DEVOTED TO BASE BALL BICYCLING GUNS GUNNING VOLUME 29, NO. 19. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 31, 1897. PRICE, FIYE CENTS. NEW YORK©S LEAGUE. CHADWICK©S CHAT. A LITTLE SHIFT QUICKLY MADE IK THE SiGE CORRECTS A SERIOUS THE CIRCUIT. MISSTATEMENT. The Batayia CM Drops Out and ..the No Trick Played on the Australians at Team and Franchise Are Trans Brockton as Alleged by a New York ferred to Geneva Hews ol the Contemporary Visitors Also Say Clubs and Players, They Have Hotting to Complain ol. Geneva, N. Y., July 26. Editor "Sporting Brooklyn, July 24, Editor "Sporting Life." 3Uie:" The magnates of the New York I saw in the Clipper of July 24, an article Ktntf League, convened at the Kirkwood commenting on the departure of the Au yesterday. The meeting was held for the stralians, copied from a daily paper, the purpose oi trunsferiug uie franchise of the following paragraph: Batavia Club. Representatives of the clubs "The Australians are a trifle sore over a moth-eaten trick played on them at Brockton. The coacher of the latter team asked the Aus tralian pitcher to toss the ball to him, claim H. Gcer,. Cortland; H. D. Ramsay, Canandaigua, ing it was ripped. The ball was tossed, but the and George H. Phelps, Batavia. coachef let it roll away and two men scored. A SHIFT. The Australians did not like tliat sore of base Mr. Phelps informed the delegates present that ball." owing to mismanagement of Balavia©s affairs in , On reading the above I was rather sur the State League it was found necessary to dis prised, as I witnessed the Australians game band the club. Batavia therefore forfeited their in Brockton, and did not see the trick in $100 guarantee. Messrs. Deegan and Koe, o question played; but I wrote to Mr. Horace Geneva, submitted a proposition to the League Keith, of Brockton, Mi eh., about it, and I that was satisfactory, and Geneva was admitted give you what he wrote in reply to the to the circuit and will play its first League game charge. He said: here Tuesday with Auburn, the League leaders. - Geneva takes Batavia©s standing of games won "As you know yourself, our treatment and and lost, and although Geneva will start in a courtesies extended to them, were beyond any bad taii-ender, Messrs. Deegan and Roe are con thing they received in the country anywhere except at the hands of Mr. A. U. Spalding. All fident that they will be a credit to the town. of our players felt very kindly toward the MR. ROE Australians, and a number of them spoke of will assume the management temporarily, and what credit they deserved for coining to this at once proceed to sign a team. Rose Bros., of country and attempting to play base ball with Buffalo will be the club outfitters, and some men who had played all their lifetime, when thing very neat in the way of a uniform will be they were entirely i:ew at the business. Cer the result. The Genera Club will play occasion tainly none of the Australians would be unkind ally ou the fine grounds at Cayuga Lake Park, one enough to make up such a story as this, for of the most popular resorts in this section. The there is no truth in it." club also has a tine ground at the driving park. Very little other business was done at the meet- The article in question also erred in stat log. JOHN ALEXANDER M©PHEE. ing that the Australians sailed on the St. NEWS NOTES. This great ball player, undisputed king of second basemeu, now that Pfeffer has retired, was Paul. The latter steamer was on the other The delegates present reported their teams in on July 28 made the recipient of a cash testimonial from Cincinnati base ball patrons in recog side of the Atlantic at the time. Mr. good shape. The race for the pennant is be- nition of» an interrupted service of sixteen years with the Cincinnati Club. In all that time Me- Musgrave in a letter to me, said, "I hare cdaiiug very close and interesting. Five clubs Phee has given his club his best efforts in every department of the game, and has always car loaded our party on the St. Louis, which are closely ©bunched, and it is hard guessing who ried himself so worthily that it is a positive pleasure to pay a tribute to such a man and player. sails July 14." In addition he said: will cross©the line first. "I am sorry I will not be able to see you There are several ©protests in on which Presi and thank you personally for your kind efforts dent Farrell will -act later. first contract and caught" Elmer Rockwell at Davenport, la. It was at Akron that the Cincinnati <m OUT behalf, but I can assure you we all Batavia. is a.good ball town, but the team wns Club found him and enthusiasts of Forkopolis have never regretted the discovery, he having played appreciate your good wishes. I am sure you badly managed. There was some very promising with that club ever since, despite many changes in administration. This season he was playing will be sorry that our men were not more suc material theron. Dennis, McNary, Halbritter and as brilliant ball as ever in his career until he was disabled in a collision at the plate by Captain cessful on tlie ball field, but we know every Miller will likely go to Geneva. Robinson, of Baltimore. Both players have been in the hospital since. McPliee, however, is al thing has been done to help us along by the lead Ball wanes at Cayuga Lake Park will be popu most well now, and may be expected to resume his place on the Olnciunatis the coming week. ing base ball authorities in America, and if we lar. Thousands go to this resort daily. were wanting in skill we have only ourselves to The New York State League has had a very blame.©© tough experience this year in the matter of rainy weatber, but despite nil this, the League still A RARE ACCIDENT. A BARNIE BUDGET. The Australians began play on their tour exists, and is in good shape. Prospects for a in San Francisco, on April 20, and from very strong circuit for next season are already The Brooklyn Manager Talks of that date to July 7, they took part in 25 One More Pitcher©s Arm Broken games, of which they won nine and lost lt». rood with larger cities, and a three-game sche Batting Slumps and Swell-Heads. dule. G. WHIZ. During Delivery. In their victories they scored 137 runs to Harrisburg, July 26. Bert Jones, the clever Cincinnati, July 28. "Unless a team is hitting 97; in their defeats they scored 98 runs to twiiier of this city, who pitched the Lafayette there isn©t much chance to win," was the mourn 251. The total being Australians 235 runs, SULLIVAN SOUTH. College team to many a victory early in the ful soliloquy of Manager Billy Barnie yesterday. opponents 348. season, met with a misfortune in the game at "The slump of the Brooklyns has been trying HEN7RY CHADWICK. The Greatest Hustler of Them All Elizabethtown Saturday afternoon. He was oc- on the nerves," continued the Blue-Eyed One cupving the box for Middletown, and .while in sadly, "but it is one that baffles managerial rem SHOULD TEST THEIR EYES. Now in Texas. edy. If the boys were playing bad ball you Dallas, Tex., July 23. Editor "Sporting Life:" the "act of delivering the ball about the third inn ing there was a snap, and the left arm of the cov.ld make some charges, but they are not. .It is Ball Players May Ruin Their Optics Ted Sullivan, of base ball far.ie. the m:m who young pitcher fell limp at his side. An exami inability-to-hit that is throwing them down. owned the Dallas franchise and managed lln; nation disclosed the fact that the arm was Why, six hits to a game is a good Brooklyn by Facing the Sun. club iti 1895, came in last night from St. Louis. broken, and Jones will not pitch any more this average. That©s awful. Still, I©m hopeful Brook Terre Haute, July 28. When second basernan All the Dallas fans soon heard of his arrival and season. Subsequently the Middle-towns forfeited lyn stock will boom again. The team will break Morrison, of the local clcb, was saying good-bye gave him a hearty greeting. He has sold his the game, with the score 2 to 0. loose some of these days. Then watch, ©em to President Schmidt, of the bankrupt company club at Atlantic City, N. J., at_very remunerative climb." which owned the club, he remarked that for figures and will spend the rest© of the year look "There are players who are so afflicted with some reason he could not tell why lie had been ing out for big League timber in the minor clubs TVATERBURY©S CHANGE. overwhelming ideas of their own importance," unable to "get his eye ou the bull." of the country. continued Philosopher Billy Baruie, "that they He said: "I am in Texas for three things, to President Schmidt, who is an optician, jest Waterbury, July 26. The franchise and good really injure their own effectiveness and can ingly told him that he oiight to lia-ve his eyea eee my old friends, to get players for the Na not give a team their best efforts even if they examined, and Morrison consenting, the examina tional League managers, and to learn whether a will of the Waterbuvy Base Ball Club, of the so desired.
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