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Athletisme Sud-est South East Athl. Club Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 3:16 PM 06/10/2018 Page 1 UNB AUS/RSEQ Interlock - 06/10/2018 06/10/2018 Rankings Event 6 Men 8k Run CC Varsity ======================================================================= Name Year Team Finals Points ======================================================================= 1 #742 Desgagnes, Jean-Sim Laval Rouge-et-Or 25:14 1 2 #826 Rawling, Angus SFX 25:18 2 3 #840 Peverill, Andrew St. Mary's Huskies 25:28 3 4 #825 Neuffer, Alex SFX 25:48 4 5 #746 Lapointe-Pilote, Fe Laval Rouge-et-Or 25:54 5 6 #804 Chefson, Malo Sherbrooke Vert 25:58 6 7 #748 Poher, Samuel Laval Rouge-et-Or 26:00 7 8 #640 Racine, Dany Club Citius 26:05 9 #823 MacLellan, Paul SFX 26:08 8 10 #908 Lopes, Maxime Uqam Citadins 26:09 9 11 #667 Cromack, James Dalhousie Tigers 26:28 10 12 #636 Morin, Nicolas Université Laval 26:30 13 #739 Bédard, Keven Laval Rouge-et-Or 26:34 11 14 #937 Senneville, Marc-An Uqtr Patriotes 26:37 12 15 #809 Windisch, Thomas Sherbrooke Vert 26:37 13 16 #678 Smith, Bryn Dalhousie Tigers 26:40 14 17 #673 Lynds, Trent Dalhousie Tigers 26:48 15 18 #668 Drever, Callum Dalhousie Tigers 26:50 16 19 #750 Rouleau, Patrick Laval Rouge-et-Or 26:52 17 20 #671 Grimshaw-Surette, H Dalhousie Tigers 26:54 18 21 #743 Fortin, Hubert Laval Rouge-et-Or 26:55 19 22 #648 Doiron, Jean-Marc Club Endurance 27:00 20 23 #820 Doherty, Aidan SFX 27:02 21 24 #871 Cull, Isaac Unb Varsity Reds 27:05 22 25 #674 Macintosh, Angus Dalhousie Tigers 27:07 23 26 #738 Athimon, Romain Laval Rouge-et-Or 27:09 24 27 #805 Perreault, Dominic Sherbrooke Vert 27:10 25 28 #929 Gilbert, Nicolas Uqtr Patriotes 27:13 26 29 #902 Cassan, Jerome Uqam Citadins 27:13 27 30 #870 Colford, Michael Unb Varsity Reds 27:14 28 31 #741 Deschenes, Felix Laval Rouge-et-Or 27:16 32 #677 Rogers, Mike Dalhousie Tigers 27:20 29 33 #747 Levesque, Alexandre Laval Rouge-et-Or 27:21 34 #749 Riopel, Nicolas Laval Rouge-et-Or 27:27 35 #893 Robertson, Nick Upei Panthers 27:29 36 #854 Thomas, Bryan Unattached 27:30 37 #740 Bussieres, Alex Laval Rouge-et-Or 27:33 38 #751 Shaink, Ian Laval Rouge-et-Or 27:38 39 #761 Bernier, Simon McGill 27:41 40 #676 Miller, Blair Dalhousie Tigers 27:45 41 #841 Peverill, Jonathan St. Mary's Huskies 27:46 30 42 #744 Froment, Alexis Laval Rouge-et-Or 27:47 43 #672 Halloran, Jacob Dalhousie Tigers 27:52 44 #777 Hani, Abderaouf Montréal Carabins 27:54 31 45 #819 Derhak, Addison SFX 27:58 32 46 #781 Roy, Pier-Luc Montréal Carabins 28:00 33 47 #821 Gallant, Luc SFX 28:04 34 48 #806 Pinsonneault, Julie Sherbrooke Vert 28:08 35 49 #931 Houle, Xavier Uqtr Patriotes 28:12 36 50 #635 Brouard, William Université Laval 28:13 51 #905 Germain, Gabriel Uqam Citadins 28:17 37 52 #842 Stewart, Joe St. Mary's Huskies 28:22 38 Athletisme Sud-est South East Athl. Club Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 3:16 PM 06/10/2018 Page 2 UNB AUS/RSEQ Interlock - 06/10/2018 06/10/2018 Rankings ....Event 6 Men 8k Run CC Varsity 53 #877 Nancekievill, Dawso Unb Varsity Reds 28:23 39 54 #745 Kenol, Didier Laval Rouge-et-Or 28:26 55 #838 Goodyear, Stephen St. Mary's Huskies 28:29 40 56 #773 Chappe, Oscar Montréal Carabins 28:41 41 57 #822 MacDonald, Edward SFX 28:42 42 58 #850 Schwarz, Lars St. Thomas Tommies 28:44 59 #930 Houle, Jasmin Uqtr Patriotes 28:45 43 60 #779 Ramsay-Vejlens, Pau Montréal Carabins 28:45 44 61 #775 Govig, Christopher Montréal Carabins 28:46 45 62 #907 Lévénez, Théo Uqam Citadins 28:47 46 63 #669 Freeman, Alec Dalhousie Tigers 28:51 64 #880 Spragg, Mitchell Unb Varsity Reds 28:51 47 65 #827 Shankel, Jonah SFX 28:52 66 #894 Thompson, Jeremy Upei Panthers 28:53 67 #881 Verschoor, Ian Unb Varsity Reds 28:56 48 68 #824 Marlow, Patrick SFX 29:01 69 #647 Bousmaha, Nassim Club Endurance 29:04 49 70 #714 Hartman, Zach Husson University 29:10 50 71 #670 Grimshaw-Surette, H Dalhousie Tigers 29:11 72 #808 Veilleux, Antoine Sherbrooke Vert 29:13 51 73 #711 Bond, Joel Husson University 29:14 52 74 #836 Caie, Kyle St. Mary's Huskies 29:30 53 75 #622 Richard, Francois A.S.E.A. 29:31 76 #851 Terry, Ryan St. Thomas Tommies 29:33 77 #675 Maguire, Dan Dalhousie Tigers 29:35 78 #837 Fraccaro, Ryan St. Mary's Huskies 29:39 54 79 #936 Ricard, Tommy Uqtr Patriotes 29:39 55 80 #869 Clemis, Alex Unb Varsity Reds 29:42 56 81 #778 Pettersen Coulombe, Montréal Carabins 29:44 57 82 #911 Rousteau, Victor Uqam Citadins 29:45 58 83 #694 Young, Justin F'Ton Legion 29:48 84 #651 Leclair, Vincent Club Endurance 29:50 59 85 #774 Dumontier-Menard, P Montréal Carabins 29:53 60 86 #839 MacDonald, Ian St. Mary's Huskies 29:59 61 87 #782 Yaddaden, Lamine Montréal Carabins 30:06 88 #927 Brizard, Matisse Uqtr Patriotes 30:07 62 89 #928 Fournier Lacombe, L Uqtr Patriotes 30:16 63 90 #621 Morneault, Tristan A.S.E.A. 30:22 91 #901 Bouguena, Anis Uqam Citadins 30:28 64 92 #873 Donnelly, Aidan Unb Varsity Reds 30:30 65 93 #906 Larose, Julien Uqam Citadins 30:31 66 94 #933 Lecours, Mathieu Uqtr Patriotes 30:37 95 #718 Smith, Ricky Husson University 30:42 67 96 #794 Dupont, Pierre-Anto Saint-Lauren 30:50 97 #934 Montreuil, Thierry Uqtr Patriotes 30:52 98 #852 Heppell, Kevin Unattached 30:54 99 #932 Lamothe-Gosselin, S Uqtr Patriotes 30:55 100 #776 Hamelin, William Montréal Carabins 30:59 101 #717 Rodrigue, Reece Husson University 31:05 68 102 #935 Pimparé, Antoine Uqtr Patriotes 31:12 103 #910 Rondeau-Dumas, Gabr Uqam Citadins 31:24 104 #620 Morneault, Andon A.S.E.A. 31:25 105 #649 Haché, Christian Club Endurance 31:30 69 106 #639 Légaré, Marc-André Club Citius 31:44 107 #719 Welch, Patrick Husson University 31:53 70 Athletisme Sud-est South East Athl. Club Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 3:16 PM 06/10/2018 Page 3 UNB AUS/RSEQ Interlock - 06/10/2018 06/10/2018 Rankings ....Event 6 Men 8k Run CC Varsity 108 #654 Vinay, Jean-Raphaël Club Endurance 31:58 71 109 #909 Phan, Médérick Uqam Citadins 32:00 110 #650 Leclair, Alexandre Club Endurance 32:11 72 111 #903 Chartrand-Fleury, E Uqam Citadins 32:18 112 #892 McCarville, Keegan Upei Panthers 32:26 113 #828 Staples, Graydon SFX 33:21 114 #652 Rolle, Jeremy Club Endurance 33:30 73 115 #653 Saucier, Daniel Club Endurance 33:52 116 #891 Fletcher, Patrick Upei Panthers 34:02 117 #715 Hitchcock, Adam Husson University 34:14 74 118 #904 Francioni, Arnaud Uqam Citadins 34:24 119 #713 Gay, Joey Husson University 35:29 75 120 #712 Brookhouse, Christi Husson University 35:44 121 #716 Leavitt, Brady Husson University 38:21 122 #849 Scarbro, Harry St. Thomas Tommies 40:21 123 #847 Bartlett, Mark St. Thomas Tommies 40:21 Team Scores ================================================================================= Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 *8 *9 ================================================================================= 1 Laval Rouge-et-Or 41 1 5 7 11 17 19 24 Total Time: 2:10:34.00 Average: 26:06.80 2 St. Francis Xavier X-Men/ 67 2 4 8 21 32 34 42 Total Time: 2:12:14.00 Average: 26:26.80 3 Dalhousie Tigers 73 10 14 15 16 18 23 29 Total Time: 2:13:40.00 Average: 26:44.00 4 Sherbrooke Vert-et-Or 130 6 13 25 35 51 Total Time: 2:17:06.00 Average: 27:25.20 5 St. Mary's Huskies 164 3 30 38 40 53 54 61 Total Time: 2:19:35.00 Average: 27:55.00 6 Uqtr Patriotes 172 12 26 36 43 55 62 63 Total Time: 2:20:26.00 Average: 28:05.20 7 Uqam Citadins 177 9 27 37 46 58 64 66 Total Time: 2:20:11.00 Average: 28:02.20 8 Unb Varsity Reds 184 22 28 39 47 48 56 65 Total Time: 2:20:29.00 Average: 28:05.80 9 Montréal Carabins 194 31 33 41 44 45 57 60 Total Time: 2:22:06.00 Average: 28:25.20 Athletisme Sud-est South East Athl. Club Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 3:16 PM 06/10/2018 Page 4 UNB AUS/RSEQ Interlock - 06/10/2018 06/10/2018 Rankings ....Event 6 Men 8k Run CC Varsity 10 Club Endurance Moncton 268 20 49 59 69 71 72 73 Total Time: 2:29:22.00 Average: 29:52.40 11 Husson University 307 50 52 67 68 70 74 75 Total Time: 2:32:04.00 Average: 30:24.80 Athletisme Sud-est South East Athl. Club Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER 3:15 PM 06/10/2018 Page 1 UNB AUS/RSEQ Interlock - 06/10/2018 06/10/2018 Rankings Event 5 Women 6k Run CC Varsity ======================================================================= Name Year Team Finals Points ======================================================================= 1 #725 Comeau, Anne-Marie Laval Rouge-et-Or 20:58 1 2 #729 Lacourse, Jessy Laval Rouge-et-Or 21:24 2 3 #727 Dube-Lavoie, Aureli Laval Rouge-et-Or 21:32 3 4 #721 Beauchemin, Catheri Laval Rouge-et-Or 21:40 4 5 #663 Reddy, Michelle Dalhousie Tigers 22:15 5 6 #658 Jordan, Savanna Dalhousie Tigers 22:33 6 7 #666 Watts, Sophie Dalhousie Tigers 22:34 7 8 #631 Robinson, Katie Acadia Axemen 22:48 8 9 #764 Bouchard-Nguyen, Ja Montréal Carabins 22:51 9 10 #800 Maurin, Juliette Sherbrooke Vert 22:55 10 11 #796 Brisson, Camille Sherbrooke Vert 22:56 11 12 #921 Goudreault, Pénélop Uqtr Patriotes 23:07 12 13 #797 Gilbert, Melodie Sherbrooke Vert 23:09 13 14 #767 De Coene, Elodie Montréal Carabins 23:10 14 15 #723 Bérubé, Jade Laval Rouge-et-Or 23:11 15 16 #736 Turcotte, Isabelle Laval Rouge-et-Or 23:13 16 17 #625 Higgins, Madalyn Acadia Axemen 23:15 17 18 #772 Turgeon, Stephanie Montréal Carabins 23:16 18 19 #638 Racine, Gabrielle Club Citius 23:23 20 #768 Duval, Margot Montréal Carabins 23:23 19 21 #811 Johnston, Zoe SFX 23:26 20 22 #801 Ouellet, Evelyne Sherbrooke Vert 23:28 21 23 #815 Marmura, Hana SFX 23:31 22 24 #810 Hergett, Jane SFX 23:32 23 25 #939 Chisholm, Paige SFX 23:33 24 26 #818 Thompson, Catherine SFX 23:35 25 27 #656 Chappell, Ellen Dalhousie Tigers 23:36 26 28 #920 Gervais-Pépin, Kloé Uqtr Patriotes 23:46 27 29 #688 Keefe, Danielle Fredericton HS 23:49 30 #763 Barreto Côté, Isabe Montréal Carabins 23:51 28 31 #732 Pomerleau, Caroline Laval Rouge-et-Or 23:52 29 32 #633 Smith, Chrissy Acadia Axemen 23:53 30 33 #816 Robson, Ashley SFX 23:55 31 34 #766 Champigny, Gabriell Montréal Carabins 23:57 32 35 #924 Perreault, Christin Uqtr Patriotes 23:59 33 36 #795 Dagenais, Emma Sherbrooke 24:04 37 #734 St-Laurent, Noemie Laval Rouge-et-Or 24:05 38 #798 Keeney, Camille Sherbrooke Vert 24:06 34 39 #885 Moore, Emma Upei Panthers 24:07 35 40 #665 Waller, Georgia Dalhousie Tigers 24:08 36 41 #829 Burke, Bhreagh St.

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