Melbourne Writers' Festival Inc. & Reader's Feast Bookstore present International authors Salley Vickers, Chimamanda Aidichie N gozi and Rick Gekoski will join great writers from across Australia for the second annual weekend 25th, 26th & 27th February, 2005 of books, discussion and ideas in the beautiful grounds of Become a Reader's Feast Como Historic House in Privileged Reader and South Yarra. you will also receive concession prices to To have a free programme posted to Writers at Como. you in mid-January contact the fes ti val For further details call office: (03) 9662 4699. Telephone: (03) 9645 9244 Fax: (03) 9645 9344 Presented in association Email: [email protected] with National Trust of Website: www.mwf.com.au Australia (Victoria) SERIOUS ABOUT SociAL JusTICE? THEN CONSIDER SOME SERIOUS STUDY AT DIPLOMA, GRADUATE D IPLOMA OR MASTER OF ARTS LEVELS AT YARRA THEOLOGICAL UNION MELBOURNE .. my experience is increasingly that Course offerings include I discover God in the inner being, by • History of Catholic social movements going deep in the inner self and in the • Justice and social teaching darkness finding, as Thomas Merton • Evangelisation today says, the 'I am' beyond the T of the self' • Social transformation and economics Emeritus Professor of Education • Can w ar be just? Hedley Beare • Theologies of Liberation • Human Embodiment and Bioethics • Biblical Justice "The bad priest is someone who has • Religious Pl uralism forgotten what it is to be astonished and Enrolments close 15 February 2005 delighted by who God is and what God YTU does not offer correspondence courses. does:' Courses eligible for Commonwealth Archbishop of Canterbury Government loans through FEE-HELP. Rowan Wi lliams For further information, contact The Registrar, Yarra Theological Union, Mention this ad for a free sample copy of 1MA P.O. Box 79, Box Hill VIC 3128. Phone: (OJ) 9653 4221 Phone: (03) 9890 3771 ; Fax: (03) 9890 1160 or email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.rc.net/ytu Os: r-)> 10cCl s: )> ELJREKA STREE m N zm~z cO s:-n "'-omC ~R"'"' )>)> Z-n c:;; > - -<V> "'"'~-:__, mi OOm "'c,.,> > -i COMMENT "'-<)> V> 8o"'Z 4 Marilyn Warren On human leadership '-"' -i I 0 5 LETTERS [) -< 5 Anne Dooley, Lynn Webber SNAPSHOT 30 Walking for justice 6 Bless you, love letters, high tide and the Avril Hannah-Jones looks at the travel bug effectiveness of protesting. 34 A democracy of convenience On a visit to Uzbekistan, Kate Stowell THE MONTH 'S TRAFFIC finds a different democracy. 8 Anthony Ham Descent into chaos 36 Dirty hands, happy hearts Children's gardens are places for learning and growing says Nikki Fi sher. COLUMNS 7 Summa theologiae Andrew Hamilton Human dignity and IN PRINT democracy 38 Here I go on my way 9 Archimedes Luke Fra ser reviews On the warpath: Publisher Andrew Ham ilton St Tim Thwaites Galileo's legacy An anthology of Australian military Editor Marcelle Mogg 10 By the way travel, edited by Robin Gerster and Assistant ed itor Beth Doherty Brian Matthews Tally-ho! Peter Pierce. Graphic designers Maggie Power and )anneke Storteboom 11 Cap ital letter 40 Word up Director Christopher Gleeson st Jack Waterford Time to make history Brian Matthews has words with Julian Business manager Mark Dowell 50 Watching bri ef Burnside's Word Watching, and Don Marketing & advertising manager Ca mille Collins Subscriptions Denise Ca mpbell Juliette Hughes Where the real men are Watson's Wea sel Words. Editorial, production and administration 41 Breaching the barri cade assistants Geraldine Battersby, Lee Beasley, Matthew Lamb reviews Kisch in Lauren Hunt, Stephen Yorke, Ka th erine Kelly POETRY Film editor Siobhan Ja ckson Australia by Heidi Zogbaum. Poetry ed itor Philip Harvey 15 Peta Edmonds Untitled for a man 42 Morality questioned jesuit editorial board Andrew Ham il ton St, 46 Aileen Kelly Point of interest; Wrap Tony Smith reviews Ian Rankin's Greg Baum, Virginia Bourke, Jane Mayo Carolan, Christopher Gleeson St, Marcelle Fleshmarl<et Close; Garry Disher's Mogg, jack Waterford. Kittylwwk Down and Alexander Patrons Eureka Sueet gra tefully acknowledges FEATURES McCall Smith's The Sunday Philosophy the support of C. and A. Ca rter; the trustees of 12 Liberty and justice th e esta te of Miss M. Condon; Ms S. Tonkin; Club. W.P. & M.W. Gurry. Hugh Dillon examines the balance 44 Al l is grace between rights and the law. Chris Gleeson investigates Brian Eureka Street magazine, ISSN 1036- 1758, 16 Replacing neglect with engagement Doyle's Australia Post Print Post approved pp349181 / The wet engine: Exploring the 00314, is published ten times a yea r by Eureka John Langmore investigates the mad wild miracle of the heart. Street Magazine l'ty Ltd, changing face of UN-Australia 45 Th e shortlist 300Victoria Street, Ri chmond VIC 3121 relations. Reviews of the books The happy phrase: PO Box 553, Ri chmond VIC 3121 Tel: 03 9427 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 18 More than a cure Everyday conversation made easily email: [email protected] Madeleine Byrne interviews Australian and In pursuit of plants: Experiences of http://www.eurekastreet.com.au/ immunologist Gus Nossal. nineteenth and early twentieth century Responsibility for edi torial content is accepted by Andrew Hamilton st, 20 Echoes of Eureka plant collectors. 300 Victori a Street, Ri chmond Christine Gillespie walks in the steps Printed by Doran Printing of her Lalor ancestors. 461ndustrial Drive, Braeside VIC 3195. 22 In the shadows of the past FLASH IN THE PAN © Jesuit Publications 2005 Unso licited manuscripts w ill not be returned. General Franco still has a hold on Spain Reviews of the films Bad Santa; Pl ease do not send original photographs or art says Anthony Ham. Team America: World Police; Finding work unless requested. Requests for permission 24 Tales of life, not death Neverland and Napoleon Dynamite. to reprint material from th e magazi ne should be addressed in writing to th e editor. Nigel Starck tells tales of lives well lived. Thi s month 26 Natural talent PUZZLED Cover: Illustration by Ca t Macinnes Cover design: Maggie Power Michele Gierck meets Ulli and 32 Lucille Hughes Summer quiz Cartoons: Dea n Moore p6, p29, p4 7 Georgina Beier. 51 Joan Nowotny Cryptic crossword comment Marilyn Warren On human leadership In address ing th e graduates of the 2004 Wi lliamso n Community Leadership Program-a program aimed at developing leaders in bu siness, government and th e not-for-profit sectors attuned to the needs of th e community- Victoria's Chief justice Marilyn W arren shared her views on lea dershi p. As the first woman in Vi ctoria appointed to th e pos ition of Chief justice, her comments are especially appos ite. Th e fo ll owing is an edited text of her address. F ROM MY mmcrm, the concept of The teacher exhibiting clear leadership the relationship? If leadership functions leadership should be seen in context and in the classroom will be a teacher who sees within relationships that are built upon a that context is essentially the human expe­ her students as young people with the same notion of equality, the following might be rience. As I reflect upon leadership and my rights to education, opportunity and happi­ key issues to explore: human experience, one of my first thoughts ness that she has and has had. The parents How do leaders ensure that all mem­ is that leadership has to be for something. who lead their children successfully will bers of their group understand and It is not a goal in itself. It needs to be seen do so because they see their children as embrace the purpose or product of as an instrument, a quality or a set of quali­ entitled to everything to which they could their joint labours? ties that enables a goal to be achieved. aspire. The manager who successfully How do leaders relate to those over This view of seeing leadership as leads her department, will do so because whom they exercise their authority? instrumental, takes you initially away her view of where the group is going is clear Where does this view of leadership sit from the task of identifying the key quali­ and shared by the group. Most importantly with notions of trust, engagement, par­ ties of leadership and directs your atten­ her success as a manager will be built upon ticipation, vesting and delegation? tion to what you want to achieve. Focusing a clear perception by those she manages What obligations does this view of lead­ on w hat you want to achieve eventually that each of them is entitled to the sam e ership entail in relation to information, takes yo u into a greater landscape-how human dignity, work satisfaction and feel­ communication and education? do your goals fit into a broader vision of ings of success to which she aspires. And finally, what does this view entail the human experience, individual and National and international figures will about the relationship between leader­ community welfare and social good? ultimately be judged as leaders on the ship and the identification and pursuit This raises the question of whether basis of their contribution to the quality of values which are at the heart of a leadership is ethically neutral. Can a of the lives of the people they have been civil, just and free society? leader of a criminal gang display real lead­ elected or appointed to represent. And as a post script, if I had a little ership? Can a leader of a group hell-bent Our initial thought about leadership longer I would like to explore the notion on ethnic cleansing be properly described is that it is a relationship between peo­ that leadership is not a quality of the few, as a great leader? We are repulsed by the ple who are not equals.
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