Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com \ .. PPP-B-64tM \ July 29. 19S4 ----- SUPERSEDING f Fed. Spec. PPP-B440c JOIY7, 1%4 FEDERAL SPECIFICA~ON BOXES, FIBERBOARD, CORRUGATED, TRIPLE- WALL ● This apeoifieution wae approved by the Commhiuner, Fedend Supply Serv- ioe, General Serdoea Admkietration, for the use of all Fedwal agenda. L SCOPE AND CLASSIFICATION F—Full tdeaooP8 bOX @eu 3.9 and fig. 7). 1.1 Scope. This spedfiwmt WVC= me G-Half regular slotted box with short mquirementa for new triphs-wa mrrugat- top flaqw and cover (see 3.10 and ( d fiborbard boxes for domestic and over- fig. 8). s** shipments. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 1.2 CInsaification. 2.1 S@fications and standarwh. The fol- 1.2.1 c&88e8 mad 8t@SU. miple+mdl, cor- lowing specifications and standards, of thr rugsbd fiberboard boxes shall he furnished issues in effect on date of invitation for in the following classes, stylq and types bids or request for proposal, form a PW% of ends, as spseified (see fig. 1 and 62): of this spmification to the extent spec:f ied Chss: herein. l—Nonweakher resisti. L Fedend Spm”fitwtiona: 2-Weather redst.ant. t“ style : FF-N-105-Na.ils, Wire, Brads, and A-On&piece fiberboard, five-panel, Staplea with one of four &pea of ends, and PPP-B-621-Boxes, Wood, Nailed and witi ends insented in box body (see Lock-Comer. 3.4 and fig. 2). PPP-B436-Box, Fiberboard. B-On*piece f iherboard, fiv*panel, PPP-B-638-Boxes, Liners and Sleeves, with one of fmm types of ends, and Fiberboard, Knocked-Doq Flat; with ends inserted with box body, Packing of. overlapped on box body, overlapped PPP-F-320-Fiberboard; Corrugated on box ends (see 3.5 and fig. 3). and Solid, Shed Stack (Container &Two-pieu+ fiberboard, thm+panel, Grade), and Cut Shapeu. with one of four types end% and of Federal Standard: with encb inserted in box body (see 3.6 and fig. 4). Fed. Std. No. 123-Marking for Domes- &Tw*piece, fi~ three-panel, tic Shipment (Civilian Agenciss). with one of four types of ends, and with ends iwxted with bo7: body (Activities outeide the Federal Gwemment msy overlapped on box en~ (see ‘1.7 aad obtein copies of Federal Specification& Standards, fig. 5). and Handbooke M outlined under General Informa- tion in the Index of Federal Specifications and E-Regular dotted box or almrnate Shndarde end at th @!e43 hkted in the hdex. (see 3.8 and fig. 6). The Index, which includes cumulative monthly sup- FSC 8115 f 1 . 1 —— —— — Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com PPP-13-640d plements as issued, is for sale on a aubecription ciety for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., basis by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Philadelphia, Pa., 191O!L) Government Prtnting Office, Washington, D. C., Teehn&zd Aiwociutbn of the PuJp and Pa- 20402. pw IndIu@/ (TAPPI) Standard: (Single copies of this specification and other product specifications required by ●tivW8S outside T-803 m-50-Puncture Test of Ctmtain- the Federal Government for bidding purposes are er Board. available without charge at the GaneraI Services Administration Regional offices in Boston, New (Copies may be obkined from the Technical Aa- York, Washington, D. C., Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas aoclation of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 260 LSX- City, Me., Dallas, Denver, San Franchco, LOS ington Ave., New York, N.Y., 10017. ) Angeles, and Seattle, Weah. $ REQUIREMEN’I?3 (Federal Government activities may obtain copies of Federal Specification, Standarda, and Hand- 3.I Materials. books and the Index of Federal Spacificatione and 3.1.1 Lu?nber. The lumber used for the Standards from established distribution points in wood ends of box, styles A through D, shall their agencies.) bc gmum I ad 11 woods in scan-dance with Military Standizrda: the provisions of MILWD-731. MIIA3TD-105-Smn@ing Pmedur= 3.1.2 Fiberboard. The fiberboard shall and Tables for Inspection by A~ consi~ of three corrugated sections and tributes. four facings fabricated into a triple-wall MII_A3TD-129-Marking for Shipment Edmlcturd mderial. and S.tcmge. Corrugating wdia. MIL43TD-731-Quali~ of Wood Mem- weight bers for Containers and Pallets. Weight of medium. The of material used to fabricate the corrugat- (Copies of Military SpecWlcations and Standards ed medium shall be not less than 26 pounds required by contractors in connection with specific per 1000 Square feet. 4+ procurement functions should be obtained from the — procuring activity or as directed by the contracting Flute arrangement. The interme- off icer. ) diate and one outer flute shall be A flute. The remaining flute may be either A, B, c 2.2 Other publications. The following doc- c flute. uments form a part of this specification to plus or minus the extent specified herein. Unless other- Note: A flute-36 flutes per foot 3 flutes. wise indicated, the issue in effect on date B flute-50 fluten per foot plus or minus 3 of invitation for bids shall apply. flutes. C flute-42 flutes per foot pins or rulnua 3 Unif orrn Freight Classification. flutes. (Application for copies should be addressed to Facings. The combined weight of the Uniform Classification Committee, 202 Union facings shall be not less than 264 pounds Station, Chicago, Ill., 60606.) per 1000 square feet m“th the heaviest fac- National Motor Freight Classification. ings on the outside. For c!aM 2 boxes, these (Application for copies should be addressed ta outer facings shall be highly water resist- the National Motor Freight Traffic Association, ant paperboard which have been treated Inc., 1616 P. Sk, N.W., Washington, D. C., 20036.) with a suitable high grade wet strength res- in. American Society for Testing and Mate- rial% (ASTM) Standard: Caliper. The thickne8s of the fin- ished fiberboard shall be 9/16 inch (wiUI D 4-Verification of Testing Machines. a plus or minus 1/32 inch tokamw), when (Copies may be obtained from the tierican So- t4ed in acxmrdance with 4.6.2. 2 b Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com PPP-B-640d 3.L2& Weight of the fiberbowd. The fi- five panda forming tihe bottom, sid~, and berboard shall weigh not more than 430 full ovdapping top fl~. The amount of _ Per 1000 eq=e feet (plus 5 percent ovwdap of the otiide top flap shall be not tolerance), when tested in aocardance with more @m the inside width of the box. All 4.6.3. ecoring shall be uniform and of such depth and width as b prevent surface breaks in 3.1.23 Pwwture reeiutanoe. The fiberboard the Iboard when folded 90° along the score shall have a minimum puncture test value line. of 1100 inchumcea per inch of tear when tested in accordance with 4.6.4. Only one Wood eruik. The ends shall be made puncture reading on each epecimen may fall of wood in aamrdance with the require- below the allowable minimum and that read- ments of MII.ATD-731, group I or H, and ing shall be not more than 10 percent below aha.11in? fabricated in accordance with PPP- the allowable minimum. B-621 except for cleat si~ specified here- in. Unless otherwise specified, the ends Short eokmn mwh. The short col- shall be any sekated design dem’ibed in umn crush strength of the fiberboard shall through at the supplier’s be not less than 178 pounds per inch when option. tested in accordance with 4.6.5. (No. 1 end). A single piwe of 3.1.3 Adhesive. nominal 2-ind material. For olass 1 boxes, the facin~ and corrugated media shall be securely bounded (No. 2 end). Two thicknesses of with a ~ gmde of adhesive over the en- nominal l-inch material with the grain w- tire area of oontact redion at right an glaq the two thiclmesses seourely joined by clinched nailing. The emkq N, Fbr class 2 boxes, in addition to ehall be oomprkwd of no piecw less than 2- L the requirements specified in, the 1/2 inches in width. adhesive shall be of the waterproof type and the fiberboard shall ebw no ply sepa- (No. 3 end). Nominal l-inch ma.. ration greater than 1/4 inch when tesdxxl in terial with a nominal l-inch &hick cleat min- amordance with 4.6.6. imum width of 2-1/4 inches, securely joined by clinched nailing, 3.2 Dimensions. Dimensions of the boxes furnished shall be as specified (see 6.2 and (No. 4 end). Cleated panel ends 6.3). Unless otherwise specified, the box di- consisting of two sets of overlapped cleats mensions shall be inside measurements with with a panel of triple-wall, corrugated fi- a tolerance of plus or minus 1/4 inch. berboard. The cleats shall be nominal l-inch thick, 2-1/4 inches wide, and shall be assem- 3.3 Certification. The manufacturer shall bled with clinched nailing. The fiberboard furnish the procuring activky with certifi- shabl be fastened to the inside of the cleats cation that boxes furnished under this spec- by either method as specified in or ification meet the requirement specified
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