• L cal I A c n ta SALT LAKE CITY-Operating Engi­ ness agents John ThorniiOn, Vance Ab­ On first shift if the starting hour be­ Negotiators also approved a move neers in Utah moved anOither 11,1ng up bott and Tom Bills kept close tabs on gins before 7 a.m., seven and a half whereby on multiple Slhif1t operntions a the economic ladder when Local 3 and the developments both whiile negotialt:ions hollll"S will oonstitute a work dlay, ex­ separarte single shift of eighlt consecutive Associated General Contractors came to were underway and during preparation Clusive of meal period, and workers will hours can be called if iJt is iior five con­ terms on a new three-year contract. of cootf!act material. be paid for eight hours. secutive clays and has itS OIW1l Operating Under the determined leadership of In addition to gains in wages, appren­ No more than one hoor will be per­ Engineer foreman where required. This Business Malflger and ContraCit Negotia­ ticeship training and paid vacation, sub­ mitted betlween Sihlifts. Slhift would be in addition to the regular tions Chairman A1 Clem, Utah now has sistence increases and employer contri­ On two-&h!ift oparaitions, the first shift two or tru:ee shifts. one of the most beneficial a,."reemelllts to butions to the Health, Welfare and Pen­ will never begin eaa"lier than 5 a.m. or The starting time of the specilal shift come out of negotiations in that state's sion Trust Funds were also won. lJater than 8 a.m. Once t'WQ-shi:ft opera­ would be 8 a.m. history. Workers will now have safeguards un­ tions have begun ailld starling times have On a multiple shift operialtion, no shift Clem, President Paul Edgecombe and der shif1t schedules. When an employe been eSitlalblished, they will not be termi­ will work more than 10 hours except Vice President Dale Marr spent the better works eight consecutive hours a diay dur­ nated except on Friday, romple1li.on of a where there is an on<the-job emergency. • part of two weeks in and oUJt of Utah inJg a five-day week, the eight hours will job or by a shutdown ordered by the On seoond oc third shd£t:, journeymen offering proposals and counter proposals constitute a full day for first shift. On oontrncting authority, provided starti.Ilig will not number more than 50 per cent to AGC officiators, standing firm on not second and third Slhifts, where five con­ times may be chooged by mUJt\llal oonsent. the number working first shii:ft, unless only substantial increases in wages and secutive days are worked, seven and one On the three Slhi.t1t schedule, ·the work changes are ag:reed upon by Local 3 and fringe benefilts, but on a new paid vaca­ half hours worked will oonstiltute a full week will begin art 8 a.m. Mond!ay and the employer. tion and holiday plan and an Apprentice­ work 1 dlay, ailld employes will be paid iior end at 8 a.m. Saturday. Any work done If a majority of ~tocs so desire, ship Training Program. eight holm>. between 8 a.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. Mon­ shif1t ·assi!gnments will be rotated at least In Utah, Hugh Bodrun, d.istlrict rep­ All working hours are exclusive of day will be paid art the applicable over­ every two weeks. resentaltlive; Jay Neeley, Trustee and busi- meal periods . time rate. -Continued on Page 2 • PUBLISHED TO PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE OF EERS AND THEIR FAMILIES ·we Remember Outstanding Record Dirt 'Dings' Erect Monument 1n Industry's Safety "Safety is a joint venture, particularly in the C(..:1struction industry. No one speaks against safety, but promoting it is To Golfer, Civic Leader, Friend not a clear-cut science." The invitation will read "Wel­ wanted Dan Prodonovich, Engineering-Grading Contractors Asso­ to do something in his ciation, told come to the Bill Fritz Annual memory, so they named A1 Mont­ some 200 Operating Engineers and supervisors, \ suppliers, insurance Golf Tournament," and those who rose, a blade man carriers, for Silver State . state officials and • enter competition will remember other inter­ Construction as the man to take · ested parties the best thing the how ·the invitational came into the "bull by the horns." Could Be construction industry can do in being. The committee took up dona­ promoting is to heed the advice Bill "Slim" Fri-tz, an Operating tions and built a water fountain of experts who study s1tuations in Engineer who lived ·in Fallon, at the course, faced with a plaque Oral Cancer the field and reeommend proce- Nevada most of his short liie, reading: dures. SAN FRANCISCO - If you The meeting, was a responsible citizen and IN MEMORY OF held on July 20 have a small ardent golfer in his oommunity. BILL FRITZ sore inside your in Goodman Hall, Jack London He spent a lot of time at the lo­ "SLIM" mouth that persists, don't ignore Square, Oakland. was co-spon­ cal golf course, associating with THE DIRT DINGS it. Have a smear test made of the sored by the Operating Engineers his friends and neighbors. tourney will be held tissue inside your mouth. The Local 3, Employers, equipment But Bill died suddenly about · in memory of "Slim." AL MONTROS;E sore could be oral cancer, a dis­ suppliers, insurance carriers and a year ago, leaving a saddened h e first tournament, 35 . Dings remember .··· ease that killed 7,000 Americans the State of California. community. played, making the inaug­ Larry Goone. last year. COMMENDS LEADERS Unlike many young men who tional a huge success. Those who contributed include Dr. Sol Silverman Jr., associate Featured speaker Jack Vah­ pass away, Bill will not be fo·r­ was inaugurated by A1 Mimtrose, B. Boden, Shorty professor and chairman of the loff, supervisor, construction sec­ • gotten. His Engineer Brothers and Course Manager McEvers, R. Kingston, Chip Division of Oral Biology at the tion, Department of Industrial Montrose, M. Rasley, B. Koep ~ University of California San Relations, State of California, nick, E. Salillias, Chuck Walsh, Francisco Medical Center, has commended the leadership of Lo­ Ervol Yturi:aga, Robert Yturiaga, just completed a study, and said cal 3 and particularly, AI Clem, J. Ripoli, R. Fass, A. Aja, M. a small lump, sore, white or red business manager, for an out­ Gabiola, J. Solaegui, Ted Smit­ patch may be an early cancer, standing record, which has con­ ten, J. "Hon. Ding" Diehl, N. and can occur anywhere in the tributed in making California the Oasey, E. Mangini, A. D. Drumm mouth, but generally on the leading state in construction Jr. and Tyke Weller. tongue. safety. All donators now proudly wear He said most people tend to ig­ "In any one day we begin 45 their red gQlf caps w i t h the nore such irritations until they million jobs with just 45 men to "Ding" insignia in front. become painful, which takes police them. Therefore, it takes about five months, and if The course is a beautiful nine. the sore enlightened Labor and Manage­ is malignant, hole layout, two miles from Fal­ the patient has lost ment to do their own policing," that much time lon, named So-Par-0-Van, which for cure, and Vahloff said. drastically reduced th means "Gathering Place of the e chances. He said no other organization Tribes." It's now a gathering The cause of oral cancer i s has done more on the job to pro­ • place for the unknown, but it is believed, be­ mote safety, revise "Dings." the rules, pro­ cause of studies completed, that mote the control of surface dust, smoking is a contributing fac­ use seat belts, nets, canopies and Utah tor. roll bars, and set restrictions on Alcohol consumption has been crane cutter weight and speeds Agreement shown to be another factor. than Local No. 3. OPERATING . ENGINEERS will Bill "Slim" Fr itz Studies of oral cancer as a.n patients HIGH PRAISE ardent golfer and leader in his community. Fountain is show that most consume in his honor. Page 10 large "I cannot praise too highly the • -Continued on Page 2 -Continued on Page 8 l r sh r II • :Sy HAROLD HUSTON Virl Burgess, Oroville, who ~ said. Visitors to the State Fair in worked m0$t of his life on crush· A set of rolls, return conveyor from the Sacram.$to will get a chance to ers, has spent more than 800 and a half-circle traveling stack· see the internal worltings of a hours and some $/i09 in buUMlg er have been added to the model. , rock crusher, but this one is a a scale model which will be dis­ "When I get through with i!t, bit smaller than the machines played in the Operating Eng!. the crusher will also grade rock M nagers operalted by members of the OP" neers Desk booth at the State Fair. into two sizes. It's built on a one­ erat.tng Engineers. "The model will crash a two­ inch-b).the-foot scale." he said. In fact, this machine is about inch rock. It's the replica of a With the excepmon of gears, one twelfth the size of those En· 'Pioneer' cmsher, with the ex­ 'bearings and drive motor, the gineers Ke used to, but it reeUy ception of a oot of rolls, which entire model has been hand· • works. are Cedar .Rapids," Mr. Burgess In spite of the fact the tight money situation continues, the crafted.
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