FM 6-300 O Effective 1 January 1983 FIELD MANUAL HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT of the ARMY .No

FM 6-300 O Effective 1 January 1983 FIELD MANUAL HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT of the ARMY .No

F t- %5T> Mfr- (Q)' terence 's û CD o LTL O ☆ <D o run «D O O O [xn * 8 g <ÿ0 n n Æô O O û o< ☆ û G ,0 O û û- ☆ <?û û ☆ ° ûû û d c? ft O "C? "ù O ☆ s> û Ô O ☆ Û t> Cf O £? û, U ébùp û <D OC? Oû o)M p-’l cfJ-) o tS> O O c? O PiSFMUilMîlKîf @ÎF IHSIl MEM¥ «D The ñsm¡f library (ANRAL) ATTM: Mtitkrry Documents loom lASlß, Pentagon M^hingtos« D.Q. \ f SL Í. m Í i i A / *FM 6-300 O Effective 1 January 1983 FIELD MANUAL HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY .No. 6-300 Washington, DC, 2 October 1982 ARMY EPHEMERIS 1983-1987 Page CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1 CHAPTERX 2. ASTRONOMICAL TABLES AND CHARTS 2-1 Table \a. Astronomic refraction corrected for temperature (degrees) 2-1 16\ Astronomic refraction corrected for temperature (mils) 2-5 ressure correction factor Cb 2-8 2a. Sun, 1983, for zero hours universal time (GMT) . 2-9 2b. Sun\l984, for zero hours universal time (GMT) . 2-21 2c. Sun, \985, for zero hours universal time (GMT) . 2-33 2d Sun, 1986, for zero hours universal time (GMT) . 2-45 2e. Sun, 1987, for zero hours universal time (GMT) . 2-57 3. Equation of time graph 2-69 4. Correction «9 Greenwich mean time interval to obtain Greenwich sidereal time interval 2-70 5a. Conversion of rime to arc 2-72 56. Conversion of arfe to time 2-73 5c. Conversion of decrees, minutes, and seconds to mils 2-74 6. Convergence. 2-75 6a. Grid convergence nomograph 2-88 7. Second term in convergence computation, UTM coordinates 2-89 8a. Second term in converge\ce computation, geographic coordinates (degrees). 2-91 86. Second term in convergencd^computation, geographic coordinates (mils) 2-92 9. Alphabetical star list 2-93 ^0a(1J. Apparent places of stars, 1983 (îtegrees). 2-95 103^2/ Apparent places of stars, 1984 (dé 2-99 10af3/ Apparent places of stars, 1985 (de^ 2-103 103(4). Apparent places of stars, 1986 (deg 2-107 10af'S/ Apparent places of stars, 1987 (degreè 2-111 106(7/ Apparent places of stars, 1983 (mils of\feclination).. 2-115 106(2/ Apparent places of stars, 1984 (mils of dfeclination)... 2-119 10b(3). Apparent places of stars, 1985 (mils of declination)... 2-123 106(4/ Apparent places of stars, 1986 (mils of declination)... 2-127 106(5/ Apparent places of stars, 1987 (mils of declination).. 2-131 11a. Apparent places of Polaris (star no 10), 1983. 2-135 116. Apparent places of Polaris (star no 10), 1984. 2-136 llc. Apparent places of Polaris (star no 10), 1985. 2-137 lld. Apparent places of Polaris (star no 10), 1986. 2-138 lie. Apparent places of Polaris (star no 10), 1987. 2-139 'his manual supersedes FM 6-300, 2 October 1981. FM 6-300 Page 12a. To determine azimuth from Polaris, 1983 2-143 126. To determine azimuth from Polaris, 1984 2-145 12c. To determine azimuth from Polaris, 1985 2-147 12t/. To determine azimuth from Polaris, 1986 2-149 12e. To determine azimuth from Polaris, 1987 2-151 13. Grid azimuth correction, simultaneous observation 2-153 14. Zone-to-zone azimuth transformation 2-154 ii FM 6-300 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 -1. Purpose and Scope Artillery School. The basic astronomical data is furnished by H. M. Nautical Almanac Office, a. This manual is a compilation of tables and Royal Greenwich Observatory, and the Nautical charts for use in computing astronomical Almanac Office, US Naval Observatory. azimuths for the field artillery. These tables and c. Users of this manual are encouraged to charts are used for computing azimuth of the submit recommended changes or comments to Sun or selected stars by either the altitude or improve the manual. Comments should be hour-angle method. Special tables (tables keyed to the specific page, paragraph, and line of 12-12e), which are tabular methods of the text in which the change is recommended. computing Polaris, are included for a rapid Reasons should be provided for each comment computation of a Polaris azimuth. The secant to insure understanding and complete tables accompanying these tables are evaluation. Comments should be prepared permanent. Tables and charts are also included using DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to correct astronomic azimuth to grid azimuth, to to Publications and Blank Forms) and forwarded extend azimuth by simultaneous observation, direct to the Commandant, US Army Field and to perform zone-to-zone transformation of Artillery School, ATTN: ATSF-DL, Fort Sill, azimuth. Oklahoma 73503. b. Data contained in tables 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 10a(1), 10a(2), 10a(3), 10a(4), 10a(5), 10b(1), 1 -2. Description of Tables and Charts 10b(2), 10b(3), 10b(4), 10b(5), 11a, 11b, 11c, lid, lie, 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d, and 12e are This manual is intended to be used as a current only for the years in which the manual is companion publication to FM 6-2, Field Artillery effective. These tables are compiled by the Survey. Details on the computation of Counterfire Department, under the supervision astronomical azimuth and the use of these of the NOAA Liaison Officer, US Army Field tables and charts are contained in FM 6-2. 1-1 FM 6-300 CHAPTER 2 ASTRONOMICAL TABLES AND CHARTS Tablela. Astronomic Refraction Corrected for Temperature (Degrees) TO BE SUBTRACTED FROM OBSERVED ALTITUDE OF SUN OR STAR (Use values of observed altitude and temperature nearest the values tabulated as arguments.) Temperature F. Observed altitude -30 -20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60 +70 +80 +90 +100 +110 +120 +130 00 00 40-43 39-45 38-53 384)2 37-15 36-27 36-44 354)1 34-20 33-40 3501 32-26 31-51 31-36 3543 3514 2546 20 35-57 354)6 34-20 33-35 32-53 32-11 31-33 30-55 30-18 29-44 2509 2538 2507 27-37 274)7 2542 2517 40 32-00 31-15 30-34 29-54 29-16 28-39 28-05 27-31 26-59 2528 2557 2530 2502 24-35 244» 2546 2523 01 00 28-42 284)1 27-25 26-49 26-15 25-42 25-12 24-41 24-12 2544 2517 22-52 22-27 22-03 21-40 21-19 2559 20 25-55 25-19 24-46 24-13 23-43 23-13 22-45 22-18 21-61 21-26 21-02 2539 2517 1555 1544 1516 1557 40 23-34 234X) 22-31 224)1 21-33 21-06 20-41 20-16 19-52 1529 1507 1546 1526 1506 17-47 17-30 17-13 02 00 21-32 214)2 20-35 204)7 19-42 19-17 18-54 18-31 18-10 17-49 17-28 17-10 1551 1533 1515 1500 1545 20 19-48 19-20 18-54 18-29 18-06 17-43 17-22 17-01 1541 1522 1503 1546 1529 1512 14-66 14-42 14-28 40 18-17 17-51 17-28 17-05 16-43 16-22 164» 15-43 1525 1507 14-50 14-34 14-18 144)2 1548 1536 1522 03 00 16-57 16-33 16-12 15-50 15-30 15-11 14-53 14-35 14-18 144)1 1545 1530 1516 1501 12-48 12-36 12-24 20 15-47 15-25 154)5 14-45 14-27 144» 13-51 13-35 13-19 1504 12-48 12-35 12-21 124» 11-55 11-44 11-32 40 14-45 14-25 14-06 13-47 13-30 13-13 12-57 12-42 12-27 12-12 11-58 11-46 11-33 11-20 114» 1558 1547 04 00 13-50 13-31 13-13 12-56 12-40 12-24 124)9 11-54 11-40 11-27 11-14 114)2 1550 1538 1527 1517 1507 20 13-01 12-43 12-26 12-10 11-55 11-40 11-26 11-12 10-59 1546 1534 1523 1511 1500 0560 0540 0531 40 12-17 12-00 11-44 11-29 11-14 11-00 10-47 10-34 10-22 1510 0558 0547 0537 0526 0516 0508 0559 05 00 11-38 11-21 114)7 10-52 10-38 10-25 10-13 10-00 09-48 0537 0526 0516 094» 0556 0547 0538 0530 20 11-02 10-46 10-32 10-18 10-05 09-53 09-41 09-29 09-18 0507 0557 0547 0538 0528 0519 0512 0504 40 10-29 10-14 10-01 09-48 09-35 09-23 09-12 094)1 08-50 0540 0530 0521 0512 0503 07-55 07-47 07-40 06 00 09-59 09-45 09-32 09-20 094» 08-56 08-46 08-35 08-25 0516 0506 07-57 07-49 07-40 07-32 07-25 07-18 20 09-32 09-18 09-06 08-54 08-43 08-32 08-22 08-12 084)2 07-53 07-44 07-35 07-27 07-19 07-11 074» 0558 40 094)7 08-54 08-42 08-31 08-20 08-09 084)0 07-50 07-41 07-32 07-23 07-16 074» 074» 0553 0546 0540 07 00 08-43 08-31 08-20 08-09 07-59 07-49 07-39 07-30 07-21 07-13 074» 0557 0550 0542 0535 0529 0523 20 08-22 08-10 08-00 07-49 07-39 07-30 07-21 07-12 07-03 0555 0547 0540 0533 0526 0519 0513 0507 40 084)2 07-51 07-41 07-31 07-21 07-12 07-03 06-55 0547 0539 0531 0524 0517 0510 0504 0558 0553 08 00 07-44 07-33 07-23 07-13 07-04 06-55 06-47 06-39 0531 0524 0516 0510 0503 0556 0560 0545 0539 20 07-27 07-16 07-07 06-57 06-49 06-40 06-32 06-24 0517 0509 0502 0556 0549 0543 0537 0532 0527 40 07-11 07-01 06-52 06-42 06-34 06-26 06-18 06-10 0503 0556 0549 0543 0537 0531 0525 0520 0515 09 00 06-56 06-46 06-37 06-28 06-20 06-12 06-05 05-58 0551 0544 0537 0531 0525 0519 0514 0509 0504 20 06-42 06-32 06-24 06-15 06-08 064X) 05-53 05-46 0539 0532 0526 0520 0514 054» 0503 04-58 04-54 40 06-29 06-19 06-11 06-03 05-56 05-48 05-41 0534 0528 0521 0515 0510 0504 04-59 04-53 04-49 04-44 10 00 06-16 06-07 06-00 05-52 05-44 05-37 05-30 0524 0517 0511 0505 0500 04-54 04-49 04-44 04-40 04-35.

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