Page Two - 41) HOC Frida_y, March 14, 1969 Futz puts life in the Co southern United states, Futz shows what can -happen .Jerry Ru when values become subjec­ Youth Inde theatre tive and blown out of pro- past bordei portion. and invad Futz, presented at the As the cast rollicks He made e Central Library Theatre by through the play, it becomes ces at the the Theatre Passe - Mur­ increasing]y hard to Queens aille, is amusing, bizarre extract the classic tra­ and Rochd and fast moving. But more gedy that is definite]ythere. ning the s than that, it is provoking. f But when Futz is final]y his razor­ It presents itsel as if � murder84. its application to insights say "Here it is, and whether a society with no sense of wing.P<>liti you wanted to see this or relativity or compassion The Tor not, it nonetheless exists.' shines through in cryptic orted that In their production of the neon lights. A.'ld if you doubt by Rubi off-Broadwa.y play, the it, just watch the person disappo Theatre Passe-Muraille, an sitting next to you, who to m offspring of RochdaleCol­ thrilled to the death scene agreed lege, attempts to bridge the in Hamlet, yet cringes at is not e gap between .actor and the sight of a woman baring Many audience. ber breasts on the Toronto true, h From thestart, the atmos­ stage. down hi phere of involvement is ap.. To press the point lack of parent. After walking over even further, the Toronto Mora­ blame outstretched actors ]ying in lity Squad has labelled Democr the aisles, the audience is the play "immoral" ha cago. questioned by them on the , and s s monsedthedirector and the Uni subjects of bestiality and um members of the a police love, while music and poetry cast. Don steinhouse as Futz joins wrists with supporting actors to form the bars of a jail. argue with fill the theatre. They are scheduledto appear method. The play itself with in court March 20, when the deals Instead, tt c beingan er :i;:� :: �� ��:e�:: :� :�;t :�:a:�: :n Humber's political -science students parent p in the backwoods ,of the be settled. people i for the sa f rfi f ��:ED�� :-�;:� ��:;���!:.:. =�=���: wants :i explain �, BARRY COLLINS The Political Science stu- can about the history of Can- ation in Biafra. never be taught in a class- Thes dents of Humber Collegelast ada and the lives of the past Prime Minister Tr udeau room. He also felt that a dignant "T.he Life of Freud" is his patients, we see him week, led by course instruc- Prime Mlnisters.''On]ythen spoke to the group brief]y. few changes were necessary irrele an informativeand important make his profound break­ tor Bill Riddell, visited our will you understand the real When asked if he was in and if he decides to take·a imagin movie. throughs into the human Nation's Capital. The essence of Canadiangove::-n- favour of lowering the vot- group back· again next year, Although the study of the mind. purpose of the trip was to ment," stated Mr. Diefen- ing age to 18, he replied, these changes will be im- unconscious has harvested The movie points outthat give the students first hand baker. "I'm more inclined to leave plemented. The group re- many new concepts,Freud's Freud suffered painful har­ knowledge of how our :things astheyare.Basical]y, turned Friday evening after pioneering in this field re.:. assment not on]y from his government works. Minister Benson spoke to ·I suppose,that's because rm attending a morning session During their three-day students about many · a conservative.'' of the House of Commons. mains one of man's fore­ colleagues but also from his the the Th patients. stay, they visited the Art most discoveries. of It is difficult to present Gallery, the N ational Despite the fact that much to in movie form the suffering Archives, the Canadian Mint of Freud's-work was rejected sort Freud experienced through and made several stops at by an ignorantand frightened S.U.C. elections soon it. society, his theories remain uncovering his own· oedipal the Parliament Buildings. While there, the group met by JON McDONALD Jer to provide valuable insight complex, Equal]y discour­ they aging was the utter disaP­ and talkedto Prime Minister studentswill elect begins March fema:e. into the study of the uncon­ Humber Campaigning wha proval of his shortsighted Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Rt. new student Union 31 and ends April 10. There will also bean elec­ scious. their their "The Life of Freud" pre­ colleagues. Hon. John Diefenbaker, Fin-. Cabinet on April 11. students of any year in any tion of four re;,resentives sented a capsule glimpse of However, "The Life of ance Minister Benson, M. P. For those considering full time course from North from the Queensway cam­ the neurologist's life. Freud'' provides a deeper for Etobicoke Alastair Gil­ running for the five posi­ or South campus • may pus. Any student who will be Through a presentation of understadning of this power­ lespie, and the youngest tions available, nominations qualify to run for the posi­ in attendance at the -:ampus Freud's clinical work with ful ma:.1 in history. member of Parliament, open Monday, March 24 and tions of Preside:rt, Secre­ until the end of October may Lorne Nystrom. close Friday, March 28. taryor Treasurer. The stu­ run for office or vote. dent Union constitution how­ Further information can ever, requires that First be obtained from Pat ExtrE.as What are you doing? Vice President be male and Moroney or the StudentUnion simp]y th Humber's mid-term holiday Second Vice President be office. without of sight, Where are you going? touch. blocked by administration In he CAAT Acy Gla� rty JOHN SOKOL nating pti Journalists Unlike other colleges, and ced their op1mon favoured for the Universities, Humber does the break, Mr. Phillip Kar­ Line meaning petz, student Liason Officer, not -have a mid-term break BOB MARTIN as pscho produce to relieve some of the pres­ felt it was inconclusive. by ter) and i sure students are put under. Mr. Karpetz also felt that (Community College Press Service) Howev Gordon Wragg, President summer job oppurtunities is the m and a new film of Humber College, refer­ would be lessened if the . The Colleges of Applied common to all colleges physical ring to a student survey school year was increased Arts a11d Technology student to propose solutions. can be ei on the problem, stated, by one week in order to Association is to be re-born This new structure con­ tally in!l for Humber '' The students were given a include a mid-term break. as a strong political move­ sists of a senate, a secre­ or planti choice. They were asked to As it is now, Seneca College, ment. tariat and a board of re­ gestion 1 by KEN EDWARDS choose a shorter schoolyear Ryerson and even the Uni- When first establishe:i at presentatives. falls int or a mid-term break". versity of Toronto will fi- a Kingston Conference last Membership on the board of P.K is. afo­ Humber's second year Journalism students have pro­ On November 6, 1968, the nish their curriculum before October, CAATSAO was representatives is based on a percep duced a film depicting their course of study. survey gave the following Humber is half-way through rum for colleges to discuss the enrolme::it at each school. be consi, The 12 minute, 16mm documentary is entitled "What alternatives. its exams. problem and ideas. students from some of the Eyeles are you do�? Where are you going" . Directed by Sandy 1. Leave the school year Along with many other Since then many colleges smaller colleges felt that color an, Bull and produced by Dan Mothersill, the film attempts timetable as with no mid­ Humberities, both &le Man- expressed the feeling that this method of "representa­ usual]y to answer these important questions by showing Humber' s term break in 2nd semester, derson, second vice-presi- the Associationwas weak and tion by population" enable also mis, dent of the student union,and could not remain simp]y a the larger colleges to force second year journalists obtaining practical experience at or, Thebo Mari]yn McCoy,secretaryof communications network.· unwanted legislation upon the C.B. C., Queens Park, the Lakeshore Advertiser and 2. Extend the school year tains ma . the studentunion,, felt that Thus, at a meeting la.st them. C.ILU.M. by one week allowing for a of E.S.P. the breakwould give students month sponsored by Scar­ Centennial's Geg Golds­ The film included an interview with John Bassett, mid-term break of one week test thl the necessary at -borough's Centennial Col­ worthy, out-going CAATSAO Publisher of the Toronto Telegram. Mr. Bassett feltthat in the 2nd semester (pro­ time to c ch to deter1 young journalists should be people with intellegence, bab]y in late February or up on their work and let lege held in Toront.Q , at conference co-or1Unator, curiosity and adaptability. "It's up to young people to ear]y March). of a bit of steam. the Lord· Simcoe Hotel, 120 said that the legislation was This ti improve the situation of today by striving forward in the The results of this survey Ross Gutherie, Arts and representatives from 20 meant to be used only as sion of field of communication", he said. were; 392 favoured the mid­ Science, stated, "Of course Community Colleges moul- a guideline.
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