 Gufulothu Ramdas Harising ZPSS KUDUNURU 33 16 R KOTHAGUDEM 4of 266 Draft Electoral Roll of Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 62 ) NEAR POLICE STATION, CHARLA District: Khammam - 22 GOVERNMENT HIGH SCHOOL, CHARLA Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : CHERLA Village: CHERLA (G) 3-175 Turram Jyothi G Mohan Kumar ZPSS KUDUNURU 28 17 R KOTHAGUDEM 3-176 Kodimi Karunasree K Moses ZPSS KUDUNURU 40 18 R KOTHAGUDEM 4-19 Bonagiri Sreenivasu Sudharshanam GOVT JR COLLEGE 28 19 CHARLA CHARLA 4-27/1 Banothu Basu Sarvam GOVT HIGH 44 20 CHARLA SCHOOLCHARLA 4-27/1 Azmeerasailaja Lachiram ZPSSHIGH SCHOOL 30 21 CHARLA 4-37 Ganta Satyanarayana Subbarao GOVT JR COLLEGE 35 22 CHARLA CHARLA 4-38 Desa Tulasi Ram Chinnaboina GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 32 23 GANESH NAGAR 4-38 Bodeboina Jaya Babu Abbanna GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 41 24 GANESH NAGAR GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 4-39 Machiraju Vijayasree Mns Murthy ZPSSCHARLA 38 25 CHARLA 4-96 Marla Verra Prasad Veerabhadram GOVT HIGH SCHOOL 40 26 CHARLA CHARLA 4-100/1 Mogoli Ramesh Nagulua GOVT JR COLLEGE 44 27 CHARLA CHARLA 4-100/1 Palasam Vijaya Venkatanarsayya GOVT JR COLLEGE 44 28 CHARLA 4-100/1 Setti Prasad Veeraiah GOVT JR COLLEGE 45 29 CHRLA 4-100/1 Nall Agonda Naredar Ramachandrayya GOVT HIGH S 45 30 CHARLA 4-158/A Vaikabalakrishna Ramakrisjhna ZPSS CHINAMIDISILERU 42 31 near hp gas agency 4-297 Gugulothusudhakar Keema GOVT JR COLLEGE 33 32 CHARLA CHARLA 4-297 Komma Veerabhadram Laxminaraya GOVT JUNIOR COLLEGE 42 33 R KOTHAGUDEM CHERLA 5of 266 Draft Electoral Roll of Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 62 ) NEAR POLICE STATION, CHARLA District: Khammam - 22 GOVERNMENT HIGH SCHOOL, CHARLA Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : CHERLA Village: CHERLA (G) 5-12 Penipe Santhi Sudha V Satyanarayana ZPSS CHARLA 44 34 CHARLA 5-169 T Savithri Sriramulu ZPGSS CHRLA 44 35 CHINAMIDISILERU 6-2 Vangara Sujatha Vkvs Sastry ZPGSSCHARLA 31 36 CHARLA 6-8 Bonothu Lalitha Amarchand ZPGSS CHARLA 35 37 SAIBABA TEMPLE ROAD 6-11 Bhattu Saroja Jawahanlal GHS CHARLA 44 38 SALE BAZAR 6-48 Veesammamatha Mamatha GOVT HIGH SCHOO 36 39 KODEPIGUMPU 6-48 Karam Purnachandrarao Narasayya GOVT HIGH 55 40 KODIPEGUMPU SCHOOLCHARLA 6-106 Ayluripullareddy Ramalinga Reddy govt high scholl CHARLA 45 41 CHARLA 8-1 Dvenkatrao Baburao ZPSSCHINAMIDISIERU 36 42 UPARRI GUDEM 8-8 Sivarajuss Ravi Kumar Anjaneyulu MPSSPUJARIGUDEM 23 43 CHARLA 8-24/E Marmam Bhaskar Sanyasi ZPSS CHINMIDISILLERU 33 44 RICEPETA COLONY 8-34 Kandala Prabahakar Subbarao govt jr collegaCHARLA 33 45 CHARLA 8-38 Kanthilaxmidevi Vijay ZPSS CHINAMISILERU 44 46 PETROL BANK AREA 8-60/B Beeraboinasarojini Ramarao A.H.SUNJUPALLI 44 47 CHARLA 8-60/B S Sammaiah Kannaiah ZPSSTEGADA 55 48 CHARLA 8-98 T Venkateswarlu Sri Ramulu ZPSS CHINAMIDISILERU 44 49 CHINAMIDISILERU 8-160 Nakkasharamila M Ramesh ZPSSTEGAD 35 50 vijaya nagar colony 6of 266 Draft Electoral Roll of Warangal-Khammam-Nalgonda Teachers Constituency of the A.P Legislative Council as published on 15-12-2012 Polling Station Number : ( 62 ) NEAR POLICE STATION, CHARLA District: Khammam - 22 GOVERNMENT HIGH SCHOOL, CHARLA Sl.No. House address Full Name of the Name of father/ mother / Name of educational Age (Place of ordinary elector husband institution, if any, in residence) which he is teaching (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Mandal : CHERLA Village: CHERLA (G) 8-168 Kongurunarasimharao Ramulu GOVT HIGH 48 51 VIJAYA NAGAR COLONY SCHOOLCHARLA 8-168 Gangavath Krishna Balya ZPSS TEGADA 55 52 VIJAYA NAGAR COLONY CHARL 8-168 Tirupati Venkatachalam Yethiraju ZPSS TAGADA 33 53 VIJAYA NAGAR COLONY 8-266/F Ujja Krishna Yarraiah GOVT JR COLLEGE 22 54 CHARLA CHARLA 8-380 Tsuraiah Ramaiah ZPSS CHINAMIDISILERU 45 55 CHINAMIDISILERU 8-383/A Gugilla Narasiharao Govindhaiah GOVT JR COLLEGE 45 56 CHARLA CHARLA 8-384 Mallela Srinivas Rao Venkateswalu GOVT JR COLLEGE 23 57 CHARLA CHARLA 8-384 Ammina Sreenivasaraju Nukaraju GOVT JR COLLEGE 25 58 CHARLA CHARLA 8-386 Bhamidipatiramadevi Bv Ramakrishna ZPSS GIRLS CHARLA 44 59 CHARLA 9-88 Govindamvenkateswara
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