![Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec [Microform]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
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Those too large to be filmfo d des taux de reduction diffirents. entirely included In one exposure are filmed Lorsque Ie document est icrop grand b-9ur dtre beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to reproduit en un seul cllch6, 11 est fllm6 A partir right and top to bottom, as many frames as de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche A droite, re required. The following diagrams illustrate the et de haut en bas, en prenant Ie nombre method: d'images nAcessalre. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. f errata id to 1 2 3 It le peiure, pon d 1 n 32X PRINT CATALOaUE OF BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE r OT^ QUEBEC. II ^1 jrc i 11 ^1 QUEBEC: PRINTED AT THE "MORNI.VQ CHRONECLR" OFFICE, FtOT OF MOUNTAIN HILL. 1873. Tin Lan MOR .1 1 Matf I A ]V N Physi M P C ]V1 G Ai Pj B( Bi Ai Nt Ns In An Na TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. TlIEOLOOY. Publications of the British and Foreij^n Bible Society, Critical Versions of the Scriptures , G Language. Lanj^uage Chinese Lang-uaj^e, Sanscrit and G^veek Latin, Romance, Spanish, French 10 Flemish, Dutch, I^anish, German, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon 11 Native Languages of America 13 Moral Philosophy and Metaphysios. Ancient Philosophy : 14 Jewish and Arabic Philosophy, Scholastic and Modern Philosophy 15 Logic, Mathematics and Sciences 19 Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. Mathematics and Natural Philosophy 20 Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Algebra, tScc 22 Mechanics Statics and Dynamics 23 Navigation, Weights and Measures 27 Physical Sciences. n Meteorology 27 Physical Geography 29 Chemistry 29 Medicine 31 Geology 33 American Geology ^',. 34 PaUeontology, Mineralogy and Metallurgy... 3G Botany ' 37 British Botany ,...^. 38 American Botany .V..^ 39 Niitiiral and Physical History of Man 39 Natural and Physical History of Animals 40 Invertebrata 42 Animal Physiology ! 43 Natural History of America .' 44 ir TABtt: of CONTENTS. Paqe. History. Philosophy of History and Universal History 45 Ancient History 46 Assyrian, Egyptian, Jewish and Grecian History 47 , Roman History 48 Church History 49 General Histories « 51 History of England 52 Constitutional History of England 57 History of Scotland 63 History of Ireland, History of France 64 Byzantinie and Greek History, History of Italy 68 6*^ History of Spain and Portugal .• History of the Netherlands 70 Histories of Switzerland, Scandinavia, Sweden, Germany 71 Histories of Austiia, Russia, Danubian Provitices 72 History of Poland, History of Asia 73 History oi Africa 74 History ok America. Publications of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec 77 Histories, &c,, relating to Canada 79 New rirunswick and Nova Scotia 87 Histories of the American Colonies before the Revolution 88 Wars of Canada 90 Hi^^-ry of the United States 90 Biography. Biography..... 94 Social Science. Political Economy and Social Science 106 ". Education, Population ^ 108 Manufactures, Commerce 109 Civil Liberty, Government and Law 110 Geography and Travels. Geography and Travels 113 European Travels , » 117 New Zealand » 132 133 African Travels ; American Travels • 135 Arctic Voyages 141 Literature. Greek and Roman Literature 143 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. LiTERA TUBE.— (Con/m«crf.) Modern Literature 145 History of English Literature 145 English Poetry 146 Scottish Poetry 154 EnglishDrama 154 English Prose Literature 157 French Literature 163 Italian, Spanish, German Literature 170 Sclavic Language and Literature 178 Engineebino. General Treatise on Engineering and the useful Arts 178 Surveying, M ilitary Engineering, Railways, &c 170 Building , 180 Ship Building, Turning, Clock-making, &c 181 Agriculture 182 Fine Arts. Architecture, Painting and Sculpture 184 Music 185 Domestic Economy 185 Encyclopedias > 186 Book Catalogues 186 Alphabetical Index 193 113 117 132 133 136 141 143 .: s. c. to Bohn's i Bohn'fl Bohn's ABBREVIATIONS. S. C. to K. Smithsonian Contributions to Kiiowlodoo Bohn'sS. L. Bohn's Standard Library. Bohn'i Sci. L. Bohn's Scientific Library. Bohn'sAnt.L. Bohn's Antiquarian Library. ' >. Cli I LITI Amhar] Aneite Arabic Armen] Armeni Bengal Berber Carshu Catalo] Cree Bi Chinesi Danish Feejbah Finnish Feench French Gaelic j Hindust Iceland] Irish Bil Judei-Ae .Malayg^ Malayal Mandchc Manks B MOXOOLT CATALOGUE OK HOOKS m THE LIHRARY OF THE i s ) OF" QUEBI5C. Amhario Testament. Aneiteum St. Luke. Arabic Testament. Armenian Testament, (ancient.) Armenian Psalms, (modern.) Bengali Testament, (Roman.) Berber St. Luke. Carshum Testament. Catalonian Testament. Cree Bible. Chinese Bible. Danish Bible. Feejban Testament. Finnish Testament. French and Vaudois Gospels. French and Piedmontese Gospels. Gaelic Testament. Hindustani Testament, (Roman.) Icelandic Testament. Irish Bible. Jtjdei-Arabic ; select books, New Testament. .Malaygasse Testament. Malayalim Gospels and Acts. Mandchou Testament. Manks Bible. MoNOOLTAN Tostumont. THEOLOGY. Mic-Mao St Luke. New Zealand Testament. Persian Testament. Polish Bible. Portuguese Testament. E Jss Testament. Earatongan Testament. Samoan Testament. Sechuana Psalms. Spanish Bible. Swedish Bible. Syriao Psalms. Tahitian Testament. Tamil Testament. TuR4£iSH Gospels. (For other versions of the Scriptures, see Theology.) Brougham, Henry, Lord.
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