Lancer Militaria $2.00 Update Catalog Vol. 28, No. 1 Lots of new books and insignia! • German Sniper now on DVD • The Flayderman Bowie Knife Book • History of the Royal Ulster Constab. • new reference on French Commandos • The Call of Duty - revised medals book • New issues of Special Ops Journal 870.867.2232 www.warbooks.com U.S. MARINE CORPS UNIT INSIGNIA THE CALL OF DUTY UNIFORMS, ORGANIZATIONS IN VIETNAM 1961-1975 MILITARY AWARDS & DECORATIONS & HISTORY OF THE GERMAN POLICE A Photographic Reference by E. Richard Wilson OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Volume I by John R. Angolia and Hugh Page III. A detailed study of the United States Ma- (NEW EXPANDED EDITION) by LTC. John E. Taylor. The police played a vital role in the Third rine Corps unit insignia in the Republic of Viet- Strandberg and Roger James Bender. This Reich, yet have largely been ignored. This first nam from the Marine Advisors in the early monumental work, which has been long out- volume of a multi-volume series on the subject 1960s to the Marine Security Forces evacua- of-print, spans over two centuries and illustrates changes all that. This history of the German tion of the Embassy in 1975. A complete order in striking color the evolution of U.S. military police traces back to the mid-15th Century with of battle of all U.S. Marine Air and Ground decorations from 1782 to the Global War on particular attention given to the Weimar and Forces that served “in country” during the Viet- Terrorism Service Medal in 2003. In this com- Third Reich periods. You will now understand nam War is included, in addition to United prehensive reference, not only are the obverse, the police mindset, organization and develop- States, Allied and foreign forces serving under reverse, and appropriate rim markings illus- ment, plus the evolution of uniforms in Nazi the III Marine Amphibious Force, culminating trated in full color, it also states eligibility for Germany. This first volume contains details of in over 350 full color individual unit insignia the award and gives historical background. An the essential June 1936 dress regulations. A day- down to at least battalion and squadron levels. added treat are dozens of period photos of the to-day chronology of the part played by the With its comprehensive descriptions and pric- decorations being worn. This new expanded police in the Third Reich is also given. All this is ing guide for even the most highly sought af- edition is a result of continued years of research contained in 704 fact-packed pages. And all this ter and extremely rare unofficial “in-country” and upgrading of photographs, and has 176 encyclopedic coverage is found in just the first (theater) made patches, this photographic ref- more pages than the first edition. With mod- volume of the long awaited series! At least two erence is a must have for the military insignia ern digital technology, all medals and ribbons other fully illustrated volumes will follow, cov- collector and historian. Softbound, 128 pages, have been color-corrected to give you the most ering all aspects and branches of the police in over 350 color photos. accurate and detailed images. Although the first Nazi Germany and her collaborationist allies in 6E1919R USMC Insignia VN ............. $29.95 edition was highly praised, this new edition is great detail, to include uniforms, insignia, flags, without a doubt the best book ever done on edged weapons and all other paraphernalia. 12TH SS, VOLUME 1 the subject! Although there are an additional Hardbound with deluxe binding, 704 pages, The History of the Hitler Youth Panzer SS Divi- 176 pages of color, the publisher is holding to 720 photos & illustrations. sion by Hubert Meyer, chief of staff of the 12th the price of the first edition printed a decade 6A3897R German Police Vol. 1 ......... $62.95 SS until its surrender in 1945. 2 Volumes. Vol- ago (and had gotten very pricey before this ume one details all aspects of the division's his- reprint). Hardbound with deluxe binding, 560 SS STEEL tory with a mix of tactical and strategic ac- pages, 1,293 photos, most in color. by Kelly Hicks. The central issue regarding SS counts, including the creation and training of 6A3895R Call of Duty ......................... $69.95 helmets is the huge number of fakes. SS Steel these teenage warriors and their baptism of fire is intended to assist the collector in determin- in the Normandy campaign. Softbound, 480 DRESSED FOR DUTY : VOLUME II ing the fakes from the real thing. It provides pages, photos. by Jill Halcomb Smith. The second volume of information specific to their paint, decals and 12TH SS, VOLUME 2 the series continues the study of women in our general characteristics. During full-scale produc- Volume two continues with the survivors of the nation’s defense, plus their uniforms and insig- tion of the M-35 series of helmets, each of the bloody fighting in France regrouping to make nia, all in magnificent color photos. Numerous five German helmet makers installed their own a final stand in the Ardennes and Hungary. A organizations are covered, including: Office of pattern of SS decal on helmets at the factory. detailed and gripping account of the most fa- Civilian Defense, Relief Wings, Inc., the Salva- This trend is evident in about 90 percent of M- mous, and infamous, division to fight in World tion Army, United Service Organizations (USO), 35 specimens analyzed; 96 percent of M-40 and War II for any side. Softbound, 448 pages, pho- the Hello Girls, United States Coast Guard M-42 helmets. Examples of dozens of original tos, maps. Women’s Reserve (SPARS), United States Food helmets show clear evidence of this maker-to- 7A3198R 12th SS, Vol. 1 ................... $19.95 Administration, United States Public Heath Ser- decal correlation. For the first time, this rela- 7A3199R 12th SS, Vol. 2 ................... $19.95 vice Reserve Corps, United War Work Cam- tionship has been analyzed and presented. It paign, Volunteer Army Canteen Service, will thwart the counterfeiters on a fundamen- INFANTRY ACES Women Veterans Organizations, Women Ac- tal level. In addition to decal analysis, SS Steel The German Soldier in Combat in WWII by cepted for Volunteer Emergency Service explores the reuse and reissue of helmets, due Franz Kurowski. Combat stories of eight Ger- (WAVES), or US Navy Women’s Reserve, to supply shortages and other factors. Varia- man infantry soldiers: one paratrooper, two Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Service (WAFS) and tions, unusual and rare helmets, and foreign members of the Waffen-SS, and five members Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) (73 volunteer SS helmets are also explored. Several of the Wehrmacht. Here are the fascinating sto- pages), WAF, WOWs, Women War Correspon- helmets are presented with their documented ries of the men who stared death in the face dents, Women War Workers, Women’s Ambu- history, showing how research can be con- during some of the most brutal battles ever lance and Defense Corps, WAAC/WAC (108 ducted on helmets that bear the name of their waged. Kurowski was a reporter in the Ger- pages), Women’s Land Army, Yeomen (F): former SS owner. A must-have book for serious man army during World War II. A concluding United States Naval Reserve (F), YMCA, YWCA, collectors of helmets of Germany’s Third Reich chapter examines infantry tactics. Softbound, etc. Hardbound, 544 pages, over 1,300 pho- elite. Hardbound with deluxe binding, 241 512 pages, photos, maps. tos and illustrations (most in color). pages, 400 full color photos & illustrations. 7A3202R Inf. Aces ............................. $19.95 6A3885R Dressed for Duty 2 ............. $59.95 6A3896R SS Steel.............................. $44.95 Lancer Militaria ©2003 by Lancer Militaria 870/867-2232 2 MERCENARIES AFGHANISTAN CAVE SOG by Tim Ripley. Pictorial volume on mercenaries COMPLEXES 1979-2004 A PHOTO HISTORY OF THE SECRET WARS has unusual photos on the modern soldier of Osprey Fortress 26: Mountain Strongholds of by John L. Plaster. When Plaster decided to com- fortune, from the classic bush wars of Africa the Mujahideen, Taliban & Al Qaeda. By Mir pile a companion photo volume to his superla- through the recent unpleasantness in Yugosla- Bahmanyar with illustrations by Ian Palmer. tive SOG: The Secret Wars of America’s Comman- via. Includes bodyguarding and “foreign le- Following September 11, 2001, these cave sys- dos in Vietnam, his connections gave him un- gions”. Hardbound, 96 pages, color photos. tems developed in the 1980s and 1990s have precedented access to these rare and unpub- 7X2232R Mercenaries ........................ $12.95 once more come to prominence and sites such lished photos. Great shots of SOG men on mis- as Tora Bora ('Black Dust,' a series of individual sions in enemy territory, in training and relax- WAR DOG caves) and Zhawar Kili (a large complex in east- ing out of the field. Hardbound, 496 pages, Fighting Other People's Wars -The Modern ern Afghanistan) have appeared in headlines 700+ photos and illus. Mercenary in Combat by Al J. Venter. Merce- worldwide. Detailed analysis and visual docu- 2J0058R SOG: Photo History ............ $79.95 nary action in a score of wars: Angola, Sierra mentation of these caves and underground sys- Leone, El Salvador, the Congo Republic, Ethio- tems and discusses the Coalition's tactical ap- CAMOUFLAGE UNIFORMS OF ASIAN pia, Lebanon and others. One of a handful of proach to dislodging the enemy from these AND MIDDLE EASTERN ARMIES correspondents that saw action with the South fortified positions. Softbound, 64 pages, illus. by Borsarello & Palinckx. Color coverage of the African firm Executive Outcomes, Al Venter's 7A6776R Osp: Afghan Cave .............
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