Serving the College Since 1936 Vol.48 no. 12 Wayne, New Jersey, 07470 Tuesday, December 8, 1981 McCallum retained in eleventh hour By RICH DICKON/ . Millgr,3.speaknWj>n behalf of several LARRY HENCHEY ,J teachers, -focasel iBJjjgfi' MmSs Walters, fifth year rtftftt^Eonstagr^.spitiiiinj! out With a strong show of departmental the -rtlfue oFTftWsirtHP3<PwPC .and support, Dr. Robert .McCalium provided . questionng the process by which Walters the surprise ending of Monday night's .was given a negative'recommendationbyhis meeting when the boa* voted to back departmental committee. ^There was no President Seymour Hyman's original student input from the biology department, negative recommendation^ - ^._- . _ ~ ~ _which is required, and from what we've Thi3 marked only the second time that^ - learned we believe the initial decision may Hyman anJ the board changed such a have been the result of cronyism and politics decision at the last moment. After over an within the department," he said. hour oi deliberation, the board members Dr. Donald Vardiman, associate emerged fro^^pnvate session. Hyman's announcement of the reversal was greeted ,- professor of psychology, .summed up his with an explosion of cheers f rpni the crowd, brief "defense of Walters by stating after winch the board quickly adjourned. cryptically that the board shouldn't "overlook one handsome bird for two shady McCallum, a dark horse who, unlike ones in the bush," Vardiman was refetingto other faculty members appealing the board's the statements of John Roserigren, biology, decisions did not employ the support of the who preceeded him 051 citing a "deeply . Student Government or of his students won divided department" and assailed the the reversal on the strength of testimony by negative recommendation for -Walters, tenured faculty as well as the chairman of his stating llMt "several members of the biology" department, Louis Rivela. department's executive committee rnade "It was a one-inni-hundred chance, I that recarrfrnendation fearing that" the; dutoi think it would happen, McCallum ranking of other menibers would Seaifectsd said, "I didn't seek thtsupportof the unionj if Waiters -W^s ^retained. _ It . was I went to my fellow teachers, the people who • unprofessionalof them to skip over Walters know me best." ..':'-'".• '. •. to ^protect-sbniepneflfee.31 There were three Others who spoke on behaif of McCallum other Triembers of the department being were Dr. Charles tee, director of the considered fbrretentiort, two of them up for Environmental Studies program in which tenure. Walters and Robert Everson, a McCallum teaches, and Dr. Ashot fourth year associate professor were both, Mcrijanian, who credited McCallum with being ?fifty per cent of the" environmental _ given negative recommendations by the studies department." Although student department committee. support wasn't solicited, at least seven did • Fred Lafer, the only board member who appeal.to the board, including John Sefcik, responded to the audience, admitted that the president of the Natural Science Club who process-of student evaluations of teacher, cited McCallum's importance in the which sometimes take place^as early as three continued growth of the program. - weeks fntb.a semester were part of a "timetable, dictated by theunionagreement, that doesn't really work. It should be re- negotiated, but at the Trenton level," he , said. ; "It was a one-insa-hundred p Walters, speaking for himself'refered to chance. I didn't think it his value to WPC as its only researcher infhe would happen." r growing field of neuroscience."There are no -Dr. Robert McCallum professors jrt anatomy and physiology now at WPC. 1 want to be considered on my own, merits, aria* I feel I've fulfilled the criteria of my job." Walters- speech ended with thirty ify :StOO pm, the meeting room on the seconds of applause, the longest ovation of second floor of the student center .was theevening: x^ crowded with approximately 129 students, "I'm not- here to begTor anything, and I'm faculty and administrators. At the req iiest of not angry at any one," said assistant chairperson Judy Fernald, a line of those professor of communications Michael Rhea. wishing Wcomment to the board formed, Rhea, who received considerable support spanning the length of two sides of the room. from current and graduated students for hjs Atfer opening the segment with a statement role in developing the communication on the tenure policy, of WPC, AFT department's 'North Jersey Magazine' cable representative irwin Nack, who was cut off teleyisiorj program, defended his other job by Fernald after exeeding the time allowed as correspondent' for the Reuters News hftn to speak, surrendered the podium to the .Agency as arTasset rather than a liability to SGA'^Joe MiBer, co-chair of the student his teaching. faculty relations committee. Miller announced SGA plans to initiate an Rhea challenged Hyman's authority in mdependant student evaluation survey, making his decision saying "the power to WPC President Seymour Hyman entering private session with Board members. citing the "inadequate representation of decide doesn't necessarily mandate When they emerged, David McCallum received a positive recommendation from Wisdom student opinion in the retention process." " Hyman, and the Board agreed. ,'".-- Bo* meets girl CrubStreet tells all This week, Frans jurgens provides Comics! •- ^ . - 4-v WPC student Jimmy lane i the answer to the ticklish mystery of Arts Editor Glenn Kenny interviews • •• chronicles his interesting career as a \ "Sonnet on the Proletariat and the Klaus Janson, the man who creates I IB female impersonator.... See page Movies."... See page 8 Batman and the Avenger....See page--*- V *Page 2 Tuesday/December 8, 1981 •••••••••••* Future Shock THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE IS until you have finished developing your PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF "resume to schedule an appointment will' Clubs and organizations may submit Happenings of no longer lhan30 words to the CAREER, COUNSELING AND definitely delay your plans for completing it Beacon office, room 310 in the Student Center.bv Thursday afternoon. PLACEMENT. and create additional pressure on you. While ' Any ques/ions should be directed to JackieStearns, Happenings Coordinator. SENIORS: It's now Dtcenjber. final working on your resume, try to draft a few exams will be coming up soon term sample cover letters: Information on both papers are coming due shortly Holiday types of job search forms is included in your Monday shopping pressure is on and so on !!! senior packet and the College Placement. You are also rapidly approaching the final Annual, available at our Office.* Sophomore End of Semester Party — The Sophomore Class presents an end-of-semester 'semester of Vour undergraduate For those of you who haven't attended an • celebration Monday; Dec. 21 featuring Street Walker, a NJ rock band in the Sludent Center experience a personal resume has to be- interview workshop, there is a full schedule Ballroom. Admission is free, and beer and wine will be served. ID is required. written you job hunt will be getting .into of workshops' planned for the spring, * * * * high gear Spring recruiting on campus is semester to begin the first week in February. * .Energy Outlook and Nuclear Energy — Everyone is invited to attend a lecture on >ne approaching. and so on and so on!!! During the break, it is suggested that you "Energy Outlook and Nuclear Energy," which wijl be presented by John Dillon, the RELAX determine your priorities and review the information in your senior packet - Environmental Coofdinator^fbr PSE&G's Environmental Affairs Department, Monday,, manage your time effectively. Everything and the College Placement. Annual on _ Dec. 14 at U am in the Science Complex, room 200B. that needs to be done CAN BE DONE, if interviewing. Try to formulate answers to * * * you plan and organize your time efficiently. typical questions and do some role playing' Committee for the Wbols Person — Everyone is welcome to attend meetings of the DQN'T PROCRASTINATE get moving with a partner. Researching the Committee for the Whole Person, Monday evenings at 7:30 in the Student Center, room 333. before you create your own pressures. companies/ schools participating in the * * * In terms of your career plans, the recruiting, program can begin once you Resume Writing — The Career Counseling and Placement Office sponsors a workshop on following information may be helpful in receive the full schedule of interviews. establishing some of your priorities: Spring Attending a job campaign workshop early resume writing, Monday, Dec. 14 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm in the Student Center; rooms 332 and recruiting will begin in February.,...you will 333. in the new year may also prove beneficial in be notified in January as to which organizing your job search. Also, refer to the companies are coming, what they will be - recruiting for and" the date that you can College Placement Annual for guidance. Tuesday begin registering for on-campus interviews. WARNING! Seniors should not rely totally . You must have completed resume in hand upon the on-campus recruiting program for Interview Techniques — A workshop entitled "Interview Techniques II" is sponsored by the securing employment. This service should be Career Counseling and Placement Office, Tuesday, Dec. 8 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm in before you will be premitted to sign up for interviews. Prior to your first interview with viewed only as one part of your total job Raubinger HaU, room 309. A1J are welcome. \ campaign. Begin early, use our services, * * * a company/school, it is mandatory that you attend and Interview Techniques I consult with us and familiarize yourself withs" Intramural Men's Basketball — Organizational meetings for intramural men's basketball workshop. - the resources in the Career Library so.thai will be' held Tuesdays, Dec. 8 and Dec. 15, at 3:^5 pm in the gym, room 202 (by the pool).
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