Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association February 13,1991, Volume 28 Number 7 College Football Forum scheduled Februarv 17-19 With a new model for intercolle- giate athletics beginning to take shape, the NCAA’s annual preview of the coming football season has become much more than a discus- sion of which teams to beat and which players to watch. As a result, the event has been renamed the College Football Fo- rum to reflect the wide range of reform-related topics that will be discussed February 17-19 at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. Joining approximately 60 of the nation’s top sports journalists at the 15th annual event previously called the College Football Pre- view-will be Bernard E Sliger, president of Florida State University and former Division 1 chair of the NCAA Presidents Commission; Roy Bernard E Sliger Roy Kramer David Swank Chades McClendon Kramer, cotisioner of the South- eastern Conference and member of Jenkins, University of Houston; Joe munications Committee, will serve issues affecting college football. The Richard D. Schultz will kick off the the NCAA Committee on Infrac- Krivak, University of Maryland, as moderator of the forum. coaches also will provide informa- second day with a 9 a.m. session, tions, and David Swank, dean of College Park; John Majors, Univer- Charles McClendon, executive tion on their teams and conferences which will be followed by more one- the University of Oklahoma College sity of Tennessee, Knoxville; Bill director of the American Football in 1991. on-one interview opportunities for of Law, also a member of the Com- Mallory, Indiana University, Bloom- Coaches Association, also will be in After lunch, a third panel (Sliger, the media in attendance. mittee on Infractions. ington; Joe Paterno, Pennsylvania attendance. Mallory and Paterno) will meet At I p.m., a telephone press con- This is the second straight year State University; Bill Snyder, Kansas Two panels (Kramer, Edwards, with journalists. All coaches and ference with NCAA Division 1 that the event has featured athletics State University, and Bruce Snyder, Jenkins and Bill Snyder in one administrators then will be available Men’s Basketball Committee chair administrators as well as coaches. University of California, Berkeley. group and Swank, Krivak, Majors for individual interviews before the and Big Ten Conference Commis- Coaches scheduled to attend the Roger 0. Valdiserri, University of and Bruce Snyder in the othier) will day concludes with a reception and sioner James E. Delany will be held forum include LaVell Edwards, Notre Dame associate athletics di- meet with the media on the first dinner at the NCAA national office. to discuss the 1991 Division I Men’s Brigham Young University, John rector and chair of the NCAA Com- morning of the forum to discuss NCAA Executive Director See CoIIege, page 3 Worldtek seeks members’ help on championships-travel plans NCAA championships travel for movement. travel department at Wolrldtek, with the cooperation of the directors nouncement date, team administra- “ 1991 will increase dramatically be- The crisis in the Middle East has it will be a challenging year, and of athletics and coaches, is designed tors should prepare a list of cause of the larger traveling parties limited the number of available we will need all the help we can get to save time and prevent inconvcn- individuals most likely to be in- for team sports. seats on airliners. The charter from participating institutions to ience. While the participating insti- cluded in the traveling party These In selected sports, the number of market, always an alternative for continue the highest level of service tutions are not officially determined names may be changed at any time. travelers will more than double, Worldtek in the past, has become to NCAA travelers.” until the announcement date l Administrators should review putting more players, coaches and an important resource to the Amcr- Of particular concern now are the (March IO), many institutions have with members of the traveling party institutional personnel in the air ican armed forces for troop deploy- Division I Men’s and Women’s Bas- a rcasonahle idea ahead of time that alternatives if the party has to he and at the championships. ment. As a result, a significant ketball Championships. Tl~csc cham they may be among those selected. split up due to airline or charter ‘I’he impact will be felt by World- number of the aircraft that might pionships always present Worldtck Institutions can assist Worldtek availability, with some traveling two tek Travel, the official travel scrvicc otherwise have been available for with its toughest challenges, I .aRose in preparation for team travel bcforc days before the game and others for NCAA championships, as it athletics events may bc flying for said. This year, with the large in- the announcement of tournament one day bcforc or on the day of the continues its efforts to deliver first- the government m the foreseeable crease in travel partiestor both men participants if school officials feel game. Administrators should indi- class service to greater numbers of future. and women, it will be more difficult, there is a strong possibility of their cate how the party would be divided. people in a travel environment in- As a result, accordmg to Karen she said. team being selected. l Administrators should send by crcasingly less friendly to group C. LaRosc, manager of the NCAA Worldtek has a program that. l Two weeks before the am facsimile those namKS and travel arrangements to the Worldtek: NCAA travel center (fax I-203, 865-2034). Changes made in soccer substitution rule Another way in which participat- ing institutions can assist Wortdtek Charged with developing a sub- controversy in 1990 when it in- rnulated cautions, he or she wilt not punished the injured player. is by calling the NCAA travel center stitution rule that would appease creased the squad sire to an unlim- carry them over to the postseason. <‘onsequently. the committee re- on selection Sunday as soon as both Divisions I and I I I, the NCAA ited squad from IX players but Houcvcr, if a player receives a fifth moved the exception of cautioned they receive official notIce of their Men’s and Women’s Soccer Rules restricted substitution to allow no caution in the final regular-season players for tree reentry. Also, a sclcction. Committee believes it accomplished reentry in the same period, with the player may reenter the game in the game, hc or she wilt not be cligiblc The NCAA travel center can hc that goal at its February 5-8 meeting exception of goalkeepers and cau- same period if hc or she was substi- to compete in the first postseason reached, toll free, at l-X00/243- in San Diego~ Beginning this fall, tioned players. By limiting reentry to game. If the player receives a fifth tuted for due to an injury in which 1800, I-800/243-t723or l-203/772- players who have been substituted the second half only, the committee card 111the final game and that card his or her opponent was cautIoned 0470. Wortdtck’s NCAA travel team for will be allowed one reentry in the felt it kept the “integrity” of limited is a red card (ejection), the player or ejected. This substitution does will be on the telephones with repre- same period for the second half substitution while allowing a coach will be incligiblc for the first two not count as the one allowed suhsti- sentatives of all major airlines, ready only. to substitute earlier and with less postseason games. tution if It occurs in the second half. to respond as quickly as possible to “it’s a compromise that allows for risk. All players will be allowed three More changes the travel needs of the selected insti- a Division 111 mandate for partici- Another controversial section of accumulated cautions or ejections Another rule from 1990 was tutionb. pation while prcscrving the direction the previous rule was the opportu- amended slightly. While the large in the postseason before sitting out ot Division I,“said Anson Dorrance, nity for a cautioned player to reenter majority of coaches agreed with the a game. This takes care of the teams Within 24 hours of the announce- head women’s soccer coach at the in the sarnc period, provided he or accumulated cautions/cjcctions rutc whose seasons are extended because ment, many fans and other inter- Ilnlvcrsity of North Carolina, she was removed at the time of the (five cautions or ejections warranted of postseason play. ested spectators will have reserved a Chapel IIill, and the chair of the caution. lnjurcd players, however, a one-game suspension), thcrc was ‘1 he other goal of the rommittcc significant numhcr of SKatS t0 tollr- rules committee. “Division III still wcrc required to stay out for the some concern I cgarding whcthcr was to “make the game more cxcit& nament sites --~scats that can be wants unlimited substitution, and remainder of the period once substl- the rule hurt teams that advanced to ing by enhancing the scoring oppor- used for NCAA travelers if admin- Division I would prefer the rule the tutcd for. ‘I his created a scenario postseason play. The committee tunitirs,” according to Dorrance. istrators act quickly, L~ROSK said. way it is or cvcn more restrictive. whel~eby a player could injure an voted to erase accumulated cautions The committee granted a request As a rutc, airlines will not hold Although it will not bc acceptable opponent and be cautioned. If both and ejections at the end 01 the Ior an experiment by the New Eng group rcscrvations without individ- to both sides, it is ;I partial solution players were substituted for, the rcgutar scahon but uphold the war- land Small (‘allege Athletic Confer- ual names.
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