http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 309 ) GENERAL INDEX. • A Robert, 62, 292 ; William, 56 ; —, 56 ; see also Aleyn and Allin. A Broke, William, 263. Allin, John, 271, 274, 275 ; Jonathas, A Denne, Miohael, 263 ; Thomas, 264 ; 268 ; see also Aleyn and Allen. "William, 264. Allington Castle, xl, 305. Abba, 97. Amcotts, Sir Henry, 143 ; Joan, 143. Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, 105, Amersham, Bucks, 206. 106 ; Christopher, 29 ; Hugo, 64 ; Anderson, Sir Edmund, 269 ; John, William, 82. 129. Abell, Dr., 300. Anderton, 302. Abercromby, Bobert, 150. Andrew, Hester, 282 ; John, 282 ; Abergavenny, Elizabeth, Lady, 151 ; Mary, 282 ; Mildred, 282 ; Phineas, Lord, 151. 282 ; Robert, 282 ; Thomas, 282 ; Abeylles, William, 290. William, 280. Abingdon, St. Edmund of, Archbishop Andrewe, Sampson, 274. of Canterbury, 96. Andrewes, Mr. John, 258 ; Lancelot, Abucksyde, 273. Bishop, 106,107 ; William, of Mug- Accounts of the Commonalty of Dover, well Street, 139, 160,174,191 ; Mr., 75, 76. 258. Achole or Acol, 19, 40, 196. Andrews, Nathaniel, lxxii; Thomas, Acrise, 101, 109. 267. Acton, James, 283. Antjlia Sacra, by Rev. Edmund Whar- Adams, William, 261. ton, 109. Adamus de Essex, 74. Anglo-Saxon coins, lxix ; interments, Adaye, John, 34 ; see cdso Adie, Ady, lxvi. and Adye. Angod, John, 262. Adgoe, John, 40. Anne, Queen, 11. Adie, Edward, 287 ; see also Adaye, Annis, Adam, 47. Ady, and Adye. Anvil Green in par. of Waltham, lxiii, Adisham, Ville of, 260, 261. lxv. Ady, Edward, 285 ; Nicholas, 285 ; Appledore, 135. see also Adaye, Adie, and Adye. Apsley or Aspeley, Sir Allan, 152; Adye, Edward, 285, 286 ; John, 285, Lady Frances, 152 ; Lord, 161. 286 ; Nicholas, 285 ; Solloman, 285 ; Apulton or Apylton in Ickham, 207, Thomas, 285. 208. iEthelbert, King, 222, 223, 224, 225, Aroh.bish.ops of Canterbury, see Can- 226, 234, 242. terbury. Ailing-, see Aylinge, A rchdeaoon of Canterbury, Visitations Albemarle, Baldwin de Bethune, Earl of the, by Arthur Hussey, 11. of, 205 ; Hawisia, Countess of, 205 ; Archdeacon's Court, 89. William le G-ros, Earl of, 205. Archer, Henry, 14, 16, 38 ; Valentine, Alexander IIL, Pope, 243. 40. Aleyn, John, 210 ; William, 261, 262 ; Argall, Elizabeth, lvii; John, lvi; see also Allen and Allin. Mary, lvii ; Riohard, Esq., lvii ; Alief, Margrett, 289. Thomas, lvii; —, lvi. Alkham, 23, 271. Arnold, William, 285. Allen, John, 26, 276,277 j Mary, 277 ; Arrol, Dr., lxxii. 310 GENERAL INDEX. Artemidorus, 92, 93. Backhouse, J. B., Rector of Little Arundel, Archbishop, 218 ; Register, Chart, St. Mary, 130. 100, 101, 218. Badlesmere, St. Leonard, Church Plate Asgarby, 111. at. 134. Ash, near Sandwich, 218. Badley, Mr., 258. Ashby de la Zouche, 143. Bagot, Right Hon. Sir Charles, G.C.B., Ashdon, Frances, 14. 124 ; Emily Georgiana, 124. Ashford, 100. Bailey, Robert, 55 ; see also Bayley. „ Christ Church, Church Plate Bailey, The, 203. at, ll(i. Baker, Gregory, 133 ; Henry, 261 ; ,, St. Mary, Church Plate at, John, 105, 175, 294; Bobert, 24; 116, 117. Sybilla, 175. Askewe, Richard, 293. Baker, Arms, 175. Aspeley, see Apsley. Baldock, Mr. William, Vioar of Re- Astleys, xlvii, xlviii, 306. culver, 42, 43. Athanasius, 90. Baldwin, Mr. Wriothesly, 182. Athirle, William, 78. Ballard, Thomas, 300. At Hothe, William, 263. Bampton Castle in Oxfordshire, 204. Att Wode, Thomas, 262. Banshan, Ralph, 82. Atte Bartone, William, 212. Barbet. William, 14, 15. Atte Bertone, John, 2U8, 216, 217. Barbett, William, 274. Atte Capel le Feme, John, 86. Barbican, the, Leeds Castle, li. Atte Ee, Thomas, 219. Bardesbrok, 80. Atte Hall, Nicholas, 77. Barfoote, Thomas, 294. Atte Halle, John, 79,83 ; Nicholas, 80. Barham, Anna, 273 ; George, 268 ; Atte Packe alias Paste, Valentine, Thomas, 268, 273. 274. 99, 100. Barham, parish of, 62, 262, 263, 264, Atte Regge, John, 77, 79, 81. 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, Atte Steghele, John, 78. 272; 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, Atte Stegle, John, 81. 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, Atte Ware, Walter. 210. 286, 287 ; see also Berham. Atte Water, William, 77. Barham, South, 256, 263, 266. Attewelle, John, 262 ; William, 262. Barham Streate, 273. Atton, George, 12; Mr., Curate of Barker, John, 294 ; Thomas, 99. Birchington, 12. Barkett, Richard, 33. Auberville, Joan de, 57 ; Sir William Barler, Thomas. 99. de, 57. Barling, Mr., 258. Audele, William, 264. Barnard, Edward, 157 ; James, 14; Austen, Amy, 125 ; Henry, 19 ; John, John, 157 ; Thomas. 29 ; William, 52, 53 ; Mary, 125. 157. Austen alias Lewkener, Catherine, Barrel!, Anne, 110; Catherine, 110; 279 ; Christian, 279. Francis, 110. Austin, Dr. Robert, 107. Barrow, Thomas, 284 ; —, 280, 284. Awgar, Stephen, 293. Barrowe, Etheldreda, 71. Awkridge in Kent, 278. Bartelote, Richard, 81. Awode, Richard, 289. Barton, Mr. Francis, 53, 277. Aylesford, Celtic cemetery at, 3. Bartone, William, 217. Aylinge (Ayling or Ailing), Mr. John, Bartram, Canon, 112. Vicar of Monkton, 19, 20, 41; Mr., Base, John, 210. 163. Bateman, Hester, 117, 141, 150. Aylwin, John, Minister of Birching- Bathurst, John, 270. ton, 162. Battely, Dr. John, 109 ; —, 253. Aysshton, Matthew, 101. Battle Hall, Iiii. Bayham Abbey, xl. Bayley, Richard, of Foster Lane, 139, B 179 ; see also Bailey. Baynes, Richard, 269. Baa, Thomas de, 212. Beale (Beole), Thomas, 264, 265; see Babbe, Robert, 261. also Bell. Bacheler, John, 292. Beane, William, 268. Bachelor, Robert, 260. Beauchamp, Alice, 61; Michael, 61. GENERAL INDEX. 311 Beaumont, Sir William, 86. Beverley, Joan, 58, 61; William, 58 ; Beauxfleld, 219. Family of, 59. Beck, Canon, Iiii. Beverley, Yorkshire, St. Mary's, 189. Becke, Theophilus, 55, 56. Bexlie, Thomas, 273. Beckwith, J., The History of Chisle- Biddenden, 133, 272, 281. hurst; its Church, Manors, and Bigg, Stephen, 280. Parish, 299. Birch, Etheldred Ann, 141; George, Bedeford, Johanna, 83 ; William, 82. 141 ; General Thomas, 141. Beere, Roger de, 79. Birchington, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, Beeston, F., Saltwood Castle, by, 201. 20, 21, 37, 40, 42, 52, 61; Church Bekesbourne, 275. Plate at, 162, 196. Bele, Hamon, 236, 262 ; see also Beale. Bishop, Henry, 43. Bell, Mr., 303. Bishopbourne, 101, 281. Bellamie, Thomas. 274. Bissell, James, 45. Bellamy, Richard,' 273. Bizle, Jordan de, 99. Bellars, Mary Ann, 173 ; Mary Ray- Blackfriars, 49, 60. ner, 176 ; Rev. William, M.A., Vicar Blackland, Henry, 33, 37. of St. John, Margate, 173. Blamynter, William, 210. Belsey, Thomas, 55. Blancketts, 290. Beltinge, Borough of, 26. Bland, William, lxi. Beneit, Thomas, 77,82 ; see also Benet, Blank, Henry, 77, 81. Beneyt, and Bennett. Blaxland, Henry, 37. Benenden Letters, edited by Charles Bleadon, 106. Frederick Hardy, 303. Blean, 103 ; Forest of, 140. Benet, John, 270 ; William, 144 ; seo Bleangate, 44. also Beneit, Bennett, and Benyt. Blisworth, 101. Beneyt, John, 81, 83, 84; see also Blobbere, Simon, 82. Beneit, Benet, and Bennett. Blois, Pettit de, 61. Benger, Richard, Doctor of Decrees, Blore, Mr., 247. 103. Blowfeild, John, 72 ; Rachael, 72. Bennett, George, 17 ; Thomas, 138 ; Blyth. Rev. Edward Hamilton, Vicar see also Beneit, Benet, and Beneyt. of St. John the Baptist, Thanet, 176. Bennett-Goldney, Mr. F., 227. Bobbing Church, lx. Benson, Archbishop, 109. Bobbing Court, near Faversham, 206. Bensted, Mr. Hubert, F.R.I. B.A., xlii, Booking, Dean of, 112. 254; a paper on " The Houses of Bode, Thomas, 103. Old Maidstone," Iiii. Bodington, John, 117. Bentley, Joseph, 266. Boffett, —, 85. Beole, soe Beale. Boggis, Rev. R. J. E., B.D., A History Bere, Richard, 21; Valentine de, 87. of St. Augustine's Monastery, Can- Beresford-Hope, Mr. A. J. B., F.S.A., terbury. 306. 225. Boles, Stephen, 99 ; see also Bowles. Bergavenny, Isobel de Hastings, Baro- Bollandists, Acts of the, 90. ness of, 205 ; John de Hastings, Bolls, John, 263. Baron of, 205. Bonere, John, 82. Berham, 262, 263, 264, 269. Bonnington, Thomas Cocks, Rector Berham, South, 264. of, 304. Bertha, Queen, 222, 224. Bontyng, Alexander, 82. Bertie, —, 302. Boodlle. Rev. J. E., Rural Dean of Bertlot, Johanna, 262 ; William, 262. Ospringe, 114. Berton, 210, 262. Borough Green, lxvi. Berton, John, 261. Borton, Richard Edward, 192. Bertone, John, 219 ; WilUam, 219. Boughton, All Saints, Church Plate Best, Elizabeth, 62 ; Henry, 37 ; Rioh- at, 119; Aluph, 116; Malherbe, ard, 62 ; Major, liv. 116. Bethune, Alicia, 205 ; Baldwin de, Earl Boughton-under-Bloan, Church Plate of Albemarle, 205 ; Hawisia, 205. at, 135,147. Bettenson, 302. Boulle, Nicholas, 266. Beuge, Ceoilia, 81. Bound, Edward, 44. Beveridge, Dr., Archdeaoon of Col- Bourgchier, Archbishop, 103,208,217 ; chester, 256. Register, 102. 312 GENERAL INDEX. Bourne, Abbot Ralph de, 306 ; Eliza- Bromley, Richard, 278. beth, 301. Brommell, James, M.A., Vioar of Min- Bowerman, Richard, 48. ster. 105. Bowhalls or Bowhaws, 198. Bron, Thomas, 262. Bowles, Charles, lxxii, 302 ; see also Brook, John, 266 ; see also Broke. Boles. Brooke, 44. Boxley Abbey, Iiii. Brooke, Edward, 269 ; John, 264, 265, Boynton, Klene, 261. 266, 267, 268. Boyntone, Richard, 261. Brooker, Cicely, 272, 273 ; Edward, Boys, Frances, 269 ; John, 269 ; Tho- 274 ; Elizabeth, 273 ; James, 267, mas. 269 ; Vivicent, 268 ; William, 268, 2(59. 271, 272, 273; see also Esq., 269. Broker. Brabourne, Thomas, 218. Brookland, 102. Brabourne Manors, 205. Brookman, John, 267. Brackenbury, Edward, 43. Broome, Robert, 28, 29. Bradshaw, Ueorge, 43. Broomfield in Essex, 182, 183. Bradshaw Drove, 275. Brouner, Thomas, 263 ; William, Brad well in Essex, 235. 263. Brandreth, John. 261. Brown, Thomas, 18. Brasses in St. John's Church, Mar- Browne, Anne, 12 ; Henry, 43 ; Mr. gate, 72. Philip, 12; Thomas, 46; William, Braun's Civitates Orbis Terrarum, 264, 293 ; —, 36. 251, 252, 253. Browning Downe Carvett, 286. Bray, William, S.T.P., 108. Buckholt, lxii. Braybrooke, Robert, Bishop of Lon- Buckland, 149. don, 206. Buckland in Herts, 101. Brayles, John, 292. Bucklands, 305. Brayn, Nicholas, 262. Buckwell, 119. Bredgar Church, 167. Buffkin, Leven, Esq., 271.
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