When Mittens becomes a monster: Living with a pet that hates you / p.13 Carving up the city: What Face off: Should tertiary The streetwear guardians: does food chain distribution education be free? Two FB administrators who deal tell us about Sydney? / p. 6 reporters duke it out / p. 10 in clothes and justice / p. 11 S2W8 / FIRST PUBLISHED 1929 PUBLISHED S2W8 / FIRST HONI SOIT LETTERS Acknowledgement of Country Fan mail tendees say they reacted to statements offend those who offend you. These haviour by the regressive Left against We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land, the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. The University of Sydney – where we write, publish and distribute “Things got made by the stall-holders equating are the hearts and minds to be won. the Catholic Society’s stall on Thurs- Honi Soit – is on the sovereign land of these people. As students and journalists, we recognise our complicity in the ongoing colonisation of Indigenous land. In homosexuality to bestiality or paedo- These are the constituents of society day. The Facebook post in question recognition of our privilege, we vow to not only include, but to prioritise and centre the experiences of Indigenous people, and to be reflective when we fail to. We pretty crazy philia. If true, this is indisputably un- we should seek to include. referred to Will Edwards being on recognise our duty to be a counterpoint to the racism that plagues the mainstream media, and to adequately represent the perspectives of Indigenous students at acceptable, but it should not be used Why must these people be included the microphone and was publically our University. We also wholeheartedly thank our Indigenous reporters for the continuing contribution of their labour to our learning. yesterday..” as an excuse to stoop to the same level. you may ask? In the society you im- shaming him. The comments sug- Powerful image I took. Things got There are two important points to agine there is no hate or bigotry, all gested that Will Edwards had men- pretty crazy yesterday.. be made following these events, both are considered and respected as tal issues because he was apparently Who made this Robert Foster directed at supporters of the ‘vote yes’ equal; those who once disagreed with antagonistic and aggressive on the Editorial Contents campaign, of which I am one. you do not exist anymore, they have footage. The hate and exclusion suffered by been banished to the very margins of I understand that the issue of Letters / 3 edition happen? minority groups throughout our na- society, hiding behind facades of indif- same-sex marriage stirs up consid- tion’s history places an existential bur- ference. In reality, it is impossible to erable feelings on both sides. I met News and analysis / 4 Editor-in-Chief: Jayce Carrano den on them to struggle against the achieve inclusion through marginali- Will last week while campaigning oppression they suffer. The struggle sation of dissenters. Alienating those for Mint for Honi. In my interactions Editors Long read / 7 for equal civil rights of all LGBT peo- of a contrary position will not allow with him, I felt he was a beautiful, Nick Bonyhady Kishor Napier-Raman ple exemplifies this. However, herein this campaign to achieve its aims. It kind person deserving of respect. I Opinion / 10 Natassia Chrysanthos Siobhan Ryan lies a paradox. The demand for inclu- only furthers their resolve to dispute was saddened to see the posts and Ann Ding Michael Sun sivity from society cannot in itself ex- the aim, and to deny the rights sought. comments that were attacking him, Perspective / 11 Justine Landis-Hanley Maani Truu clude existing sentiments with a vehe- Exclusion carries with it fear. Fear un- and I agreed with the one comment Aidan Molins ment swoop. No opposing view should derstood and felt by many of the op- that said that we ought to love and be disregarded without having been pressed for generations. This same fear pray for him. This was the context. It Culture / 11 Contributors heard or discussed. Society is ever can be felt by those who are targeted was not what Heat for Honi played Providence played a funny trick at 4 on Monday Longer read / 13 Samuel Chu, Grace Franki, Nick Harriott, Bao Pu He, adapting to its multiplicity of opinions as blocking the progression of society, it out to be. I do not hold the views morning this week as we put together this edition. Kida Lin, Declan Noble, Lauren Poole, Theo Quinn, and persuasions, and will continue to and they will not allow themselves to they accuse me of holding, and I A fluffy white cat named Evie followed one of our Automated winners / 16 Tilini Rajapaksa, James Stratton, Jessica Syed, Lena become more inclusive and welcoming be pushed forcefully into the abyss of never will. editors into the Honi office. This, of course, being in Wang and Jamie Weiss. Just how crazy? should we aid it in its transformation. exclusion and oppression from their I will remain on the ballot, and re- the week where our feature and cover were all about Indeed, society will grow from what- position of privilege now held. serve my decision regarding whether Puzzles / 20 Artists pets. As you can see from the photo, Evie seemed nei- On Thursday 14th September I wit- ever we provide it as nourishment. If Let the rally of 14th September be I shall be an editor for Honi, if duly ther angry with nor interested by our back catalogue. Regulars / 21 Matthew Fisher, Grace Franki, Risako Katsumata, nessed the decline of a political cam- we feed it hate, division and conflict, a lesson to those who seek inclusion elected, to a later time. When someone tells me they love dogs, it really Aiden Magro, Rebekah Mazzocato, Eloise Myatt and paign. A campaign whose foundation we shall receive more of the same in and equality. Let the campaign return Georgette Bechara doesn’t mean anything. Who doesn’t like endless, Caseworkers / 22 Jessica Ottavi. rests on an equal right to love; propo- return. The change society needs, and to the ideals of love. Embrace all of so- uncritical affection and attention? But when some- nents of which claim to be inclusive, the change those of us who will vote ciety’s diversity, and allow society to one tells me they love cats, my ears perk up. Even SUPRA pages / 23 accepting, and who expect nothing ‘yes’ seek, is of love. adapt to its constituents in a manner We’re trying the friendliest cat is liable to snarl at your palm or less than the same in return. Marriage The second point to be made fol- that does not cause division or harm leap from your lap on a whim. That’s if they don’t SRC reports / 24 is society’s greatest expression of love, lows from the first. The aim of the in the process. Only in this manner to be better ignore you entirely. Loving cats is hard work. and yet recently our nation has be- ‘yes’ campaign, and like all civil rights will the goal of inclusion be achieved. Your cat-loving friends know that relationships The Garter Press / 26 come divided, fuelled by hate speech, movements before it, is for recogni- Nick Conomos Dear Honi Soit aren’t all about getting what you want, that being harassment and bigotry. This debate tion and inclusion into society. The I am OUTRAGED by the number gentle wins more battles than it loses, and that (although the applicability of this term changing of the Marriage Act 1961 of sudokus in last week’s paper. I mood swings happen to everyone. If they’ll scoop up is questionable) has now descended to (Cth) will not achieve these aims, ‘Statement to am completely incapable of solving the poo of an apathetic, ungrateful furball, imagine its lowest point, and it happened on it is just another step on the path to sudokus and while they may have what they’d be willing to do for you. Cover image by Ann Ding our very own university campus. accomplishment; a necessary step, Honi Soit’ from been beautiful, I could sadly not Unless your friends have more than four cats — Honi Soit, Week 8 Edition, Semester 2, 2017. By now we’ve all heard the facts, or but a mere step nonetheless. Hearts enjoy them. The enormous barred at that point, ask if they’re doing okay. JC watched the scenes on video. A stall and minds must be won in order to a lady scorned crossword last week was magnificent was set up to discuss the reasons why achieve the goal of true inclusion. (props to whoever wrote that one). Disclaimer: Honi Soit is published by the Students’ Representative Council, University of Sydney, Level 1 Wentworth Building, City Road, University of Sydney NSW 2006. someone might choose to vote ‘no’ How then are these hearts and minds Today, Heat for Honi published a Very enjoyable target too. I hope I The SRC’s operation costs, space and administrative support are financed by the University of Sydney. Honi Soit is printed under the auspices of the SRC’s directors of in the upcoming Postal Survey. They to be won? Through inclusion; the highly defamatory post about me. It can look forward to another one in student publications: Nina Dillon-Britton, Pranay Jha, Isabella Pytka, William Ryan, Katie Thorburn, and Adam Ursino. All expressions are published on the basis that they are were quickly surrounded by a mish- goal is the solution.
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