CENSUS 1981 'fllrr XIlI - if fOl1/SERfES-22 ..... 'SfT~qcti ~'1rrUf,",' ~n~~~ ~l~ UTTAR PRADESH Part XIII .. 8 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACI ~ilT ~1 atT~tTq; '3(;"ffl\'JT'il • ~a'!ffa~ DISTRICT AZAMGARH 'DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK ~~CQ ~ Sl'lirnf'{"" ~T f.r~'Ii'i ~ur.rr q r'« HA. flAm, 'lI!O 1. sr~T 2. ~ v 3. ~iifiTllmm 4. ~~~ - Ix 5. fm:rr \ijiJl[O(i'{( ~crW~ 'IlT ~ xiii 6. f~T~iifi ~IJfT (~·if;;iT if) I 7 . mr ~TqflTiifi iififiT1lfi'IT ~ITHlTlT1"lf \if';:rn'ijlfT 10 8. ~W<rn;;rrfu;r1 if ~ f\;r{1nrNflTiifi 1Sfi'{"IOliJl m1: 18 9. ~ "A"-"fTffi<il it; fi;r~ srT~+riifi \jfi'[lfomr ~ 26 10. m+iTor/;;;rUlf Sl'Nflriifi \if'ifiTOfifT tm: (oiJr~ ~ I.WT!/~ ~ ~ iIi~) 1. ~q~T ~~ (i) ff~m lTmf"'l'l' (ii) lXTlTr'liT CfOJT1;ilili ~ 36 ( iii ) llllftor ~Nfu'li "fif~ ~i1: 56 (i v) iflTfrlf srNf1l'li "fiflTorifT ~T~ qf"ttirrr;c ~%a 122 2. ~T~ (i ) cr~m lTTiff'Tf$f (ii) IDlTT <tT, CfOJf1ifilT ~r q8 (iii) ~ ~ "fifqor<rr m~ 156 (iv) iJ"~l<r srM1l'li ~T ~i1: qf~~psG ~ 212 3. at~;r~ ~T;;r (i) ~m 111:iJ"fir;r 232 (ii) m+rl <tT ,,!o111M ~T 250 (iii) IDlftur ~Nfi:ri:I; ;;r;'flTOTifT ~n: 308 (iv) <{lTWr ~~ \if'rrtfllTifT ~R qf-mrr;c ~ 4. ~~",:rr;nq ~ (i ) ~ffi<;r lTAf~ 320 (ii) lXTlTT 'liT ,,!oI1'j_)ifili ~ 340 ( iii)' \lTlftor srNf'+rfi \if"i'{'lTOfifT ~ , 402 (iv) <i;l'Ulf SfT'lff+rli "fi'flTUTifT ''iff"{ qhfirrt?: af.s:<cI 5. ~~ (i) ~R;~- (ii) IDlfT CffT cr~~ ~;ft 424 (iii) ~ ~Nfl::rifi Gl"rTVAT m~ 444 (iv) rIlT-t1<:r >nqf~ GffJTI'Ufifr ~ qRf!1T~ «~ 51~ 6.1 ~T~'1'~~l~ (i) ~R;~~ . (ii) mm #t Cf1JTi~ ~:q'Y 520 (iii) IDlf'hT 51T~ GfrmuriT «r~ 538 (iv) ~ ~rqfifct; ~r «~ qft:~ ~ 598 FOREWORD The District Census Handbook (DCH), compiled by the Census Organization on behalf of the State Government is one of the most valuable produc~s of the C.ensus. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners, administrators. academicians and researchers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to district administration. The district census handbook is the only pUblication which provides Primary Census Abstract (PC A) data upto village level for the rural areas ward-wise for ,each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns, etc. The district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and peA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district" administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory, including PCA. The 1971 DCH series was plan~ed in three parts. Part-A related to' village and town directory, Part-B to village and town peA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative sta­ tistiCS, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on peA and amenity data in respect of villages. ~owever, in some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing. While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features along ",with the restruct­ uring of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village d~rectory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is' expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in local area, planning but regulating the provision of goods and services as well as to minimise the regional imbalan­ ces in the process of development. A few new items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres, primary fieahh subcentres, and community health workers in the village have been introdu~ea-in the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have--an idea about the villages in the district which are inaccessible. A n~w column, "total population and number of ho~seholds" has been introduced to examine the correlation of the amenities with t111, p~piIlatloIl. and number of house- holds they serve. Addition of, two-n'lqre appendices listing the villages where no amenities are available and according to the proportion of scheduled.caste-tnd scheduled gibes' popUlation to the total population has also been made'with thi~ view ih mind. I The formats! of the town dil"ectory have also been modifi~d to meet the requirements of tJ:t)Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new state­ ment on civic and other amenities in Class-I and Glass-II ~owns '(Statement IV-A) has been introduc~d with this objective in mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk out programmes on provisio~ of civic amenities for the improvement of slums. The columns on, Scheduled. Castes and Scheduled Tr11Jes population in statement IV relating to 'iv civic and other amemties and adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities in state- '\ ment V are also added inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town in all the seven statements of the town direct~ry. The jnf[astructure of amenities in urban areas. of the,country can be best analysed by takmg tlie class of towns lUto consideration. The addition ef the columns on civic admlUlstratlOn status and population in a few statements also serves thiS Pllrpose. n~ .) 'Phe format'of the primary census abstract for the villages and towns has'bden formulated In the lIght of cbabges in the eCOJlomic'and otnet questions canvassed tlirough,the individual slIp of 1981 ,Census. In?rdet to aVOId d~lf!.y,in p~blicatiRfl ofl 1981 DC]I ~!!Jies It .l;IJls,b~n so de~gned,tbat Part-{\ of the volum~ c~lltaIlW. vIl,lage iinq town qlrecto,ry and, P~rt-.B, ,the PCA. pf. vl).lages and towns Inc1l,ldmg the Scheduled Castes a~d Scheduled Tribes PCA upto Tahsll/Town levels. A~ the bl~ginilYng ~fthe D'C~ a detaded analytical n9te supported by a number of inset t~bles, based on p'tR ~nd nori-ceri's~s data m relation to the mfrastructure has been mtroduced to enh~n~e _~ts value. The District a~d Tahsi1/P6Itc~ StationjCD Block etc. le,veJ maps depleting the boundaries and other lmp?rlant f~atures have been inserted at' appropriate pI'lces,,to further enhance' the value of the',puphpatiop., . ThIs publication is a jomt venture-of the State Government and ·the Census Organization. The 'data have been collected' and compiled. in the State under the direction of Sri Ravindra Gupta, the Director of Census (i)peration, U •. :e. on behalf ofthe State Government which lias borne the co-;t or print~ng. Tl}e ta~k of p,lanning, de.signmg and co-ordinat\on ~f this~~9)icatIOn l~as camed out,by Dr. N. G.• N~g,.Deputy RegIstrar General (Social St1,1d,ies) of IrJY q~ce. Dr. B. K. Roy, Deputy ~egjst.rar qenet;al (Map) provIded the teyhpical guicll;l.Ilce tn $.e,Pf~pa­ ration of t11e maps. :qata f.eceiv~9 from Census Directorat~s,ha,ve be~n scrutinisep in the S~lal Studies DiVIsion at the ~ea9qua~~e,rs under th,e guida.nye of Sri M.. M. Dua, S~nior Research Officer. I am tlp,..qkful'tQ all w)1o have contrippted, in, tbis projeGt. P. PADM;AN.M3HA R$gisJrcm Gen"er.al, India. New Delhi The 26th April. 1982. CONTENTS Page No. 1. Forewor< iii 2. Preface vii 3. Map of 4. Importa cs ix 5. Introdll; strict Census Handbook ... xvii '~-J;~ .... .AP~'.t-; 1 7. District Primary Census Abstract-General population ... 10 8. District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes "18 9. Disti"lct Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 26 10. RuralfUrban PrImary Census Abstract (by villages of a tahsil/ward of a town)' 1. Sagri Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical List of villages 46 (iii) Rural Prima~y Census Abstract 56 (iv) Urban Primary Census Abstract with appendix 122 2. Ghosi Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (Ii) Alphabetical List of villages' 147 -(iii) Rural Pnmary Census Abstract 156 Urban Primary Census Apstract with appendix 212 (iv) I 3. Azamgarb Tahsil (I) Tahsil Map (it) Alphabetical List of vIllages 241 (iii) Rural Primary Census Abstract ... 250 I I (iv) Urban ,Primary Census Abstract with appendix 308 4. l\1uhammadabad Tahsil (i) Tahsil Map (li) Alphabetical List of villages 330 (iii) Rural Primary Census Abstract 340 (iv) Urban Primary Census Abstract with appendix 402 : SnCf~: 'ii~lffUTClirn 31"fffiW-f'fi' 31urfflT If 'i9)cT 5fvmrfrr'fi' ~ C!;r~<r1: ~ a:r~ 'fi'T ~'fi' fc[~1f I'f~~ ~tor ~ I ~'liQtaiT, 'i9T!S!1 <:f~r ~111rrl1 Qlff.Rr<rT t#T f~;:r-f~ 31'FR: '1ft a:rrcr.n:rCfi'<rT3TT 'l\'T ';l;fcr iF arfuf-':CfO~;:r a:r~T 'fiT 3l"rcnn:f'fiffT sr:oiTG"rf?ir'fi' ~tqT3fT ~ 'q"t1R", R~ ~G"-': rr-.: f;:r~ 1:1;<r srwmrr ~ rcrmlf ~)G"T ~ I .
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