Recent Studies of 18th-Century Book Culture, 1986-2007 This bibliography on "book culture" includes studies published 1986-2007 on bibliophilia (but not bookbinding); collections, both institutional and personal libraries; and literacy and reading. It is most inclusive for the years 1990-2006, in consequence of my compiling studies of that period for Section 1--"Printing and Bibliographical Studies"—of ECCB: Eighteenth-Century Current Bibliography. The first version of this bibliography was published in The East-Central Intelligencer, n.s. 14, no. 3 (Sept. 2000), 58-91, and revised and augmented in 2001 and 2002 for Kevin Berland's C18-L website: www.personal.psu.edu/special/C18/c18-l.htm. I have excluded many partly relevant studies listed in other bibliographies that I've posted on C18-L or in revised form at the Bibliographical Society of America's BibSite (see especially the bibliographies on children's literature, on 18th-century materials in 20th- century collections, and, forthcoming, on censorship). Although there are some redundant entries in this series of bibliographies, I've tried to avoid them. Obviously, what with the creation of SHARP and the increased interest in book history, the book culture and reading habits of the long eighteenth century have received more attention than ever before, particularly in North America. The general area has long received the attention of European scholars. In particular, the Europeans have had a long standing and more patient interest in the history of private and public libraries. In part the list below will suggest some patterns and similarities in scholarship of eighteenth-century book culture from throughout the world. Of course, much falling within my scope has been ignorantly overlooked. I merely scratch at scholarship in eastern European languages. I thank Jeff Barton and Travis Gordon for their assistance in mounting this bibliography at BibSite. James E. May ([email protected]) Revised 6 February 2001; 27 March 2002; 30 May 2004; 13 January 2005; 15 April 2008 Recent Studies of 18th-Century Book Culture, 1986-2007, by James E. May - page 1 Abreu, Márcia, and Nelson Schapochnik (eds.). Cultura letrada no Brasil: Objetos e práticas. (Histórias de leitura.) Campinas, São Paulo: Associacao de Leitura do Brasil, 2005. Pp. 518; illus.; papers from the Congresso de História do livro e da Leitura no Brasil, 2003, at Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Accardo, Peter X. "The Library of the Hollis Professor of Divinity to 1778: A Checklist." Harvard Library Bulletin, 13, no. 2 (Summer 2002), [1, plate +] 45-67; descriptive catalogue [48-66]; provenance index. [On booklist dated 4 Dec. 1772 with 1778 postscript by Edward Wigglesworth the Younger, listing 52 titles then in the library, including 29 from Thomas Hollis, III (1659- 1731).] Adam, Renaud. "Le libraire-imprimeur bruxellois Joseph Ermens (1736-1805) et l'étude des incunables à fin du XVIIIe siècle." Bulletin du bibliophile (2005), 143-68. Adam, Wolfgang, and Markus Fauser, with the assistance of Ute Pott (eds.). Geselligkeit und Bibliothek: Lesekultur im 18. Jahrhundert. (Schriften des Gleimhauses Halberstadt, 4.) Göttingen: Wallstein, 2005. Pp. 331. [Revised papers from a conference on books, reading, and intellectual life held 23-25 November 2000 in Halberstadt. These include Markus Fauser's "Geselligkeit, Bibliothek, Lesekultur: Konzepte und Perspektiven der Forschung"; E. Bonfatti's "Der Briefwechsel zwischen Gleim und Lessing"; G. L. Fink's "Lektüre der Romanhelden im empfindsamen europäischen Roman (1731-1774); G. E. Grimm's "'Halb zog sie ihn, halb sank er hin . .': Lektüre im Briefwechsel zwischen Johann Gottfried Herder und Caroline Flachsland"; J. N. Schneider's "'Still auf dem Blatt ruhte das Lied': Lyrische Gedichte zwischen Lesetext und Hörerlebnis"; R. Zeller's "Bräkers geselliger Umgang mit Büchern"; B. Becker-Cantarino's "Die Lektüren Sophie von La Roches (1730-1807)"; and York-Gothart Mix's "Schreiben, Lesen und Gelesen werden: Zur Kulturökonomie des literarischen Feldes (1770-1800); and E. Rohmer's "Die Bibliothek als geselliger Ort: Johann Peter Uz und sein Freundeskreis in Ansbach." Rev. (briefly, fav.) by John Flood in Library, 7th series, 7 (2006), 109-10.] Adams, J. R. The Printed Word and the Common Man: Popular Culture in Ulster 1700-1900. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's U. of Belfast, 1987. Pp. viii + 218; illus. [Rev. by Terence Brown in Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 3 (1988); (fav.) by R. B. McDowell in Library History, 8 [no. 3] (1989), 86-87.] Addis, Cameron. Jefferson's Vision for Education, 1760-1845. New York: P. Lang, 2003. Pp. xii + 255. [Rev. by Stuart Leibiger in Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 111 (2003), 416-17.] Advocates Library. The Best and Fynest Lawers and Other Rare Books: A Facsimile of the Earliest List of Books in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh [1683]. Introduction by Maureen Townley. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, 1990. Pp. 163; facsimiles; index. Aguilar Piñal, Francisco. El académico Cádido María Trigueros, 1736-1798. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 2001. Pp. 267; bibliography of works by Cándido María Trigueros [245-67]. Rev. by G. Martin Murphy in Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 80 (2002), 123-24. In 1999, Aguilar Piñal published La biblioteca y el monetario del académico Cándido María Trigueros (1798) (Seville: U. de Sevilla). Aguilar Piñal, Francisco. Introducción al siglo XVIII. Historia de la literatura española. Edited by Ricardo de la Fuente. Madrid: Júcar, 1991. Pp. 240. [With a discussion of reading, subscriptions, libraries, bibliophilia, etc.] Recent Studies of 18th-Century Book Culture, 1986-2007, by James E. May - page 2 Ahsmann, Margreet. "De jurist en zijn bibliotheek: Nederladse veilingcatalogi 1599-1800." Pp. 67-87 in "Tot beter directie van de saken van justiciën . .": Handelingen van het XIIe Belgisch- Nederlands rechtshistorisch congres, Rijksuniversiteit Limburg Maastricht. Edited by A. M. J. A. Berkvens and A. Gehlen. Antwerp and Apeldoorn: Maklu, 1996. Albina, Larissa L., and Anthony L. Strugnell. "Recherches nouvelles sur l'identification des volumes de la bibliothèque de Diderot." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie, 9 (1990), 41-54. Alicke, Gerhard. "Bibliophilie in der Literatur: Siebente Folge: Bibliophilie in Briefen Johann Georg Hamanns." Philobiblon, 42 (1998), 122-27. Allan, David. "Eighteenth-Century Private Subscription Libraries and Provincial Urban Culture: The Amicable Society of Lancaster, 1769-c. 1820." Library History, 17 (2001), 57-76. Allan, David. "Provincial Readers and Book Culture in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Perth Library, 1784-c. 1800." Library, 7th series, 3 (2002), 367-89. Allan, David. "The Scottish Enlightenment and the Politics of Provincial Culture: The Perth Literary and Antiquarian Society, ca. 1784-1790." Eighteenth-Century Life, n.s. 27, no. 3 (Fall 2003), 1-30. Allen, James Smith. "From the History of the Book to the History of Reading: Review Essay." Libraries and Culture, 28 (1993), 319-26. [On Roger Chartier's L'Ordre des livres (1992) and Jean Marie Goulemot's Ces livres qu'on ne lit que d'une main (1991).] Almacergui, Patricia. "La biblioteca de Alí Bey." Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, 10-11 (2001- 2002), 5-16. Alston, Robin. C. Library History: The British Isles -- To 1850. Website at <http:www.r- alston.co.uk/contents.htm>. [This on-going but largely complete database is expected to be transferred to the maintenance of University College London but still is accessible at Robin Alston's own website. Alston began the project in 1991; he intends that a larger, printed presentation of the evidence will appear in the future (see his "Introduction"). Alston's Library History database contains an introduction, lists of libraries by county in the British Isles (sub- divided into England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and Islands); there follow attention files: Index, Types of Library, Societies, Sources, Statistics, Country House Libraries, Private Collections, Elizabethan Society of Antiquaries, and Summary Statistics. Some files are acknowledged to be fairly incomplete, as that for Country House Libraries. The main sections provide in total a listing of "over 27,000 libraries in the British Isles before 1851." The short entries begin with those for Bedfordshire, with Daniel Gibeme's Circulating Library in Ampthill, and Alston notes his source for the information is the Northampton Mercury of 27 December 1773. Besides newspapers, common sources are personal correspondence and the 1851 Census.] Alvarez Barrientos, Joaquin, François López, and Inmaculada Urzainqui. La República de las letras en la españa del siglo XVIII. Introduction by Joaquin Alvarez Barrientos. Madrid: Consejo superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 1995. Pp. 226; index. [Includes Álvarez Barrientos's "Los hombres de letras" (19-61); López's "El libro y su mundo" (63-124); and Urzainqui on "Un nuevo instrumento cultural: La prensa periódico" (125-216). Rev. by Scott Dale in Hispanic Review, 66 (1998), 222-23.] Alvarez de Morales, Antonio. Estudios de Historia de la Universidad Española. Madrid: Pegaso, 1993. Pp. ix + 365. Amory, Hugh. Bibliography and the Book Trades: Studies in the Print Culture of Early New England. Edited by David D. Hall. Philadelphia: U. of Pennsylvania Press, 2004. Pp. 174 + x. [Reprints Recent Studies of 18th-Century Book Culture, 1986-2007, by James E. May - page 3 six essays by Amory (1930-2001), including "'God's Altar Needs Not Our Pollishings': Revisiting the Bay Psalm Book" and "'A Bible and Other Books': Enumerating the Copies in Seventeenth-Century Essex County"; it publishes apparently for the first time "A Boston Society Library: The Old South Church and Thomas Prince." Rev. (fav.) by Lisa M. Gordis in The Book [American Antiquarian Society newsletter], no. 65 (March 2005), 2-3; (fav.) by Marcus A. McCorison in Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 101 (2007), 221-25; by William J. Scheick in Seventeenth-Century News, 63 (2005), 169-71.] Amory, Hugh. "Virtual Readers: The Subscribers to Fielding's Miscellanies (1743)." Studies in Bibliography, 48 (1995), 94-112. Anderson, B.
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