SOUTH DAKOTA SYNODICAL SOUTH DAKOTA SYNODICAL CONVENTION First Lutheran Church 411 N. Duff St.—Mitchell, SD June 12—13, 2009 “Our Power comes from God” “Fear not, but let your hands be strong” Zechariah 8:13b Friday: Saturday: 1 p.m. Registration start and Coffee hour 8-9 a.m. Registration and Coffee Hour Registration fee: $35 8:30 Gathering Music 9:00 Welcome & Official Opening of the Awareness Groups: Convention 9:10 Worship Service with Communion 2-3 p.m. and 3:30-4:30 p.m. Officiating: Rev. David Astrup *Called to a Global Perspective – Kris Bruga- Message: Bishop David Zellmer myer, National WELCA representative 10:15 Joy Ranch Update – Pam Walton *Parish Nurse – Lori Jorenby 10:30 Answer the Call – Kristi Lee *Safe House of Mitchell 10:45 Business Session *Todays Dreams, Tomorrows Reality 12:00 Lunch served by First Lutheran women 1:00 Last opportunity to make bids for the 6 p.m. Supper served by First Lutheran Joy Ranch Silent Auction items. women 1:00 Gathering Music 6:45 p.m. Special music: Pam Engelland 1:30 Message from Churchwide WELCA 7:00 p.m. Prison Ministry in South Dakota: 2:00 Mission Partners God‟s Work. Our Hands. 3:00 Love Offering Recipients: Mitchell Mary Mortenson, CEO Prison Congre- Safehouse & Family Visitation Center: gations of America Food Pantry at Mitchell Rev. Marlin Wangness, St. Dysmas of 3:30 Closing of Convention with installation South Dakota of officers Bible Study: Rev. Constanze Hagmaier 4:00 Coffee and Joy Ranch Kitchen auction bidders distribution PagePage 2 SOUTH DAKOTA SYNODICAL WOMEN OF THE ELCA CONVENTION INDEX PURPOSE STATEMENT Convention Schedule……………………...1 “As a community of women, Index, Committees & Displays...………… 2 Opening of Convention……………………3 created in the image of God Worship Service………………………...4-6 called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, Business Meeting………………………….6 and empowered by the Holy Spirit Synod. Pres. Letter……………..……..…...7 We commit ourselves to Minutes of 2008 meeting……………......8-9 grow in faith Churchwide Speaker………………..……10 to affirm our gifts, Churchwide Pres. letter………………..…11 Audit Report…………………………..12-16 and support one another in our callings „Mission Accomplished‟…………...…17-19 engage in ministry and action” Awareness Group Presenters……………..20 Nominee Vita‟s………………………..21-22 APPOINTED COMMITTEES Sample Ballot……………………………..22 Credentials Committee Synodical Officers………………...……...23 Mary Ann Stroschein, Bear Butte Conf. Conference Coordinators…………………23 Marlys Jensen, Southeastern Conf. Resolutions Committee DISPLAYS Barbara Cramer, Watertown, SD, Prairie Coteau Con. Mary Hildebrandt, Ramona, SD, Medary Conference While you are at the convention be sure to visit Conference. Nurse the displays in the fellowship hall. These people Lori Jorenby, White, SD, Medary Conference. want to help you learn about their organization Literacy Chair and ways you can help. Sally Hillner, Brookings, SD, Medary Conference. Lutherans Outdoors Parliamentarian ELCA World Hunger Appeal Kris Brugamyer, Churchwide WELCA board member Newsletter Editor Bread for the World Lucille Birkholtz, Willow Lake, SD Medary Conference Sharing the Dream in Guatemala Nominating/Election Committee Lutheran Social Services in South Dakota Nancy Renner, Sioux Falls, SD Crossroads Conf. Today's Dream: Tomorrows Reality Vicki Perssons, Corsica, SD Prairie Rivers Conference Carmel Hyde, Aberdeen, SD Northern Plains Conference (TDTR Anti-Racism) Lori Jorenby, White, SD Medary Conference Global Health Ministries Prison Congregations of America DATES TO REMEMBER St Dysmas June 19 Transition Board meeting at Storla Lutheran Answer the Call at Letcher. The Reader's Den Book Store July 24 & 25 Synodical Leadership Workshop at Lu- Women of the ELCA theran Memorial at Pierre. Church Literacy July, 2011 - Triennial Convention at Spokane, WA. SOUTH DAKOTA SYNODICAL WOMEN OF THE ELCA CONVENTION Page 3 TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL CONVENTION SYNODICAL WOMEN OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA SOUTH DAKOTA SYNOD Theme: “Our Power Comes from God” Theme Verse: “Fear not, but let your hands be strong” Zechariah 8:13b Theme Song: “On What Has Now Been Sown” #550 Goals: 1. To empower women to serve in their community. 2. To empower women to advocate for the powerless. 3. To empower women to promote healthy life style. Convention Offering: 50% - National WELCA 25% - Answer the Call 25% - Prison Congregations of America Joy Ranch Kitchen Silent Auction: This is a fundraiser to add funds to our goal of $200,000. Check out all the neat items in social hall. Place your bids on items of interest to you. The high bidders will be announced Saturday afternoon. Give generously as this is an opportunity to help our future campers! *********************************************************************** OPENING OF CONVENTION L: We gather today as a community of women, the Women of the ELCA. We gather in Christian love and concern for our sisters and brothers at home and in other countries that live in poverty. W: You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. L: Let us seek out ways to provide shelter for the homeless. W: For our homeless sisters and brothers. L: Let us support our sisters and brothers who are illiterate with our time and resources. W: For our illiterate sisters and brothers. L: Let us not only provide for the physical needs of the hungry, but for the spiritual needs as well. W: For the hungry in body and spirit. L: Help us to provide encouragement, education, and guidance to all parents in need. W: For all parents in need. L: As we look to the world, help us to recognize the needs of all our sisters and brothers who live in pov- erty. Let us learn from their example of steadfast faith in Your love and care. W: No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all in the house. Page 4 SOUTH DAKOTA SYNODICAL WOMEN OF THE ELCA CONVENTION L: As Women of the ELCA, give us the understanding, knowledge, resources, and commitment of time, tal- ents and gifts, to support Your work through: W: Global mission, community care and shelter facilities; school kits, quilts, soap and other Lutheran World Relief projects; literacy programs; medical needs; educational and guidance services. L: And other community needs which we name in our hearts and on our lips..terrorism, wars, crimes, drugs, alcohol, gambling, abuse….Bless your entire community of faith and guide us in this place as we share our love and commitment to the One True Light of the World. The Twenty-second Annual Convention of the South Dakota Synodical Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is now declared open. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Worship Celebration Sermon: Bishop David Zellmer Officiating: Pastor David Astrup Organist: Lonnie Burns Song Leader: Susan Thie Organ Prelude Welcome Opening Hymn: “As We Gather at Your Table” ELW # 522 Brief Order of Confession and Forgiveness ELW p. 94-96 left column Greeting & Kyrie ELW p. 203 Hymn of Praise: “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” ELW # 834:1,2,4 Prayer of the Day (C) By your word, eternal God, your creation sprang forth, and we were given the Breath of life. By your word, death is overcome, Christ is raised from the tomb, and we are given new life in the power of your Spirit. May we boldly proclaim this good news in our words and our deeds, rejoicing always in your powerful presence through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen Special Music: Susan Thie First Lesson: Zechariah 8:11-13 Second Lesson: Romans 1:8-15 Gospel Acclamation: “Alleluia….” ELW # 205 (P) Word of God, Word of Life. SOUTH DAKOTA SYNODICAL WOMEN OF THE ELCA CONVENTION Page 5 (C) Glory to you, O Lord. The Gospel: John 4:31-38 (P) The Good News of Life. (C) Praise to you, O Christ. Sermon: Bishop David Zellmer Hymn of the Day: “On What Has Now Been Sown” ELW # 550 The Nicene Creed ELW p. 104 The Prayer of Intercession Thankoffering and Organ Offertory Offertory Response: “As the Grains of Wheat” ELW # 465 The Great Thanksgiving: (P) The Lord be with you. (C) And also with you. (P) Lift up your hearts. (C) We lift them to the Lord. (P) Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. (C) It is right to give our thanks and praise. The Preface: (C) Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest. Words of Institution (C) The Lord’s Prayer Distribution Distribution Hymns: ELW # 461, 582, 712 Communion Blessing and Prayer Benediction Recessional Hymn: “O Zion, Haste” ELW # 668 Chimes Postlude Page 6 SOUTH DAKOTA SYNODICAL WOMEN OF THE ELCA CONVENTION 10:15 Joy Ranch Update – Pam Walton 10:30 Answer the Call – Kristi Lee 10:45 Business Session Business Meeting: All are encouraged to stay for the meeting as this is YOUR organization. *Introduction of SD Synodical Board Members *Introduction of Churchwide WELCA Board Member – Kris Brugamyer *Report of the Credentials Committee *Call to Order *Appointment of Conventions Business Committees *Adoption of the Rules of Procedure *Adoption of Agenda *Secretary‟s Report *Report of the Nominating Committee *Call for the First Ballot for President and Treasurer *Call for the Ballot for Mission Action, Mission Community and Mission Growth *Treasurer‟s Report *Adoption of the Budget *Review of Printed Reports * Resolutions *Other New Business *Closing of the Business Meeting 12 noon Luncheon served by First Lutheran Church Women of Mitchell 1:00 Last opportunity to make bids for the Joy Ranch Silent Auction items.
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