: : : — : . PVBLISHEa DJIILY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STETES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman ~k -k -k COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOUERNMENT Activities ' VoL. 3 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1919. No. 545 SIXTH BIWEEKLY OFFERING FIRST EDITION OF INCOME TAX CONDITIONS AT BREST CAMP OF TREASURY CERTIFICATES REGULATIONS READY THIS WEEK OUTLINED BY GEN. PERSHING OVERSUBSCRIBED $20,578,500 Second Edition for Use ef-Cor- porations Being Prepared IN RESPONSE TO REQUEST RESERVE BANK DISTRICT RESULTS Joint Edition Later. MADEBYPRESIDENTWILSON Aggregate Subscriptions in Anticipa- The Bureau of Internal Revenue issues the following; tion Victory Liberty Loan Now of The first edition of the income tax regu- INQUIRY RESULT OF $3,845,678,000-r—Bond Drive in lations which relate to the tax on individ- NEWSPAPER CHARGES ual incomes will be distributed by collec- Occupied Germany. tors of internal revenue early this week. The regulations were prepared under Complaints That Soldiers Secretary Glass announces that the the immediate direction of Hugh Satter- From Front and Red Cross sixth biweekly offering (Series V. F) of lee, of Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Satterlee Treasury certificates of indebtedness in was connected with the Bureau of In- Nurses Practically Held anticipation of the Victory Liberty Loan ternal Revenue last year as .special attor- was overscribed. The minimum amount ney and returned at the request of Com- Prisoners bsolutely offered was .'^GOO.000.000 and the total missioner Ddniel C. Roper to take charge Groundless/*Says Report, subscriptions aggregate $620,.578, 500. The of this branch of the work. aggregate of subscriptions for certificates A separate edition for' use by corpora- Tells of the Praise Given in anticipation of the Victory Liberty tions in preparing their returns under the Loan to date is $3,845,678,000. income tax, war profits and excess profits Officers on Duty There for tax provisions of the new revenue bill Eeserve District Results. will be issued soon, followed by a com- Kindness Shown Those The results by Federal Reserve dis- plete joint edition, revised to contain tricts, arranged in order of the percentage further rulings of the bureau. Passing Through. of subscription of their quotas, are as The former regulations have been sifted follows so as to eliminate obsolete provisions and Gen. Peyton C. March, Chief of Staff, Federal to clarify many of those retained. makes public the following cabled com- Reserve Bank Quota Subscription Rulings made during tlie last year are munication fi’om Genei-al Pershing: St. Louis $24, 000, 000 $27, 405, OOO incorporated in the new regulations. “ Under date of February 12 the New- Minneapolis 20 , 800, 000 23, 610, 000 Chicago 84, 000,000 91, 677, 500 York Evening Telegram sent a cablegram Cievelandl 54, 400, 000 50, 100, 000 to President Wilson as follows: New York 203, 200, 000 217, 497, 500 TO GEN. PERSHING CABLEGRAM ‘ Philadelphia 42, 400, 000 43, 323, 500 Hundreds of complaints have been San Francisco 42, 400, 000 40, 000, OOO made to the Evening Telegram of the Boston 52, 000, 000 48, 421, 000 ON THE PAY OF ENLISTED MEN condition at the United States camp at Richmond 20, 800, 000 18, 977, 500 Atlanta 17, 600, 000 15, 482, 000 Brest. Soldiers from the front and Red Kansas City 24 000,000 18, 500, 000 Authorized to Make Payments on Cross nurses practically held prisoners. Dallas 14, 400, 000 10, 939, 000 If they complain are put at bottom of sail- Treasury 5, 645, 000 Personal Affidavits When ing list. Wounded and ill forced to stand 600, 000, boo 620, 578, 500 Records Are Missing. in rain hours for meals. Officers over- bearing and harsh and give casuals no following is extract of a cable- The Loan in Occupied Germany. The an consideration. Roofs of buildings leak, gram from the War Department to Gem barracks filthy, mud everywhere. Can The Treasury Department authorizes Pershing, under date of February 19, you not inspect camp and remedy -abuses the 'following 1919 costing lives of many American soldiers, “ Carry the Victory Liberty loan cam- “ In all cases of enlisted men whose or have camp abolished? paign into Hunland.” ’ current pay or pay on discharge is being ‘ New York Evening Telegram. That is the slogan of Gen. Pershing’s, of absence or incom- “ withheld by reason The President sent me the . above men, who are planning to give to the Ger- pleteness of records of service, supple- cablegram and directed me to have a re- mans a live-wire demonstration of how a mentary service records and pay cards port made on the matter to the Secretary Liberty loan drive is carried on in the will be prepared on the strength of per- of War. The following is summary of re- United States. The Teutons will also sonal affidavits made by the enlisted men port of conditions at Brest just received receive an object lesson in esprit de ” as to the date of last payment and condi- from Maj. Gen. Eli A. Helmick, Inspector corps the spirit which “ put across — tion of their accounts with respect to General’s Department, American Expe- four Liberty loans, and which will finish pay, allotments, and other charges. This ditionary Forces, commanding there the job the oversubscription of the by affidavit will be sworn to by the soldier Victory Liberty loan. Conditions Report. and will contain his statement that he Summary of The Publicity Bureau of the Victory “ subscribes thereto with full knowledge ‘ The charge that soldiers from the Liberty loan has sent to Gen. Pershing a that any falsification contained therein front and Red Cross nurses practically supply of Victory Liberty loan posters, makes him liable to prosecution for held prisoners absolutely groundless. No buttons, and other campaign material to fraudulent claims.” individual has been put at the bottom of be distributed in that part of Germany the sailing list. One organization was occupied by the American forces. NEW ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF BTJREATT. held 15 days on account of bad state of Posters in IT. S. Camps. The Senate has confirmed the nomina- di.scipline and neglect of duty and was re- -American war posters will be displayed • tions of Grosvenor M. .Tones, of Ohio, leased before expiration, of time set on In all American Army camps in .Germany and Roy S. McElwee, of New York, as account of honest efforts made to correct and may even adorn public buildings in first and second chiefs of the Bureau of deficiencies. No man of the garrison of Germany. It will nor be the fault of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Depart- more than 60,000 is required to remain ment of Commerce. in line over '10 minutes. Troops are (Continued on page 2.) . : : ; 9 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, FEBKUAEY 21, 1919. marched to ineal.s by time schedules and RESUMPTION the entire garrison is fed within 1 hour OF TRADE WITH LOCOMOTIVE HEATER STOCK and 15 minutes. ' Kelative to officers overhearing and OCCUPIED GERMAN TERRITORY OWNED BY GERMANS BOUGHT liarsh and give casuals no consideration, BY RAILROAD .all couiinanding ofiicers of troops and cas- War Trade Board Soon to An- ADMINISTRATION ual oliicers passing through hei'c have al- nounce Method of Procedure m.osl witliout exception voluntarily and The United States Railroad Adminis- wirliout .solicitation visited my otfice be- for Exports and Imports. tration issued the following February 18, fore leaving and have expres.sed their ap- 1919-: preciation, both verbally and in writing, Tlie«War Trade Board announces, in Walker D. Hines, Director General of Railroads, on Thursda.v iumounced that for I lie uniform courtesy and great con- a new ruling (W. T. B. R. GIO), that sideration sliown them by all officers on trade has been resumed with so much of the United .States Railroad Administra- tion, dul\’ at tins base section. With the ex- the Rhine JLh’O'hices of Germany as is at the instance of the Alien Property cciiiion of newspaper reporter by the included within the area of military oc- Custodian, had purchased more than .51 naun> of Ilrown, of Washington (I). O.) cupation by the American and allied per cent of the stock of the Locomotive papei'. every new.spaper man that has vis- armies. Superheater Co. This stock original l.v ited Brest has hecome an ardent advo- Announcement will shortly be made as belonged to German interests. It was ciite of tlie organization, efficiency, and to the methods of procedure by which seized by the Alien Projiu-ty Custodian, liinnan kindness in common at the rail- exports to and imports from such terri- _who decided tliat the interests of this roail statioiif at camp, at the embarkation tory will be governed, the details of Government could be best protected ollice, at tlie pier, and in all offices in which procedure have not yet lieen com- through some .governmental agency ac- quiring tile stock. The the base section No. .5. Inspections of build- pleted. purchase by ings are made daily, and only in rare in- In the meantime, persons desiring to Railroad Administration will prevent ef- stances are leaks discovered during the engage in trade with such territory shoidd fectively the passing of the stock back hardc'st wind and rain storms. In ever.v communicate with the M'ar Trade Board, to German control. instance the leaks are immediately re- Washington, D. C., and such information At the annual meeting of Ihe Locomo- iiaired, tisnally before the occupants have will be given them as may have come to tive .Supm-heater Co. held at the office of lu'd time to report them.
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