____ _____ — VOL. XXXVII O. 33. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE. MARCH 11, 1915. PRICE 4 CENTtti Jan. 5, 1915. FREE To bal. on hflcnd Jan. 1914, $48.88 COMMISSIONER DODGE LUMBERING HOPE LODGE D I TDI ï i f g I O A Ö Y j ¿’eb. 27, 1914, to town order, 150.00 I U D L 1 V L I U R i i l l i iJuly 2j 1914> to town order, 150.00 ELECTED M AYOR OPERATIONS ENTERTAINS Oct. 2, 1914, to down order, 50.00 Dec. 19, 1914, to town order, 100.00 \ Resume o' Some of The Past Blaine S. Viles Has Six Aldermen Fred Dcdge of Farmington was in Large Attendance and a Happy Year’s Work. $496.88 and Ten oi Council. town last week after closing the Evening Passed by the Little lumbering operations in ■ the vicinity Or. LIBRARIAN’S REPORT 1914. of Perbam. He is connected with Folks. By paid orders drawn,„ $494.39 Hon. Blaine S. Viles of Augusta., his father, Benjamin Dodge in the No. 52 to 70 inclusive, $494.39 is receiving congratulai ¡'oms from all No. books in library January By cash in my hands, 2.49 over Maine for his election ais mayo business and has been carrying on It was the children’s special even­ 1, 1914, 4048 with a splendid victory. the work this winter alone, on ac- ; ing last Saturday, which Hope Rebek- No. books added in 1914, 200 $496.88 Augusta came back to its own count of the serious illness and op- j ah Lodge gave them, but the large No. books added from state, 40 Monday and in one of the greatest eration which Mr. Dodge has under- ! attendance showed that the older No. books added freni U. S. 12 Funds Available. struggles that has yet taken plate gone. ones enjoy an evening of this kind between the two great political part­ as well as the children. There were No. books in library January Cask in hand of Tress., $2.49 They own, 1-3 of a square mile and j Bail, of town appropriation, $100.00 ies. The vote polled was : a big 200 or more present. 1, 1915, 4300 have cut about 500 cords of hard- Bal. state stipends 1913-14, 71.96 one, 2,939. Those having the supper in charge Tthis is the greatest political vic­ wood this winter. They have 20,- j were Mrs. Will True, Mrs. Georgia No. books given in 1914, 7 tory that the Repub! 1 am party Las 000 soft lumber on track for the Bell j .Mas term an, Mrs. G. B. Sedgeley; en­ No. looks lost in 1914, 3 $174.45 won in Augusta,for years. tertainment committee, Mrs. E. B. No. books loaned from March N. P. Noble, treasurer. &- McLeary milk Seldom Hinkley & It goes without question that Mr. Currier, Mrs. Frank Davis, Miss 1, 1914 to January 1, 1915, 6,280 The above was. the amount on Sons will have the hardwood. Viles will make a very popular ar;d Edna True. No. magazines loaned, ' ' * 970 band at the beginning of the year, able mayor for the city, as he did as They expect out 3,000 cords next j After the little ones had done jus­ Total no. loaned March 1, but scm/ orders Inane been paid one of the members of the Fish year. They have employed 12 men tice to the fine supper prepared they 1914, to January 1, 1915, 7756, since that time. and Game Commission of Maine. pgrt ‘of the time. retired to the hall and enjoyed var­ ious games while the older ones The fo l l o w i n g books have been added were at the tables'. Honey received from fines, to the Phillips Public Library since The following program was given: etc., 1914, $27.50 [ January 1st, 1915: Solo, \ Miss Beulah. Irwin Money received from tickets j Little Eve Edgarton, Piano solo, Evelyn. Jacobs sold 1914, $1.50 Eleanor H. Abbott Song, Frank Davis The Wall of Partition, Piano solo, Gertrude Dunham Total money taken at desk, $29.00 Florence L. Barclay Recitation, Paul Davis M. Albertino Butterfield, : How It Happened, Costume songs, Hollis Holt Librarian. Kate Langley Bosher 'Mir. Holt brought down the house Bambi, Marjorie Benton Cooke in his singing and acting. TREASURER'S REPORT. I Neighborhood Stories, Lona Gale After the program games for both | The Letter of the Contract, old and young were furnished and Dr. Basil King all voted it one of the most success­ Sicily Ann, Fannie Heaslip Lea ful evenings for all concerned. The Woman in the Alcove, Come to my house:—A real hom e nest. Just under Mount Bigelow's lofty crest. Jennette Lee If y> u want fiishing. hunting, health and rest Please put my statements to the test. Kent Knowles “ Inahang” , If you come just once, you'll find it true. Joseph C. Lincoln ANNUAL TOWN W e Have them all, and more, to offer you; Now don’t get worried,—Y ou ca n ’t get ‘‘blue’’ Martha and Cupid, Julie Lippmann In the center of .‘‘G od’s own C ountry” . The Man of the Desert, MEETINGS HELD HOTEL BLANCHARD, Grace L. H. Lutz STRATTON .MAIN E. E. H. GROSE. Prop, The Place Where You Can Always Find Unsurpassed Fishing. AVON TIM POND CAMPS Moderator, Joel Wilbur, Individual Camps, Rock Fire-places, Fly and Bait Fishing. Lake and Clerk, Linwood Beal, Stream Fishing for Trout. Telephone. Daily Mail. Write for Booklet- Selectmen, E. A. Peary, D. W. Tooth- JULIAN K. VILES & SON, Tim, Franklin Co., Me. aker, M. T. Tooth aker, Treas., J. A. Norton, W M f» C 8 ——••M—W School committee. M. T. Tooihaker, Cnostable and collector Archie Tho’ Jack Frost is around To find out about it, write to Too'thaker, And his presence we feel, ED. G R A N T (EL SONS CO., Fire warden, G. T. Jacobs. Soon Spring will be here KENNE3AGO, MAINE 1 And the song of the reel. GRANTS* CAMPS Appropriations. Roads and bridges, $1,000 State road. 25 Supprot of poor,, 350 Common schools, 500’ BAUD M OUNT A < N CAM PS Bald VILES MAYCR CF AUGUSTA. Repairs school! ouse, 50> Books and Supplies, 75 Bald Mountain Camps are situated at the foot of Bald Mountain on Mooselooktne- High school tuition, 100 funtic Lake. Near the best fishing grounds. First class steam boat connections—Auto Selina, George Madden Martin road to camps—Telephone connections—Two mails daily—Write for free circular. Baseball Joe at Ya e, m Memorial day, 10 AMOS ELLIS, Prop’r., Bald Mountain Maine The Strange Woman, Sydney McCall L ster Chadwick Town officers, 425 The House of Toys. Henri R. MiMer Janice Day, Helen Beecher Long Town charge^, 150 Saturday’s Child, Kathleen Norris The Blossom Shop, Itla May Mullins Interest on debt, 100 The Commodore, Maude H. Peterson Anne of the BlossGtn Shcp, T^wn debt, 1,000 Sylvia’s Expt-iiment, Isla May Mullir s Abatement taxes, 75 Margaret R. piper Snow bill,. 300 Jane Stuart’s Chum, To meet overdraft, 150 Mountain View House | The Honorable Percival, Grace M. Remick Alice Hogan Rice Mountain View, Maine | Making Mary Lizzie Happy, Betty’s Virginia Christmas WELD Nina Rhoades For farther particulars write or address •:*: Mollie E. Seawell Jt an Cabot in Cap and Gown, Delia Blanchfiower, Moderator, Henry W. Coburn,, Gertrude Fisher Scott L. E . B 0W LE Y, | Mrs. Humphrey Ward Clerk, Henry V. Swiett, Mountain View, m m * Maine. | The Rise of Jennie Pushing, The Little House, Helen S. Woodruff Selectmen,, S. M. Masterman,, L. E. Mary S. Watts Half Hours, J. M. Barrie Williams, M. W. Brown, A Soldier of the Legion, With the Men Who Do Things, Treasurer, F. S. Schofield, C. N. arid A. M. Williamson A. Russell Bond School committee, F. S. Schofield, JUVENILE The fear of Living, Henry Bordeaux O. Phillips, M. W. Brown. R \ NO LEY LA KES AN D Fairmount’s Quartette, e Little Essay:- In Literature and Life, Etta Anthony Baker Richard Burton WILTON Kingsford Quarter, i Mode (rater,. C. N. Blanchard, DEAD RIVER REGION The Place Beyond the Winds, Ralph Henry Barbour Clerk, J. E. IIis,cork, Harriet T. Comstock j AS A The Little Runaways atOrchard House, J j Selectmen, C. E. Miller, E. M. Alice Turner Curtis j Phyllis, Mari-; Thompson Daviess Bridges, C. W. Noyes, The Red House Children’s Vacation, The Grand Canyon, Henry Van Dyke | Treasurer, J. E. Hiscock, HUNTING RESORT Amanda M. Douglass Notes on Novelists, Henry James I School committee, W. W. Wilkins, Lost in the Fur Country, The Prince of Graustark, 1 Scaler of weights and measures, B. D. Lange This territory is unsurpassed in Maine. It is easy of George Barr McCutcheon J. Cox, The Boy Scouts’ M >untain Camp. Fire warden, F. E. T ref either. access and nearly all the camps are open through the Lieut. Howard Puyson How We Got Our Bible, J. Paterson Smyth Dave Porter In the Gold Fields, FREEMAN Hunting Season. Deer, Bear, Partridge, Duck and Ed vard Stratemeyer j The Bible in the Making, SIuall game are very abundant. John and Betty’s Irish History Visit, J. Paterson Smyth Moderator, J. E. Burbank, Margaret Williamson The Gay and Festive C-laverhouse, | Selectmen, E. E. Oarvilil, U. G. Wey- Johnson of Lancing, Hawley Williams Anne Warner & [ mouth,, G. S. Peabody, The SANDY HIVES RANGELEY LAKES RAILROAD Faith Palmer in New York, The Pastor's Wife, Clerk, Melvin, Huff, Lazelle T.
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