S4688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 4, 2020 the Senator from Vermont (Mr. proceed to the immediate consider- pears and inserting ‘‘United States Olympic and LEAHY), the Senator from Vermont ation of Calendar No. 503, S. 2330. Paralympic Committee’’. (Mr. SANDERS), and the Senator from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.—The table of chapters for part B of subtitle II of title 36, Virginia (Mr. WARNER) are necessarily clerk will report the bill by title. The bill clerk read as follows: United States Code, is amended by striking the absent. item relating to chapter 2205 and inserting the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. A bill (S. 2330) to amend the Ted Stevens following: CRUZ). Are there any other Senators in Olympic and Amateur Sports Act to provide for congressional oversight of the board of ‘‘2205. United States Olympic and the Chamber desiring to vote? Paralympic Committee ... 220501’’. The result was announced—yeas 79, directors of the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee and to protect ama- SEC. 4. CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT OF UNITED nays 16, as follows: teur athletes from emotional, physical, and STATES OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC [Rollcall Vote No. 155 Ex.] COMMITTEE AND NATIONAL GOV- sexual abuse, and for other purposes. ERNING BODIES. YEAS—79 There being no objection, the Senate (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 2205 of title 36, Alexander Feinstein Peters proceeded to consider the bill, which United States Code, is amended— Baldwin Fischer Portman had been reported from the Committee (1) by redesignating the second subchapter Barrasso Gardner Reed on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- designated as subchapter III (relating to the Bennet Graham Risch United States Center for SafeSport), as added by Blackburn Hassan tation, with an amendment to strike Roberts section 202 of the Protecting Young Victims from Blunt Hawley Romney all after the enacting clause and insert Booker Heinrich Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act Rounds in lieu thereof the following: of 2017 (Public Law 115–126; 132 Stat. 320) as Boozman Hoeven Rubio Braun Hyde-Smith subchapter IV; and Sasse SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Brown Inhofe Scott (FL) This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Empowering (2) by adding at the end the following: Burr Johnson Olympic and Amateur Athletes Act of 2019’’. ‘‘SUBCHAPTER V—DISSOLUTION OF Cantwell Jones Scott (SC) Capito Kaine Shaheen SEC. 2. FINDINGS. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CORPORA- Carper Kennedy Shelby Congress makes the following findings: TION AND TERMINATION OF RECOGNI- Casey King Sinema (1) The courageous voice of survivors is a call TION OF NATIONAL GOVERNING BODIES Smith Cassidy Lankford to action to end emotional, physical, and sexual ‘‘§ 220551. Definitions Collins Lee Stabenow abuse in the Olympic and Paralympic move- Coons Loeffler Sullivan ment. ‘‘In this subchapter, the term ‘joint resolution’ Cornyn Manchin Tester (2) Larry Nassar, the former national team means a joint resolution— Cotton McConnell Thune doctor for USA Gymnastics, sexually abused ‘‘(1) which does not have a preamble; and Cramer McSally Toomey over 300 athletes for over two decades because of ‘‘(2) for which— Crapo Moran Udall ineffective oversight by USA Gymnastics and ‘‘(A)(i) the title is only as follows: ‘A joint res- Cruz Murkowski Van Hollen the United States Olympic Committee. olution to dissolve the board of directors of the Daines Murphy Whitehouse United States Olympic and Paralympic Com- Duckworth Murray (3) While the case of Larry Nassar is unprece- Wicker mittee’; and Durbin Paul Young dented in scale, the case is hardly the only re- Enzi Perdue cent incident of sexual abuse in amateur sports. ‘‘(ii) the matter after the resolving clause— ‘‘(I) is as follows: ‘That Congress finds that NAYS—16 (4) Survivors of Larry Nassar’s abuse and all survivors of abuse in the Olympic and dissolving the board of directors of the United Blumenthal Hirono Schatz Paralympic movement deserve justice and re- States Olympic and Paralympic Committee Cortez Masto Klobuchar Schumer dress for the wrongs the survivors have suffered. would not unduly interfere with the operations Ernst Markey Warren (5) After a comprehensive congressional inves- of chapter 2205 of title 36, United States Code’; Gillibrand Menendez Wyden and Grassley Merkley tigation, including interviews and statements Harris Rosen from survivors, former and current organization ‘‘(II) prescribes adequate procedures for form- officials, law enforcement, and advocates, Con- ing a board of directors of the corporation with NOT VOTING—5 gress found that the United States Olympic all reasonable expediency and in a manner that Cardin Sanders Warner Committee and USA Gymnastics fundamentally safeguards the voting power of the representa- Leahy Tillis failed to uphold their existing statutory pur- tives of amateur athletes at all times; or The nomination was confirmed. poses and duty to protect amateur athletes from ‘‘(B)(i) the title is only as follows: ‘A joint res- olution relating to terminating the recognition The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under sexual, emotional, or physical abuse. (6) USA Gymnastics and the United States of a national governing body’; and the previous order, the motion to re- Olympic Committee knowingly concealed abuse ‘‘(ii) the matter after the resolving clause is consider is considered made and laid by Larry Nassar, leading to the abuse of dozens only as follows: ‘That Congress determines that upon the table, and the President will of additional amateur athletes during the period lllllllll, which is recognized as a na- be immediately notified of the Senate’s beginning in the summer of 2015 and ending in tional governing body under section 220521 of actions. September 2016. title 36, United States Code, has failed to fulfill The Senator from Kansas. (7) Ending abuse in the Olympic and its duties, as described in section 220524 of title Paralympic movement requires enhanced over- 36, United States Code’, the blank space being f sight to ensure that the Olympic and filled in with the name of the applicable na- tional governing body. LEGISLATIVE SESSION Paralympic movement does more to serve ath- letes and protect their voice and safety. ‘‘§ 220552. Dissolution of board of directors of SEC. 3. UNITED STATES OLYMPIC AND corporation and termination of recognition PARALYMPIC COMMITTEE. MORNING BUSINESS of national governing bodies (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 2205 of title 36, ‘‘(a) DISSOLUTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF Mr. MORAN. Mr. President, I ask United States Code, is amended— CORPORATION.—Effective on the date of enact- unanimous consent that the Senate (1) in the chapter heading, by striking ment of a joint resolution described in section proceed to legislative session for a pe- ‘‘UNITED STATES OLYMPIC COMMITTEE’’ 220551(2)(A) with respect to the board of direc- and inserting ‘‘ riod of morning business, with Sen- UNITED STATES OLYMPIC tors of the corporation, such board of directors AND PARALYMPIC COMMITTEE’’; shall be dissolved. ators permitted to speak therein for up (2) in section 220501(b)(6), by striking ‘‘United to 10 minutes each. ‘‘(b) TERMINATION OF RECOGNITION OF NA- States Olympic Committee’’ and inserting TIONAL GOVERNING BODY.—Effective on the date The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘United States Olympic and Paralympic Com- of enactment of a joint resolution described in objection, it is so ordered. mittee’’; section 220551(2)(B) with respect to a national Mr. MORAN. I ask unanimous con- (3) in section 220502, by amending subsection governing body, the recognition of the applica- (c) to read as follows: sent that Senator BLUMENTHAL, Sen- ble amateur sports organization as a national ‘‘(c) REFERENCES TO UNITED STATES OLYMPIC OLLINS governing body shall cease to have force or ef- ator C , and I be able to complete ASSOCIATION AND UNITED STATES OLYMPIC COM- fect. our remarks before the recess. MITTEE.—Any reference to the United States The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Olympic Association or the United States Olym- ‘‘§ 220553. Joint resolution objection, it is so ordered. pic Committee is deemed to refer to the United ‘‘(a) REFERRAL AND REPORTING.— States Olympic and Paralympic Committee.’’; ‘‘(1) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.— f (4) in section 220506(a), by striking ‘‘United ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In the House of Represent- EMPOWERING OLYMPIC AND States Olympic Committee’’ and inserting atives, a joint resolution shall be referred to the AMATEUR ATHLETES ACT OF 2019 ‘‘United States Olympic and Paralympic Com- Committee on Energy and Commerce. mittee’’; and ‘‘(B) DISCHARGE.—The Committee on Energy Mr. MORAN. Mr. President, I ask (5) in section 220531, by striking ‘‘United and Commerce shall be discharged from further unanimous consent that the Senate States Olympic Committee’’ each place it ap- consideration of a joint resolution and the joint VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:41 Aug 05, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A04AU6.001 S04AUPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE August 4, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4689 resolution shall be referred to the appropriate peals in connection therewith, shall be limited to ‘‘SUBCHAPTER V—DISSOLUTION OF BOARD OF DI- calendar on the date on which not less than not more than 10 hours, which shall be divided RECTORS OF CORPORATION AND TERMINATION three-fifths of the Members of the House of Rep- equally between the Majority and Minority OF RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL GOVERNING BOD- resentatives, duly chosen and sworn, are listed Leaders or their designees. A motion further to IES as cosponsors of the joint resolution. limit debate is in order and not debatable. A mo- ‘‘220551. Definitions. ‘‘(C) LIMITATION ON CONSIDERATION.—Except tion to postpone, a motion to proceed to the con- ‘‘220552. Dissolution of board of directors of as provided in subsection (e)(1), it shall not be sideration of other business, or a motion to re- corporation and termination of recogni- in order for the House of Representatives to con- commit the joint resolution is not in order. Any tion of national governing bodies.
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