Outras obras publicadas nesta colecção: ENSAIOS DE HISTÓRIA MEDIEVAL PORTUGUESA A. H. Oliveira Marques ESTUDOS HISTÓRICOS E ECONÓMICOS (2 vols.) (2.ª edição) Alberto Sampaio A FUNDAÇÃO DO IMPÉRIO PORTUGUÊS (1415-1580) (2 vols.) Bailey W. Diffie e George Winius O DESCOBRIMENTO DO BRASIL Max Justo Guedes DÚVIDAS E CERTEZAS NA HISTÓRIA DOS DESCOBRIMENTOS PORTUGUESES Luís de Albuquerque (2.ª edição) PORTUGAL NA SEGUNDA GUERRA (2 vols.) António José Telo OS DESCOBRIMENTOS PORTUGUESES E A ITÁLIA Carmen M. Radulet OBJECTIVO EXTERMÍNIO G. Miedzianagora e G. Jofer CAMARADAS, CLIENTES E COMPADRES Colonialismo, Socialismo e Democratização em São Tomé e Príncipe Gerhard Seibert PORTUGAL E ÁFRICA David Birmingham O CILINDRO DE CRÍSIPO – Maçonaria e Política Antero Faria OS ROMENOS LATINOS DO ORIENTE Mircea Eliade SÉRIE ESPECIAL OS BAPTIZADOS EM PÉ Elias Lipiner OS HOLANDESES NO BRASIL E NA COSTA AFRICANA Kongo, Angola e São Tomé (1600-1650) Klaas Ratelband PORTUGAL E OS JUDEUA (3 Vols.) Jorge Martins Se desejar receber informações pormenorizadas ou livros já publicados, peça o catálogo ao seu livreiro, preencha o postal que poderá encontrar nesta edição ou solicite ainda, através de um simples postal, informações periódicas para: NOVA VEGA Gabinete de Edições Apartado 4379 1503-003 Lisboa JORGE MARTINS PORTUGAL E OS JUDEUS – VOLUME III Judaísmo e anti-semitismo no século XX METAHISTÓRIA Autor: Vários Colecção: Documenta Historica/Série Especial © Nova Vega e Autor, 1.ª edição em 2007 Direitos reservados em língua portuguesa por Nova Vega, Limitada Sem autorização expressa do editor não é permitida a reprodução parcial ou total desta obra desde que tal reprodução não decorra das finalidades específicas da divulgação e da crítica. Editor: Assírio Bacelar Capa: José Manuel Reis Fotocomposição e montagem: Cyprus Design ISBN: ????????? Depósito Legal: ???????? Impressão e Acabamento: Impresse 4 METAHISTORY History questioning History METAHISTÓRIA História questionando História Festschrift in honour of Professor Teotónio R. de Souza Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Teotónio R. de Souza Editors / Organização Charles J. Borges, S. J. & Michael N. Pearson Nova Vega Lisboa, 2007 CONTENTS / ÍNDICE Preface / Prefácio: Charles J. Borges, S.J. and Michael N. Pearson Publications / Publicações : Teotonio R. de Souza Introduction / Introdução: Charles J. Borges, S.J. and Michael N. Pearson I: Personal Tributes / Votos Pessoais Latha Reddy, Ambassador of Índia, Lisboa José Blanco Charles Borges, S.J. Fernando Castelo Branco António Augusto Tavares José Oscar Beozzo Elvira Alda Correia de Souza Calisto João de Souza Catarina Cristalina Milagrina de Souza & Steven D’Souza Andrea Fernandes Frederick Noronha Olga Iglesias Maria Raquel Limão de Andrade Pedro Araújo Vivek Menezes Maria Lilia D’Souza Conceição Silva Nandakumar Kamat Constantino Xavier Fernando Cristóvão Vítor Serrão Simone St. Anne and Pedro David Perez Maria Adelina Amorim Augusto Pereira Brandão A. Dias Farinha II: Essays/Artigos: A. Goa 1. Adelino Rodrigues da Costa: Early Nautical Cartography of Goa. 2. Agnelo Fernandes: Goans in Portuguese Armadas during Medieval Times. 3. Carmo D’Souza: Legal Foundations to the Concept of Overseas Provinces versus Colonies. 4. Cristiana Bastos: Subaltern Elites and Beyond: Why Goa matters for Theory and Comparative Studies of Colonialism and Subalternity. 5. Délio de Mendonça: The City Carousel: Relocation of the capital of the Estado da India. 6. Diogo Ramada Curto: O Estado do presente Estado da Índia (1725) de Fr. Inácio de Santa Teresa. 7. Fatima da Silva Gracias: Alternate Medicine in Goa. 8. Maria Aurora Couto: Literature and History. 9. Maria Pia de Menezes Rodrigues: Taverna and its Socio-Economic Impact in Colonial Goa. 10. Mariano Dias: The Goa Conspiracy of 1787 – the untold side of the Myth. 11. Pratap Naik: Hurdles to Konkani in Goa. 12. Raghuraman Trichur: Tourism and Nation-Building: (Re)Locating Goa in Postcolonial India. 13. Remy Dias: Consumption History of the Estado da India, Migration and its Impact, 1850-1950. 14. Robert Newman: Myths of Goa: Old and New. 15. S.K. Mhamai: Anglo-Portuguese Collaboration 1927-47. B. India/Portugal/Asia 16. Anthony Disney: Ex-Viceroy Linhares and the Galleys of Sicily, 1641-44. 17. Charles Borges: Forming East Timor Culturally and Spiritually: The Role of the Religious Orders on the Island. 18. Dejanirah Couto: Alguns dados para um estudo ulterior sobre a «sociedade espontânea» no Estado da Índia na primeira metade do séc. XVI. 19. Eduardo Hoornaert: Beatos Missionários: Um Paradigma na História do Cristianismo. 8 20. Fernanda de Camargo-Moro: Um economista setecentista dos dois mundos: D.Pedro Miguel de Almeida Portugal, Conde de Assumar, Marquês de Castelo Novo e Marquês de Alorna. 21. Fernando dos Santos Neves: “Da “Hora da Lusofonia” à “Crítica da Razão Lusófona” ou vice-versa. 22. George Davison Winius: The Military and Diplomatic Processes of an ad hoc Empire. 23. Glenn Ames: The Asian Trade Revolution of the Seventeenth Century reconsid- ered. 24. Jin Guo Ping: A propósito das identidades “budistas” de Michele Ruggeri e Matteo Ricci. 25. João Marinho dos Santos: As comunicações por terra entre a Índia e Portugal (século XVI). 26. John Villiers: Portuguese Melaka and the Apostolate of Southeast Asia. 27. Jorge Gonçalves Guimarães: Entre a hagiografia e a crónica: A história da vida do P. Francisco Xavier de João de Lucena. 28. José Manuel Garcia: Em torno de alguns livros sobre o Estado da India. 29. José Oscar Beozzo: Dom Helder Camara e o Concílio Vaticano II. 30. Julia Lederle: Jesuit Economic Networking and Intermediacy in eighteenth cen- tury Southern India. 31. K.S. Mathew: The Jesuits and the Services on board the Ships of the India run (Carreira da India) during the Sixteenth Century. 32. Luis Aires-Barros & Helena Grego: A India Portuguesa de António Lopes Mendes, um caso paradigmático da literatura de viagens do século XIX. 33. Malyn Newitt: Mauriz Thoman’s Account of the Imprisonment of the Jesuits of the Province of Goa. 34. Maria Fernanda Matias: Alguns bens artísticos embarcados na Flor de la Mar. 35. Michael Pearson: East Africa and the Indian Ocean World. 36. Pius Malekandathil: The Ottoman Expansion and the Portuguese Response in the Indian Ocean, 1500-1560 37. Rila Mukherjee: Faith and Empire: Vailankanni in Portuguese Asia. 38. Rui Manuel Loureiro: Como seria a biblioteca de Matteo Ricci? 39. Rui Teixeira Santos: Breve História da Corrupção Portuguesa. 40. Shakti Sinha: Kabul Diary. 41. Susana Costa Pinho: De Constâncio Roque da Costa a Constâncio Roque da Costa: A Representação da Índia Portuguesa na Câmara dos Senhores Deputados da Nação 42. Timothy Walker: A Commodities Price Guide and Merchants’ Handbook to the Ports of Asia. 43. Toru Maruyama: From Eurocentricity to Localism: What we can learn from Fr. Joao Rodrigues half a millennium later. 9 PREFACE It gave us great pleasure to edit this volume, which contains essays and personal tributes to Prof. Teotónio R. de Souza on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. We, and all the contributors, hold him in high esteem and affection. This is shown by the sheer size of this volume, the quality of the learned articles and the warmth of the personal tributes. Prof. de Souza was born and raised in Goa, entered the archdiocese of Goa as a seminarian, and then joined the Jesuit order where he remained for 27 years. He left in 1994 to pursue a different career in Portugal. His achievements especially in the intellectual field have been truly remarkable and speak of a fine historian, a great teacher and overall of a sensitive human being. As a historian, Prof. de Souza has to his credit very many contributions. Since 1972 when he began his doctoral studies in history, till today, he has written over 12 well received books (some of which he has edited or co-edited) and over 180 research articles. A great planner and organizer, he set up the Xavier Centre of Historical Research in Goa in 1979, and since then has conducted many international confe- rences, in particular the ISIPH series, and national seminars which focus on the history of Goa and India. He made his mark as a Ph. D. tutor at the Goa University and as a Fellow of a number of historical bodies. Since his relocation to Portugal in 1994, Prof. de Souza has been a very useful asset for the Universidade Lusofona in Lisbon where he conducts courses in a variety of disciplines, directs doctoral students, organizes history workshops and sociology weeks, and edits one of its research journals. He has been recipient of many awards and scholarships. His articles continue to focus on themes like Goan and Indian history, church history and international relations. Prof. de Souza, well versed in Goan history and culture, has taken a keen interest in studies connected with the Portuguese church, politics, society and culture. He has been interested in studying patterns of historical development and the papers in the present volume are reflective of many of the concerns he has and which he continues to present in his writings. 11 We trust that this modest tribute to Prof. de Souza on his sixtieth birthday will serve to enlighten readers about the value and orientation of his writings, give insights into present day research on Goan and Portuguese issues, and be overall a stimulus to all researchers to see events and happenings as part of a global whole with their own particular dynamics and orientations. This wider dimension is reflected in the title of this tribute volume: Metahistory. Prof. de Souza has always favoured a metahis- torical approach, questioning the limitations of historical tropes and their belief- driven conditionings in historical interpretations, be they nationalist or cultural. We are deeply grateful to all those who have submitted articles and personal tributes for this volume and believe that their contributions coming from so many different parts of the globe will serve as a fitting Festschrift to a great historian, tutor and guide.
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