850 CONGRESSION.AL RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY 11, By Mr. BABCOCK: Papers to accompany House bill No.12405, late of Prince Edward County, Va., for reference of war claim to granting an increase of pension to Samuel Briscoe-to the Com­ the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. mittee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. McRAE: Papers to accompanyHouse bill No.13151,for By Mr. BA.RTHOLDT: Petition of the Brown Shoe Company the relief of the estate of L. M. Epperson-to the Committee on and 16 other shoe and leather companies of St. Louis, Mo., pray­ War Claims. ing for the removal of the duty on hides-to the Committee on By Mr. NEEDHAM: Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce Ways and Means. of Los Angeles, Cal., favoring an appropriation for the establish· By Mr. BREAZEALE: Petition of citizens of Rapides Parish, ment of an Indian school at Riverside, Cal.-to the Committee on La., to accompany House bill relating to the claim of St. James Indian Affairs. Church, Rapides Parish, La.-to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. SHOWALTER: Paper to accompany House bill for the By .M.r. CAPRON: Protest of W. E. Barrett Company, of Provi­ relief of Emil Bott, of Rochester, Pa.-to the Committee on Mili­ dence, R. I., against the annual distribution of seeds-to the Com­ tary Affairs. mittee on Agriculture. Also, petition of ladies of Newcastle, Pa., representing various Also, petition of Ellen L. Fitz and 3 others, of Harrisville, R. I., literary and religious societies of the city, favoring anti-polygamy for the ratification of the treaty between civilized nations relative amendment to the Constitution-to the Committee on the Judi­ to alcoholic trade in Africa-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ciary. By Mr. CONNER: Petition of 89 citizens of Fort Dodge, Iowa, By Mr. SMITH of Kentucky: Papers relating to the claim of in favor of restraint in liquor traffic-to the Committee on Insular James S. Igleheart-to the Committee on War Claims. Affairs. By Mr. WACHTER: Resolutions of the Naval Veterans of By Mr. DALZELL: Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce Maryland for the passage of Senate bill 3422-to the Committee of Pittsburg, Pa., in favor of reduction of postage on first-class on Naval Affairs. mail matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS: Papers to accompany By Mr. ELLIOTT: Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce House bill for the relief of Josiah Booker-to the Committee on of Charleston, S. C., favoring the establishment of a national for­ Military Affairs. est reserve in the mountains of Virginia, North Carolina, South By Mr. WILSON of Idaho: Protest of citizens of Boise, Idaho, Caro1ina, Georgia, and Tennessee-to the Committee on the Pub­ against the establishment of the parcels-post system-to the Com­ lic Lands. mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Also, resolutions of the Chamber o~ Commerce of Charleston, S. C., asking for an appropriation to enable the Geological Sur­ vey to obtain more accurate data concerning the artesian water supply in the malarial regions on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts­ SENATE. to the Committee on the Public Lands. Also, resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of Charleston, FRID.A Y, January 11, 1901. S. C., favoring the enlargement of the work of the Geological Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN. D. D. Survey so as to include mapping of forest regions in Southern and The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ Eastern portions of the country-to the Committee on the Public ceedings, when, on request of Mr. SEWELL, and by unanimous con· Lands. sent, the further reading was dispensed with. Also, resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of Charleston, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. If there be no objection, the S. C., favoring the appropriation asked for by the Secretary of Journal will stand approved. Agriculture to enable him to cooperate with the various States in. PERSONAL EXPLANATION. examining into the best modes of securing permanent road build­ ing-to the Committee on AgricultUl'e. Mr. BURROWS. Mr. President, yesterday when the vote was By Mr. FITZGERALD of Massachusetts: Resolutions of the taken upon the amendment looking to the retirement of General National Wholesale Druggists' Association, opposing the free dis­ Shafter with the rank of major-general I was necessarily de· tribution of medicinal remedies-to the Committee on Agricul­ tained from the Senate. Had I been present, I should have voted ture. · for the amendment. Also, resolutions of the Thirty-fourth Annual Encampment, DECORATIONS BY THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT. Department of Pennsylvania, Grand Army of the Republic, com­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ mending the work already accomplished on the National Military munication from the Secretary of State, transmitting certain in· Park at Gettysburg, and asking that continued aid be given formation relative to the desire of the Italian Government to thereto-to the Committee on Appropriations. bestow upon Dr. Eugene Wasdin of the Marine-Hospital Service, Also, paper to accompany Honse bill granting a pension to Julia the Cross of Officer of S. S. Maurizio e Lazzaro, and upon Dr. H. McCarthy-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. D. Geddings, of the Marine-Hospital Service, the.Cross of Cheva­ Also, resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce of New York, lier of the same order, in recognition of their services in verify­ urging the passage of the Pacific cable bill-to the Committee on ing and confirming the Italian studies and discoveries in regard Interstate and Foreign Commerce. to the nature of yellow fever; which, with the accompanying Also, resolUtion of the Chamber of Commerce of N:ew York, papers, was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. favoring the passage of a bill relating to a session of the Inter­ LEGATION .AT PEKIN. national Congress of Navigation to be held at Washington,.D. <.5.­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com· to the Committee on Intersta~e and Foreign Commerce. Also .. resolutions of the Boston Paper Trade Association, favor­ munication from the Secretary of State, transmitting a copy of a ing reciprocal trade between United States and Canada-to the dispatch from the minister of the United States in China, Hon. Committee on Ways and Means. E. H. Conger, on the proposed extension of the legation grounds By Mr. GARDNER of New Jersey: Petition of numerous citi­ at Pekin; which, with the accompanying papers, was refelTed to zens of Burlington County, N. J., in favor of the anti-polygamy the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed. amendment to the Constitution-to the Committee on the Judi­ AD.AMS ISL.A.ND D.AM. ciary. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ By Mr. GRAHAM: Petition of H. K. Mulford Company, of munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting a letter from Philadelphia, Pa., favoring Senate bill No. 727, known as the ship­ the Secretary of State, together with a note from the British subsidy bill-to the Committee on the Merchant Marine and ambassador, touching the proposed construction by the govern­ Fisheries. ment of the Dominion of Canada of a dam from Adams Island, in Also, petition of wine importers and dealers, for the repeal of Canadian teITitory, to Les Galops Island, in United States terri­ the stamp tax on domestic and foreign wines-to the Committee tory, etc.; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to on Ways and Means. the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed. Also, papers to accompany House bill granting an increase of MOBILE BAY ilfPROVEMENT. pension to William Matthews, of Tarentum, Pa.-to the Commit­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ tee on Invalid Pensions. By l\fr. HITT: Petition of Mrs. Arthur W. Glessner and 23 munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response other citizens of Galena, Ill., for the ratification of a treaty be­ to a resolution of the 9th instant, the report of Major Rossell, -tween civilized nations relative to alcoholic trade in Africa, and United States Engineers, on the survey and estimate for opening to prevent the sale of opium, intoxicants, etc., to undeveloped the outer bar at Mobile Bay; which, with the accompanying pa· and childlike races-to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. pers, was referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered By Mr. LITTL.EFIELD: Petition of W.W. Woodbridge and to be printed. 18 other citizens of North Newcastle, Me., in favor of an amend­ DISBURSEMENT OF PUBLIC MONEYS. ment to the Constitution against polygamy-to the Committee on The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ tb e Judiciary. munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting a letter By Mr. LASSITER: Petition of the heirs of Mary F. Stanbury, from the Commissary-General of Subsistence, United States 1901. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 851 Army relative to the adoption of an amendment of section 285, He also presented the petition of D. C. Harter and 103 other Revis~d Statutes, which requires that every disbursement of citizens of Wabash County, Ind., praying for the enactment of public moneys or disposal of public stores made by disbursing the so-called Grout bill, to regulate the manufacture and sale of officers pursuant to an order of any commanding officer of the oleomargarine; which was referred to the Committee on Agricul­ Navy be allowed by the proper accounting officer of the Treasury, ture and Forestry. etc.; which, with the accompanying papers, was referred to the Mr.
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