AL East battle: Rays open key series with Boston /B1 WEDNESDAY TODAY CITRUS COUNTY & next morning HIGH 92 Partly cloudy with LOW scattered rain and t-storms. 71 PAGE A4 www.chronicleonline.com SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community 50¢ VOL. 119 ISSUE 35 NEWS BRIEFS Obama makes case on Syria Afghanistan, Obama said, “America is not the world’s Congress asked to delay vote about military action policeman.” Associated Press inside Syria without the use Obama said he had asked And yet, he added, “When of force, but he also insisted congressional leaders to with modest effort and risk U.S. flag at WASHINGTON — Presi- the U.S. military will keep postpone a vote on legisla- we can stop children from half-staff today dent Barack Obama said in a the pressure on President tion he has been seeking to being gassed to death and nationally televised address Bashar Assad “and be ready authorize the use of military thereby make our own chil- As today, Sept. 11, is Tuesday night that recent to respond” if other meas- force against Syria. dren safer over the long run, President Patriot Day — the 12th diplomatic steps offer “the ures fail. Acknowledging the weari- I believe we should act. Obama anniversary of the 9/11 potential to remove the Speaking from the East ness the nation feels after a That’s what makes America spoke Tuesday attacks on America — the threat of chemical weapons” Room of the White House, decade of war in Iraq and See SYRIA/ Page A9 night. U.S. flag is to be flown at half-staff. Attorney to leave in October Chairman Joe Meek confirmed at Tuesday’s Citrus County Commis- 9/11 memorials sion meeting that County Attor- ney Madison McKala Richard Peters Peters Wesch 11 years old. 6 years old. has been ap- Girls still proved by Lee Richard County Wesch com- missing, Citrus County mis- attorney. sioners to serve as that county’s believed chief attorney. Wesch, who will take the new position in Octo- to be safe ber, has served as Citrus County attorney since MIKE WRIGHT 2010. A Citrus High Staff writer School graduate, Wesch has served as in-house Authorities do not believe counsel for Citrus Hills In- two sisters taken Sunday by vestment Properties, as- their father are in danger even sistant Citrus County as they continue to search for attorney, assistant county the girls’ whereabouts. administrator and county “This is a custody battle that administrator. MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle has gotten out of control,” Cit- Raymond Sweeney arranges a modified American flag displayed at the Inverness Government Center rus County sheriff ’s spokes- State court to last year at the 9/11 Memorial Exhibit. The exhibit will once again offer visitors the opportunity to woman Lindsay Blair said hear hospital suit witness unique artifacts from the events that unfolded following terrorist attacks in 2001. Tuesday. The Florida Supreme Edward Peters took his Court will hear oral argu- daughters, 11-year-old Madison and 6-year-old McKala, from ments Nov. 6 in a lawsuit Ceremonies their grandpar- that will determine control ents’ Inverness of Citrus Memorial pay tribute home Sunday hospital. morning as the The court on Monday today girls were leav- informed attorneys for the ing for church Citrus Memorial Health Chronicle with their Foundation and Citrus mother, Blair County Hospital Board Opportunities said. that it will allow each side for the public to Peters, 45, Edward 20 minutes to present its honor the vic- wore a GPS Peters case. monitoring wanted for At issue is a 2011 state tims and heroes ankle bracelet violating court law that gives the hospital of the Sept. 11, for repeated vi- orders. board a voting majority on 2001, attack on olations of an the foundation board of the United injunction ordering him to stay directors. While the hospi- away from his wife. tal owns the hospital, it is States are Sheriff ’s deputies traced the GPS on Sunday and found the leased to the foundation. planned today. Associated Press bracelet along the northbound The foundation sued, One World Trade Center rises above the lower Manhattan skyline Sept. 4 in The city of In- lanes of Interstate 75 in Her- claiming the law breaks a New York. Twelve years after terrorists destroyed the old World Trade verness will host nando County, Blair said. valid contract. A circuit Center, the new World Trade Center is becoming a reality, with a museum a memorial cere- Detectives said Peters may court judge ruled for the commemorating the attacks and two office towers where thousands of mony at 9:30 a.m. people will work set to open within the next year. have traveled to the Orlando hospital board, but a dis- area, based on his purchase a trict court of appeal over- at the 9/11 monu- few weeks ago of theme-park ruled that decision. The ment in Liberty At 5:30 p.m., 155, at 6585 W. bell at four stops tickets for the three of them, hospital board then ap- Park. there will be a Gulf-to-Lake in observance of sheriff ’s Sgt. Mike Kanter said. pealed to the Supreme From noon brief ceremony Highway (State the two Twin Peters is believed to be driving Court. a 2003 silver Jeep Liberty, until 7 p.m., the and freedom Road 44) will pay Tower attacks, Florida tag 366LEJ. INSIDE World Trade walk starting at tribute with a the Pentagon Blair said the Florida De- EDUCATION: Center Memorial the Inverness walk starting at attack and the partment of Law Enforcement did not issue an Amber Alert, Exhibit will be Government the post at Pennsylvania even though the sheriff ’s office open to the pub- Center. 11:30 a.m., with airplane crash, recommended it. She said on- lic in the council On the west the color guard when the going discussions Sunday and chambers at the side of the marching along passengers early Monday with FDLE re- garding the Amber Alert de- Inverness Gov- county, Ameri- the highway and thwarted a layed the sheriff ’s office in ernment Center. can Legion Post back, ringing a fourth attack. See MISSING/ Page A5 Bullying What do you do when you see someone being bullied at school? County commission OKs job shift by 3-2 vote /Page C1 CHRIS VAN ORMER Thorpe told the board the reor- county engineer job until it could organization and new directors, INDEX Staff writer ganization was made necessary be filled, Thorpe said. The other Rogers and Engelken. Kenney Classifieds . .C7 by the departure of Ken Frink, position would be assistant com- seconded it. Comics . .C6 INVERNESS — Not all com- who left county government last munity services director, as Amy Adams had questions. Community . .C4 missioners could support the re- month as one of two assistant Engelken will become commu- “If we move the two to direc- Crossword . .C5 organization of the county county administrators. Thorpe nity services director, a position tors, if those (vacant) positions Editorial . .A8 government’s workload when the asked the board to approve the that had been combined with the are filled, does that include the Entertainment . .A4 issue came to a vote. new organization chart and con- second assistant county adminis- $13,000 savings?” Adams asked. Horoscope . .A4 Commissioners Rebecca Bays firm two department directors. trator job. Cathy Pearson will “All the position changes have Lottery Numbers . .B3 and Scott Adams both gave their “All the positions that have continue as the sole assistant a net savings of $13,000,” Thorpe Lottery Payouts . .B3 reasons for not supporting the been filled are currently in our county administrator. said. Movies . .C6 new structure recommended by pay plan according to our hand- “Overall, it saves the county an- “There’s no pay increases to Obituaries . .A6 County Administrator Brad book,” Thorpe said. other $13,000, which will be used anybody?” Adams asked. TV Listings . .C5 Thorpe. But the motion had the Two future positions would to reduce our budget,” Thorpe “Well,” Thorpe replied, “the support of Commission Chairman need to be filled: the county engi- said. pay increases is for the increase Joe Meek and Commissioners neer, now that Jeff Rogers has Damato said the reorganiza- that they will get assuming the Dennis Damato and J.J. Kenney been appointed to public works tion included no staff raises as he that carried it. director. Rogers would cover the made a motion to approve the re- See VOTE/ Page A5 A2 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 LOCAL/S TATE CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE County and State BRIEFS County BRIEFS Governor signs death warrant those who have passed while we waited.” Solicitation Homosassa; phone 352-628- documents, email for William Happ The warrant was the sixth Scott has signed warning issued 5626. heidi.blanchette@bocc. this year. ■ Lakes Region Library, citrus.fl.us or call 352-527- Gov. Rick Scott on Tuesday signed a death 2 National Guard members Nature Coast EMS has is- 1511 Druid Road, Inverness; 7530. warrant for a man convicted in 1989 of the sued a notice that solicitation phone 352-726-2357. Voter registration rape and murder of a woman in Crystal River. killed in North Fla. crash phone calls requesting dona- Non-residents may pur- William Happ is set to die at 6 p.m. Tues- MONTICELLO — Two members of the Na- tions for local EMTs and chase a three-year library drive begins day, Oct. 15 for the 1986 killing of Angela tional Guard are dead after stopping to help a paramedics have resurfaced.
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