> ' t V- 'A f iniU -♦t- J MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1958. AveraRc Daily Net Preaa Run The Weather ii,^GE'Ft)t)RT^EN For the Weeh Ended Ferebut of U. R. Waathar lianrl|f0fer lEwfiuns il|walb • Feh. 7, 1*58 ■ V state Teachers College ,lii New . Fair, colder tonight. MbilmqM; Pfc. Dwight P. Doiicette of 108 Dr. Joll to Speak Haven. 10,859 18-20. tVedneaday, Increnalag High street is aboard the Navy Cake Side Principal Speaker -About Town Plait Showing Part of the program will be de­ Member ef the Audit cloiidlnesA transport Gen. R. U Howae which voted to questions from th«. audi­ is scheduled to dock in Beattie, On Reading to PTA FE B .T1R I Borenn ef Cliwintion* Buy C^Iard 'i’akles ence. - -Mias Genevieve . Scan-. Manchester— A City of Village Charm ‘ - " m Wasir., today ffom ' the-Fer East. " . Ajiyon*' l^ttB rted ts- lityttetf to nell,' ’ readT'n'g ■<»h8iiItA'nT'foV’” "tbe’ ’ th« l*cturtf>y David A. Ivry, m - Reading will be the topic for the Manchester schools, w ill be a sec­ -Manchaater Couptry Club wo­ PRICE •latut profoMot of Insuraiuio at Cpl. Kenneth liappen of 44 Cone Vcrplaricit School P T A meeting ond guest to answer those ques­ (OhuMiftea AdvartiBing on Page 18) MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1953 (FOURTEEN PAGES) l&a University of Conpectlctit, to­ street is scheduled-to arrive from men will conduct a .progressive FIRST LINE riRESTONB \ YOL. LXXII, NO. Ill Ppoceeils Will Help Sqjis cake siGe beginning . ' this week. tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. Dr. tions which pertain directly to the morrow afternoon ^t 1:15 at the Europe aboard the USNS General Leonard W. Joll, the reading con­ system of teaching reading u.scd AND f e d e r a l T IA e S _______ ___________ Oamnuinlty Y under the auspices Rose tomorrow morning at Mrs. Alexahddr Mannella Is chslr- Of Italy to Consfpuct man, and the money gained from sultant for the State Department in the town’s schools. Of,the MMCheiler YWCA. Mr. Iv- Staten Island, N;. Y, , ot Education, will speak on "Read­ The meeting is open to the .pub­ lyivilil five tte nfsl In a of Orphanage in Gassinb the project a1ll be used to pur- chalb new card table# for the club­ ing Yesterday, Today, and Tomor­ lic. Marine Missile Mission lodturea on the subject of "Your The Intermediate Girl Scout row.” He will discu.ss what-parents 6.00 X 16 $14*95 Snow Hits house. ■ 1. finances'. What Women Should Plans are under way for a Man­ leaders will hold a badge w'ork- The sale is Organized under 14 c.an do at home to help children to Exchange and Tnx KApw.” chester. showing of s special film shop meeting Wednesday night at captains who have decorated large teach the subject and what Is ex­ 8 o clock at the Girl Scout office. depiutiHA' scenes of life in Italy, containers which can-jhbld a baked pected o f children when they, leave ' ... , J Has Made No Decisioii The Nathan Hale P T A will have West Belt; it was revealed yeslerdAy at a dessert as it is passed along the school. 6.70 X 15 $ 1 6 * 9 5 .a ipotluck at the school tomorrow meeting of the Sons of Italy at Dr. Joll is also on the staff of n lfh t at dd:30 with Mrs. John Winners in last^ Friday night’s list. The captain csl|s the tirst par­ Exchange and Tax master point game of the Man­ the Italian American club on Eld- son on the list and jnskes arrange­ HlUyer College, where he teaches Soheibenpfluy and Mrs. Philip rlge street; the course, "Problems ■ in Rcad- >' w East Next Dowd, co-Aalrmah of the hospital­ chester Duplicate Bridge Club ments to bake and deliver some were: John Mrosck and Richard Proceeds from admissions to homemade food to her at her con- jpg,” and he'was formerly the di­ Most sizes in stock, aho ity committee, in charge. Those the movie will go. toward the fund rector of the reading clinic at the By THE ASnpC^TBD PREBS Mt(todlh|r" are asked to brlniT '•* lLaw, 70r Mrs. E. R. Monroe and venteiiee. The person receiving the barnains in* w h ite 'w a ll Mrs. Walter Graham. 63 1-2. and being raised by the order for com­ A violent show storm swept plate, cup and cutlery. A purely food places s contribution In the tires. Joseph Toce and Edward 55ak tied pletion of an orphanage at Cas- envelope- attached to the box. Then eastward from the Rockies itooiei eveninir •* planned with the sino which will stand as a living h lfh school band and majorettes with George Slemsen and Harold she calls the. next person on the today leaving sub-zero cold in Hills, 62. - A regular duplicate memorial to American soldiers list 'The box passes along through PRESCRIPTIONS •*n hand to entertain. who -dlsd..; ini Italy during. World its wake. Strong northerly game ‘wlll-be'-held-this--Friday a-list - of 10 -or; 12 pepple-and then ^CAREFUIXY COMPOUNDED ^ night at Tinker Hall. W ar tl. returns to the captain who “gives Q U E Y 'S winds whipped fresh falls of ■ngt 'Emfst J. Kjellson, son of No time or place has yet been Jdr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Kjellson of the donations to Mrs. Mannella tor TYDOL STATION snow and r^uced visibility to The Coinmaiifl Paaaea Naiula The marriage of Miss Helen E. set for the showing. the card tables. >| 'Arthur Drug Stores^ OIL eURNER 185 Porter street, arrived In Sah About 1.00 Italian ’ American.^ Harry I. FIrato 516 HARTFORp BOAD zero in many arhas of the Farm Head .Francisco Friday after elpht McLaughlin of Eldridge street and Captains fpr the. Sale are Mrf. R: REPAIR storm belt which covered John E. Wilson of East Hartford from Manchester and other Con­ P. Lambeck. Mrs. Fred T. Bliah, Harry J. FIrato, member nf the L TEL. MMehell *-8811 mpnths in Korea. He is expected necticut communities attended the northern NpbVa'skai South iiomc tomorrow night.; will take place Wednesday morn­ .Tr., Mrs. Arthur A. Stevens. Mrs. Board of Directors, will be the More Arms ing at 9' o’clock in St. James' meet-lag .ve»to«'day, purpoae . of Ray Owens; Mrs. Russell W ; Gang-- Tol. MltchaU 3-5135 Dakota, southern Wyoming, W arns Ik e which was to arqu'sint memljers principal speaker at the fourth Memorial TeniEle,_Pxthian Sis- Church. were, Mrs. AlIan'AJrers, Mrs. Paul MATTRESSES anid northern Colorado. with the officers of the Grand Ballslener, Mrs. S. Oswald Johh- annual banquet of the Manchester I ters, will meet, tomorrow night In The Cjifcago Weather bureau is­ Mrs. Raymond Bogus of 23 Lpdgr of Connecticut. , . .son, Mrs, WUnaer K. Lockwood. Italian American Sfclety on Feb. It 18 better to have a Rood For Chiang Odd Fellowa Hall., A t 7:30 the DIscuas Orphanage sued a spMial storm warning for On P r ic e s Btunella children. Gail, Patricia Northfield street is convalescing Mrs. Arthur R. Wilkie, Mrs. Fran- rebuilt mattre.ss than a Prlnrlpaf speaker ws.s Attorney .*>. The affair v,ill be held ac northern and central Wisconsin, and Margaret, w ill put on a song at her home after undergoing cl.s ' J. Carvey, Mrs. , Clarence T. .he clubhouse on Fldridge street cheap new one. W e re­ surgery at Hartford Hospital and .John Ottavisno, of New Haven, Anderson and Mrs. Mannella. eastern North and South Dakota, Washington, Feb, 10—^A*) , Washington, F«b. 1C and dance program. The business and will start at 12:30- p. m. make and .sterilize all types ^ d Minnesota. Three ' to aix Session Snd social will follow. will be glad to receive her friends. grand venerable. Dlscuasion cen­ — I.,eadefs of the American j — Secretary of State Dut tered around the completion of the •V 'Steak dinner will be served of mattresses. ■finches of new anow was expected by Garden Grover Caterers. The .with stiff winds causing consider­ Farm Bureau Federation cau­ I told Senators today Preaideht , Members o f Frank J. Mansfield The Divine Spiritual Circle will orphanage and future activitiea. meet tonight at 8 o’clock at the About J506.000 is the remain­ Piano Pupils Feted Dubaldo Brothers , will pla^* fi,; able drifting. tioned PresidenU Eisenhower Eisenhower has made no die- Marine Corps League Auxiliary d-inclng. Mercury Plunge- . IcKlay against trying to solve rision on a possible biodcade wiU meet at the Watkins Fijneral Lithiiahian Social Hall on Golway ing goal of the national order, Jm m Furniture and street. The speakers will be Mr. which contains 2.100 lodges, in the Pst Msstrangelo, banquet chair­ T h e mercury plunged to 30 de­ the nation’s farm problems of Red China or other action MMne tcmight at 8 o'clock to pay At Valentine Party man. has announced that reserva­ their rS B ^ ts to Watson T. Blow. and Mrs. Ernest Sharp of Hart- fund raising for the orphanage, grees below zero in West Yellow­ in the Far East. tions will close Feb. 11. Floor Govoring The submarine U8^ Carbonem Srea a piMed ml 1)5' on n teat stone, Mopt. Big Plney, Wyo.. .satisfactorily by price fixing, ,whoae vidow, Mrs. Cora. Blow, is ford. according to Louis Nardelli, They. said toey c-presaed tat-; Tickets fo r the banquet m ay be r Depari- reported -13; Fraser, Colo., and Dulles, who testified at a c l o ^ ptealdent - o f the auxiliaiy.
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