mm wmmmm m m m m m </• j 'V i,U(U I U- r n e. C rt rc O -i. 1 i'>i rt > 1 m c. ON TV TOIS WEEK DURHAM, N. C. SATURDAY, APRIL 4, iVft-l— »-t ^ V D Chnnnf! 11 ToH?IV 9:00 Femme Fare 08C Wiirter Quailer Honor list 7:55 News 9:30 Trailmaster • ,• < SATURDAV, APRIL A H (Ml ('i»n Kaneariio *<•‘15 Born th e *'tnwn The official honor roll for ilui toii. SmitlifHcc!; Sarah IloweH, Ma-j » (HI Cartoon Shon 10:30 Pric.e Is Right winter quarter has ju,st hccn rt rarrian [’alls: Norman Hrfrper, < 6:30 Three Stooges 14 (Ml Say When 11:00 Get The Messa»’e I,ithoiii!i, (;;i ': I.overn Ilti^lts, Kr- "-.aO Sgt. Preston 1(1-25 NHC News 11:30 The Object Is leased. Accordine lu. 'he lIc!:!-, •:00 Captain Kansarot, U)::i(K 1 l.ove 1-Ucy 12 00 Sev^n Keys trar's Office some 5P slmlon!' viii: .loscDliirie .loiies, Vernon: B:00 B’eiix the Cat 11 ()() Concentralioii 11:30 Missing Link " ' reached the average of at leisi Aiidre.v Kin:;, Miami. [■’!&,: Doro- 9;30 Ruff 'n Kedd> 11 HO .leopardy 12:00 Father Knows Best 2,00. Only 5 students h(i\v'’''ci tli.v Ki rs V Norlina: llJ^rli-i Long, 10:00 Quick Draw K»Oiaw ly-dll I.ovh fli' !.,/» 12:30 Tennessee Ernie 10:30 Mighty Mouse i;V25 CBS Newa 2:00 Life ot Hiifcyi were able'^to reach the al' :'jMilloii: Clu'sn-v’ i.amhack. Norlh 11:00 m n Tin Ti.i 'H HO Search for Tomorrow 2:30 The Doctors average o. 2 7,'> lo he nhic.'il . ' : I’retula t,ee, Dur 11:30 Roy Roeer» i;::45 (iiiiding Ljght 3:00 Tieneral Hospital the “A” Honor lioll l,e;iilln" lii (: -r:ii ;iMe I e ■ Is, I''i'f|U.iy (\(l(l He,<gy 3,30 Queen For A iHiy- - ■ ■ 12:00 Sky King l,or::rn, Nath;tli<». 12:30 Fury 1 :«) As the w orld Tum t 4:00 The Early Show Honor Roll <;rr,i!p l;v)0 Junge Queen ''.no PhSawurd ■ 4:25 Lisa Howard NeiVsN |\;i.: \icriitv!i‘, Durham: 4:30 The Early Show ?. Idred Lewis, H,'ilif;ix. \ ii n i... | 1:30 Saturday Matinee 2:81) House Partv l,( !:i '111, North A.iensta, 3;15 Sportsview (J:00 Dateline with a 2.00 averaiie. Th/> olhor M (H) To Tell the Trufli S. c : .Iii inil i Nicholson, Harts- 3:30 Amateur H<»nr :J 25 CBS News 6:20 Dateline-Viewpdint “A" , honor students vere: loai; I 4:00 Match Play Classic 3:;t0 Edge of Night 6:i!5 Dateline-Reeve Bates, Blackstone, Va : .I,Tie| ' S C.j \i,lii'r(a Petty, Java, 6:35 Dateline 5:00 Jungle Theair.- 4 (Ml Secret StoriD Cowan, Youngsviile; Carrii' ’Mu. Aniiir I';itiic'i, Winterville; B:30 Walt Disney 4:;iO Make Room for Daddy 6:45 Ron Cochran NeW» (tinghall, Danville, Va.; an.I (fci) ! :iiiiicll. ,l:iva. V’l.' .Tacqiieline 7:30 Jackie Gleasnr. 5:00 Fun Hour 6:35 Lake for Governor l)iii:h:iin: ’,inrian Perry, B:30 Defenders r):,'i() Huckleberry Tound 7:00 Lee Marvin i*i'esenls I ert Jones, Sparta, fla. Tlii' f illo ' i’l tci son 9:30 Phil Silvers ()■()() Jerry Flliott 7:30 Combat hi" students made the "!!' honn' 11'"'(|ci■<nii ■ llrleii I’oyster, Vir- B:3y MeUaie's Ntv> 10:00 GunsmoTte G:15 Esfio Reporter roll: Barbara Alf,'ood. \V;i''(n;(.n ,?ilina. ^ ;i ; Sliiilev Robinson, (i 2f> Weather 9:00 Greatest ShoVn or. Earth 11.00 Three Star Final 10:00 The Fugitive Roris Allen, Durham: SI,io .l"nn ,I ': Ccillene Ui?sl)ee, Carr 11:15 Country Style (1:30 CBS News Y:i)0 Temple Houston 11:00 Bob Youn£ Banner, Lenoir; Clco Balfeii, Nc.r jl)'." UoiiKin. Sumter. S j j 11:10 Late Weather SUNDAY, APRIL 5 8.00 Rawhide port News, Va,; Vircinia lirocK |.C.: I'llilli K land, C'lnyton; Chris jfl 11:15 Dateline, N.' C. 9:00 Perry Mason lie S;i !■ riiion, S. C.; Leandr-’ Sunrise Semes C4 11:25 Starlight Theafrt New Bern: Cllaoys Retls, Allor !(• (10 The Nurses Mi'ii'iersoii: Ferhie San _ Bob Poole * DEPUTY SECRETARY A N D Mrs. Samuel P, Maisie, vife of ed the principal addrei; .t the \'a.; Brenda Booth'’ CoraiJeakc, Spi M :i il(l Eleventh llo.ir Keport WEDNESDAY, APRIL t Singin’ In Dixie 1.15 To/ilght ■FIRST LADY — Dr. Samuel Z. North Carolina' College's presi­ general session of the college's l.inda Bowens, Ash:'■'lie; ('.iiri.'' (li'i-.s. :i:iin'■ s CMv: Ma.miolia Smoot .4 II S I'; Kolierta Tol i Big PIcturo '6:15 Aspect- ■' Wtsfcrfleld Jr., d^aputy assiit- dent, during a visit to the Our- Thirfeenth Annual Commerce Bryant, Dorchester. S. (’.: I’n ''i''ii Daliiir.'h II V«mp Unto My Feet FRIDAY, AP;<ii. lO 6:45 Ray WllkliisOP t«cr«tary of slate for eco­ ' ham campus Friday. Day. Chapman, Newport iNews V:i ; hert, S|i:iiiiaiihiirL', S. C-; Sharon (jook Up and i<ive 7iwi l-oda; nomic iffalrs, left, chats with Th« noted economist deliver­ Georgia ' Corpening, Lenior, I'.ar Tiicl.cr, ,\i,i-« licrn: Mary Venabte "Camera III Siinri.se Srme.sler 7:25 Viewpoint ramera III hara Claiborne, Alton, Va.: Me n: (‘;i!l'c VV-'tiains. Nor- 7 !Kl Jainl:oree 7:30 Tod§y Sooinl Security 7 55 News iissu Davis. Palmyra: Yorl. 1; folk \„, : (illic Wall, Hamlet; J ,uavey and (lolialh 9:00 Femme Fare . Hot) (’apt Kangaruu 9:30 Trailmaster c,,, Winter Garden, Fla.; Mary l';i i " , (1, Willin'Ml , ii\r(ii>l. N, C.; Flliot " )2:00 Do You Know 900 Cartoon Shoo 10:30 Price Is Righf, Diirhain; Hertie Fewell Craoi.r- Viiiiii", I'l1 iiiklintdii: Maude Ham 12:30 Face the Nation 10.00 Say When , W tslerfield Explains United States, See Political 11:00 Get The Message lliiiiM', V.'i ; liosa Lo- 1:00 Within Our 10:25 NBC New* Ion; Maggie Gorham, WM.‘.hiiir,l'i:i: U'Uc. K.'il 1:30 Missing Liii'k iii;li)M: a n d .Joycc V;. 1:^ Esso Keport 12'(UI Love of Life 12:00. Father Kno>s Jfest l.ula (;lenii. lialifux Va ; J(,'.H' !-',an, Wil 2;30 .Poison Proofinn 12:25 CBS N'.'ws 12:30 Tennessee Ernie Posifion on U.N. Trade Coofafo Grainger, Wilmington; Janice Min Mar.sli I'.r: ( rci-li. N, C, » 3:00 Greater Greensho.u ope.t i2:.'i0 Search for Tom irrnw l:t)0 Adventures In Paradise Dr, Sam uel Z. Wcsterfield Jr.^ mi.s.tion for Africa iii Naimly, Struggle Over 4180 Telephone Digest li; 45'C!uidino Light 2:00 Life ot Rllev 5100 International Slio'.vtiiiic deputy a.ssistant secretary ol I ):00 Peggy Mann 2:30 The Doctors fdi-l lolal S;!.') million worth of ' 0:00 20th Cenlui-y !::«) As the World Turnip 3:00 General Hospital state for economic affairs, ro | it'riciilliirc' dciiKiiislrntion pre 0:30 Hoad to (;ar«lina 2 (10 Password*' 3:30 Queen for a »Jay ceriMy explained problem s re I 'T h e whole thr'ist of both Asa Spaulding jci-l., tli.-il ;irr now operating. 7'pfl Lassie-, 4:00 The Early Show Cigarette Label 2'.'U( House PartT lated to the w orld’s underdeye I nieelings.'.' he s.iicf, "wiis direct IInoiij'lioiil llii' world. 7S0 My Favorite Irlarti 4:25 Lisa Howard News 3:00 To Tell the Truth Idped countries and said they | od at tiv forthcoming United NEW YORK-There he The Kdiiiiilalion was establish- fcflO Ed Sullivan Siui.v 2,5 CBS News 4:30 Early Show ^PO Bonanza 1 30 Edge of Night 5:55 Lake For Governor will bg among the chicf iSsik; N atic’s Trade and Development I Political battle over the Fe irra Named to I'd in lf;(i'l^at Hie requf'st of ihe JO:^ Candid Camera 4 00 Secret Stomi 6:00 Dateline raised at the United Nsftloa' Conference in Geneva tieginning ■ Trade Commission’s proposals IhBi PresidenI n| the United. States,. 10:30 What’s Mv Line 4:H0 Make Room for Daddy 6:20 Dateiine-Viewpol'nt Trade and Developm ent CohljPr M'onday and going through thejeaeh ci"aretlo advertisement anil [ and aski'fl lo assum e th,. leade.'"- 11:00 C^S News 6:25 Dateline-Reeve fvOO Fun Hour ship ill conducting a Freedom 11:15 Espionage_________ 6,35 Dateline lence which began in G^n^va middle of .lune,” packa"e carry a label: Caiition- FFH Board I’ll Manila Gorilla "C:40 Atiahttf Weainpfmah------- Mn.inr—hwmr?—atT7:T;m«:—rrt—Itrr—m the—m n fer—ci-ari-'tU'fi'” siuokiiiM n > a- huK | A T. Spaiilfiing, pri^iiliMil n' \'niM lliniL’LT ('am paign iP iTie MONDAY, APPI’. (iOO Jerry Elliott and News (! 15 Ksso Reporter 0:45 Hon Cochran I'levvs eiice, he said, will he related to aid." the North Carolina MirUinl Life Un,iti’d States. President Joim- O:)(0 Sunrise Hejniesjer i:oO ueV.u VkJIn'y b sA The H arvard trained doct'drat*' 7!00 Morning Janilicnss (1-25 Weather the problems the iinderdevelon' ^ 1 1 predict Lois .Maltox >iillci ' Insurance Com pany h:\s hee" n it' a message lo the tru.stees (;:«) CHS New? 7:30 AdventUfM of O nle end who' taught eronomics at sfiv’rr 7:55 News ~- I'I countries have wi*h the flilc and Jas, M-<inahaii in ;in April I named to the Trustee Board of i'i<i, "'I'hi' Foundation can con- 700 Petticoat Junction Hanriet al universities artd was dr>au nt »:Q0 ClDt.

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