VUITOB Brinf Inf Good Mem Ever* WMk for tT teuu to All the VauOf, In (be Homes of Bed Bank sol SECTION Vicinity—About Local Ehreata and Local People. RED BANK REGISTER ONE lnati Wwklr. EnUr«l u Si eond-Cliu MitUr tt the F«U Subscription Pricvi On« 7*ar 12.04. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 51. emu at H«<1 Bank, M. J, aattt ti. Aot of Marth S. 1171. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1936. SU Monthi $1.00. SlngU Copy 4a. PAGES 1 TO Board Hires Six lev. J. J. Bonner Y.M.C.A. Drive Woman's Club Has Hospital Auixiliary Etiquette Rule 1%. Plans Summer Affair Details Arranged For New Teachers At To Give Address Reversed by Women Goal Bettered; Closing Session The annual dessert bridge for the Lengthy Session At Commencement The old rule of etiquette, $6,610 Secured On Anniversary benefit of Riverview hospital will be Delivering Bonus Bonds "Ladles before gentlemen," was held on Tuesday afternoon, July 7, dispensed with last Thursday bv the auxiliary of the hospital at Richard T. Gueit to Succeed Rev. Dr. John B. McCloikey to Enthusiasm Marks Final Meeting More Than 80 Persons Attend the home of Mra. Lawrence Swingle in the council chamber of the of 25 Vista place. Postmaster William A. Sweeney Arranges for Special Rlnehart—Contract! for Coal, Preiide at Graduation of Red borough hall, where hundreds of of Campaign Committee and Dinner-Meeting Tuesday Bed Bank citizens were called MrB. C. A. Alberts Is chairman of Supplies and Mechanic Street Bank Catholic School—To Workers at Presbyterian Woman's Club Re-organized the committee in charge which con- Trip of Letter Carriers June IS— for examination for Jury duty. sists of Mrs. Ronald Mulllken, Mrs. Project Awarded. Award Medals. The number ot men and wom- Church Monday Night. 20 Years Ago. Frank Goff, Mrs. Benjamin Atwater, Delivery in Person Only. en who were summoned during Mrs. Kenneth McQueen and Mrs. the day was about equal. But The board of education at a Rt. Rev. Monslgnor John J. Bon- The annual financial campaign of A triple anlveraary was celebrated Thomas Doremus. Postmaster William A. Sweeney an- ier, superintendent of schools for In most cases the women sat he Young Men's Christian associa- delivered at their new address, pro- , lengthly session Tuesday night hired aside, permitting the men, who by the Senior Woman's club Tuesday A prize of J50 In cash will be dis-nounces that he has completed the de-vlded an official change of addreit Richard T. Guedt of Brldgeton as he arch diocese of Philadelphia, will tion closed Monday night when re- at a cloBlng dinner-meeting. The cel-posed of on the co-operative plan. tails for carrying out in Red Bank iddresa the graduates at the cotn- hod Jobs to get back to them ports, showing that pledges and con- has been filed at the local postofflce. football coach and social eclence and be waited upon first. Sev- ebration was for the 40th anniversary The auxiliary will elect new officers the general plans of the government Veterans who dealre to cash their teacrier and five other teachers for lencement exercises of Red Bank tributions received -had reached tho of the organization as a Round Table at Its first fall meeting In Septem- for delivering tho Veterans' Adjusted eral women utopped haldft to sum-of $6,810,- slightly higher-than group;--the-i20th anniversary—of the ber. At~a-meeting- la«t—Friday at bonds may have them certified tor next year. Mr. Guest" succeeds Wll- 'athollc high school-Sunday-nlght-at Permit the men to precede Iheto. Service "Bonds, or 8c-callFd~"Bonus ayment at the postofiice from which lird Rlnehart, who has contracted to he high Bchool auditorium at 8:15 the goal set, were submitted at a re-organization of the Wpman's club, the Molly Pitcher hotel, a nominating Bonds." coach »nd teach next year at Phil- I'clock. Rev. Dr. John B. McCloskey, Those summoned were asked, committee consisting of Mrs. Frank they received them. No cash pay- among other things, their ages. dinner meeting in the social hall»of and the 15th anniversary of the pur- Owing to the fact that Red Bank menU of bonds are made in any post- : llpsburg high school. laslor of St, James' church, will pre- the ~Presbyteria n church. A total of chasing of the clubhouse property. Goff, Mrs. A. J. Burns and Mrs. Wil- is,largely a commuting town it has offlce. To facilitate the certification ; iide. Eleven med*ala will be awarded The woman of olden days who 726 pledges were made, this b,eing the liam Eichele, was appointed to pre- ; The other teacheru are MIBB Her- was squeamish about disclosing More than 80 persons attended. been decided to have the mall car- of bonds at the Red Bank postofflce, mia Lurk of Trenton, who will teach tor outstanding: achievement in schol- argest number received in several Mrs. Thoma3 Voorhls, former pres- pare a slate. riers make a special trip for the de-without Interfering with regular po«t» ; irshlp, athletics, school spirit and her age seems to have disap- campaigns. girls' phyBlcal education classes, Miss peared. Most of the women did ident, was in charge and introduced livery of the bonds on Monday night, oftloe business In the lobby, arrange- j Katharine Tetkowskl of Newark, who Iramatlc art. As the total subscriptions received the new president, Mrs. E. H. Boyn- June 15, leaving the postofflce at ments have been made to have ths- ' not hesitate in stating their by the various teams were posted on ton, who greeted members and ex- will teach art and mathematics, Jos- ages, although It was noticed School Teachers about «ix o'clock. This is done so certification done in the civil aervic* eplvE. Pierson of Lawrencevllle, who the large Scoreboard, wild enthusiasm pressed her happiness as new presld- that persons expecting bonds may com in the basement of the post* will teach business subjects and so- they did lower their voices when broke out among the workers and ing officer. Mrs. Boynton quoted, make arrangements to be at home to ifnce building. The entrance to thU cial science, Mlsa Louise McCue of this question In the examination committee members. "make come true visions of better To Open Red Bank receive them. The bonds will be reg- -oom is at the Broad and Canal street Shrewsbury, who will teach the arrived. Whether or not they Councilman Joseph C. Irwln's things yet to be." All members were istered and deliverable to the ad- :orner of the postofflce building. The fourth grado at River street, and gave their right ages was of no booster division" turned in 323 sub-urged to work together as many op- dressee only. No person but the ad-request for payment appears on the Miei Marguerite Smith of Bed Bank, concern to the clerk. scriptions in the amount of $1,982.50 portunities were here for the better- Day Camp, July 1 dressee himself—no member of his back of the bonds, and this request who will teach the second grado at and the "go-gettera' division," cap- ment of the community. New mem- family, not even his wife can receive for payment must be signed by the Mechanic street. tained by Marcus Hlgglnbotham, 3d, bers were given particular greetings Frank J. Pingitore and William the bonds for him. No authorization holder of 'the bonds in the presence Mrs. Helen Depreaux and Miss Eve- reported 339 pledges for $1,326. Dr. and a one-minute silence was held for can be given for delivery of the bonds if a certifying officer. The request lyn Maloney, applicants for teaching JameB W. Parker's westside branch two deceased members, Mrs, August C. Sherwood to Conduct to any other person than the one ad- 'or payment must be signed exactly positions, were present. In answer Shrewsbury Show team turned In five pledges for $300 Miller and Mlsa Rosa Wels. Camp Here for Girls and dressed, is the name appears on the face Of to Mrs, Deproaux, who asked why and Rresldent Frank F. Groff's ad- At the speakers table were Mrs. Not only should those expecting the bond. The postmaster, his sup- »he was apparently not considered And Gymkhana To vance lifts committee bad 59 pledges, Boynton, Miss Louise Parker, prcsl Boys During Summer. bonds arrange to be home on Mon-ervisory officiate, or any regular em* for a position, Edwin C. Gllland, sup- totaling $3,002. dent of the Junior Woman's club, and day night, June 15, to receive them ployee whom the postmaster may des- erintendent of schools, eald ho under- The objective of the 12 teams and the following past presidents, Mrs. The Red Bank day camp under the from the carrier, but they should be ignate, are authorized to act as cer- stood she was already employed as a Be Held, Sunday the westelde branch committee waa Frank Curtis, Mrs. Thomas Voorhis. supervision of Frank J. Pingitore of prepared to furnish Identification if tifying officials. teacher and did not think she would to ratee $3,600, which they exceeded Mre. J. Daniel Tullcr, Mrs. Leon de i Long Branch and William G. Sher- necessary. Where the addressee is consider a position as a grado-echool by ?8,' while the aim of the advance On Tuesday and Wednesday, June Annual Riding Club Show and la Reussille, Mrs. Hosea Chark and wood of Red Bank will reopen for well-known to the carrier no other 18 and 17, and any days thereafter teacher.
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