![1954-01-07, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
SR? 1* ,O Page Eight ^.AOl CLU. V Jb.ljrt.XMU L£,AD£jA uurttaay, Januuxy /, iuo4 )■ 3WS BOA S3TI80H010V 31VS HOJ S37180W01DV AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE Dorner Chevrolet Co Ward's Big Is Happy To Announce The CLSANESIT Timely Appointment of CARS in Town! INVENTORY HALLE J. WEBB For Your Job or Work SALE! AS SERVICE MANAGER •e . Take Advantage of This Big Money-Saving and "Darn Good Buys" Never Before Such Clean Trucks Event. We Are Offering . because we refuse ■■■■■■ to be outdone when it At Low Prices!! . Ward's Dependable Used Cars comes to Value . £ So That He May Become Better Price and Dependabil­ Written Money-Back Guarantee For The Lowest Prices Anywhere ity! "Darn Right!" ■ Acquainted With You; He Is Offering ■ + A 30 Day Guarantee These Cars Have Been Thoroughly Reconditioned. £ To All Chevrolet Owners A Guaranteed READY TO GOI You Can Pay Mor., But You Can't Buy Better ■ FREE LUBRICATION 1952 CHRYSLER V-8 Sedan, 9000 miles, sharp__ __ $1995 A-l USED TRUCKS PLEASE BRING IN THIS AD 1952 CHEVROLET Club Coupe, low mileage beauty $1095 PANELS 1952 NASH Rambler Hard Top, it's tops; only .. $1145 MERCURY Station Wagon, Mercomatic, A-l — $1495 &*** 1953 Courier Sedan Delivery . .$1195 1951 1951 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe, a nice one; only ... $ 895 1951 Chevrolet 1 Ton Panel .... $845 1951 CHRYSLER V-8 New Yorker Sedan, 180 H.P. $1395 DORNER CHEVROLET 1950 CHEVROLETS—FORDS—PLYMOUTHS; only „ $ 695 Come to 1950 Ford 1 Ton Panel................ $695 14115 SL Clair Avenue MUlberry 1-7700 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor Sedans cut to___________$ 995 1950 Chevrolet 1 Ton Panel ... .$695 1950 DE SOTO Sedan, a terrific buy at----- ------------$ 895 CANNING'S 1949 Chevrolet J Ton Panel ... .$595 1949 CHRYSLERS—DODGES—MERCURY; only ____$ 695 It’s WARD’S For 1949 PLYMOUTH Sedans, A-l throughout __ $ 595 and Prove It for Yourself! 1947 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery .$245 1948 DE SOTO—BUICK—CHRYSLERS—PACKARD . $ 495 Expert Body, Good Clean Trade-Ins are Coming In on STAKES 1949 PACKARD Sedan, a low mileage beauty_____ $ 695 New 1954 Dodges and Plymouths 1951 Ford 2 Ton, 12' Stake ------- AS IS SPECIALS ------- , 1951 Dodge Coronet Club ...................... $1195 ■ 1947 Ford V-8 Tudor .. $350 1947 Chrysler Sedan .. $395 Painting and 1950 Dodge Coronet Club ...................... $ 995 5 "Big Six"......................... $1245 1946 Chrysler Sedan ....$295 1946 Pontiac Sedanette $250 1952 Plymouth 4-Door ................. $1195 ■ 1951 Plymouth 4-Door Cranbrook .... $1095 ■ DUMPS 1949 Chevrolet 2-door ....$495 1949 Ford V-8 Tudor $495 Fender Repair 1950 Plymouth 4-Door special deluxe . $ 895 5 Plymouth Club special deluxe .... $ 695 ■ Ford 2 Ton, 2 Speed 1949 1950 Low Cost Bank Financing Service on All Makes of Cars 1950 Chevrolet 2-Door deluxe (Big Six)........................... $1045 (14,800 miles)........................... ; S 795 i ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1949 Chevrolet 4-Door Deluxe ... $ 695 £ Dodge 2 Ton HD, 2 Speed .$795 1946 Buick 4-Door, clean and sharp . $ 295 ■ 1948 Lowest PricesFree Estimates 1950 Fords, choice of two, V-8s . $ 895 ■ CAB AND CHASSIS P. R. WARD CO. Parts for all Chrysler Corp. Cars Retail and Wholesale 75 More To Select From The Old Established CHRYSLER Dealer Ford F5, U Ton.....................$745 Chrysler —- Dodge — Plymouth — DeSoto 1950 40 Years oi Fair Dealing Most Cars with Radios, Heaters, Automatics and Other J 1944 International 11 Ton C & C $195 870 East 152nd near 5 Points MUlberry 1-7600 Extras — Road-Ready for Carefree Winter Driving! ■ THE P. R. WARD CO Trucks Conditioned and Ready For Work; Auto Dealer for 39 Years Ask Tor Roy Turner CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH DEALERS Pontiac 1949 870 East 152nd Street MUlberry 1-7600 I CANNING'S! COMMERCE MOTORS <™“.' 4-DOOR SEDAN ■ Dodge-Plymouth Dealer Open Evenings J Blue. Hydramatic, radio and heater, ORKMAN TRUCK HEADQUARTERS NASH £ 14401 Euclid Ave • Cleveland City Hall GL. 1-5300 £ seat covers. 'This car is the buy of 1064 East 140th St. off St. Clair Ave. MUlberry 1-4137 the week; hurrv!" Reductions $665 19S3 Rambler convertible $1795 #467 Front End NOW IS THE 1953 Ambassador custom hardtop.___ .95 Hydramatic $2795 1953 Statesman 2-door ------ „ $1995 DORNER Adjustment GENUINE Save$750 1953 Rambler station wagon _.$1895 CHEVROLET CO. _.$1295 CASTER CAMBER AND TOE IN 5 TIME TO TRADE 1952 Rambler hardtop _ . 1953 BUICK 1952 Rambler station wagon ..$1295 14000 St. Clair MU. 1-2000 ALL CARS RECONDITIONED, Statesman 4-door ......$995 Super Riviera 1951 For Appointment Call GUARANTEED AND WINTERIZED 1951 Ambassador sedan, Hydra* Reductions Sedan matte .................... .... $1195 1951 BuicK special sedan $1295 1952 Ambassador sedan, Hydra- 51695 JANUARY SPECIALS 1950 Buick special sedan $795 mafic ----- STANDARD GARAGE Official's Car 1952 Ambassador 2-door. Hydra- Unloading 1949 Buick Roadmaster sedan, 1952 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook 4-door ........................... $1295 Dynaflow ________ ___ —- $795 mafic .....................— ......... $695 East 142nd and Lake Shore Blvd. IV. 1-5286 .... .___ ....$595 1947 Cadillac "62" convertible, BtKiutiful 2-tone Sea Mist and 1950 Statesman 2-door 1952 PLYMOUTH Belvedere Hardtop . .. $1395 Hydramatic -------------------- 9495 Slfell Gray finish; full factory 1949 Ambassador sedan ...............S595 3 Willys Aeros Ambassador sedan ..............$295 AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE 1951 Chevrolet sedan----------------$895 custom equipment, includes 1947 One 4-dr. Ace.. One 2-dr. Lark — 1952 De SOTO Custom 4-door ............ $1695 1953 Chevrolet "210" club Dynaflow, heater, Selectronic Many other Nash models on display. AUTO REPAIR coupe .............. —....... — $1695 radio, safety group wire wheels, Integrity financing for credit - worthy BRAND NEW! Brakes relined. Ignition, tune-up, 1951 PLYMOUTH Cambridge Club Coupe . $1095 1950 Chevrolet sedan —........ -......$595 E-Z-Eye glass, white wall tires, people. Also Nash 1951 mufflers; low prices. I960 Chevrolet deluxe convertible. power steering, power brakes, Bolivar-Ninth Garage 1951 PLYMOUTH Cambridge 4-door .......... $1095 Powerglide ------ $795 seat covers, and a host of other 4-dr. Ace Demonstrator STATESMAN CUSTOM 4-DOOR Visit Our '53 4-wheel Drive Sedan Delivery Overdrive, radio and heater, two- 2244 East Ninth Street 1946. Chevrolet club coupe ---------- $295 extras. Driven very few miles, 1950 PLYMOUTH Deluxe 2-door ................ $ 895 Lincoln custom sedan —......$225 new car warranty, and finan­ Two Big Locations tone green, 22,000 actual miles. Must PRospoct 1-4624 1946 be seen and driven to be appreci­ 1949 Lincoln Cosmopolitan sedan, cing. A rare opportunity for a BIG Discounts PLYMOUTH Deluxe Club Coupe ated, exceptionally clean throughout. 1950 $ 895 clean, equipped -----------------$795 discriminating buyer to really at operation of a municipal depart­ 1951 Chrysler Windsor sedan —$1295 save money. "Oustanding Value." ment. 1950 DE SOTO Custom 4-door ........ $1245 1950 Chrysler Windsor EAST END $845 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT convertible --- ---- ------- $995 #513 ORDAINED by the Commission of 1949 PLYMOUTH Deluxe 4-door S 695 1948 Chrysler Windsor sedan __ $595 Kraushaar & Hunt Dodge Wayfarer 2-door $1195 the City of East Cleveland, Ohio, 1952 Ralph East Cleveland Willys Dealer four-fifths of all members elected 1949 MERCURY Club Coupe ......... $ 795 1949 Dodge Meadowbrook sedan . $495 thereto concurring. 1949 Dodge deluxe sedan------------$495 14335 Euclid LI. 1-2100 DORNER 1949 CHEVROLET Deluxe 4-door . .$ 745 1950 Ford Tudor________________ $595 CHEVROLET CO. SECTION 1: That Section 78 NASH Opposite East Cleveland City Hall (c) of Ordinance No. 3731, passed 1951 Ford Tudor________________$995 Stewart 14000 St Clair MU. 1-2000 INC. 1948 DE SOTO Custom 4-door $ 695 1949 Ford sedan .— ■ ..$495 March 24, 1942, and entitled: “An 1950 Hudson 2-door — . ... - $845 Buick OPEN EVERY NIGHT Emergency Ordinance regulating 1948 CHEVROLET Aero 2-door $ 495 1949 Hudson 2-door------------------- $495 traffic in the City of East Cleve­ 1947 Hudson sedan-------------------$295 "BUY WITH CONFIDENCE" New-Used Car Showroom Hudson 1948 Ford 1950 land, etc.”, as enacted by Ordi­ 1947 DODGE Deluxe 4-door $ 545 1951 Kaiser Manhattan sedan-----$995 2 LOCATIONS 13829 Euclid Ave. LL 1-5300 COMMODORE "6" 4-DOOR nance No. 4753, passed October 1949 Kaiser 4-door ___ _____ — $295 St. Clair at East 125th CRESTLINER 6, 1953, be and the same is hereby Mercury Mercomatic sedan $1195 12604 St Clair Ave. Jet blade, radio, heater, spotlight. repealed. 1947 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe Coupe . $ 395 1951 Giant Used Car Lot Green and blade finish, original 1950 Mercury sports sedan .........$995 UL. 1-2200 UL. 1-2204 other extras. Don’t miss this—take paint, (continental kit), 6 wheels, SECTION 2: That this ordi­ 1950 Olds "98" sedanette. very 16229 Euclid Ave. LL 1-5309 it away. nance is hereby declared to be an Easy Financing Terms — Up To 24 Months To Pay clean $1095 overdrive, 8-tube radio, visor, nylon emergency measure necessary for 1950 Olds "76" 2-door___________$895 $395 ■eat covers, whitewall tires, other the immediate preservation of the OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS Olds "76" 2-door ... _______ $595 1949 #«3* extras. "Very, very sharp." public peace, property, health and 1950 Olds "88" trunk sedan, safety, and for the usualy daily whitewalls, clean -------------- $995 A-l Bargains A-1 operation of a municipal depart­ 1949 Packard sedan . $395 Double Value ment, and provided it receives the Keith Weigle Motors, Inc. 1951 Plymouth Cambridge sedan $895 DORNER DORNER affirmative vote of four-fifths of 1950 Plymouth sedan ... ... $695 1851 FORD CHEVROLET CO. CHEVROLET CO. all members elected to the City DESOTO PLYMOUTH DEALERS 1947 Plymouth deluxe sedan .. $335 Truck Sale TUDOR 14000 St Clair MU. 1-2000 Commission, it shall take effect 20941 Euclid Avenue IVanhoe 1-4500 1949 Pontiac club coupe. Hydra­ Full factory equipment, at the 14000 St Clair MU. 1-2000 and be in force from and after its matte, very clean --------- $895 1947 CHEVROLET «/i-Ton amazingly low price of only 11952 passage; otherwise, it shall take Studebaker Champion Pick-up......................... $296 .961 PONTIAC super deluxe Catalina, effect and be in force from and sedan ......
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