H ightstown Gazette. VOLUME LXXXIX HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1937 NUMBER 26 ‘Y’ Secretaries CARD PARTY Special Holiday Blair Academy HOLIDAY PHONE RATES Rev.G.A. Bensinger Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Davison, The New Jersey Bell Telephone Are Attending of East Ward Street, entertained their Train Service for Eleven Defeats Company announces that the low night- Guest Speaker At card club Saturday evening at a cov­ and-Sunday rates for long distance call ered dish supper. Fall Conference The invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Peddie Students Peddie School ing of 50 miles and over will apply this School Exercises Wellington Eldridge and Mrs. Bessie year all Thanksgiving Day as well as Broadcast Siaiday Afternoon On “Yoath Will Leave Hightstown for New York By RONALD WESTGATE Ainnirstica Day Program* in HigE and Updike, of Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Rus­ (Editor of The Peddie News) On the March”—State-Widie Leader­ Next Wednesday Noon—On Return this Christmas and New Year’s on calls Grammar School*—Third Grade Will sell Coleman and Mr. and Mrs, John to any part of the United States. Portray the Fir&t Thankagivisg. ship Seminars—Week of Prayer. W p rt, of Clarksville; Mr. and Mrs. Trip Scheduled to Arrive Here Sun­ At Biairs-torwri, $-0. Drama Class to William Davison and Mr. and Mrs. Asa day Night. Present Three Plays, Musical Re­ The effect of the special Thanksgiving Town, country and community secre­ cital in Febnnury. • On Thursday morning, November taries of the Young Men's Christian As­ Davison, of Cranbury; Mr, and Mrs. Special train service between Hights­ Day reduction will be to make the bar­ William Dey, Mr. and Mrs. David Wil­ 11th, the Rev. Guy A. Bensinger, pas­ sociations of the Eastern Seaboard re­ town and New York will be a feature Last Saturday the Peddie student gain telephone rates apply from 7 tor of the Dutch Neck Presbyterian gion are convening for their fall con­ son, of Hightstown. They also had as innovation of the approaching Thanks­ body journeyed to Blairstown to see a o’clock Wednesday evening, through Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Church and past chaplain of the Ameri­ ference at Sloane House, New York giving recess, according to the an- mud-slinging battle between Blair and Thanksgiving Day and night until 4:30 can Legion of the State of New Jersey, City, yesterday and today. This region Dawson and son, Robert, of Princess announcement of Dr. Wilbour E. Saun­ Peddie, which Blair won 6-0, The game Bay, Staten Island, and Mrs. Harry o’clock Friday morning. was the guest speaker at the grammar includes the New England States, New ders, headmaster of the Peddie School. was marred by a hea-vy rain that fell and high school assemblies. At the York, New Jersey, Delaware and. Penn­ Rasmussen and daughter, Jean, of While this service will be primarily all afternoon and put the playing field South Amboy. grammar school, Mrs. Sadie Carson, sylvania. Secretaries Allen, Redmond for the Peddie School students, any in almost an unplayable condition. Six Local High School long active in the work of the American and Hydorn will attend from Mercer person wishing to travel on this train DUS loads of Peddie boys went to the Legion Auxiliary in the county and in County Federation. “The Growth of Annual Kiddies’ may do so. 'This is an experiment on game, with many others going in cars. i Soccer Eleven Win Hightstown, introduced Commander Laymen Through Y. M. C. A. Service" the part of the railroad company, the The drama class of the school has Richard Whitby, of the Hightstown and "Y. M. C. A. Fellowship” are the Christmas Party continuance of which will depend upon completed the casting for the annual Over Immaculate Post, who stressed the two important general topics of the conference under the patronage and cooperation of the plays presented by the oi^anization aims of the American Legion, namely, the leadership of Ivan B. Rhodes, of Peddie student body. each year during the winter term. The Golden W«.ve of Trenton Defctfited one hundred per cent Americanism and the national staff. Plans Underway The Thanksgiving special will leave casting was made at this time in or­ peace. Commander Whitby presented International Broadcast Hightstown at 12:10 P. M, on Wednes­ der that ample time would be given to Here, 3-1. Fast Playing Give* the Rev. Bensinger to the student body. “Youth On the March” will be broad­ Sponsored by Firemen, Lions Club and day, November 24, arriving in’New York the members of the cast to prepare Hightttown Boys the Load. American Legion — Local Poet Will The speaker related some of his actual cast on Sunday afternoon, November at 1:3S. Stops will be made at New­ their parts. Among those who are tak­ experiences as an ambulance driver in Organize Junior Unit. 21st, front 2 to 2 :30 o’clock, over station ark and Elizabeth, and tariffs will be ing part in the three plays, “A Moun­ Striking twice in the initial period the war zone, pictured the horrors of WABC, depicting the latest news on as follows: tain Tragedy,” "Fright,” and “The Pot and then repelling a desperate last- The annual kiddie’s Christmas party war, and pleaded for a more permanent youth conditions in the Far East, South Hightstown to New York....95 cents Boiler,” are: Mrs. Weimer K. Hicks, quarter surge, Hightstown High downed peace. Margaret W est, Barbara Laird, America and Europe. Lyman Hoover, wul be sponsored this year by the Hightstown to Newark....—.85 cents William Boyd, Jr,, Edward Sargent, a listless Immaculate Conception, Tren­ members of the fire department. Lions Alice Stackhouse and David Turp, all student secretary at Peiping, China; B. Hightstown to Elizabeth__ 75 cents H. Lawrence Abbott, Merrill Austin, ton, soccer eleven, 3-1, here Tuesday of whom are children of World W ar P, Barnhart, nation "Y” secretary for Club, and American Legion. At the Returning on Sunday, November 28, Donald R. MacFarlane, George Lew­ afternoon. Monday night meeting of Hightsjown veterans, also had a place on the pro­ Korea; H. H. Lichtwardt, national “Y” the special will leave New York at 6 j40 is, Ralph Milicci, Whitney S. Yeaple, Hightstown didn't waste any time in gram. secretary for Brazil; Herbert Tonis- Post it was voted to cooperate with the P. M., stopping at Newark and Eliza­ Clinton R. G. Smith, Ervin Anisz, Paul taking a fruitful crack at the Blue and At the high school assembly. Rev. soo, national “Y” secretary lot Estonia; Lions Club and Firemen in providing beth and arriving at Hightstown at 8 H. Allen, Earle F, Thomas, Donald Gold goal, for hardly had the game Bensinger again emphasized the need H. P. Lansdale, Jr., national “Y” secre­ a holiday entertainment for the kiddies P, M, Shell, Claude F. Leaman, Jr.. Eric C. got under way when Ray Radische, slim for a more tolerant understanding of tary for Greece, and Dr. Charles T. of the community. The complete schedule is as follows; Goodwin and Robert Sanderson. inside-right, took a pass from team­ other racial groups and for a greater Loran, professor of comparative educa­ County Adjutant James D. Cole and Wednesday, November 24 Clinton I. Sprout and Carl E. Geiger, mate Stults and lined the first score effort for world peace. Platform tion at Yale University, will be the County Finance Officer Edward H. Leave Hightstown ....— 12;10p. ra. members of the Peddie coaching staff, past Goalie Gil Rossi. Instead of brac­ guests of the assembly were members speakers. Friends of the Hightstown Barber addressed the 30 Legionnaires Arrive Elizabeth . 1 :12 p. m attended the fall meeting and dinner ing up and striving tu lelaliate, Imma­ of the faculty with active service in the “Y” will want to form listening groups at the regular gathering of Hightstown Arrive Newark _______ 1:20 p. m. of the Eastern Private Schools Basket­ culate sagged under the pressure, and armed forces of the World War. They and learn more about youth problems Post Monday night in the Legion Arrive New York -------- 1:35p.m. ball League at the Hotel Picadilly Tues­ Outside-Left Morris quickly followed were Harold Hunt, George Coons and internationally. Home, Franklin Street. The visitors Sunday, Novembar ZS day evening, The main purpose of the up with goal No. 2. Center-Forward Dr. C. Dunn Williams. Emmons Speaks talked on “Sons of American Legion.” Leave New York -------- 6:40p.m. meeting was to arrange the basketball Stults passed out on the left wing to Fir»t Timnksgiving The new executive secretary of the The local post is considering plans for Leave Newark ________ 6:55 p.m. schedule for the teams in the league. the fast-moving Morris, who received The third grade class taught by Mrs. Mercer County Federation, O. H. Em­ the organization of a junior unit. Leave Elizabeth_______ 7 :03 p. m. Through Alfred M. Masonheimer the sphere in stride and slammed *a Florence Keeler is planning to have a mons, spoke at the final session of the John J. Cutinelle, chairman of the Arrive Hightstown ___ 8:00 p.m. negotiations have been made for the sizzler past Rossi. “talkie” picturization of “The First state-wide leadership seminars held in membership committee, reported the Pennsylvania Railroad officials have students of St. Mary’s Hall, of Burling­ The second quarter was a strict de­ Thanksgiving,” This project in the the Trenton Y. M. C, A. Monday eve­ local post now had 60 members, an in­ agreed to try this special service at the ton, to visit Peddie in February, 1938, fensive battle, with both teams doing social studies is the result of some plans ning, around the topic “Measuring Good crease over last year.
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