Pranksters Plentiful Coming Home In the Days Queen Is Idea of AddRan Of Ad Man See Page 8 See Page 4 TEXAS CHRISTIAN eUNIVERSITY Skiff • • • • FORT WORTH, TEXAS 1 VOL. 58, No. 18 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1959 12 PAGES WELCOME BACK EXES OF '39 Homecoming Ceremonies Will Honor Class of '39 By RUTH ANN KINDIGER Official Homecoming ceremonies will open in a blaze of torches and spotlights at 8 p.m. today. Registration of exes, including the honored class of 1939, will begin today. Special group dinners and reunions are scheduled for tonight, including the Ex-Letterman's annual banquet at 6:30 p.m. in the Hotel Texas Hall of Exhibits. Sorority and fraternity open houses also arc planned. Opening ceremonies will begin with the 1 i!_;h1111•_; of the torches BOOK HOUSE at the entrance of Stadium Drive The Library schedule during by thp Coming Home Queen. Mrs ,,„..,.. , ... John Hall and the Homecoming the lhanksgiving holidays has Qupcn Miss noe RountreP. Thpse been arranged as follows: ceremonies will be witnessed by Nov. 26, Thanksgiving Pay. Fort Worth Mayor Pro-tern John the Library will not be open. Justin, TCP ex: Student Body Friday, Nov. 27, the hours Prudent Jerry Johnson. Arling- .,, . „ e ton Heights. 111. senior and Will be 8 a.m. to 5 p m Homecoming Chairman Miss June Saturday, Nov. 28, the Li- Pence. Shrevcport, La senior. brary Will be open from 8 a iii At a signal from Johnson, the to 12 noon. 27 static displays built by student The Library is closed on organizations around the quad- Sunday. Regular hours will ra"-lc uil> come ab,;izp """ resume on Monday, Nov. 30. '***& Tnew displays will remain in place through Sunday. Miss Cloe Rountree, Jacksonville junior, acts senior, congratulate her. She learned of the ' Winners of trophies for dis- stunned upon hearing the announcement that honor Tuesday night at a pep rally in Ed Lan- plays in the various categories will be announced at half-time she had been chosen Homecoming Queen. Miss dreth Auditorium. Duchesses are Miss Faye Mr. Ramsey ceremonies during the football Bettie Ponelius, Chattanooga, Tenn. junior, Redwine, Cisco senior, and Miss Rita Kay game Saturday. left, and Miss Sandy Stoket, San Antonio Stewart, Fort Worth senior. The Horned Krog Band, under Recovering the direction of James A. Jacob- sen, will present a 30 minute Dr. Hendricks Will concert on the steps of the Stu- Registrar Announces 138 From Stroke dent Center as exes and visitors ,,,,,„ .. , take their first look at the lighted Talk at Breakfast Hart«ell Ramsey, d.rector of disp]ays Thp d]splavs wi|, foUow To Be Graduated This Fall Dr. William Hendricks, pro- ex-student activities, who suffer- a theme of "Songs of '39". fessor of theology at Southweal ed a stroke while watching the At 9 p.m.. a giant pep rally Registrar Calvin A. Cumbie pleted, not including seven Bach- em Baptist Theological Semi- TCU-Pilt game last month, is and the traditional Homecoming has announced that 138 students elor of Divinity degrees nary in Fort Worth, will speak improving steadily in Pittsburgh bonfire on the stadium grounds have made applications for de- Thirty-one students expect to at the "Favorite Professor Break will be highlighted by a talk by , . complete Bachelor of Arts de- Miss Ann Pierson, _,assistant T(T.s A11.America of 1956 grees and expect to complete re- ^^ , , fast", at 6:30 a m, Tuesday in Jim whj e hree wffl fmish director, who has taken over in Swink quirements at the close of the requirements for Bachelor of the Ballroom. Tickets will be on sale at the his absence, reports that Mr. Following the bonfire there fall semester. Jan. 28. Science degrees Applicants for information d k in the Student Ramsey informed her in a recent will be an informal dance in the These students will receive Bachelor of Science in Commerce Center until Monday noon, letter that he is now being per- Student Center featuring a local their degrees in formal com- degrees number 41. for one dnllir This rhircp n .._ combo, The Ivorvtones. , Twenty four Bachelor of IOI one noii.ii inis cnai ge nutted "to dang e his feet off the ^ ' , . nuncement exercises June 1. „ . ,,. ,. , .,, may be taken off the students b d „ Tomorrow morning Science in hducation degrees will meal ticket for special class reunions, soro- One hundred and twenty four hp cnmpI,,t(1(, fjv(1 Bachelor of Jeanette Potter Fort Worth "We hope that he will be able rity-fraternity open houses, cof- Bachelors degrees will be com- Science in Physical Education and sophomore may he contacted at to return to Fort Worth some fees in various University depart- eight Bachelor of Fine Arts de- WA 7-8075 if additional Informs- time during the middle of De ments and a general coffee in the grees. second floor foyer of Ihe Student tion is needed comber." said Nils-, 1'ierson Dr. Trueblood Twelve students will finish re- Center sponsored by the Fort quireinenls for Bachelor of Worth Women Exes Science in Nursing degrees University to Host Meeting The annual awards luncheon of Plans REW Seven students have applied the F.x Students Association will for Masters degrees Three of he held at 11 a m in the Ball- these are for Master of Arts; two. Of Texas Psychologists room, where the ' most distln- With Council Master of Music: one. Master of guished alumus" and the 'most Research and training pro shops on new concept] in noli valuable alumus of the year" will Hi Elton Trueblood. this y<\u 's Religious education; and one. Master of Theology grams ill psychology "ill he cm tary psychology, training of grad he honored tomorrow Exei will Religious Emphasis Week ipeak phasixed at the 11th annual meet- also vote f >r new Association uate students, human factors, en ing of the Texas Psychological ott icers er, met with the United Ri ligious gineering problems in launching Association to be held in I-oil Also at 11 a m . KF.I7 lele\ Ision Council Friday to discus-, plans mental health research and other Armv Rifle T^m Worth. Dee. 10 through 12 will telecast an hour program of for RE Week Dr Trueblood is topics 11 i'. winch recently announced the Homecoming ceremonies the professor of philosophy at Challenaes Rice the beginning of a l'h. D pro Hi- Raymond F. Cattell, re Ho tess and host «ill be Miss Etrlham College. gram in pa] choloj ■ to start in search professor ol psychology at penM .„„, ,,„, (;ivv ., fresh The Army ROTf Bifle Team "The theme \wll be 'Whal li September I960, will be the host he University of Illinois and an {Tom Pittsburgh, Ps The pro- will lire against Rire Saturday school. •ntcriuitioiil authority m the area cram will feature a look at the a Christian college', Rev .lames numan morning a! the ROTC rifle range Chancellor M F Sadie, will "' personality and social digplayl ,„.,, ,,,|iv. mU8ic by the KJI rar, director of religious act here. welcome members to ihe first P«ychology, will give the invited Horned Frog Band and interviews Uvitiea, slated A concentrated The team has had trouble Ho | genei .il session scheduled at U IB address at the Association's an with e\os theme a ill be set at I later date. season after losing two of their nual banqut t Fi tdaj <-\ ening He a in Friday, Dec il Dr. Carl F k The Homecomln : and Coming The meeting gave members ling scorers from last year. Hereford, research director of the "■'" »P«« "" '■""• P«ychopysio „,,„„. ,,,„,,,„ wlll ,n, ,.,,,, .„,, .,, l of UlU'. Greek Council of chap Gerald Shamburger nnd Don Austin Community Guidance I on °C "' Anxiety half tune ceremonies of the foe* Ryan Shamburger, Tyler senior .,- , president of TPA C J Firkins, director of the i, i ,. „ie winch begins at 2 lms, Clergymen and (acuity |c s al :1 was high point man in the eon Registration "ill begin at con Testing and Guidance (enter is \ reunion coffee for exes will .sponsors a chance to got to know lorenro. and Ryan won several volition headquarters at Ihe Hotel '" Charge of local arrangements \H, neld m ihe Stadium following Dr. and Mrs. Truehlood anil get individual honors also. Texas Thursday afternoon, with Dr Saul 1! Sells, professor ol the cone the planning under way Hans The learn expressed confidence members of the TCI' chapter ot psychology, is chairman of Ihe Special dinners are also plan- brought up included the meeting of a Homecoming win over Bice Pel Chi, national honor society program committee nprj f,M. Saturday evening by ex- of leaders of RE Week and Ihe tomorrow Team captain Joe for psychology students in Both Dr Sells and Dr C W student croups, with Ihe tradi- reception on Sunday afternoon Huddleston staled, 'it won't be charge. LaGrone, chairman ot the pap tional Homecoming Dance at 8 M before REW and Ihe three con- TCP in the cellar after this During the three days. Texas etiology department, are past p m In the Ballroom and an I'xes- vocalions for the week match" psychologists will attend work presidents of TI'A. Set HOMECOMING on Page 2 t ■ i HIM FrUUy, Mov»mh«r JO, I959 CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAf ■ '.'nr.ini! CUM COCKM, K 2:0 8-10 * m Sociology Coffee, ST 21fl 'fi-<-, K 2)0 10-11 a m Spar,. ' ■'■'." SC 2.'^ 1112 noon Cm off»:e, SC 215 ** 32 BOOH Jia|<>ist Student Union, K 215 I'.'.hA M pin s<-if ftady ComaMtot, S*" ! 6 30 pja Lighting of th« BM -pus 1 ; •■ ;; mi - oming Boi TOMORROW 9-11 am—Kine Arts Homecoming Coffee, Fine Arts Lobby 9-11 am.—Alpha Chi, K 217 9:30 a.m.—Class of '44, SC 203 9 30 a m—Class of "49, SC 204 9:30 a m—Class of '34, SC 204 •€<•:• .:-- Kol!m«n, 930 am.—Classes of '14 through '19 SC HI r, Miaa Aim Ktlly, Bay- 930 a m.— Class of '29, SC 215 9 30-12—Class '39, SC 216 11 ■!■! ).
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