Ai,PIi.16ETICAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WALLACIfBURG Harrison Thomas, jeweler Kent Co Population about 2,900 Hay Alexander, grocer Hay W W, physician Allen M E, restaurant Hayes Thomas, auctioneer 1 BREMNER I Allen Orlander, baker Heath W H, furniture etc WM Wm jr, tailor Ayers Hill George, hotel Bank of Montreal, J W de C Hinnegan T F, hotel & livery O'Grady Mngr Hodge & Hazlewood, planing mill Beattie L C Mrs, confectionery Hurley M J, grocer BOOKS, STATIONERY, Becker Wm, blacksmith Jackson C B, Solicitor etc Bell T H, confectioner adv) Boulton & Co, butchers Judson C S, druggist Bourne Alexander, Agricul- Kinna John, hotel PERIODICALS, ETC tural Implement Agent (see adv) Lalonde Severe, grocer Bowers F, butcher Lee & Sons, foundry Brander A D, druggist Lendon Charles, Furniture Branton George, veterinary surgeon Undertaker (see adv) Bremner Win, Books & Stat- Leroy Theodore. barber ^chccl Bool^s ionery (see adv) Little Richard, clothing Burgess J A, Boots & Shoes Lockert Wm, buteher AND (see adv) Mc('arron Bros, grocers Case Ira, blacksmith Mc('aul,lm S Miss, dressmaker Chubb Charles, Appraiser Can- McCoy J M & Sons, millers ada Permanent Loan & Savings McDonald D B, Postmaster OFFICE SUPPLIES Co McDonnell W J, boat builder Chubb Charles & Son, Steam- McDougall Alex, Barrister (see ship, Ticket & Insurance Agents adv) A SI'ECIALTY. (see adv) McKim Joshua, dry goods Clal^cy S M, grocer McLean A Mrs, milliner ('ocllrane J W, barber McLean F L, butcher (.'ollings Samuel, harness McLean John, livery FANCY C3003:)9, Connell C H. jeweler McRae Finlay, barber Cross S W, Printer & Publisher McRae W D, grocer etc (aee adv) Macdonald Malcolm, photographer Crothers S D. dry goods 3lalone J F, implt agent WALL PAPER, ETC Davidson & Stewart, grain Mann S L, livery Delorne Joseph, asbery Martell John, billiard hall Doyle Michael, shoemaker Martin Mart, planing mill A FULL STOCK OF Dulong Fred, Merchant Tailor Martin Theodore, lock mnfr (PPe adv) Mickie A, grain C02 Feruald M J & Co, boots & eboes Mitchell George, physician Fisher A, grocer Morris Harvey, staves & hoops rn Fleld 4&ro Garden Forban Thomas,Harness Maker Murdock Wm, butcher (yve adv) Murphy & Co. liquors Fraser J H, lumber Nightingale C E, Agent The Fraser J S, barrister Federal Life Assurance Cc 1 Gibb J N, contractor O'Grady J W de C, Mngr Bank O SEEDS Gillard & Riddell, bankers of Moi,treal Graves C S. dry goods O'Leary F P, grocer etc Ir GravFon John,*blacksmith Philp Id, livery KEPT ON HAN D. Grimsell Alfred, Rrooer Pierce T E, blacksmith O Hardeman C A, boots & aboes Post Wro A, carriage maker Hardy (' W, ehoemaker Redpath Thomas, botel R7 WRITE FOR A CATALOGUE. Address, D. M. FERRY & CO., WINDSOR, ONT. 11» . V 84 ALPHABETICAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ALPHABBTICAL BGSIAE+6 I>:RBCT(1RY. Ai a0 Wallaceburg -Continued. Stevens Elijah, baker SUmehonwe C, general store 01:Lar1Les LeX-XdoX-1_ 5< Z Rilley Charles, hotel Sydenham (ilass Work. glass mufrs ^ Riverside Cauniug Works, fruit Taylor S F, butcher UNI)I:RTAKEIZ AND E 1,1I3ALMER. p Thomas W if, ehoemaker canners Z 1{mKe.lohn, cooper Thorn .1:1nlrN It, vet surgeon _ Scott John, Broker & Appraiser 'l'hornton 11 R, dentimt !< (nre adv) 'V addeI l.4c l'latt, groo.• re W Seed U F, blaoksmith Wallaceburg Herald, S W mC Sltaw & Wooliver, Hardware Cross Propr (see adv) (sec• adv) Warrener G W, barber â Side I. H, bl^ckRmith Weir A D1iAs, drets maker 2E Smith C, stoves & tinware Welch .1 E Mrs, dress maker Smith F 11, je:veler West T 13, millrr ;a Somers S, hotel West & David, hardware M Wilson Joscph, planing mill j Steinhoff & Gordon. cooperage amr Q Stephen 1%' in, physician Woods George, blacksmith a W W ALEX. McDOUGALL, r 21 0 SOLICITOR IN THE SUPREME COURT, DEALER IN FORI^ITÛRE OF ALL KINOS. Â © CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN. UNCESTAKiNû A SPECIALTY. ^ WALLACEBURG , - - O ONT. -0 WALLACEBURG, - ONT. .^..^_. ^. W- The Wallaceburg Herald; ^°o Intending Borrowers will do well to call on S. W. CROSS, PROPRIETOR. C JOHN SC-Y.1790, SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 IN ADVANCE. a The Herald is read by every family in the town and district, making it an W BROKER, APPRAISER, &c. A 1 advertieing medium. X The Job Department is replete with the most modern Type and Presses to X W Money to Loan on Real Estate Farms for Sale. eYecute any kind of Piain or Ornamental Printing with neatness and deapatch. 3^1 0 WALLACEBURG}. ONT. 11':11.L.1t'EL'UR(a, - - - W -- - - ONTARIO. 2 It SHAW & WOOLIVER, FRED. P"M (aO - DEALERS IN DULONG , > Z Z All kinds of Shelt and Heavy Hardware, 9toves & Tinware Q Paintx, Oils, &c. Eavetroughing a Specialty. O - - - ONT. Merelzarxt T allor P IL ,V ALLACEBIIRG, O X W Advertise in These Directories I WALLACEBUR(J, - ONT. O FERRY'S SEEDS are Known Everywhere, Sold Everywhere, Grown Everywhere. WRITE FOR A CATALOGUE. Address, D. M. FERRY & CO., WINDSOR, OINT. Z 4 R6 ALPBABETICAL BUSINESS DIRRCCOlIT. Elliottt & Williams, auctioneers Fitzgerald W E, Notary Public w Alex. BO.rrie, etc DEALER IN Fitzgerald &Fitzgerald, Bar- ;04 rivters etc (see adv) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Fortune & Moore, bakers m tt•ANSTKAI.1 CARRIAGES, WAGONS, CUTTERS, &c. Fowler Robert. butch,•r _-- n Lamliton Cl) Population about 1fi0 Fuller l3roR, insurance Owl ON'l'AHIO. 13urueK J F,l'oetmaRter ât Gereral tiibaott Robert, physician W ALLACEI3UKG, - Store Guide Advocate, Harris & Williams ^w h;illiford John, agril implts proprs Groeabeck .1 & Cu, Ptaye will Harris & Williams, printers & pub- 2*0 Jl^TO. A. :E3URC;-ESS, Simpson N, blacksmith lisilen Dealer in HSRket Robert, grocer a Fine tnd Coarse Boots and Shoes, WARWICK Hastings & Bruce, Hardware, M Rubber Goods, Etc. Larnbtoo Co Population about 160 Stoves, Tinware etc (see adv) iùpa,tgng d°no on the MhortcNt notice and Hicks George, Dentist ( Ree adv) satisfaction guaranto.xt. S. saw mill Ilone A D, painter saw Clark J Yh \qt\rI ,r.arltN ^ÎC\t4rw ^ le\ Cox Alfied, blacksmith üowdeu N B, gr»cer Z R'.l,LIAfE111'114. • ONT. Elarton Salt Works Co Howden S B. boots & shoes a Ilumphries John carriage maker llowden T J, builder Z --- - - McCormick Bros, brick makers Hughes F J, harneeR maker blcKenzie Robert, carpenter Hume J H,Insurance& Appraiser () Charles Chubb & Son, Morris T G, Postmaster Canada Permanent Loan & Sav- Vi t{inâe Louis, boot & shoes inga Co Stilltrell George, blacksmith Jatnieson A Misa, dressmaker Fire, Life , Accident and Marine Insurauce Agents Kells & Bryson, coopers lccount^>,nts, Con^^ey-uncers, &r. C. P. R. Ticket Agents. WATFOKD Kennedy W H, solicitor Kerfoot Thomas. inplt agent M+^ \D ^17LD L\NpN FOat MAI.B. ..0 MO\t:l' TO IOA\. FARY . ► Lambton Co Populatiou about 1,500 Kidd A, carpenter , ONTd1RIO. Laughlin S. painter W:RLL.RCEI3 URG Alexander & Son, carriage In Lawrence J & Son, lumber Annett C R, grocer Leigh J. barber ^ rM]E3oSi. FORHAIV, Annett James, grain Lewis Letson, jeweler Au!d John, pbyaician Lister, Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds o CowandvMacKenzie,barristers dl' Harneas, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Aslesworth H F, harness Littleproud A W, Grocer etc 2k_ F+^ Blankets, Etc., Etc. Baker H U, hotel (see ad v) Farmere and others in need of anything in Baker John. baker Livingston John, marble works ts this line will find a good assortment and Bodlay John, insuranoe LouckR S W, woolen mill y are invited to call and Examine .irown Arthur, dry goods F^^1 Workmanship and Prices. All Lovrl: J ohn, carriage maker C Work Warranted. Brown Jacob, barber McDonnell A, grocer ('ameron M Miss, dress maker M t-. • R'ALWl791114 R61. DlcGillicuddy J,Veterinary Sur- ^.y stom, opp. Hurlet• 131ock. 3,inwe ti Cameron Wm, livery geon (see adv) C* Clutterbuck W, uboemaker McKenzie F 11, dry goods 70 â p. 8. JA^gBO1V. Collins W(3, boots & ehoee MuKercher A, veterinary surgeon Cook Bros, butchers McKercber John, implt agent p Cook Henry,Undertaker& Furoi- McLaren W F, druggist ture (see adv) McLean C MrR, dreesmaker Cook R A, stoves & tinware McLeay J A, physician Crone J T, dry goods McWaterR John, builder SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Et^, Crone Thomas, furniture Madden Frank, tailor CD Dodds Bros. general store Matthews John, cooper Duulop A, flour mill Martins Block, - TrALLACEBQRB, ONT. Maxwell D A. carriage makqr rn WRITE FOR A CATALOGUE. Address, D. M. FERRY & CO., WINDSOR, ONT. FERRY'S SEEDS are Known Everywhere, Sold Everywhere, Grown Everywhere. SR ALPHABETICAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ALPHABETICAL BUSTS eiS DIRECTORY. 9 cu CA▪ Watford—Continued. Saunders Alex, solicitor ME- Miller Wm. carriage maker Shannon & Co, dry goods C) Cie r5 agent d Minidly E F Miss, millinery Stevens R J, implt UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER. 0 T G, grain Swift Bros, tailors 0 Mitchell A full line of Cloth Covered. Walnut. Mitchell Wm, painter Taylor House, I P Taylor Propr Rose Z r.:: wood & Oak Caskets always Mitchell & (2o, harness makers (see adv) on hand. r. a Propr Taylor House --• Mitchell & Robson. carriage makers Taylor I P, Also dealer in Furniture of all kinds, Parlor and Bedroom ),1 Newell James ph) siciau (sec gdv) Suites a Specialty. T B, druggist WATFORD, ILLII Reid J, dentist Taylor ONT. 'al Ristorick Frank. hotel Thom David, implt agent bankers Ristorick Wm. livery Thomas & Kerivrard, x ▪ dressmaker Roche David. grocer Thompson M Miss, Rogers W Il. hotel Tilden C & Son, pumps FITZGERALD & Mies, millinery FITZGERALD « Ross David, Postmaster WIllisms S J , Sanders E I-1, shoemaker Willoughby C, carriage maker 13arristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Etc. LI ▪ Wynne G 11, banker auà Saunders Absalom, saw mill Visits Wyoming every Tuesday between 9 a.m.
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