Lecture 23 Stimulated Raman scattering, Stokes and anti-Stokes waves. Stimulated Brillouin scattering. 1 1 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) 2 2 1 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) We will see now how energy dissipation can lead to both field attenuation and field amplification. 3 3 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) Molecule: vibrates at freq. Ω Ω ω ω ω±Ω sidebands ±Ω 4 4 2 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) Total field squared time averaged: 2 Back action [E1cos(ωt) +E2cos(ω–Ω)] Ω ω ω–Ω time This modulated intensity coherently excites the molecular oscillation at frequency ωL − ωS = Ω. 5 5 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) Back action ω q - normal coordinte Dipole moment of a molecule: � = �$�� ω–Ω key assumption of the theory: �� � = � + � $ �� Energy due the oscillating field E: 1 � = � ��- 2 $ Two laser frequencies force molecule to vibrate at freq. Ω The applied optical field exerts a force �� 1 �� � = = � �- �� 2 $ �� 6 6 3 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) 4 total field ℰ(�) = ( � �7(89:;<9=) + � �7(8?:;<?=) + �. �.) - 5 > force term oscilalting at Ω is: 1 �� 1 1 �� � �, � = � 2( � �∗�7(J:;K=) + �. �. ) = � ( � �∗�7(J:;K=) + �. �. ) 2 $ �� 4 5 > 4 $ �� 5 > Simple oscillator model for molecular motion. � � 1 �� �̈ + ��̇ + Ω-� = = � ( � �∗�7(J:;K=) + �. �. ) $ � 4� $ �� 5 > 4 look for q in the form � = [�(Ω)�7(J:;K=) + �. �. ] - we thus find that the amplitude of the molecular vibration is given by ∗ 1 �� �5�> �(Ω) = �$ - - 2� �� Ω$ − Ω + ��� 7 7 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) YZ NL polarization � �, � = �� �, � = �� �(�, �)� z, t = � �(� + �)� �, � $ $ $ Y[ the nonlinear part of the polarization is given by �� 1 1 � �, � = � � [�(Ω)�7(J:;K=) + �. �. ] ( � �7(89:;<9=) + � �7(8?:;<?=) + �. �. ) �� $ �� 2 2 5 > The part of this expression that oscillates at frequency ωS – the Stokes polarization is given by 1 �� � �, � = � � �(Ω)∗� �7(8?:;<?=) + c. c. � 4 $ �� 5 Fourier component of NL polriz. 1 �� 1 �� 1 �� � �∗� � 2� �� |� |2� ∗ 5 5 > $ 2 5 > � �> = �$� �(Ω) �5 = �$� �$ - - = - - 2 �� 2 �� 2� �� Ω$ − Ω − ��� 4� �� Ω$ − Ω − ��� 8 8 4 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) Now plug Fourier component into SVEA equation: ��(�7) ��7 = − �d5(�7) �� 2���$ to get: ��(� ) �� � 2� �� |� |2�(� ) > > $ 2 5 > ;e<= = − - - � �� 2���$ 4� �� Ω$ − Ω − ��� Note that Δ�=0 here – SRS is always phase matched, since Δ� = �5 − �5 + �> − �> = 0 Thus Stokes wave can propagate in any direction, even counter-propagate! Let us now set Ω = Ω$ ��(� ) �� � 2� �� |� |2�(� ) 1 � 2� �� > > $ 2 5 > $ 2 2 = − = |�5| �(�>) = �� 8���$ � �� −��� 8���$ �� �� At exact resonance, purely imaginary � = �-4 ��(�>) = ��(� ) exponential growth �� > 9 9 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) | ��{�(j)} | How wide is Raman resonance? Lorentz function 2�12 �-4- inverse phonon lifetime �5 − �> detuning from resonance SRS gain bandwidth : from GHz to THz Raman freq. shift: 15.6 THz in silicon 120 THz in H2 10 10 5 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) Quantum description 11 11 Nonlinear susceptibility χ(3), quantum mechanical model According to Boyd, Stegeman �(j) - is a huge sum of many different terms - here frequenices �l �[ �m can be both positive and negative and can each take values of ±�4 ±�- ±�j ±�o 12 12 6 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) Let us assume we have only two frequencies (‘Laser’ and ‘Stokes’) �5 and �> (�> < �5) and take the terms that are close to the Raman resonance, that is �-4 is close to �5 − �> d (j) �5 �> � ≈ u �4o�4-�-j�jo rsℏ �> �5 1 × x [ +. ] 2 [�-4−(�5 − �>)](�o4−�l − �[ − �m)(�j4−�l) l,[,m 1 resonant term - close to zero � � � � � � ℏj 4o 4- -j jo à x [ $ +. ] [�-4− �5 − �> + ��-4](�o4−�l − �[ − �m)(�j4−�l) l,[,m damping term added 13 13 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) �� �� We have two waves �� �� (�5> �>) �5≫ �> Stokes pump Regard a 4-wave process �> = �5 − �5 + �> Frequency 4 total field ℰ(�) = ( � �789: + � �78?: + �. �.) - 5 > total NL 4 � (�) = � � j ( � �789: + � �78?: + �. �.)3 polariz. d5 ~ $ 5 > Now let us pick only components with ±�> - due to interaction of two waves 4 j � � | = � � j ( 6� �∗� �78?: + �. �.)= � � j ( � �∗� �78?: + �. �. ) d5 �> ~ $ 5 5 > o $ 5 5 > j Fourier component � � = � � j � �∗� > - $ 5 5 > 14 14 7 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) ��(�7) ��7 Now plug into SVEA eaquation: = − �d5(�7) �� 2���$ j ��(�>) ��> 3 j ∗ ;e<= 3 �j� ∗ ;e<= = − �$� �5�5�>� = −� �5 �5�>� �� 2���$ 2 4 �� Δ� = 0 j (j) (j) If we set: � = �• + ��‚ - real and imaginary parts Real part - responsible for cross-phase modulation Imaginary part - responsible for Raman gain ��(� ) 3 � �(j) 3 � � j 2� 3 � � j > j ‚ 2 j ‚ 5 j ‚ = |�5 | � �> = � �> = 2 2 �5� �> �� 4 �� 4 �� �$�� 2 �$� � ��> j For intensity �j� = �•�5�> � = � �…†‚9 � = 3 ‚ measured in cm/W �� > >$ • 2 2 �$� � Raman gain coeff. 15 15 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) 16 16 8 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) Silicon: The gain coefficient extracted from measurements performed near 1550 nm is 20 cm/GW 17 17 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) 18 18 9 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) Fiber : fused quartz (3.8 µm core diam.) Pump: Xenon laser at λ=526 nm Signal: at λ=535.3 nm (Raman frequency shift 330 cm-1 or 10 THz) Measured Raman gain coeff. g= 1.5 x 10-11 cm/W Example: for the pump power of 100W 2 (Ip= 0.75 GW/cm ) and L=590 cm we get : Gain = exp(gIpL) = exp(6.6) =740 pump intensity 19 19 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) The Raman-active medium is often an optical fiber, although it can also be a bulk crystal, a waveguide in a photonic integrated circuit, or a cell with a gas or liquid medium. For application in telecom systems, fiber Raman amplifiers compete with erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. Compared with those, their typical features are: • Raman amplifiers can be operated in very different wavelength regions, provided that a suitable pump source is available. • The gain spectrum can be tailored by using different pump wavelengths simultaneously. • A Raman amplifier requires high pump power (possibly raising laser safety issues) and high pump brightness, but it can also generate high output powers. • A greater length of fiber is required. However, the transmission fiber in a telecom system may be used, so that no additional fiber is required. • Raman fiber amplifiers can have a lower noise figure. On the other hand, they more directly couple pump noise to the signal than laser amplifiers do. • They also have a fast reaction to changes of the pump power, particularly for co-propagating pump, and very different saturation characteristics. • If the pump wavelength is polarized, the Raman gain is polarization-dependent. This effect is often unwanted, but can be suppressed e.g. by using two polarization-coupled pump diodes or a pump depolarizer. A telecom Raman amplifier is pumped with continuous-wave light from a diode laser. 20 20 10 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) 21 21 A continuous-wave Raman silicon laser 22 22 11 A continuous-wave Raman silicon laser Pump wavelength 1550 nm. Raman/Stokes wavelength 1686 nm The effective core area (1.6 µm)2 WG length: 4.8 cm When a reverse bias voltage (~25V) is applied, the TPA-generated electron–hole pairs can be swept out of the silicon waveguide by the electric field between the p- and n-doped regions. Raman gain was measured in a pump–probe experiment: a single-pass gain of 3 dB (~2x) at a pump power of 700mW coupled into the waveguide. 23 23 A continuous-wave Raman silicon laser The Raman laser frequency shift is 15.6 THz (520 cm-1) The lasing threshold was 180mW with a 25-V bias. monolithic integration of silicon-based optoelectronics 24 24 12 Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) Cascaded Raman laser (converter) based on a tellurite fiber and Tm pump laser. 25 25 Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering 26 26 13 Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) - Can be regarded as a resonant 4-wave mixing process A 4-wave process; � = � − � + � = 2� − � needs strong Stokes wave ‡> 5 > 5 5 > �5 �> �> �‡> Phase matching is critical �‡> = 2�5 − �> Collinear phase matching is impossible, but vector phase matching - possible; hence the outputs are in the form of a cone. 27 27 CARS microscopy 28 28 14 Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) 29 29 Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) Brillouin scattering is a light–sound interaction process that occurs when photons are scattered from a medium by induced acoustic waves. Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) manifests itself in narrow resonances. In contrast to optical phonons that are stationary, acoustic waves travel at the velocity of sound. The damping of acoustic phonons at the frequencies typical of SBS (tens of gigahertz) is large with decay lengths less than 100 µm. 30 30 15 Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) Only backward traveling Stokes and anti- Stokes waves can occur. The speed of sound is ~ 105 times less than that of light �5 �> �J 31 31 Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) The evolution of the pump beam in the forward direction and the Stokes beam in the backward direction 32 32 16 Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) …Ž‚9 5 Exponential Growth: �> = �>$� L- length Brillouin gain coeff. measured in cm/W �‹ is the decay time for the sound wave �4- is the acousto-optic constant 0.1<�4-<1 Ω - frequency of sound � -density ~1/�‹ �‹ -speed of sound SBS is the dominant nonlinear effect for continuous-wave beams. SBS requires sharp Example: fused silica. laser linewidth λ=1.55 µm, n=1.45, vs =6 km/s, Ω/2� =11 GHz, 1/��‹ =17 MHz, -11 -9 – get gB =5×10 m/W = 5×10 cm/W=5 cm/GW This value is 500 times larger than the gR value. However, 1/�‹ is quite small (the line is narrow) and SBS requires single frequency input. 33 33 17.
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