Demonstrating CO2 capture in the UK cement, chemicals, iron and steel and oil refining sectors by 2025: A Techno-economic Study Final Report Appendix for DECC and BIS 30th April 2014 Element Energy Ltd Carbon Counts Ltd PSE Ltd Imperial College University of Sheffield © Element Energy Ltd. www.element-energy.co.uk Outline • Overall Project Methodology • CO2 capture technologies • CO2 sources • Techno-economic analysis of industrial CO2 capture • Process simulation case studies • CO2 utilisation review 1 Overall project approach Literature review & Stakeholder consultation All CO2 sources All capture technologies Source Technology screening Screening Energy prices Relevant technology Relevant sources Discount rate archetypes (Carbon price) Literature review & Stakeholder Source archetypes Parametric Techno-economic interviews model (e.g. Capabilities, pilots, clusters) Assess feasibility, capture costs, energy, £/tCO2 Process simulation support UK Industry MACC curve Identify priority technologies and sources and technology Potential piloting programme development needs 2 Outline • Overall Project Methodology • CO2 capture technologies • CO2 sources • Techno-economic analysis of industrial CO2 capture • Process simulation case studies • CO2 utilisation review 3 Extensive literature review used to identify and characterise capture technologies Process Key • Data search using ScienceDirect, internet, WebofKnowledge, CCS Identify key data sources portals, conference proceedings, manufacturer and CCS project websites. Screening of data • Screening of abstracts of 2,000+ papers to identify most relevant sources sources. • 200+ papers reviewed in detail for information across all known capture In-depth literature review technologies • Review of agreed filters following literature review Filtering of technologies • Initial shortlist reviewed by Imperial College and University of Sheffield • Techno-economic model design clarifies technology data collection Populate capture requirements technology database • Focussed literature review to populate database • Technology database circulated with industry experts for review of Review with stakeholders assumptions 4 The pace of technology development: A recent review using identified ca. 1,300 patents on capture technologies. 461 solid sorbents Incl. soda-lime, active carbon, zeolite, molecular sieve, silica gel, amine solid, metal organic frameworks, metal salts. 350 membrane Incl. polyimides, zeolites, fluoropolymers 486 solvent Including alkanolamines, ammonia, alkali metal solutions, amino acid salts, polyglycol ether, * All patents ionic liquids up to 1980 Li, B. et al. (2013) Advances in CO2 capture technology: A patent review Applied Energy 102, 1439-1447 5 Resources to track global capture technology progress Standard research engines (Google, Googlescholar, WebofKnowledge, ScienceDirect) were used to identify public literature for this project. The most consistently useful and largely up-to-date curated information on pilots, demonstration and commercial scale CCS projects were found at the following portals: http://www.globalccsinstitute.com/projects/browse http://www.sccs.org.uk/news/2014/10Apr-GlobalCCSMap.html http://www.cslforum.org/projects/index.html?cid=nav_projects http://ieaghg.org/ccs-resources/rd-database https://sequestration.mit.edu/tools/projects/index.html http://www.zeroemissionsplatform.eu/ http://bellona.org/ccs/ccs-projects.html These portals provide links to actual project websites, and facilitate understanding of the relative maturity (TRL) of each capture technology and sector. However some caveats are helpful: Published project factsheets generally provide only very basic data (location, scale, year, fundrs/partners). Conference reports offer latest findings, but rarely details. Peer reviewed academic papers in high quality journals generally describe the most successful results from pilots, but may lag years behind results, and few report pilot/demo costs and practical implementation challenges. As most pilots and demonstrations are co-funded by multiple partners and there are reporting differences in whether capital, total, marginal or average costs are paid for, it is challenging to compare the overall costs of pilots for different technologies, sometimes even to within one order of magnitude. 6 Objective filtering process to identify most relevant capture technologies for techno-economic study Filter Impacts • Capture technology long list identified All technology families Exclude TRL ≤4 • Exclude technologies that have not been validated at lab bench scale. Exclude techs requiring • Excludes oxycombustion, pre-combustion and several chemical looping, base process re-design iron and steel (e.g. TGRBF and HIsarna) CCS project designs. • Assume operational plant for 0.05-5 Mt/yr by ca. 2025 requires 1000s of hours of successful operation at 0.01-1 Mt/yr respectively validated ahead Tech readiness of FID in ca. 2020. [FID assumed 2015 for operation in 2020]. • Excludes adsorption technologies, membranes, ionic liquids, hybrids. Insufficient data • Excludes carbonates, sodium hydroxide, and purisol based solvents • Chemical solvents: 1st gen amine, 2nd gen chemical solvents (e.g. amines, amino acids, and blends, potassium carbonate, ammonia) Shortlist of 7 capture technologies • Physical solvents: rectisol, selexol • Chemical looping: calcium looping • Cryogenics: liquefaction 7 An initial “technology long list” comprised all capture technology families identified in the public literature. A long list of technology families for CO2 separation was identified from the CCS literature, and comprises: Liquid absorption technologies: – Chemical solvents, e.g. amines, ammonia, potassium carbonate solutions, other alkalis – Physical solvents, e.g. rectisol, selexol, purisol, propylene carbonate, carbonates, ionic liquids Solid looping cycles: e.g. calcium looping Adsorption technologies – Adsorber beds, e.g. alumina, zeolites, activated carbon – Regenerative methods (temperature, pressure/vacuum, electrical swing adsorption, washing) Cryogenics (i.e. purification by liquefaction or desublimation of CO2) Membranes – Gas separation or absorption, Ceramics, amine-functionalised membranes Other e.g. algae, enzymes, oxyfuel, pre-combustion, hybrid approaches 8 Several capture technologies are likely to be available for retrofit bolt-on to industrial plants by 2025 and so included in the techno- economic modelling. CO2 Technology Criteria Include in separation techno- Technology availability Feasibility Sufficient technology economics (TRL ≥5?) as bolt- data mechanism ? on? available? Chemical Amines, first generation (MEA, MDEA, 9 (nat gas /high purity) Bolt on Yes Yes absorption KS-1) (with temperature swing) 7-8 (power and industrial) Amines, second generation 6-7 Bolt on Yes Yes Ammonia 6-7 Bolt on Yes Yes Potassium carbonate solution (with (9 Fischer Tropsch) Bolt on Yes Yes pressure swing, amine promoted) 7 Flue gas Alkalis 6 Bolt on No No Physical Rectisol (methanol) 9 (nat gas/syngas/high Bolt on Yes Yes absorption purity) Selexol (glycol) 9 (nat gas/syngas/high Bolt on Yes Yes purity) Purisol 9 (nat gas/syngas/high Bolt on No No purity) Propylene carbonate 9 (nat gas/syngas/high Bolt on No No purity) Dimethyl Carbonate + analogues diethyl 4-5 Bolt on No No carbonate etc. Ionic liquids (can be chemical abs) 4-5 Bolt on No No Solid Calcium looping 6-7 Bolt on and Yes Yes looping redesign cycles options Cryogenics Cryogenics (i.e. purification by 9 (high purity only) Yes Yes Yes liquefaction or desublimation of CO2) 6 (flue gases) Ref: Olajire (2010) Energy 35 2610-2628 9 Some CO2 capture technology families are not included in the techno-economic modelling as they involve significant plant redesign or insufficient data are available. CO2 separation Technology Criteria Include technology in Technology Feasibilit Sufficient mechanism techno- availability y as bolt- data economi (TRL ≥5?) on? available? cs? Membranes Gas separation (e.g. polyphenyleneoxide, 8-9 (highest for nat. Yes No No polydimethylsiloxane) or absorption (polypropylene), gas, syngas, high Ceramics, amine-functionalised membranes purity) 5-6 (low purity flue gas) Adsorption Adsorber beds, e.g. alumina, zeolites, activated 5 (flue gas) Bolt on No No carbon Adsorption Regenerative methods (temperature, 5 (flue gas) Bolt on No No pressure/vacuum, and electrical swing adsorption). Biological Algae 4 Yes No No Biochemical Enzymatic conversion or enzyme promoted reaction 4 Yes No No Oxyfuel Oxyfuel 7-8 (power Involves Some No generation) significant applications 6-7 (industrial plant applications) redesign Pre-combustion Pre-combustion 8-9 (syngas stream Involves No No in IGCC or SMR) significant 6-7 (other plant gasification redesign processes for industrial applications) Mixed Hybrid technologies (e.g. combination of solvents, 4-6 (wide range of In some Some No PSA, TSA, cryogenics, membranes, recirculation, options) cases applications compression) 10 CO2 capture technologies – Archetype data identified in technology database – Chemical absorption solvents • 1st generation amine • 2nd generation amine • Potassium carbonate • Ammonia – Physical absorption solvents • Rectisol • Selexol – Solid Looping • Calcium looping – Cryogenic capture 11 The technology database lists key attributes to be used in the techno-economic modelling. Capture technology database lists: 1. Technology name and family 2. Current TRL and commercial availability for operation in 2013, 2020 and 2025 3. Reference input and output
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