10 THE SAINT PAUI, GLOBE: SUNDAY, APRIL 1 J, 1897, He pitched a good game yesterday." college organized Wednesday, and -will do Shortly after the victory of Louis- practice pork until Easter, after which time ville yesterday, Manager Comiskey A|4D BASEBALL they would like to have a few games. They I]! BIKE play on the average of seventeen years. The SfllJiTS WERE STIFF Foley the result of FADS PUGILISIVI wired Thomas that team Includes: Frank, Buach, Red Wing, the game was undoubtedly due to the oatcher; John O'Brien, Belle Creek, pitcher; SHOW, soreness, physically, of the team after Henry Enderly, 8t Cloud, Ist base; Stephen ' NORTHWESTERN(Sanctioned by CYCLE MADE A POOR SHOWING IN THE playing too fast ball in the initial game, IS THE FOAMRR A PROPER PRE- Herrick. Eau Claire, 2d base; Henry Steph- THE CURRENT WtJOT PEVKR THE National Cycle Board of Trait ) anue, St. manager FIRST GAME AT LOUIS- and then being left by wet weather LJMrYAJIY TKAJIVING FOR THE Paul, and short stop; THE training Michael Hurley. Rine City, 3rd base; LATEST OASE! <HF EXPOSITION BUILDING, MINNEAPOLIS, without for a couple of days. LATTER? Bouers, Osseo, John MINN. VILLE. left field; John Leonard, Min- DISEASE. , Interior and Itis expected; however, that they will neapolis, right field; Buffalo, Remodeled Handsomely Decorated at a Tremendouß expense. to, right, Foley P. H. Fogarty, round all and looks center field; Thomas Mompetih, Crookaton, AFTERNOON for a more hopeful telegram after to- substitute; Henry Stephanua, manager; APRII 10 day's game. Stephen Herrick, captain. WEEK I^, AND EVENING. FAST AT THE WIND-UP. The Globe will this season publish MANAGERS SFEM TO DISAGREE BRADY IS MUCH TO BLAME. the official scores of all games played FIEJLI>IXG PLAY IMPROVES. on the home grounds. AnImposing Display by high-ball rarely | Exhibits all Lead- COLONELS HAD TO PUT UP A GOOD Anson is a hitter. He OAYL.OR DISCUSSES THE SUBJECT Figure* Show a Marked Advance in ever hits safe except on a ball above HE AND DAN STUART ENTHUSIAS- Eight Of ARTICLE OF BALL TO the waist. He is like a fish out of wa- AND QUOTES NOTABLEAUTHOR- Years. TIC BOOMERS OF THE "KID" jj Wheels &Sundries. ing WIN. tei on one about knee high. ITIES. The statistically Jnclined ball crank may be FIGHTEiR. Manufacturers. Clarke, Yorks, is interested as well as surprised by a table of "Dad of the New progress said to have invented a new "raise" figures showing the made in eight years' time In the fielding department of the ball. It acts like a drop until it game. figures MAKES A NEW FIND. batsman, MAKING MANAGERS OF FIAYERS. The of 1888, compared with TOMISKEY reaches the and then shoots those of 1896, show unmistakably that, despite HIS WORK IS CUT OUT FOiR HIM. upward. LADIES' the changed rules and the heavier and hot- INBY STRACE President Vanderbeck. of the Detroit ter batting which the men now have to face, PARTICIPATED ALLTHE RECORD BREAKERS damages Zahner, club, has been sued for $25,000 the fielding of every position has improved. AXD THE May Sign Catcher a Louis- Tendency That Is Growinpr—Freaks progress Vounjf Will FOR A PURSE $1,000 for false imprisonment. Last season — How much of this is due to the In- Hooiier Wonder Do Well OF HE WORLDm ville Ania-tenr— Score of the arrest a shoemaker for of Orthugrnph.v \n.ines Hard troduction of armored gloves for the tender CHAM^°^/ he caused the of estimated, ifHe Gets Dan Creedon for a Gaime. alleged stealing of two base balls, a to Spell. palms can hardly be but credit — must be given the ball nevertheless, Starter. \u25a0 • ~>^~v/%. «~^~w~^n^>^>^s charge was ac- players, \u25a0 DON'T FORGET • \u25a0 i^ni^n^. of which the defendant for faster fielding in every way. Ten years . quitted. ago it was no uncommon sight—to see half a That entries for the j| WHAT It is presumed that Bill Hassamaer dozen wild throws over first now a ball TO EAT !{ Special to the Globe. still driving a coal wagon for his Special Correspondence of the Globe. that is { is thrown too wide to be handled is It may seem a little effeminate to < by LOUISVILLE, Ky., April 10.—There father this season. Nothing has been NEW YORK, April B.—While at Ma- usually near enough to the mark to at least DOG SHOW PURE Exhibits all were old familiar faces at the ball park heard from him. When the contracts con with his team Manager Hanlon, of graze the baseman's hands. speak of "fads" in pugilism, yet that Indianapolis manage- In these tables, those players who were in really in CLOSE TOMORROW. this afternoon when the St. Paul team were mailed the the Baltimore club, took occasion to the professional is the class which the current £«&!«£? ment forgot to include his name in the arena in 1888 and were still Since Cor- PEDIGREE NOT NECESSARY. cXSEF Samples of vari- inarched on the field to battle with the was express his opposition to the use of the prominent in National league circles last sea- McCoy fever must be put. tftfll list, and after the Ist of March he J son, are utilized nothing us foods served Colonels. Six of the Apostles had at sign pleased. His bicycle by professional base ball play- for comparison by Ed Sheri- bett bit the dust it has been : free to where he j dan in the Chicago The sey **v CLumjßf Iree#?r , or worn a Louisville getting ers. bicy- Record. number is but McCoy! McCoy! McCoy. Stuart and o?£?>r^J%£\u25a0&&*"%£counties to compete in TWO classes for one time another prospects for into the Western Several of the Orioles took not large. Many of the men whose batting RIZE8' uniform. These thirsted for a victory, league by the time the season opens cles with them to the training grounds, figures for the same two years were quoted Brady were off in the first Occupying the entire Third Floor. < are decidedly Blim. Ittook him three in these columns a few days ago are now bunch, young- Hoosier being Sl,8OO(n otherwise. Still got a fall, injuring one of and the is Cash Premiums Offered i• but ithad been decreed and McGraw playing positions those t vrTHDPu on Cooking,r> put up weeks last spring to reach the Louis- j slight, different — from they boomed as the coming champion, but «7O« lv Medals, c.p. and Special LECTURES Bt. Paul made Louisville the j at Montgomery. The roads his knees. The injury was but occupied bo long ago thus, Ewing, then a ServingQ and general Gastronom- played ville club catcher, baseman; meet Corbett or fllercbandlse Premiums. *first article of ball they had j were bad. and he was not In good con- Itconvinced Hanlon that the "bike" is is now a first Tebeau has Ifhe wants to either _ ie subjects. shifted from third to first, and Ely, then an Fitzsimmons, more temerity For entry this year. MeGlll did not strain him- Idition for walking. It would take him not a good thing for a ball player after outfielder, he has blanks and Information apply now playe at short. to secretary Kennel Lumber Ex- EVERY AFTERNOON, self in the first two innings, and the | fully as long to reach one of the West- the preliminary season opens. The catchers' averages show that the big than he is given cerdit for. Ifhe gets change. Club. Winners In the local classes to be By Mies EMILYM c.iLLINO, i piled up six runs on as many |ern league cities. Indianapolis was the opinion is that jmitten has been a blessing, the improvement Creedon first he will do well, since the 0W " 1 Colonels A contrast to Hanlon's j O thWe ternKeiinelClUb The Cooking hits, by Shugart Hol- closest, and when Manager Watkins Manager Stallings, of the backstops being so great as to con- of Strong. Frank Kelly, Champlon.' Renowned Lecturer. ! and errors and a contract, Hassa- of who trained his etltute a material factor in the game. The latter's defeat failed to send him i Cincinnati, was McCoy's first Hngsworth. Phyle pitched the last maer he long Philadelphia team at Augusta, not j|first baseman has also profited by the fat- of man- realized that had another glove, though remarkably The most Elaborate. Gorgeous three innings and was a stumbling walk ahead of him if he hoped to play j many miles from Macon. Stallings is tened not so as the ager. They "doubled up," McCoy to and Instructive fJP" got even witn himself, catcher. The great improvement in second fighting Kelly to look after Entertainment ever given under one roof in Mj^Cd block, but two hits were made off him. ball this season. He a devotee of the wheel and base play is more due practice and scien- do the and #i^^ »-fc^V Manager McGunnigle, | to America at such a reduced price of admission. A cold wind blew from the north and of the Louisville probably more of his players are wheel- tific work In the position than to any armor.— th business end of his mills. Kelly was spectators players. club, last spring for not sending him any Third base shows the smallest gain of all manager he fought Dick j?«~For space chilled both and money. every town men than can be found in other his when apply to 8. E. HOOPES, General Manager Exposition Paul, advance In which due, doubt, the third baseman's lot has never been a Building, Minneapolis, For St.
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